NJPW “Fantastica Mania USA” results: Vetter’s review of Mistico and Douki vs. Rocky Romero and Volador Jr., Willow Nightingale vs. Lluvia vs. Viva Van for the vacant CMLL Women’s Title

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

New Japan Pro Wrestling “Fantastica Mania USA”
July 13, 2024 in San Jose, California at Mt. Pleasant High School
Streamed on New Japan World

This was held in a high school. The Lighting was okay. The lights were low over the crowd so I can’t gauge how many fans were there. Views later in the show make me guess around 700. Veda Scott and Miguel Castro provided commentary.

1. DKC defeated Viento, Cucuy, and Adrian Quest in a four-way at 8:33. Cucuy is a bit heavier; he wore blue and a mask. Viento also wore a mask and he’s in a yellow and black lucha outfit; I’ve seen him at least once before. DKC is in yellow trunks; he’s finally ditched the Young Lion black trunks. Really quick offense from everyone at the bell. DKC dove onto Quest at 2:00. Viento hit a moonsault onto both. The big Cucuy hit a flip dive over the ropes onto all three. In the ring, Viento hit a running back elbow on Cucuy and a top rope splash onto Cucuy for a nearfall.

DKC got a Crucifix Driver for a nearfall at 5:30. Quest hit a running Shooting Star Press. Viento hit a Rebound Lariat on Quest. Cucuy hit some LOUD chops on Viento in the corner, then Cucuy hit a top-rope Spanish Fly at 7:30! DKC hit a top-rope missile dropkick. Quest hit a springboard 450 Splash onto the ramp. In the ring, Quest got a rollup for a nearfall on DKC. DKC hit a top-rope flying leg lariat on Quest for the pin. A really good opener.

2. Satoshi Kojima and Okumura defeated Magnus and Rugido to retain the MLW Tag Team Titles at 9:30. Both luchadors wear masks. Okumura opened with Magnus, who wore mostly green. Kojima entered at 1:00 and locked up with Rugido, who wore primarily gold, and they traded shoulder tackles until Satoshi knocked him down. Rugido hit a top-rope crossbody block at 2:30 on both babyfaces. Magnus hit a backbreaker over his knee on Kojima. Okumura appeared to have a broken nose, as it is bloody. The luchadors worked Okumura over. Rugido hit a powerslam on Kojima at 5:00.

Kojima hit his never-ending chops on the heels. He hit a top-rope elbow drop on Magnus for a nearfall. Kojima hit a DDT on Magnus for a nearfall at 7:00. Magnus hit a top-rope missile dropkick on Kojima for a nearfall. Okumura hit a running summersault off the apron to the floor on Magnus. In the ring, Satoshi hit a stunner on Rugido for a nearfall at 9:00, then a German Suplex for a nearfall. Kojima hit a clothesline for the pin. Just okay; there were some mis-timed moves here and I sense a lack of working together before.

3. Willow Nightingale defeated Lluvia and Viva Van in a three-way to win the vacant CMLL Women’s Title at 10:06. A big pop for Willow. Lluvia is in a white one-piece and white mask. They traded rollup attempts at the bell. Willow hit a bodyslam and crossbody block on Lluvia. Viva hit a huracanrana on Willow. Viva hit a rolling Koppo Kick on Van at 2:00. Lluvia hit a dropkick to Viva’s groin. Lluvia tied up Willow in a straitjacket submission hold. Willow applied a Boston Crab. Willow hit some rolling snap suplexes on Viva at 4:00.

Viva hit a rolling cannonball off the apron to the floor on Willow. Viva and Willow hit simultaneous Mafia Kicks to the chest and were both down on the floor at 6:00. Everyone rolled back in at the 19-count. They traded blows, and Willow hit a double clothesline. Viva hit a spinning back fist on Willow, then a Code Red! Lluvia immediately made the save. Willow missed a rolling cannonball, and Viva gave her a Stinkface at 9:00, then she tied Willow in a Tarantula! Willow nailed a Pounce on Lluvia. She then hit the Doctor Bomb/gut-wrench powerbomb on Viva Van for the pin! New champion! Willow and Lluvia argued after the bell.

4. Hechicero and Virus defeated “The Mighty Don’t Kneel” Zack Sabre Jr. and Bad Dude Tito at 13:51. Virus has long hair and paint on his face. Hechicero opened against Sabre and they traded standing switches, then they tied each other up on the mat. Sabre worked the left ankle, and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Commentary went out for a minute but it was barely noticeable. Tito and VIrus entered at 5:00, and Tito mocked Virus for being short. Virus got a Crucifix Rollup for a nearfall. Tito hit an enzuigiri. Tito hit some LOUD chops on Hechicero at 8:00.

TMDK worked Hechicero over. Hechicero hit a double clothesline at 10:00. Sabre hit a Pele Kick to the shoulder. Virus hit a team bulldog move on Tito, then a hard DDT on Sabre at 12:00. Sabre tied Hechicero in an Octopus. Sabre and Virus brawled on the floor. In the ring, Hechicero tied up Tito in a Crucifix submission hold, and Tito tapped out! Sabre and Hechicero kept arguing after the bell, and Veda said Hechicero sees that Sabre can’t beat him.

5. Yota Tsuji defeated Barbaro Cavernario at 14:06. Barbaro always makes me think of Fred Flinstone. Veda reminded viewers that Yota has experience in Mexico. Basic reversals early on and a standoff. Barbaro hit a crossbody block to the floor on Yota at 2:00. They traded blows in the ring. Yota nailed a hard Mafia Kick at 5:30, then a suplex for a nearfall. Yota hit some LOUD chops against the ropes. Barbaro hit his own loud chops. Barbaro hit a dropkick at 9:30 that sent Yota to the floor, then he dove through the ropes onto him, and that popped the crowd. In the ring, Barbaro hit a rope-assisted Vader Bomb for a nearfall.

Yota nailed a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 11:30 and they were both down. Miguel called this an “instant classic” and he’s not wrong. Yota hit a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Barbaro leapfrogged to avoid a spear! He hooked Yota’s leg and hit a slam for a believable nearfall at 13:30. Yota nailed the spear for the pin. That was tremendous.

6. Gabe Kidd defeated Ultimo Guerrero to retain the New Japan Strong Openweight Title at 12:12. They immediately traded overhand chops to the chest, and this just went back and forth. Guerrero tied him up on the mat. They brawled to the floor at 4:30 and traded more chops in front of the fans. Guerrero leapt over the railing and slammed onto Gabe, and they brawled away from ringside; it’s too dark to see anything. They returned to ringside, where Gabe shoved Guerrero shoulder-first into the ring post at 7:00.

Back in the ring, Kidd was in charge. They hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down. Kidd hit a hard clothesline for a nearfall at 9:30, then a brainbuster for a nearfall. They fought on the second rope, and Guerrero dropped him stomach-first to the mat for a nearfall. Guerrero hit an inverted second-rope superplex, dropping Kidd stomach-first to the mat, for a nearfall at 11:30 and the fans chanted “That was three!” Kidd pushed Guerrero into the ref; Kidd hit a low blow uppercut and a piledriver for the pin. That was a quick wrap-up to the match. Good action.

* They shook hands; Gabe hugged him, but then he hit a knee lift to the gut and threw Guerrero to the floor! Kidd grabbed the mic and he berated the fans. He said “I’m the reason you can’t watch Eddie Kingston anymore!” He told the cameraman to zoom in on his belt. He called his shot for his next match, and he wants Lio Rush in Washington D.C.

7. Mistico and Douki defeated Rocky Romero and Volador Jr. at 24:31. Douki wore his newly-won NJPW Junior Heavyweight Title, and Mistico wore his MLW title. Douki and Rocky opened and traded basic reversals, and Rocky tied him in an Octopus stretch, then went to work on the left leg. Mistico and Volador Jr. tied up at 5:00, and they traded faster-paced reversals. Rocky and Douki began brawling on the floor. In the ring, the luchadors worked over Douki. Volador hit a doublestomp to the chest, and the heels began stomping on Mistico, too. Mistico hit some huracanranas at 11:00.

The heels hit stereo dives through the ropes onto Mistico and Douki. In the ring, Mistico hit a double springboard dropkick at 13:00, then a twisting plancha to the floor. Rocky hit a second-rope Sliced Bread for a nearfall at 14:30. Everyone hit a superkick and suddenly everyone was down. Mistico hit a double armdrag. Mistico hit a huracanrana to the floor on Volador, leaving Rocky and Douki in the ring to trade blows. Rocky went for another Sliced Bread but Douki avoided it, and Douki hit a Gory Bomb move with a backslide for a nearfall on Romero. Rocky and Douki hit stereo crossbody blocks at 19:30.

It was back to just Volador vs. Mistico. Mistico hit an enzuigiri in the corner, then a jump-up Frankensteiner for a nearfall, but Romero made the save. Rocky hit a Trash Compactor piledriver along his back on Mistico for a nearfall, then he put Douki in a Camel Clutch! Douki put Rocky in the Douki Chokey, but Volador Jr. made the save at 23:30. Rocky accidentally slapped Volador, and the crowd taunted him for it. Mistico hit a top-rope crossbody block on Rocky, then did the airplane spin into La Mistica/Fujiwara Armbar, and Rocky immediately tapped out. Good match, but the winner was never in doubt.

* Mistico got on the mic and called Douki back into the ring. He spoke to him in Spanish; the commentators noted earlier in the match that Douki taught himself Spanish while on excursion in Mexico. He made it clear he wanted a one-on-one match with Douki. Miguel Castro summarized what Mistico said. Mistico wants a shot at Douki’s belt, and he’s willing to put his own title on the line, too! They shook hands and hugged.

Final Thoughts: I’ll take the Tsuji-Barbaro match for best of the night, ahead of the main event. Mistico never seems to lose, and while it was fun, there wasn’t much suspense over who was winning. I’ll give Kidd-Guerrero third, just ahead of Willow’s three-way for honorable mention. Nothing wrong with Sabre’s match, but the tease of him vs. Hechicero left a lot on the table for next time. I just expected more interaction between them here.



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