Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 48 results: Vetter’s review of Tootie Lynn vs. Shazza McKenzie, Jabari King vs. Xavier Walker, and Ethan Price vs. Rahim De La Suede

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (Episode 48)
Premiered August 19, 2024 via
Taped July 28, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at Casa Loma Ballroom

Reed Duthie was back on solo commentary. This is the third episode from this recent taping in suburban St. Louis in late July, and it’s indoors before a crowd of perhaps 250.

1. Rahim De La Suede (w/Cinko) defeated Ethan Price at 10:43. Rahim wore his fur jacket and he strutted to the ring. Duthie wondered if he and Cinko have “put their problems behind them.” The undersized Price is billed as “the big strong boy,” and he immediately threw Rahim around on the mat. He hit a belly-to-belly suplex for a nearfall at 3:00. Rahim slammed Ethan’s face on the mat, then he hit a moonsault onto Price on the floor. Back in the ring, he stomped on him and kept Price grounded. He hit a ‘break-dancing’ guillotine leg drop at 5:00, and Duthie said he should have been in the Olympics.

Rahim missed a second-rope moonsault, and Price immediately hit a German Suplex, with Rahim rotating mid-air and crashing stomach-first to the mat at 7:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Price hit a Lungblower to the back and a bulldog for a nearfall. Rahim spiked him on a mid-ring huracanrana for a believable nearfall. Price hit an Angle Slam for a nearfall. Rahim fell throat-first across the top rope. Price came off the ropes but Rahim hit him with a knee strike. Price hit a spear at 10:30! Rahim hit a DDT for the pin. That was a really good back-and-forth match. Rahim gave Ethan a ‘fist bump’ as a show of respect, which irritated Cinko.

* Video aired of the Philly Marino Experience retaining their tag team titles (by cheating!) against The New Guys. Outside, PME were walking in an alley when the New Guys came up to them and complained about the cheating. “It’s called experience, boys,” Philly Collins said. “I don’t know why you guys are angry.” Yes, we seem to be having a PME heel turn. (I loved this scene; I’ve been calling for more segments like this for MONTHS.) 

2. Xavier Walker defeated Jabari King at 11:46. Xavier is perhaps 6’6″ and he’s similar to EJ Nduka, while the massive King is similar to Odyssey Jones. Duthie said he “hopes they have reinforced the ring.” An intense lockup to open. Jabari backed him into a corner and hit chops, so Xavier hit his own chops, and he clotheslined King to the floor at 2:00. Walker shoved Jabari into the guardrail, so King did the same to him. They got back into the ring and King was in charge, and he hit a German Suplex at 4:30 for a nearfall.

King hit a back suplex and remained in control as the crowd rallied for Walker. Xavier finally hit a back suplex at 9:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Xavier hit a spear at 10:30! King hit a spin kick to the head for a nearfall, and he yelled at the ref. Jabari picked him up as if to go for a Death Valley Driver, but Xavier slipped off his shoulders, hit a hard punch, and scored the pin. A very good big-man match. They shook hands afterward.

3. Tootie Lynn defeated Shazza McKenzie at 7:32. Tootie is the popular babyface, while Shazza jawed at the fans. This is a tournament match, and Duthie said it’s a “tough draw” for them to be facing each other so early on. (Where are my brackets? I love a good tournament!) Shazza avoided a kick and rolled to the floor at 1:00 to regroup. She slammed Tootie face-first on the apron and she posed. She remained in charge in the ring as she hit some chops. Tootie got a rollup, but Shazza applied a sleeper at 3:30. Tootie hit some knee lifts to the stomach. She tied Shazza in the ropes and hit some roundhouse kicks to the chest at 5:30. Tootie hit a Pele Kick and they were both down. Tootie hit a bulldog for a nearfall. Shazza hit a back suplex. Tootie hit a roundhouse kick to the head for the pin. Good match.

Final Thoughts: A really good episode. I have noted this the past few weeks, but the lighting and overall quality of the show is better in this venue. Other rooms they used were too dark, and the outdoor taping from June was fairly basic action. I will reiterate how I have called for more backstage segments or highlight packages, and we got that here. It adds so much to the show and helps establish the wrestlers. (We could have used a video package to show the troubles brewing between Warhorse, Dan the Dad, and Kody Lane, for instance.) My only complaint this week is I want to see a bracket if we are having a tournament, and hopefully, a sense of when each match will occur.


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