C*4 Wrestling “Annihilation” results: Vetter’s review of Junior Benito vs. Twiggy for the C*4 Title, London Lightning vs. Myung-Jae Lee, Miracle Generation vs. Australian Takeover for the IWTV Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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C*4 Wrestling (Capital City Championship Combat) “Annihilation”
Replay available via Independent.TV
June 28, 2024 in Ottawa, Ontario at Preston Event Centre

This show was released on Tuesday. As always, the delay in release allows C*4 to make light edits, specifically in cutting down the breaks between matches.This is one of my favorite venues because it’s well lit, looks new, and it’s so packed, people are standing against the back wall. Attendance is maybe 600, and they are always hot for the action. This is C*4’s “season finale” which is meaningless to me, as the next season begins in August.

1. Stu Grayson, Ryan Clancy, Isaiah Broner, Kristara, and Cecil Nyx defeated Mark Wheeler, Jessie V, Sexxxy Eddy, Bob Anger, and Vanna Black in a best-of-three falls match at 18:27. The heels came out first; Stu’s babyface team ran in and cleared the ringside. Vanna hit a snap suplex on Cecil. Kristara tagged in and fought Vanna. Clancy hit a crossbody block on Eddy at 4:00. Big Jessie V hit a huracanrana. Stu entered and hit a delayed brainbuster on Anger for a nearfall at 7:30. The babyface team began working over Anger in their corner. Stu hit a Lionsault. The heels began working over Cecil Nyx. Eddy hit a Split-Legged Moonsault. Wheeler hit a Backstabber on Nyx for a pin at 10:56, and the heels were up 1-0.

The match continued without a break, and the heels worked over Clancy. Stu hit a top-rope crossbody block. Stu applied a crossface on Anger, who tapped out at 14:24, so we’re tied at 1-1. Clancy entered and hit his impressive dropkick. Isaiah entered and hit a Samoan Drop-and-fallaway slam combo on two guys. The women got back in and traded more blows with Kristara hitting a German Suplex. Wheeler and Jessie hit stereo Mafia Kicks on Kristara! Stu entered and hit a double Pele Kick at 17:00. Stu nailed a backbreaker over his knee on Jessie V. Nyx hit a spear and a Death Valley Driver to pin Wheeler. They kept the action going.

2. Haley Dylan (w/Kevin Blackwood) vs. Kennedi Hardcastle ended in a double pin/draw at 10:13. The crowd loves to boo Haley and Blackwood. Kennedi stalled on the floor; it appears we have a rare heel-heel matchup and they argued. Kennedi finally rolled her up for a nearfall at 1:30 for the first contact of the match. They traded forearm strikes, then they brawled to the floor. In the ring, Kennedi hit a crossbody block in the corner for a nearfall at 6:30. Haley hit a rolling Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Haley hit a low blow uppercut, which of course Kennedi no-sold. (Pro wrestling has taught me that women can’t be hurt by a blow to the groin!)

Kennedi hit a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall at 8:00. She hit a Kamigoye kneestrike to the collarbone for a nearfall. Haley hit a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall. The women stopped paying attention to the referee’s orders as they fought in a lockup. They hit simultaneous clotheslines; the ref counted both of their shoulders down and ruled this a double pin. Okay match.

3. “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King defeated “Australian Takeover” Julian Ward and Kaz Jordan to retain the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 10:52. The crowd booed the MG and I’m NOT used to that! They got in the faces of a few fans, too. The ring announcer said this is Australian Takeover’s last match here. This is the 46th title defense for the MG! Macrae Martin joined commentary; I presume he and Junior Benito will challenge the MG for those belts. Kylon and Kaz opened. Kaz has the sides of his head shaved, while Ward is bald with a mustache, and is similar to Dax Harwood. Waller entered at 2:30 and fought Ward.

The MG began working over Kaz, with Kylon hitting a senton for a nearfall, and they kept Jordan in their corner. Ward got the hot tag at 7:00 and hit some back elbows and a uranage on Kylon for a nearfall. Waller clotheslined Kaz to the floor. Waller nailed a Lethal Injection, and Kylon hit a German Suplex, with Waller making the cover for a nearfall at 9:00. Ward hit a Death Valley Driver on Waller and a short-arm clothesline for a nearfall. The MG hit front-and-back kneestrikes on Ward. Waller raked Jordan’s eyes. Kylon hit his top-rope superplex, and Waller then hit a Mamba Splash frogsplash on Jordan for the pin. Good action.

* The MG got on the mic but fans chanted profanities at them. Waller pointed out Macrae Martin on commentary and they jawed at each other. Macrae headed to the ring and he brawled with both King and Waller.

4. Kevin Blackwood (w/Haley Dylan) defeated Cheech, Marino Tenaglia, Ichiban, James Stone, and Sheldon Jean in a scramble at 12:41. I haven’t seen much of Shelton since Kenny King (his ‘mentor’!) left TNA. Blackwood and Cheech opened. Jean hit a leg lariat on Cheech. The commentators noted that James Stone was supposed to team with Brent Banks tonight, who had to withdraw from the show. Ichiban hit some deep armdrags on Kevin at 2:30. Jean hit a Mafia Kick. Ichiban hit a top-rope double dropkick at 5:30. Ichiban hit a top-rope frogsplash and everyone was down at 8:00.

Stone and Blackwood traded forearm strikes, and Stone hit a powerslam. Marino hit a leaping Flatliner. Cheech hit a pumphandle faceplant slam on Marino at 10:00. Blackwood hit a Death Valley Driver. Blackwood hit some quick kicks on Ichiban; Ichiban fired back with a stunner, then a flip dive onto everyone on the floor at 12:30. They got back in the ring, and Blackwood immediately rolled up Ichiban with a handful of tights for the cheap pin. Good action.

5. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini defeated “Project 8100” Haddy and Dexter Doom at 11:18. I’ve seen Project 8100 a couple times here. They are newer but aren’t youngsters, either. Haddy has long black hair while Dexter is bald. Haddy and Garrini opened and tied each other up on the mat. The commentators reiterated that with Brent Banks out of action, Project 8100 are a last-minute replacement for Banks/Stone. Project 8100 hit a team suplex on Garrini at 4:30. Garrini hit a double back suplex and made the hot tag to Ku.

Kevin hit an enzuigiri on Haddy and some clotheslines, then a Tiger Suplex for a nearfall on Haddy. Garrini hit a backbreaker over his knee and a back suplex on Haddy at 7:00. Ku kicked Doom on his cheek. Garrini and Doom traded chops. Ku hit a gutbuster over his knee, and Garrini hit a decapitating clothesline on Doom for a nearfall at 10:30. Haddy hit a discus clothesline on Ku. Project 8100 collided. Garrini hit a piledriver on Haddy, then ViF hit the Chasing the Dragon/spin kick-and-brainbuster combo to pin Dexter. Really good action.

6. Gabriel Fuerza defeated Vaughn Vertigo at 11:55. I’ve said it before, but Vertigo reminds me of GYVet James Drake. Fuerza is similar to Mike Santana. Quick reversals and a standoff at 1:00. These two have been teammates; they ‘hugged it out.’ Fuerza hit a plancha to the floor. In the ring, Fuerza hit some clotheslines. Vertigo hit a snap back suplex and a tornado DDT for a nearfall at 5:30. Fuerza hit a Swanton Bomb and a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall at 7:00, and they were both down.

Fuerza hit a Lethal Injection, a running Shooting Star Press, and a piledriver for a believable nearfall. A commentator said they haven’t wrestled each other in five years! Vertigo nailed a Shining Wizard and they were both down at 10:00, and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. Vertigo hit a Swanton Bomb on Fuerza’s back. Fuerza applied a Boston Crab and turned it into a Liontamer/vertical Liontamer variation. They traded rollups, and Fuerza got the pin! That was really, really good.

* They played “You Make My Dreams Come True” by Hall and Oates, and they “hugged it out” again! However, Vertigo hit a running knee to Fuerza’s back and was loudly booed! The fans chanted “You suck!” at Vaughn as he headed to the back.

7. Benjamin Tull and Mike Marston and “TDT” Matthieu St. Jacques and Thomas Dubois defeated Macrae Martin and Franky the Mobster and “Triple Dragon” Puf and Pretty Ricky Wildly in an anything goes match at 13:07. At the last show, the heels beat up teammate Franky, who has now joined the babyface team. The TDT heel faction came out to a very bluesy song in French. All eight brawled before the bell; Nine Days’ “Absolutely (Story of a Gir)l” was still playing for Triple Dragon’s entrance, as they were fighting all over the floor. The song kept playing during the fight and a commentator warned “this song is going to be stuck in your head for the whole month.” Yep, the whole song played. “I wanted them to loop that,” the commentator said.

Basic brawling on the floor as they hit each other with garbage cans, threw each other into rows of chairs, etc. In the ring, TDT hit a team uranage at 3:30. Tull hit a swinging uranage on Macrae. Wildly hit a top-rope elbow drop. TDT worked over Franky. Franky looks like a carnival strongman; bald and muscles on his muscles. Franky tossed the referee onto the heels at 8:00 and that popped the crowd. Wildly grabbed Dubois in the groin at 10:30; the commentators laughed like hyenas.

Puf dove through the ropes on the TDT guys and that earned a “holy shit!” chant. TDT and Pu brawled out the door and onto the street! The cameras followed them as they brawled in the street. Meanwhile, Miracle Generation hopped in the ring and Kylon hit a low blow on Macrae! The heels covered a prone Martin for the cheap win. They played the French blues song again so I used Shazam and it is “Emeute dans la prison” by Michel Paglario. I found it catchy.

8. Myung-Jae Lee defeated London Lightning at 13:34. Lightning is the kid who has already been on AEW TV several times and he’s the rising star here. They shook hands and traded quick reversals, as the announcers said Lee was supposed to be facing Daniel Makabe, who is on his ‘retirement tour.’ Lee hit a dropkick in the corner for a nearfall at 4:00. London hit a backbreaker over his knee and he grounded Lee on the mat. He speared Lee at 7:30. Lee hit a missile dropkick and a Meteora top-rope double kneedrop.

London hit a spinebuster and he tied Lee in a Sharpshooter ato 10:00. Lee hit a second-rope belly-to-belly suplex to the mat then a running knee for a nearfall. Lee got a Victory Roll for a nearfall. London hit a standing powerbomb, then a shoulder-breaker over his knee for a nearfall at 13:00. Lee hit a top-rope doublestomp to the back and a Michinoku Driver for the pin. That was really good and I could have easily seen either man winning that match.

9. Junior Benito defeated Twiggy to retain the C*4 Title at 23:53. Twiggy won this title shot at a recent show; he’s basically a scrawny manager so I expect lots of shenanigans here. He came out first in a hoodie and winter hat and he does NOT look like a wrestler. The bell rang but he rolled to the floor and got on the mic. “This kid was still in diapers when I was running this place,” Twiggy said. He barked at the crowd. “I don’t go to the street corner where you work and tell you how to do your job,” he said to a woman in the crowd. He kept pacing on the floor; Benito finally dove to the floor onto Twiggy at 3:30 for our first contact of the match.

They brawled on the floor. In the ring, Benito hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 6:30. Twiggy took control and kept Benito grounded. He hit a chop block. He beat up some ‘event staff’ too. He jabbed a chair repeatedly into the ankle. Benito fired up and hit some chair-shots to Twiggy’s ankle. He set up a door in the corner. However, Twiggy hit a low blow at 16:30. Benito accidentally speared the ref through the door, earning a “holy shit!” chant. Benito hit the frogsplash; a new referee ran in but he was beat up by TDT! Several babyfaces hit the ring and we have quite the melee at ringside.

Benito hit a flip dive off the top rope onto a bunch of wrestlers at 19:30. He went for a frogsplash, but Twiggy got his knees up and Twiggy got a rollup for a nearfall. Another ref was attacked! He took off a belt and choked Benito with it. Benito hit a low blow on Twiggy! He hit a D’Lo-style Sky High. St. Jacques tripped Benito as Junior was going for a frogsplash. An older man named Steven got in the ring and he chokeslammed Twiggy through a board bridge! Steven took off his jacket and he has a referee shirt on! The crowd chanted “holy shit!” Benito hit his pretty 450 Splash for the pin. Longer than it needed to be, but it was entertaining.

Final Thoughts: These shows are always so much fun. Good action, a hot crowd, a well-produced show with good lighting. I’ll narrowly go with Lee-Lightning over Fuerza-Vertigo for best match. The ViF tag takes third, just ahead of that scramble. The main event was fine; the crowd cared a lot more about Twiggy than I did. I never presumed he was winning and that match might have been better served if it stayed closer to 15 minutes, but it was fine. It was so great to see so many of the top-tier US indy talent — people I’m used to seeing on Beyond Wrestling/Wrestling Open shows — make the trek here.


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