GCW “Homecoming, Night 2” results (8/25): Vetter’s review of Matt Hardy and Joey Janela vs. Matt Cardona and Jimmy Lloyd, Violence is Forever vs. Los Macizos for the GCW Tag Team Titles

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “Homecoming, Night 2”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
August 25, 2024 in Atlantic City, New Jersey at The Showboat

Saturday’s show concluded with a wild three-way ladder match with numerous run-ins — including from JBL! — and Mance Warner has been crowned our undisputed champion. However, the other big news of the night is that Nick Gage is out indefinitely, so tonight’s main event needs to be changed. The crowd is maybe 400; still good but down from Saturday’s show (which is always the case.) Dave Prazak and Veda Scott provided commentary. I actually don’t know any of the 10 matches for tonight’s show; I really hadn’t looked at the card, and of course, the main event is being switched with Gage’s absence.

1. Jack Cartwheel vs. Griffin McCoy. Prazak pointed out both of them competed in a six-way scramble on Saturday. Jack hit a deep armdrag and a double kneedrop to the gut at 1:30. On the floor, Griffin hit a running dropkick and was booed, and he was in charge as they got back into the ring. Jack did some cartwheels to avoid moves, and he hit an enzuigiri at 4:30. Jack hit a Crucifix Driver, then the Sasake Special to the floor! Back in the ring, Griffin hit a tombstone piledriver for a nearfall at 6:30. Griffin put Jack in a Torture Rack and spun him into a powerbomb for a nearfall. Griffin hit some open-hand slaps to the face and a half-nelson suplex. Jack caught him and hit a powerslam, then the top-rope Red Arrow (corkscrew splash) for the pin. Good opener.

Jack Cartwheel defeated Griffin McCoy at 9:26.

2. Galeno Del Mal vs. Tony Deppen. Again, I consider the 6’5″ luchador Galeno to be the best unsigned talent going today. They traded quick reversals at the bell and Deppen hit a basement dropkick on the knee, so Del Mal rolled to the floor. Deppen tried a plancha, but Galeno caught him and slammed him back-first into the ring post, then Galeno hit some chops. Back in the ring, Galeno was still in charge and he tied up Deppen on the mat. Galeno hit a splash to the mat at 3:00. He hit some stiff forearms that dropped Deppen and it just made Tony angry. Deppen hit a doublestomp and they were both down.

Deppen got an inside cradle for a nearfall at 5:30! He hit a Lungblower to the chest and a running double knees in the corner for a nearfall. Galeno hit a discus clothesline. They traded forearm strikes. Deppen applied a front guillotine choke on the mat at 7:30. He switched to a crossface hold, and he turned it into a Rings of Saturn, but Galeno got a foot on the ropes. Galeno nailed a pop-up powerbomb and a stiff running knee to the side of the head for a nearfall at 9:00. Deppen hit a huracanrana out of the corner, then a flip dive to the floor! In the ring, Galeno hit another discus clothesline and his butterfly swinging neckbreaker to score the pin. That was really good.

Galeno Del Mal defeated Tony Deppen at 10:18

* Highlights of the afore-mentioned ladder match aired. Mance Warner then came to the ring, carrying both title belts. “What is next for the Southern Psycho?” Prazak pondered. Mance praised Cardona, calling him a great general manager. He swore at the crowd for interrupting him. He basically said that they run GCW now.

3. Zilla Fatu vs. Mike Bailey. Bailey came out first and held his TNA X Division Title belt. They each hit some chops and punches at the bell, and Zilla kicked him in the back. Zilla hit a crossbody block that sent them both over the ropes and to the floor. Zilla whipped him into a row of chairs at 1:30. (Again, these are not metal folding chairs; they have some weight to them.) In a nice spot, Zilla hit a Samoan Drop onto the ring apron. Bailey hit a Triangle Moonsault to the floor, and they fought more at ringside, and now Bailey threw Zilla into rows of chairs at 3:30. In the ring, Bailey hit a double knees to the chest and twisted into the Navarro Special leglock, but Zilla reached the ropes.

Bailey hit a Helluva Kick. He leapt off the top rope, but Zilla caught him and hit a winding uranage for a nearfall at 6:00. Zilla hit a gutwrench suplex for a nearfall and they were both down. Bailey blocked a Samoan Spike. Mike hit the moonsault double kneedrop for a nearfall. Zilla hit another uranage. They got up and traded forearm strikes and Zilla nailed a decapitating clothesline at 9:00 that flipped Bailey. Zilla dove over the top rope onto Mike! In the ring, Zilla hit a frogsplash for a nearfall, and we got a “This is awesome!” chant. They fought on the ropes, and Bailey hit a powerbomb, then a top-rope Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 11:30. Mike is bleeding from an elbow. He went for a tornado kick but Zilla blocked it.

Bailey hit an Ultima Weapon flipping kneedrop for a nearfall. Bailey hit the moonsault kneedrop on the ring apron. Bailey got boards from under the ring; Prazak and Veda were surprised he felt he had to take these measures. He placed Zilla on a board bridge; Mike went for an Ultima Weapon, but Zilla moved and Bailey crashed through the board. Zilla immediately hit a Flatliner move at 16:00, and he beat Mike with the board debris. Zilla then hit a top-rope frogsplash, with a board on Mike’s chest. Zilla set up for the Samoan Spike, but Bailey ducked it, got a rollup, and scored the pin! Good match. A rare loss here for Zilla.

Mike Bailey defeated Zilla Fatu at 17:13

4. Charles Mason (w/Parrow) vs. Fuego Del Sol. Mason forced Emil Jaye to call him the “East Coast Ace” (which was Jordan Oliver’s nickname before Mason attacked Oliver and led to the ACL surgery.) Fuego ran into the ring and they immediately began brawling. Mason sprayed liquid in his eyes and Mason hit a DDT onto the ring apron. They brawled to the floor, and Mason ripped at the mask. In the ring, Mason used scissors not only to cut open the mask, but also to jab Fuego in the forehead at 4:00. Mason hit a discus clothesline and remained in charge. Fuego hit a Lionsault Press, then a sit-out powerbomb move for a nearfall at 6:00. Mason hit a Clout Cutter (Jordan Oliver’s move!) for a nearfall, which Prazak immediately noted.

Mason clotheslined him into the corner. Fuego hit a headbutt.  Mason hit a Tower of London neckbreaker. Fuego hit a Canadian Destroyer and a doublestomp for a nearfall at 8:30. Mason nailed his rolling Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Mason brought a door into the ring. Fuego hit a top-rope summersault splash, pushing Mason through a door at 10:30. Fuego hit a faceplant. Parrow jumped in the ring and chokeslammed Fuego. That brought out Sam Stackhouse (Fuego’s friend), and the 400-pounder brawled with Parrow. Stackhouse hit a splash off the apron and onto Parrow, who was on a table on the floor at 12:00! (Needless to say, the table shattered.)

In the ring, Mason and Fuego traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. Fuego hit an enzuigiri. Richard Holliday came to ringside and distracted Fuego, allowing Mason to hit a clothesline. However, Holliday slid a chair to Fuego rather than hand it to Mason! Fuego hit Mason with a chairshot and scored the pin.

* Holliday sold it like it was a mistake, but it sure looked intentional. Holliday and Mason shoved each other. Parrow got in the ring, barked at Holliday… but then he grabbed Mason by the throat and chokeslammed Mason! The crowd cheered! Holliday hit Mason over the head with a chairshot. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that, you sick sonova bitch,” Holliday said. Holliday said that Mason tried to “take him to a place where he kills his victims.” Holliday held up a plastic baggie and claimed the knife inside was the weapon. Two police came to the ring and arrested Mason. “You are going away for a long time, you sick sonova bitch!” Holliday told him. The crowd was lukewarm on this post-match angle. “Well, that was unexpected,” Veda Scott said.

Fuego Del Sol defeated Charles Mason at 14:15

A video package aired of the Big F’n Joe vs. John Wayne Murdoch death match from Saturday’s show. Just not for me.

5. Alec Price vs. John Wayne Murdoch. Alec got a big pop. I know these guys want to take as many bookings as possible… but seeing Murdoch walk to the ring makes me think he’s no-selling the war his body went through 24 hours ago; they JUST showed his blood-covered body in that video package. Murdoch has the size advantage, but he rolled to the floor at the bell, so Price hit a springboard dive onto him, then Alec hit a headscissors takedown. Alec used a fan’s chest to launch off, while hitting a DDT on the floor! They got back into the ring at 1:30, but Murdoch hit a Flatliner. Price hit a huracanrana. Murdoch hit a DDT for a nearfall.

Price hit a half-nelson suplex at 5:30, then his series of kneestrikes in the corner. He picked up a board, but Murdoch barreled into him and knocked Alec and the board over. Alec hit a top-rope doublestomp onto Murdoch, on the board, for a nearfall at 7:30. Price hit a springboard crossbody block. Murdoch signaled to the back and someone brought out a pane of glass. Murdoch hit a Brainbuster through the pane of glass for a neafall. Price hit a Canadian Destroyer, then his springboard Blockbuster, and he was fired up! However, Murdoch hit a low blow, rolled up Price, and scored the pin. A clash of styles that didn’t quite click for me. Alec’s back was totally covered in blood from going through that pane of glass.

John Wayne Murdoch defeated Alec Price at 9:44

6. Megan Bayne vs. Masha Slamovich for the JCW World Title. A feeling-out process to begin, and Megan dropped her with a shoulder tackle, then a belly-to-belly suplex. Masha hit a twisting dive through the ropes. Back in the ring, Bayne bodyslammed her at 2:30 and she was in charge. Bayne hit a Stinger Splash and a butterfly suplex for a nearfall. Masha hit some chops but Bayne scooped her up and hit two more bodyslams. Bayne hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall at 4:30. They traded slaps to the face! Megan hit a boot to the face.

Masha hit a modified 619 in the corner, then a missile dropkick and they were both down. Masha hit a Helluva Kick, then a rolling Koppo Kick for a nearfall at 7:00. Masha went for a Shining Wizard but Megan caught her and hit a standing powerbomb! Nice move. Masha nailed a spin kick to the head for a nearfall at 9:00. Masha hit a crossbody block, but Megan rolled through it and set up for a Tombstone Piledriver! Masha rolled through that and got a rollup. They traded rollups, and Bayne hit a Wheelbarrow German Suplex, then her flying clothesline for a nearfall at 10:30.

Masha hit a standing powerbomb and  Shining Wizard for a nearfall. Masha applied a rear-naked choke. This crowd has been quiet the last few matches. Masha sidestepped a spear, and she reapplied a rear-naked choke. Bayne escaped and hit a Tombstone Piledriver! However, Steph De Lander appeared at ringside and pulled the ref from the ring. SDL and Megan argued. Megan turned around and was hit by a spin kick to the head. Masha applied the rear-naked choke again, and this time Bayne tapped out. A really good match.

Masha Slamovich defeated Megan Bayne to retain the JCW World Title at 13:58. 

7. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini vs. “Los Macizos” Ciclope and Miedo Extremo for the GCW Tag Team Titles. These four brawled out of the back and I start my stopwatch immediately, so no singalong tonight. Los Macizos are on a losing streak — how did they earn a title shot? — and they seem to be on the verge of breaking up. They brawled into the ring, and ViF worked over Ciclope. Ciclope hit a double clothesline at 4:00, a Dragonscrew Legwhip on Garrini and a spinebuster on Ku. Miedo got the hot tag and hit a double Lionsault Press, landing on his feet. Los Macizos set up a door bridge, and Miedo slammed Ciclope onto Ku on the board bridge for a nearfall at 5:30.

Garrini hit a chairshot to Miedo’s head and I really hate that. Ciclope hit one on Garrini, too. Ku missed a senton off the opes and crashed onto a cheap plastic pin. Los Macizos hit a Doomsday Device for a nearfall. Miedo hopped off the ring apron and decided not to take a tag! He had his back to the ring. Violence is Forever hit the Chasing the Dragon, while using a bundle of light tubes on Ciclope’s back, and pinned him. This has been teased for a few weeks and it was just a matter of when they would break up. Miedo helped Ciclope to his feet, but then kicked him in the groin and was loudly booed. He then hit a Buzzsaw Kick, then a Con-Chair-to (chairshot to the head.)

 “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini defeated “Los Macizos” Ciclope and Miedo Extremo to retain the GCW Tag Team Titles at 8:07

* Footage aired from a different camera from Saturday’s main event, showing JBL entering through the crowd and attacking Effy. We then saw some footage from the Japan tour earlier in August.

8. Lou Nixon and Drew Parker and Big F’n Joe vs. Matt Tremont and Brandon Kirk and Hoodfoot in a death match. During those video packages, they set up a bunch of weapons in the ring, including glass panes. I’ll reiterate that there are no guardrails in GCW to keep the fans from getting too close to flying glass. I’ll also reiterate that Tremont is really looking like Big Van Vader these days. The crowd chanted “All these guys!” Needless to say, they all bled. Drew Parker leapt off a scaffolding for a Swanton Bomb, but his opponent moved, and Parker crashed onto glass. Kirk hit a Psycho Driver (Chuck Taylor’s Awful Waffle) to pin Parker. Another short break to clean the debris.

Matt Tremont and Brandon Kirk and Hoodfoot defeated Lou Nixon and Drew Parker and Big F’n Joe at 13:03

9. 1 Called Manders, Dark Sheik, Sawyer Wreck, and Effy vs. Bobby Flaco, Hunter Drake, Mr. Danger, and Brayden Toon. Flaco’s team is from the Deep South. Danger is the high-flyer and I’ve compared Toon to Kevin Owens for his agility despite being on the heavier side. All eight brawled at the bell. Toon hit a moonsault to the floor. Mr. Danger nailed a flip dive from the ring onto everyone at 1:30. In the ring, Toon hit a running Shooting Star Press on Effy for a nearfall at 1:30. Flaco came off the ropes but Sawyer kicked him. Hunter hit a rolling cannonball in the corner on Manders, and Team Flaco were beating up their opponents, and ref Scarlett Donovan has lost control.

Sheik hit a straight punch to Danger’s groin, then one to Flaco. Sawyer hit a kick to Flaco’s chest. Manders hit a hard clothesline to the back of Toon’s head at 4:30. Toon hit a second-rope superplex, then he hit a Swanton Bomb. Danger hit a springboard clothesline on Sheik. Flaco hit a top-rope doublestomp on Sawyer at 6:30 but she kicked out at the one-count. Sheik hit a double Sliced Bread. Effy hit a double Blockbuster. Effy hit a flying leg lariat. Hunter hit a top-rope 450 Splash. Danger hit an incredible top-rope corkscrew twisting splash, really getting some great elevation. However, Sawyer Wreck hit a double chokeslam, and she scored the pin on Mr. Danger.

Shane Mercer got in the ring and he beat up all four members of Flaco’s team. He did a gorilla Press on Hunter, tossing him to the floor onto Toon. Mercer then hit a double Moonsault and Battery on Flaco and Danger.

1 Called Manders, Dark Sheik, Sawyer Wreck, and Effy defeated Bobby Flaco, Hunter Drake, Mr. Danger, and Brayden Toon at 7:50

10. Matt Hardy and Joey Janela vs. Matt Cardona and Jimmy Lloyd (w/Steph Delander). They showed some footage from Jurassic Park, then Cardona’s team entered the room in a jeep that is definitely inspired by the movie, and all of their gear is movie-inspired too. (Yesterday, Emil Jaye said this room used to be a bus barn.) Very cool entrance. Cardona went to start but he tagged out before locking up. Joey repeatedly chopped Lloyd. Joey launched off Hardy’s back and into Jimmy in the corner, playing the role of Jeff. SDL tripped up Joey, allowing Cardona to hit a big boot at 3:00, and the heels kept Janela in their corner. They hit double Broski Boots at 5:00.

Janela hit a double moonsault press and he tagged in Hardy. Hardy and Cardona traded blows, and Hardy hit a bulldog, and he repeatedly rammed Cardona’s head into turnbuckles, then he did the same to Lloyd. Hardy hit a Side Effect on Cardona, and Hardy got a ladder from under the ring. SDL hopped in the ring to help her team; Cardona and Lloyd lifted the ladder so it crotched Hardy at 8:00. Hardy hit a Side Effect on Lloyd onto the horizontal ladder. Janela did a teeter-totter with ladders, so one came up and struck Lloyd. (Didn’t that move bust Joey Mercury’s face in WWE?)

Joey hit a Swanton Bomb on Lloyd, but SDL again yanked a ref to the floor. This brought out Megan Bayne, who chased SDL. Cardona hit Bayne with a chair! Joey dove to the floor on Cardona! In the ring, Lloyd hit a low blow on Joey, and he kicked Hardy. Hardy hit a DDT on Lloyd. Cardona hit a Lungblower to the chest on Hardy, and everyone was down at 11:30. Joey and Hardy got tables from under the ring and set them up in the ring. Janela and Hardy hit top-rope elbow drops, from opposite corners, onto the heels on tables for a believable nearfall at 14:30. More tables were brought into the ring, but the heels hit stereo spears on the babyfaces through the tables.

Janela rode a ladder down from the top rope onto the heels at 17:00. Joey got a bundle of light tubes from under the ring. Cardona got them but accidentally hit Lloyd with them. Joey hit a Canadian Destroyer from the ring onto two tables at ringside! (This looked dangerous; I thought they were going to split between them. Hardy hit Cardona across the head with a bundle of light tubes, hit the Twist of Fate, and pinned Cardona. A well-laid out match, but the winners were never in doubt.

Matt Hardy and Joey Janela defeated Matt Cardona and Jimmy Lloyd at 19:03

Final Thoughts: I’ve said this many times before, but GCW started really hot and faded a bit as the show went on. Zilla-Bailey was really good for best match, and I’ll go with Bayne-Slamovich for second place and Deppen-Galeno for third. The main event reached what they were aiming for and earns honorable mention. The death matches don’t do much for me, but they work for the crowd; I would just reiterate we don’t need to throw chairs or take unprotected blows to the head.

The one weird thing about the Miedo Extremo turn is it didn’t happen after an “accidental collision” or them “not being on the same page” in this particular match. They had JUST hit the Doomsday Device (Ciclope was on the top rope), and he got the nearfall. He turned around, and Miedo was gone.

The motley crew eight-man tag was fine, but I would like to just have a Mance vs. Toon match; it’s time to give Brayden a chance to run with the football. Likewise, Mr. Danger has consistently shown he has crazy high-flying skills — that corkscrew moonsault near the end of the match showed some real height — so let’s see him get some singles action and see what he can do, too.

In Mance’s speech, he made a comment that Blake Christian is “gone” from GCW and I hope that’s just hyperbole. Blake has consistently put in the best matches in GCW since his NXT release and he’s been an integral part of the promotion. Overall, a good two-night return to New Jersey for “homecoming” with the good definitely outweighing the bad.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. EVERY single GCW review ALWAYS includes a virtue-signaling comment such as “that match was too violent for my tastes” or, as in this review, “The death matches don’t do much for me”.
    As I and many others have said, if you go to a GCW show and feel you HAVE to make sure EVERYONE knows you aren’t into the ultra-violent stuff, you look like someone who went to the sun and complained it was too hot.
    I.E., an idiot.

    • Would Chris lying make you happy, Angry Mike? Should he tell you that he loves the violence when he doesn’t care for it? Should he pretend to love death matches?

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