NXT Level Up results (8/2): O’Connor’s review of Bronco Nima vs. Malik Blade, Tatum Paxley vs. Tyra Mae Steel, and Shiloh Hill vs. Riley Osborne

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 129)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed August 2, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Tatum Paxley made her way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show. The ring ropes were red, white and blue this week following the same theme as the NXT Great American Bash shows…

1. Tatum Paxley vs. Tyra Mae Steel. Steel took it to the mat early as Paxley attempted to escape by crawling to the ropes. Paxley rolled through for a near fall and splashed Steel in the corner. Paxley followed up with an elbow drop to the back and attempted to work on the arm of Steel. Paxley transitioned into a triangle choke as Steel looked to power out. Steel hit a powerbomb for a two count and looked to finish dropping Paxley with shoulder blocks. Paxley rallied and hit the ‘Psycho trap’ for the win.

Tatum Paxley defeated Tyra Mae Steel via pinfall in 4:35. 

The commentary team hyped Shiloh Hill vs. Riley Osborne for after the break…[c]

2. Shiloh Hill vs. Riley Osborne. Both men shook hands as the opening bell rang. Osborne took an early advantage until Hill grabbed a hammerlock. Hill was sent to ringside but he immediately returned to the ring and hit Osborne with an arm drag. Osborne responded with a pinning combination for a two count but Hill hit a clothesline to regain control.

Hill worked on the neck of Osborne as the fans attempted to get the Chase U rookie back into the match. Hill moved to working on the back of Osborne but Osborne rolled through and cradled Hill for two. Hill powered out sending Osborne into the turnbuckle face first but Osborne dropped Hill with a front dropkick. Osborne went up top and hit the shooting star press for the victory.

Riley Osborne defeated Shiloh Hill via pinfall in 5:36. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Bronco Nima (w/Lucien Price) vs. Malik Blade (w/Edris Enofe). Nima was wearing a protective face mask. Nima dropped Blade with a reverse elbow as the match started but Blade came straight back with a side headlock takedown. Blade was soon sent to ringside by Nima which switched the momentum once more. Nima drove his shoulder into Blade in the corner and mocked Blade by slapping him repeatedly across the face.

Nima continued to toy with Blade and gained a near fall as Enofe attempted to shout encouragement to Blade from the outside. Nima attempted a splash but Blade hit a crossbody and followed up with a blockbuster neckbreaker. Looking to finish, Blade went up to the top as Price attempted to run interference. Nima looked for a slam but Blade rolled up Nima in a cradle pin to end the contest.

Malik Blade defeated Bronco Nima via pinfall in 5:47. 

John’s Ramblings: A simple and effective episode that served as a good lead-in for SummerSlam weekend. The main takeaway from this episode is the continued improvement of Riley Osborne. I really dig his in-ring style. The improved camerawork since the departure of Kevin Dunn continues to be a highlight as well.


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