TNA Impact results (8/15): Moore’s review of Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander for the TNA Championship, Mike Santana vs. Moose, Ultimate X qualifiers

By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,048)
Taped August 2, 2024 in Tampa, Florida at Florida State Fairgrounds

Aired August 15, 2024 on AXS TV

Highlights from last week’s TNA Impact aired… The broadcast team was Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt, and Jade Chung was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the opening match took place. John Skyler had a mic for his usual pre match cheap heat promo. Skyler talked about how he’s going to tear through Chris Bey and whatever ham sandwich they put him against. He said it doesn’t matter if the X Division Title gets taken down by him or Jason Hotch, as long as it gets taken down by “these good hands”.

Chase U’s Riley Osborne was the third opponent in the qualifier. Before the bell could ring, Frankie Kazarian joined the commentary team…

1. Chris Bey vs. John Skyler vs. NXT’s Riley Osborne to qualify for the Ultimate X Match at TNA Emergence. Bey quickly hit Skyler wtih a dive. Bey and Osborne then dumped Skyler to ringside after wombo combo punches. Osborne showed off his agility with dodges, leading to a huracanrana on Bey. Bey gave Skyler chops in the corner.

Skyler suplexed Bey on Osborne in the corner. Skyler managed to get Osborne into a Liontamer which Osborne escaped. Bey hit Skyler with a One Final Beat DDT. Osborne dumped Bey and Skyler to ringside and hit them with a flip dive. Osborne hit Skyler with a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Skyler hit Osborne with a Slingshot Spear. Bey caught Skyler off a Springboard into a cutter.

Bey hit Osborne with his Springboard Cutter finisher. Skyler tossed Bey to attempt to steal the pin, but Osborne used a crucifix rollup for a two count. Bey dropkicked Skyler and hit him witn a nice looking Shooting Star Press for the victory.

Riley Osborne defeated John Skyler and Chris Bey via pinfall in 4:52 to qualify for the Ultimate X Match at TNA Emergence.

John’s Thoughts: Fun match while it lasted with John Skyler clearly being the fall guy to protect the other two equally. Interesting to see an NXT wrestler get the win, but at the same time they protected their pushed star in Chris Bey. A good spot for Osborne, as well as other wrestlers who can’t get TV time on NXT due to there being so many active storylines on that show. Osborne is the odd man out in Chase U due to everyone else in that faction having something going on. He’s someone who I see as a future sleeper star though as his athleticism is very Mike Sydal or Ricochet esque. He carried NXT North American Champion Oba Femi to a wonderful title match early in Oba’s career. He’s just currently the odd man out and can only benefit from TNA TV time.

Gia Miller caught up with TNA Champion Nic Nemeth who just pulled up to the parking lot. Gia asked him for his thoughts on facing Josh Alexander later in the show. Nic noted that Josh was on his wish list of wrestlers to face after leaving WWE, but this is not the same Josh that was the flagbearer of TNA. Not the longest reigning TNA champ. Nic said that Josh is gone and he attacked Nic’s family. Nic said he was going to stand in front of Josh tonight and prove how damn good he is…[c]

An ad aired for the TNA Plus Emergence show…

TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella was in the ring where he called out Matt “Cordoba” (Santino continuing his gimmick where he mispronounces names). Matt Cardona made his entrance looking very cocky. Santino asked Cardona if he was proud of his actions in recent weeks as a wedding crasher.

Santino pointed out that Matt made Steph “Dillinger” cry and hit “P-Co” with a brick. Santino said Matt also hit him in the jaw that put him out for weeks. Santino held out a contract for something. Matt talked about how he’s not a free agent. He said he doesn’t work for TNA. Matt said he did attack Santino and he’ll do it again if he wants to. Santino said Matt just stooged himself off and as he learned on Columbo, he can prosecute Cardona.

Santino threatened to send Cardona to jail unless Cardona sign this contract to face PCO. Cardona said he can’t last in jail. Santino said with Cardona’s looks, maybe he’ll be pretty “desirable” by the prisoners. Cardona reiterated Santino’s two options. Cardona took the contract and said he’ll take it to his lawyers to see if everything was okay. Cardona then left to backstage…

John’s Thoughts: You have to turn your brain off to think that the authority figure couldn’t just ban Cardona from the building and have it be Cardona that argues for a revenge match against PCO. That said, Cardona is only in TNA for sort spurts of time, so it’s best to get what you can out of him due to how entertaining he is. Santino isn’t the greatest on-air GM TNA has had, but what I do like that he has over someone like Scott D’Amore is that Santino doesn’t hog TV time or emasculate monsters and factions like Superman (D’Amore’s plot armor was very absurd, even though I think he was a net positive and great booker for the company. He took down Honor No More by himself, and made Big Bill and Moose look like chumps when he faced off with them).

A Frankie Kazarian promo aired where he announced a announcement for next week. Eric Young showed up to tell Kazarian that he cost him a title shot. Steve Maclin showed up and said it was embarrassing to see two TNA legends complaining about not getting title shots. Kazarian quickly backed down and walked away in fear…

A Steve Maclin promo aired where he talked about getting caught in his last chance at the title. He said that isn’t going to stop him because he’s going to keep stacking bodies one by one. He talked about how he doesn’t mind taking down people like Josh Alexander, Nic Nemeth, Joe Hendry, or Frankie Kazarian.

He said he has one special person on his hit list, Eric Young, who he’s never faced one-on-one before. He said EY wants to be the flagbearer and heartbeat of TNA, but Maclin is the new blood pumped in the veins of TNA. He said Young is going to be his first victim on the path back to the TNA title…

Entrances for the next match took place…

1. Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw with multiple referees calling the match. Shaw caught Steelz with a gamengiri and press slam for a two count. Steelz gained control by tossing Shaw into the steel steps. Steelz tried to use a wrench, but was caught by one of the referees. Steelz hit Shaw with a PK for a nearfall.

Shaw rallied back with right forearms. Shaw thn hit Tasha with a kick combo and backdrop for a nearfall. Shaw hit Steelz with a spinebuster. Shaw hit Steelz with a nice looking Backbreaker into a Sister Abagail looking move.

Steelz hit Shaw with a superkick and Codebreaker for a nearfall. Tasha then tuned up the band. Shaw blocked Sweet Chin Music. Tasha raked Shaw’s eyes. The outside referee then pushed Tasha’s leg off the ropes when she went for leverage. Shaw then hit Steelz with a running knee for the victory after Tasha was distracted complaining to the 2nd referee.

Gisele Shaw defeated Tasha Steelz via pinfall in 4:54.

John’s Thoughts: Eh. Good in ring action, but too short to really pick up. This reboot of Shaw has also fallen flat so far. I was excited for her reboot coming off her really good documentary profile they did of her, but so far after a few promising cinematics of her at a spiritual retreat, she’s just been a “happy to be there” generic babyface, a role we usually see for designated enhancement wrestlers. The double ref stip also feels a bit contrived, as why do these two get the special ref treatment when most matches with heels have worse cheating. On top of this, a lot of this feud happened on their XPlosion show which I’m sure doesn’t get that many viewers. It’s their version of NXT Level Up and AEW Dark.

The camera then cut to Mike Santana laid out on the ground with The System all trash talking over him. Security guards ran to check on Santana while also chasing The System away…

A replay aired of Joe Hendry interacting with Pete Dunne and Wes Lee on this week’s NXT. Hannifan plugged Joe Hendry vs. Pete Dunne vs. Wes Lee for a title shot against Ethan Page at NXT No Mercy…

John’s Thoughts: With Pete Dunne currently feuding with Trick Williams and Wes Lee even seemingly promoting a match against Zachary Wentz at No Mercy, I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe Hendry gets the next NXT title shot. Still shocking that a TNA wrestler is the strongest pushed star on a WWE TV show. What I also wonder, is with them rushing through Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander this week, if they are setting up Josh Alexander to reunite with his former TNA Tag Title partner Ethan Page for a bit of “The North” reuniting. The North were one of the best tag teams in the world at  one point so that would be a nice return. More technical and methodical compared to the MSK-Rascalz reunion.

The System and JDC made their entrance. Alisha Edwards took the mic and announced that Moose looks like he has the night off because he was scheduled match against Mike Santana, who was not medically cleared. The camera then cut to a referee holding back Mike Santana, who made his entrance through the rafters. Santana quickly got rid of Eddie, Myers, and JDC. The referee then rang for the bell…

3. Mike Santana vs. Moose (w/Alisha Edwards, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, JDC). Moose put the boots to Santana to start the match. Moose then sent Santana’s back into the turnbuckle with a few power Irish Whips. Moose also taunted the crowd. Moose then worked on Santana with methodical offense.

Santana hit Moose with a Yakuza Kick, but then sold a arm injury, leading to Moose hitting him with a Uranage on the apron heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Moose was dominating with methodical offense. Santana then no-sold right hands and did the babyface fire up comeback. Santana got Moose with a jackknife rollup for a two count. Santana rolled up Moose with a Victory Roll for a good nearfall. Moose countered a move in the corner with a rolling cutter.

Santana hit Moose with a cannonball for a nearfall. Moose blocked a Discus Lariat initially, but Santana ended up hitting it. Santana couldn’t get the cover due to selling an injured arm. Moose hyperextended Santana’s arm over the top rope and then hit him with a spear for the victory.

Moose defeated Mike Santana via pinfall in 11:29.

Say his name, and he appears! I believe in Joe Hendry! Clap clap! Joe Hendry ran out with a chair to chase off The System. Hendry then took the mic and noted that The System is making a lot of enemies now. He said they’ve made enemies of Joe Hendry and Mike Santana, and they understand the importance in numbers. Hendry then announced Moose and JDC vs. Matt and Jeff Hardy for next week…

John’s Thoughts: A good story in a good match. Yes, it was odd that this match followed the “two referees to prevent cheating” stipulation match, but again, turn your brain off on that and don’t fault the wrestlers here. Good match to put heat on Moose and the System, while making Santana look good in defeat by having to go through overwhelming odds. Santana is coming off as a good everyman’s wrestler. Huge assist goes to the MVPs of last week’s show, the Tampa, Florida crowd. Not only did we get two weeks in the row where The System get their biggest heat reactions as a faction, but they also made Mike Santana look like a million bucks in his comebacks here.

Jody Threat was throwing a fit backstage with Dani Luna about how Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich constantly cheating and costing them the tag titles. Dani Luna then talked about how they shouldn’t worry about that because after all those lessons with Lars and after every loss they bounced back. Jody Threat then said it’s going to be over in their next match…

A quick hype vignette aired for Josh Alexander vs. Nic Nemeth later in the show…[c] An ad aired for Bound for Glory…

A replay was shown from last week’s Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary title match where Ash by Elegance attacked both women with a kendo stick…

The show then cut to a Jordynne Grace cutting a promo. She said thought too much of Ash, thinking she would move on to her next challenge. Grace said the problem now is Ash is now infringing on what Grace is putting into the title. Grace said if Ash wants a fight, she’s damn well sure going to get one…

Entrances for the next Ultimate X qualifyer aired…

4. Ace Austin vs. Jason Hotch vs. Rich Swann (w/AJ Francis) for a spot in the Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence. Swann took down both opponents early on. Swann then gave Hotch a thumb to the eyes. Hotch backdropped Swann to ringside. Hotch hit Ace with a neckbreaker for a two count. Hotch put the boots to Ace Austin. Swann and Hotch traded hands.

Swann hit Hotch with a Reverse DDT for a two count. Swann and Ace traded strikes. Ace hit Swann with a Superman Forearm. Ace hit both opponents with a double Sunset Flip for nearfalls on both opponents. Swann hit Hotch with a head-scissors while Ace hit Hotch with a high kick. Swann and Ace traded kicks.

Hotch blocked a Fold attempt. Swann dumped both opponents to ringside. Swann hit both opponents with a Flip Dive. Ace then shoved Swann into AJ Francis. Francis gave Ace a back suplex on the apron. Chris Bey then ran out to hit Rich and AJ with a flip dive. In the ring, Ace caught Hotch with a Disaster Kick. John Skyler ran out to prevent a Fold Attempt by getting on the apron. Hotch rolled up Ace for the victory.

Jason Hotch defeated Ace Austin and Rich Swann via pinfall in 5:05 to earn a spot in the Ultimate X at TNA Emergence.

Another hype vignette aired to hype up Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good match with a surprising finish in the “good hand” Hotch plucking out a fluky victory from two stronger wrestlers (the opposite of the opening match where his “good hand” tag partner was the clear designated fall guy). Only problem I’m having with these qualifier matches is that they are a bit short given the talent involved. I also think they need to figure out how to elevate Rich Swann since his heel turn. I like the heel turn and they’ve done a great job with AJ Francis, but Swann is a former World Champion, and so far he comes off as AJ Francis’s little buddy in First Class.

Tom Hannifan plugged Bound for Glory pre-sale tickets for TNA Plus subscribers…

Matt Cardona caught up with Santino Marella backstage and said he actually likes the terms of the contract. Cardona then proposed upping the ante by having it be Matt Cardona and two mystery partners vs. PCO, Rhino, and Xia Brookside in a six person tag match. Santino said he does like a good mystery.

Santino then said PCO vs. Cardona has to still be the Emergence match, while the six person match will happen before. Cardona said that’s great because it will help build their feud. Cardona then signed the contract. Santino said Cadona isn’t the jerk that people say he is…

Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida vs. Hammerstone and Laredo Kid vs. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Jai Vidal were announced as the two qualifying matches for next week. Also announced on next week’s show was Alisha Edwards vs. Rosemary, Jonathan Gresham vs. Charlie Dempsey, and Matt and Jeff Hardy vs. JDC and Moose…

A tale of the tape was shown where Tom Hannifan also noted that Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander was going to be with a 30 minute time limit…

Entrances for the next match took place. Josh’s wife Jade Chung handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…

5. “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth vs. “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Both men started the match with technical amateur mat wrestling, with Nemeth getting the early advantage. Josh blocked an Octopus Stretch with a hip toss. Josh went to ringside to recover a bit heading into regular break.[c]

Nemeth put Josh in a rear guard. Josh escaped by slamming Nic into the turnbuckle. Josh then ground Nic’s face into the ring ropes. Josh worked on Nemeth with methodical offense. Josh sent Nic’s throat into the top buckle, which Nic sold like a million bucks. A USA chant ensued for Nic Nemeth. Nic rallied with shoving Josh’s face into the top buckle several times.

Josh quickly stuffed out that comeback with a running elbow. Josh took down Nic with a big boot and gloated to the crowd. Josh teased doing a flip, but was crotched by Nic Nemeth. Nic hit Josh with punches over the neck of Josh. Josh shoved Nic off the top rope. Nic then avoided Josh’s moonsault. Nic hit Josh with a Stinger Splash and neckbreaker. Josh dodged a leaping elbow. Josh dumped Nic to ringside for a high fall heading into regular break.[c]

Nic rallied with clotheslines followed by a Stinger Splash. Josh reversed a neckbreaker into chained German Suplexes. Nic came back with a bridged German Suplex for a good nearfall. Nic hit Josh with ten elbow drops in a row for a nearfall. The crowd chanted “ten more times”. Nic tuned up the band, but Josh reversed the kick into an Ankle Lock.

Nic came back with kicks into the shin and a Fameasser for a nearfall. Josh escaped a Danger Zone and hit Nic with a right hand. Josh hit Nic with a Rolling Senton and knee to the back of the neck for a nearfall. Josh locked in an Ankle Lock on the opposite foot hie was working on. Nic rolled up Josh for a two count. Nic put Josh in a Sleeper Hold. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Back from break, Josh slammed Nic into the steel steps and hit him with a Backbreaker Bomb for a nearfall. Nic put Josh on the top rope and worked on Nic’s back of the neck. Nic reversed Josh with a Crossbody. both men traded rollups. Nic hit Josh with The Danger Zone (Zig Zag). Josh rolled to ringside to prevent the pin.

Nic hit Josh with a hanging DDT at ringside for a good nearfall. Josh avoided a Danger Zone and sent Nic’s shoulder into the opposite ring posts. Josh hit Nic with Snake Eyes into the 2nd buckle. Nic reversed a C4 into the Danger Zone. The clock rang out before Nic could get in for a pin.

Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander ended in a 30 Minute Time Limit Draw. Nic Nemeth retains the World Title.

Tom Hannifan noted that they were only allotted so much TV time, and had to have the 30 minute time limit. The crowd chanted for “5 more minutes”. Nic wanted five more minutes, but Josh Alexander rolled to ringside and started to head to the back.

Nic tossed Josh in the ring. Josh then left Nic lying after kicking him the balls. Josh took the title belt in the ring to talk trash and rub the title in Nic’s face. Josh then posed with the title and left the ring to close the show after dropping the title on top of Nic Nemeth…

John’s Thoughts: Great title match with two of the best wrestlers that make their opponents look great in the ring. Josh is one of the best in the world at putting a story together bell-to-bell for long periods of time. Nic is one of the best in the world of flipping and flopping, HBK-style, to make his opponents look like a million bucks. They telegraphed the draw a bit with Tom Hannifan mentioning it during the tale of the tape. Hannifan did try his best to hide that though by quickly speeding through that point and post-match mentioning that they were only allotted so much time by the network.

A good preview to their eventual run back match down the road which they HAVE to go with after this logical non-finish. I’m ok with this match finish because it seemed like it was too soon to burn through a rare “dream match”. Josh Alexander going to NXT makes sense to assist Ethan Page while also cooking his feud with Joe Hendry. I wonder if Nic Nemeth ends up taking Hendry’s side (though selfishly, we’ve seen a lot of Nic on NXT and WWE to the point where I wouldn’t mind if Hendry would team up with Trick Williams. Another good episode of Impact with Impact’s roster boasted up a bit with the NXT mini-excursions.

The MVPs, as I mentioned earlier, are the Tampa crowd who have been some of the best crowds that TNA has had all year. I wonder if part of it is more people interested due to the NXT crossovers (which would be a good thing as it is showing that the crossover isn’t just a boast to WWE’s ratings on USA). Where TNA has been on an upward trend the last two years though is in live event sales, so maybe this is just the natural positive progression. If anything, TNA really needs to rebook this venue because it’s not only boosted the quality of the shows, but have boosted the perception of the wrestlers, heel and babyface. They even pulled out a random as hell, but effective USA chant against Canadian Josh Alexander.


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