Live Pro Wrestling “Cisco Slam 2” results: Vetter’s review of Miracle Generation vs. Swipe Right for the IWTV Tag Titles, Alisha Edwards and Eddie Edwards vs. Little Mean Kathleen and Teddy Goodz

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Live Pro Wrestling “Cisco Slam 2”
July 14, 2024 in New Bedford, Massachusetts at Cisco Brewers on the Beach
Streamed on the IndependentWrestling.TV

This was an outdoor show right on the beach, so there was a gorgeous view of “Buzzards Bay” across from the hard camera. (New Bedford is south of Boston and is actually much closer to Providence, R.I.) There were perhaps 300 fans watching; I’m not sure if it’s open to anyone walking by.

1. Sammy Diaz defeated LSG to retain the Skywalker Championship at 8:14. LSG is the heel and he barked at the crowd. Diaz hit a dropkick and a top-rope crossbody block, then a flying back elbow into the corner. LSG hit a flying clothesline for a nearfall at 2:30. He hit a standing neckbreaker for a nearfall, then a back suplex for a nearfall, and he applied a sleeper on the mat. Diaz hit a twisting suplex, then a powerslam, then a moonsault for a nearfall at 6:00. LSG hit a Flatliner for a nearfall. LSG grabbed the title belt but the ref confiscated it, and Diaz got a rollup for a nearfall. LSG hit an enzuigiri. Diaz nailed a superkick and a frogsplash for the pin. That’s a great way to start the show.

2. Ichiban defeated Mortar at 7:27. The screen went a bit wonky for a few seconds but cleared up before the match started. I always compare Mortar to Rhino, as he’s thicker with long, flowing black hair. They took turns playing to the crowd, then Mortar attacked from behind. Ichiban backed him into the corner and hit his “one!” punches. Ichiban hit a guillotine leg drop for a nearfall. Mortar hit a Gorrilla Press at 3:30. Mortar hit a hard chop and kept Ichiban grounded. Ichiban fired up and hit some Irish Whips. Mortar hit a Lionsault, but he missed a top-rope moonsault, and Ichiban immediately hit his leaping Flatliner for the pin.

3. Eddie Edwards and Alisha Edwards defeated Teddy Goodz and Little Mean Kathleen at 11:00 even. The Edwardses came out first and Alisha was really jawing at the young kids in the crowd. The men opened but the women entered at 1:00. LMK bit Eddie’s hand at 4:00. Teddy got back in and twisted Eddie’s arm. Alisha got in and hit some stiff kicks on Teddy, and the Edwardses began working Goodz over in their corner. LMK got the hot tag and hit a clothesline on Alisha at 8:30.

Alisha was tripped and she fell head-first onto Eddie’s groin, and LMK stomped on them both, then she hit a Vader Bomb on Eddie. at 10:00. LMK chokeslammed Eddie in a move that defies logic and gravity. Goodz superkicked Alisha! Eddie superkicked Goodz! LMK hit her bulldog on Eddie! However, Alisha snuck up behind, rolled up LMK with a handful of tights, and scored the pin. Basic action but some great heat. I could have done without Goodz superkicking the significantly smaller LMK, but the rest of the match worked for me.

* Next up is Brett Ryan Gosselin’s open challenge! You may recall that BRG has had a handful of appearances in MLW and I have always compared him to Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. He got on the mic and said he’s wrestling in front of the “worst scumbags Massachusetts has to offer.” He started to badmouth John Cena Sr., and he encouraged him to bring out his next victim. Cena Sr. is like a general manager here and he power-walked to the ring in a suit. He said he has the innovator of violence lined up! The crowd popped for the introduction of Tommy Dreamer!

4. Tommy Dreamer defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin at 11:26. Dreamer carried a kendo stick to the ring. He dropped BRG with a shoulder tackle at 1:30. They brawled to ringside, where Dreamer leaned BRG against the guardrails and chopped him. He held BRG’s arms so young fans could chop him, too. BRG hit his own chops. In the ring, BRG choked Dreamer in the ropes and applied a sleeper. BRG grabbed a chair and tried to hit a top-rope flying slam, but Dreamer rolled away to avoid it at 8:00. Tommy got up and hit a clothesline and a series of punches in the corner, then a Dusty elbow to the head.

Gosselin hit a drop-toe-hold that sent Dreamer into an open chair and he got a nearfall at 10:00. BRG wedged a chair into the corner, and he grabbed Dreamer’s kendo stick! Dreamer went for a Death Valley Driver but BRG escaped and hit a low blow. BRG came off the top rope but Dreamer hit a kendo stick strike across BRG’s unprotected stomach! Dreamer whipped BRG head-first into the chair in the corner, then Dreamer hit the Death Valley Driver for the pin. An entertaining match; what you’d expect from Dreamer these days, and BRG did a good job creating the movement and bumping.

5. Ashley Vox defeated Ava Everett at 8:53. Everett came out first and she barked at the young boys in the crowd. The talented Vox recently returned after a lengthy recovery from injury. She knocked Ava down with a shoulder tackle, and Everett rolled to the floor and yelled at people at ringside some more. In the ring, Vox hit a dropkick into the corner, then a rolling cannonball for a nearfall at 1:00. Everet stood on Vox’s hair and stomped on her, and choked her in the ropes and kept Ashley grounded.

They brawled to the floor and traded blows. Unsurprisingly, these two have good chemistry and are on the same page. Ava got drinks from an attendant at ringside and offered one to Ashley. Of course, Ava went to attack, but Ashley cut her off, and Vox hit a stunner. Back in the ring, Vox hit a second-rope missile dropkick for a nearfall at 7:30. Ava hit a side slam and got a nearfall. Vox hit a headbutt and a clothesline for a nearfall. She tied up Ava’s arm, and Ava tapped out. These women stepped up hee.

6. DJ Powers won the “King of the Sea” 10-man Rumble at 11:22. A crown was displayed for the winner. Steven Lust is No. 1. Donny Staxx is No. 2 and I have never seen him before. AJP is No. 3 at 1:00. (Glad they have names on the screen, as I have seen AJP just a few times.) AJP and Lust worked together. Jermaine Marbury is No. 4 and he has to be a favorite. AJP got tossed. Marbury tossed Lust at 3:30! DJ Powers is No. 5 and he tossed Staxx. Erik Chacha is No. 6 and I have compared his look to TJP (yes, I am aware TJP is not Latino but the looks are similar.) Powers got tossed, but he didn’t go over the top rope! Cesar Leo is No. 7 and I don’t know him either; he pranced to the ring and is a smug heel.

Sweatbox is No. 8 and I don’t know him either; he’s a bit hefty in a singlet. Sweatbox and Leo worked together to beat up Marbury and Chacha. Brett Mettro, a recent graduate of the Wrestling Open school, ran to the ring at 7:30 and he’s No. 9. Craig Costa is No. 10; I don’t know him but he wore a blue boa and he’s clearly MUCH older. He clotheslined  and eliminated several people. It was suddenly just him, Sweatbox and Leo. However, the heels tossed Costa. Leo insisted Sweatbox eliminate himself, and Sweatbox stepped over the ropes but got back in. Sweatbox finally tossed Leo to win, or so he thought! Powers snuck back in, tossed Sweatbox, and won the match!

7. “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King defeated “Swipe Right” Ricky Smokes and Brad Baylor to retain the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 11:12. I’m a big fan of these four so this is the match I tuned in for. Smokes and Waller opened, and Dustin hit some shoulder tackles. The MG used quick tags and worked over Smokes’ left arm. SR began working over Kylon. All four brawled in the ring. Baylor teased heading to the back but Kylon dragged him back into the ring at 4:00. The camera didn’t catch it well but I think Smokes sprayed something in Dustin’s eyes, allowing the heels to take over and beat him down.

Kylon got the hot tag at 8:00 and he hit some quick offense on the heels, including a double Northern Lights Suplex. Dustin hit a head-scissors takedown. Kylon hit a springboard tornado DDT. Baylor hit a Falcon Arrow and he threw Smokes on top for a nearfall at 10:30. Baylor threw some dirt but it went into Smokes’ eyes! Waller hit a Lethal Injection, and King immediately hit a top-rope moonsault to pin Smokes. Satisfying main event and a good way to close the show.

Final Thoughts: An enjoyable show. A good-sized crowd with lots of kids is always fun, as the heels had a great time shouting at the youngsters for some easy heat. With it announced as a title match, there was no way Swipe Right was winning here, but it was a good match and earns best of the show. I’ll go with the Diaz-LSG opener for second and Vox-Ava Everett for third. The show had the star power of Tommy Dreamer and Eddie Edwards; both matches were fine but not worth going out of your way to check out, either. I’ll take a mini-Royal Rumble any day over a battle royal, as it gives me time to see who each competitor is. Some new faces in that one, which is a good way to break in.

This show clocked in at just over two hours and was an easy watch.


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