Limitless Wrestling “Crunch Time ’24” results: Vetter’s review of Dezmond Cole vs. JT Dunn, Danhausen vs. Ricky Smokes, Brett Ryan Gosselin vs. Channing Thomas in a title for title match

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Limitless Wrestling “Crunch Time ’24”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
July 20, 2024 in Yarmouth, Maine at Yarmouth Amvets Post #2

This venue is a nice room with a pitched roof, and they always draw well here, with 400 or so fans. They also leave the lights on, so seeing the action isn’t an issue. Troy Nelson and Johnny Torres provided commentary.

1. Aiden Aggro (w/J-Heru) defeated Aaron Rourke at 11:37. I love everything Aggro has done since he turned heel on former tag partner DangerKid and moved on as a solo act. The flamboyant ‘Evil Gay’ Rourke is a big babyface here. Rourke’s nemesis, Ricky Smokes, sat at ringside, and that distracted Aiden, which allowed Aggro to attack from behind to begin. Rourke hit a shotgun dropkick that sent Aiden flying into the corner at 1:30, then Rourke hit a T-Bone suplex. Rourke hit a flip dive to the floor on Aggro and J-Heru. Aggro began working over Rourke on the floor, and he whipped Rourke head-first into the ring post at 4:00. J-Heru stomped on Rourke while the ref was distracted.

In the ring, Aggro remained in control and he hit a clothesline for a nearfall at 7:00. Rourke fired up and hit some short-arm clotheslines, then a belly-to-belly suplex, and he was fired up. He nailed a Helluva Kick and a Meteora in the corner, then a twisting Vader Bomb for a nearfall at 9:00. Aggro hit a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall, then another shotgun dropkick. He hit a Trash Compactor piledriver along his back for a nearfall at 11:00. Aggo grabbed a weapon, punched Rourke with it, slid the weapon over to Ricky Smokes at ringside, and scored the cheap pin. A really good opener with great crowd heat.

* Danhausen hit the ring to save Rourke from a post-match beatdown, leading directly to our next match!!!

2. Danhausen defeated Ricky Smokes at 9:34. Danhausen backed him into a corner and repeatedly punched his head, then he hit a bulldog, then a crossbody block for a nearfall at 2:00. They fought on the floor and I see Rourke is still there, with an ice pack on his neck. In the ring, Smokes hit a suplex for a nearfall and he took control. Danhausen hit some kicks in the corner. Smokes hit a spear through the ropes for a nearfall at 7:00. Danhausen hit a German Suplex and they were both down. Danhausen dumped the jar of teeth into Ricky’s mouth, then kicked them out, and got a nearfall at 8:30. Smokes pushed Danhausen into the ref, and he got a side slam for a nearfall, but the ref was down! Smokes went to get a weapon, but Rourke stole it, tossed it to Danhausen, and Danhausen hit Smokes with it to score the cheap pin. No one seems to mind that Danhausen cheated to win.

* Backstage, Aiden Aggro talked about how he is “leveling up” and he vowed he is winning the Vacationland Cup tournament.

3. Alec Price defeated Gabby Forza at 10:09. Alec has the height and size advantage, but Gabby has proven to be quite a powerhouse. He stalled early on. She hit a bodyslam at 3:00 for a nearfall. She hit a Stinger Splash. He slammed her to the mat and she hit the back of her head hard! He hit a springboard crossbody block; she sat up and sold pain in her jaw, too. He hit a basement dropkick to the back of her head, then a running knee to her jaw, then a second-rope leg drop for a nearfall at 5:00.

Gabby fired back with a suplex but sold pain in her jaw, and he hit another forearm strike. She hit some clotheslines. He hit a huracanrana. He dove onto her but she caught him and threw him back into the ring at 7:00! She hit an Exploder Suplex and a running Stinger Splash. She caught him coming off the ropes and hit a fallaway slam, then a Vader Bomb for a nearfall. He hit a spinning back fist. She caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 8:30! Price hit a top-rope Blockbuster for a nearfall. He hit a spin kick to her jaw. She charged and rammed shoulder-first into the ring post! Price immediately rolled her up, grabbed the ropes for leverage, and scored the cheap pin!

4. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin in a ‘title for title’ match at 19:02. Thomas is the Limitless champion, but he and Sidney have been having issues recently, here and other promotions. BRG is the “Let’s Wrestle” champion; he’s appeared in MLW but hasn’t been used at recent tapings. Channing hit a shoulder tackle. BRG hit a dropkick. The ref saw Sidney cheat and he ejected Sid at 4:00. BRG dove through the ropes onto Channing. BRG leapt off the top rope but Channing caught him wtih a dropkick at 6:30, and he took control and kept Brett grounded and locked in a sleeper.

Brett finally hit a back suplex and they were both down at 9:30. Brett hit a dropkick. BRG hit a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall. Channing went for a powerbomb out of the corner but BRG blocked it, so Channing shoved him to the floor at 14:30. He hit a swinging neckbreaker on the floor. In the ring, Channing hit a German Suplex for a nearfall, then a second-rope back suplex for a nearfall. BRG fired back with a superkick. Channing got a bag of powder, but BRG kicked it into Channing’s eyes! He hit an Unprettier faceplant for a nearfall at 18:30. Channing dropped BRG snake-eyes on the top turnbuckle, then he hit a piledriver for the pin. That topped all reasonable expectations; both of these guys are sneaky good.

* Former NXT talent Anthony Greene appeared from the crowd and chased off Channing. Channing returned to the ring and they brawled.

* Backstage, Gabby Forza said she’s disappointed she lost to Price but added “it ain’t over until it’s over.”

5. Rip Byson defeated Kody Lane at 11:01. Kody is a St. Louis-area talent so he’s out of his usual territory here and I routinely compare him to Juice Robinson. I’ve said Byson is like a shorter Brodie Lee. An intense lockup to open and a feeling-out process; I can’t imagine these two have a lot of experience in the ring against each other. They fought to the floor at 1:30 and traded chops in front of the fans. Kody hit a plancha to the floor and took control. In the ring, Lane hit a shoulder tackle for a nearfall at 4:30.

Byson dove onto Lane on the floor. In the ring, Byson hit a spinebuster for a nearall at 7:00. Lane nailed a Buckle Bomb and a top-rope flying senon and they were both down. Byson applied a modified Sharpshooter. They fought again to the floor. Back in the ring, Lane nailed a Jay Driller for a believable nearfall at 10:00. He missed another top-rope senton. They traded forearm strikes. Byson nailed a scoop piledriver for the pin. Good action.

6. Gabby Forza won a “last chance battle royal” to qualify for the Vacationland Cup tournament at 14:02. Participants included: Percy Ryan, Perry Von Vicious, Bulldog, Landon Hale, Paris Van Dale, Seabass Finn, Puf, Alexander Lee, J-Heru, TJ Crawford, Mortar, Ashley Vox, Hazard and Gabby Forza. I counted 15 participants (including three women.) Landon, TJ and PVV would be my top likely winners, unless they decide to reward Gabby. I don’t know Bulldog and another guy; they only used on-screen intros for some of them. Hazard stood in the middle of the ring and jawed at everyone, so no surprise he was immediately beat up. The guy I didn’t know was out first. Puf clotheslined Landon and Percy to the floor at 2:00, so there goes one of my favorites.

Hale and Percy Ryan kept brawling at ringside; Mortar tossed Seabass Finn onto both of them at 4:00 to eliminate Finn. The Bulldog guy I don’t know was eliminated. Everyone worked together — including Aiden Aggro on the floor! — to toss the 400-pounder Puf. TJ superkicked Vox; Vox hit one back, and she hit a Canadian Destroyer on him. PVV picked up Ashley, but Gabby saved her! Ashley hit a dropkick to knock PVV to the floor. Paris tossed Vox. Gabby speared Paris. TJ hit a Silver Bullet spinning kick to eliminate Paris at 8:00. We suddenly are down to five: Gabby, TJ, Mortar, Hazard and J-Heru. Gabby hit a spear on Hazard. Aiden Aggro grabbed TJ’s leg and tried to yank him off the apron.

J-Hero charged but fell over the top rope to the floor. Hazard hit a kick and eliminated TJ! Mortar and Hazard fought each other while Gabby was down on the mat. She hit a spear on Mortar, then she clotheslined Hazard to the floor, so we are down to two! Mortar hit a second-rope face plant and they were both down at 11:30. Mortar hit a second-rope crossbody block, but he missed a top-rope moonsault. She tossed him over the top rope but he held on, and he pulled her over the top rope as well, and they traded punches on the apron. However, she got back in and hit a spear to send him to the floor to win the match.

* Backstage, Ashley Vox was upset at Paris for eliminating her. Someone then interviewed Paris Van Dale, who shrugged off Ashley being angry.

7. Dezmond Cole defeated JT Dunn in a Vacationland Cup tournament qualifier at 19:36. I always compare Dunn to Tony Nese and Dezmond to Ricochet. A feeling-out process to open and they shoved each other. Dezmond hit a huracanrana. He hit a leaping stunner at 4:00, then a flip dive to the floor. In the ring, they traded chops and Dunn hit his own stunner, and he applied a sleeper on the mat, then tied up the left arm. Cole finally fired up and hit some flying forearms, then a body slam at 11:00, then his guillotine leg drop for a nearfall.

Cole charged but he crashed face-first on the middle turnbuckle, and Dunn went back to a sleeper. Dezmond hit an enzuigiri and a second-rope superplex. Dunn hit a Shining Wizard for a nearfall and they were both down at 13:30. Dunn hit an enzuigiri. Cole hit a Lionsault Press and a German Suplex off the second rope, then a Shining Wizard for a nearfall at 15:30, then a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall. Dunn nailed Death By Elbow for a believable nearfall. Cole hit a jumping knee to the sternum, then a Poison Rana! He hit his own Death By Elbow! Cole hit a second Swanton Bomb for the pin! That was really, really good.

Final Thoughts: A top-notch show, with a strong main event that takes best match of the show. The show-opener Aggro-Rourke takes second, and I enjoyed Thomas-BRG for third, just ahead of a good Alec Price-Gabby Forza match. Lots of good stuff here. If I had any complaint, it would be Gabby being the ONLY person in the battle royal to be given a backstage promo on the show, where she strongly hinted she would be in that match later. While I listed a handful of guys I thought “could” win the match, I feel like her promo was a dead giveaway.


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