Wrestling Revolver “Fight Club” results: Vetter’s review of Josh Alexander vs. Simon Gotch, Marina Shafir vs. Vert Vixen, Steve Maclin vs. Atticus Cogar, Matt Riddle vs. Damian Chambers, Mike Bailey vs. Matt Makowski

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Revolver “Fight Club”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
August 24, 2024 in Dayton, Ohio at Calumet Events Center

This is the first of a day-night double-header. This is a small gym and it’s probably a sellout with 250 fans.

There are no ring ropes set up, but there are cage walls on two sides of a ring, on opposite sides. These cage walls only come up to hip-level; they are actually shorter than the ring post. Matches are 3 three-minute rounds, and we have an on-screen countdown clock. Bork Torkleston and Veda Scott provided commentary.

1. Mike Bailey vs. Matt Makowski. Both men are “Blood Sport” veterans, and the rules here feel a bit like Blood Sport. They traded mat reversals, and Matt hit a takedown. Matt went for a crossarm breaker. Bailey hit some kneestrikes at 2:30 as Matt was up against a cage wall. The first round ended; they had a 30-second break, so I stopped my stopwatch on breaks. Matt suplexed him early into round two and he hit some kneelifts to the gut. Bailey dropped him with a spin kick and the ref stopped the match.

Mike Bailey defeated Matt Makowski at 4:38 (round 2).

* Matt Riddle has an open challenge! It was answered by Damian Chambers!

2. Matt Riddle vs. Damian Chambers. Chambers got on the mic and made fun of the cage. Riddle charged at the bell, hit a jumping knee to the chin, and punched Chamber a couple times in the face, and the ref stopped the match.

Matt Riddle defeated Damian Chambers at 0:04. 

Riddle got on the mic and said it’s great to be back in Ohio. Bork said Riddle is “headed to find The Rascalz” adding “It’s legal in Ohio.”

3. “Main Event Monster” Fulton vs. Victor Benjamin. Good to see Fulton make an appearance on TNA this week. Victor is bald with a thick beard; I’ve seen him a few times. Needless to say, Fulton has the height and overall size advantage, and he was able to push Victor to the mat. Vicor hit some kicks. Fulton hit a fireman’s carry and tied him up on the mat in a sleeper hold, but Victor escaped, and the first round ended. Benjamin charged at the beginning of round two, but Fulton hit a powerbomb and several gut-wrench suplexes, and Victor rolled to the floor. He grabbed Fulton by his dreadlocks and yanked him to the floor, and they brawled at ringside. As Fulton was about to get into the ring, Victor caught him with a spin kick to the head that knocked out Fulton!

Victor Benjamin defeated Fulton at 5:28 (round 2). 

4. J.D. Griffey vs. Mat Fitchett. Griffey has been loosely aligned with Shane Taylor in the past. Mat is short and I’ve seen him most frequently in Chicago’s AAW. Fitchett bodyslammed him early on. They traded spin kicks to the thighs. Fitchett applied a neck submission hold, pulled at J.D.’s face, and the announcer said “second warning.”. The first round came to an end. Fitchett charged at the bell and hit a kick, then some kneelifts. J.D. applied a sleeper on the mat, and Mat tapped out.

J.D. Griffey defeated Mat Fitchett at 4:08 (round 2).

* Trey Miguel came out and interviewed J.D., and Trey reminded us he’ll be competing in the nightcap show.

5. Steve Maclin (w/Alex Colon) vs. Atticus Cogar. I’ve seen Cogar in GCW and he’s smaller than Maclin. He has a nose ring which seems like a bad idea in a street fight. Maclin immediate got a takedown. Cogar went for a crossarm breaker but Maclin stood up and put Cogar’s back on top of the cage, and Atticus tumbled over the short cage wall and to the floor. The first round concluded. Maclin charged at him to start the second round, and he threw him repeatedly into both sides of the cage walls. Cogar hit a German Suplex, and he sent Maclin head-first into the cage. He tied up Maclin as the second round came to a close. Cogar immediately threw him into the cage wall. Maclin tied Cogar upside down against the cage wall and hit a spear, and he applied a sleeper, and the ref called for the bell.

Steve Maclin defeated Atticus Cogar at 6:58 (round 3.)

* Trey Miguel interviewed Maclin, who said it looked like Steve had something to prove. Trey made a reference to “seeing Maclin in the second round” but the commentators pointed out this is NOT a tournament. They joked that Trey has been using mind-altering items.

6. Lince Dorado (w/two guys in lucha masks) vs. Robert Martyr. Del Sol and Dorado carried their tag title belts. Martyr is a mat-based guy; I think he works better as an unlikeable heel. Lince removed his larger fluffy mask and he has a skin-tight one on underneath; I like it! They immediately traded mat holds. Robert applied a modified STF at 2:00. Dorado went for a crossarm breaker, and the first round ended. Lince hit a dropkick and a dive to the floor onto Martyr to open the second round. He rammed Martyr’s head into the cage wall. In the ring, Dorado applied a Stretch Muffler hold., and he hit a brainbuster!

Robert hit a headbutt and a piledriver, and he went to a submission hold around the neck. Dorado went for a Sharpshooter but Martyr escaped and the second round concluded. Mat reversals to begin round three. They got up and Lince hit some open-hand slaps. Martyr hit three rolling German Suplexes. Lince hit a backbreaker over his knee, and he went back to a crossarm breaker, and this time, Martyr tapped out.

Lince Dorado defeated Robert Martyr at 8:32 (round 3.)

* Trey Miguel interviewed Dorado and wished him good luck. Veda questioned Trey’s friendliness.

7. Jake Something (w/Jessicka Havok) vs. Brayden Lee. Like Mat Fitchett earlier, I know Brayden best from AAW. He’s of average size, which means he is MUCH smaller than Jake Something. “No weight classes in fight club, clearly,” Bork said. They traded mat reversals early on. Brayden got a takedown. Lee applied a crossarm breaker; Jake held him over the cage but Lee didn’t let go. So, Jake hit a powerbomb on the mat and some punches to the face, and the ref stopped the match.

Jake Something defeated Brayden Lee at 2:32.

8. Marina Shafir vs. Vert Vixen. When I heard Revolver was doing a Fight Club event, I immediately said to myself “I hope Marina is in it.” I consider Vert to be a top five unsigned female wrestler in the U.S. Vert hit a kick to the face at the bell! They traded spin kicks to the thighs. Marina tied her up on the mat. Marina switched to an ankle lock, then went back to a sleeper, and the first round ended. Marina tied her up on the mat as round two began and applied a leg lock around the waist while pulling back on her nose.

They rolled to the floor and traded blows. In the ring, Vert applied a sleeper but Marina was saved by the bell. The third round began, and They immediately traded forearm strikes. Marina applied the Mother’s Milk sleeper, and the ref called for the bell.

Marina Shafir defeated Vert Vixen at 6:39 (round 3.)

9. Josh Alexander vs. Simon Gotch. Alexander limped out of the ring eight days earlier in Ottawa, Canada, so good to see he was either selling or the injury was minor. Veda said Gotch hasn’t been in Revolver since 2017; he is wearing normal trunks and not the ‘strong man tights’ that he wore in WWE. He’s also unrecognizable because he has a full beard, not just his thick mustache. They fought on the mat early on and Josh tied up the left arm, and round one ended. More intense mat reversals to start round 2, and Josh fell to the floor, and the brawled at ringside. Josh got back in the ring and waited for Gotch to join him. Josh threw him into the cage wall and the second round concluded.

Gotch sat in a chair and was legit winded. The third round started and Gotch was slow to even stand up. Josh whipped him to the mat. They each grapevined a leg. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Gotch hit a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes. They traded slaps. Gotch went for a crossarm breaker, but Josh escaped and applied an anklelock. He hit a suplex and some punches to the face, and the ref stopped the match with just two seconds left in the time limit!

Josh Alexander defeated Simon Gotch at 8:58 (round 3.)

* Josh got on the mic and proclaimed he is the standard of TNA. He called out Mike Bailey! They are going to open the night show!

Final Thoughts: Like GCW’s “Blood Sport” events, I wouldn’t watch this on a week-in, week-out basis. But this is fun just because it’s different. And I presume most, if not all, of these wrestlers will be on the evening show. I liked Marina-Vert for best match, Bailey-Matkowski for second, and Dorado-Martyr for third. Lince looked really strong here; I wouldn’t have expected him to fit in to this style. The show went about two hours even.


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