Blitzkrieg Pro “6th Annual Luau” results: Vetter’s review of Donovan Dijak’s unadvertised appearance, TJ Crawford vs. CPA for the Bedlam Title, Miracle Generation vs. Legion of Rot for the Blitzkrieg Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Blitzkrieg Pro “6th Annual Luau”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
June 29, 2024 in Enfield, Connecticut at Old Country Banquet Hall

The venue is a ballroom. I’ve seen a show from this room before. This room is packed with maybe 400 people. I’ve seen every wrestler on this card at least once before; the reason I tuned in was I heard late Saturday that Dijak made an unexpected appearance.

1. Marcus Mathers defeated VSK at 11:05. This could steal the show. Quick reversals to open, and Marcus hit a dropkick that sent VSK to the floor. Marcus followed to the floor and they traded punches in front of the fans. Marcus hit a running boot as VSK was seated in a chair at 2:00. Back in the ring, VSK whipped Marcus’ head into the turnbuckles and took control of the offense. He hit a leaping kneedrop to the sternum and kept Mathers grounded, then he hit a dropkick to the face for a nearfall at 5:00. VSK hit a diving European Uppercut to the back for a nearfall and remained in charge.

Mathers hit a dive through the ropes at 7:30. In the ring, he hit a kip-up stunner for a nearfall. VSK hit a powerbomb move for a nearfall. They traded kicks, and VSK hit a mid-ring Spanish Fly for a nearfall, then a Backstabber over his knees for a believable nearfall at 10:00. Mathers hit a stunner and a swinging gut-wrench face plant move for the pin. I don’t think I’ve seen Mathers use that as a finisher; he usually hits the 450 Splash for a pin. Really good match.

* Mathers got on the mic and said he put out a video last week where he challenged Krule. But to take down Krule, he needs to be the best in every promotion, so he’s here to “gold hunt,” and he wants a title shot against the winner of CPA-TJ Crawford later in the show.

2. Sammy Diaz won the “Mother of All Scrambles” at 27:11. This could be messy; I’m not a big fan of everyone listed to be in this one. Delightful Dan the Candy Man and Tristan Kyle opened; is this a scramble or a Royal Rumble or a gauntlet? The dork Kirby Wackerman came out third at 1:00. I think Kyle injured his knee, as he left the ring as Wackerman got in. (It appears the refs were checking on Kyle on the floor.) Okay this was a setup because Dan tossed Wackerman but the refs didn’t see it; Wackerman immediately got back into the ring and tossed and eliminated Dan. Tristan got back into the ring and he’s fine.

Sammy Chaos is No. 4; she is similar in size to Nia Jax and I’m pretty sure she was in that battle royal in Fight Life last week. She hit a double clothesline. However, the guys worked together to eliminate her. Perry Von Vicious is No. 5 at 5:30; I’ve compared him a bit to a younger Chris Hero. Perry did an airplane spin that pinned Tristan Kyle. Angelo Carter is No. 6 at 7:30; the splits between entrants are all over the place. 50 Cal is No. 8 at 10:00 and he quickly pinned Wackerman. Sammy Diaz is No. 9 and he has to be a favorite to win this. He hit a snap powerslam on Carter, then a moonsault for a nearfall at 13:00.

JGeorge is No. 10; I have no idea how many participants there are. Carter tossed 50 Cal. JGeorge hit a low blow on Carter, then he tossed Carter at 15:00! We have three in the ring. Haley Dylan is No. 11; she’s a babyface here, and she hit a German Suplex on Sammy. She hit one on JGeorge, too. Leary is No. 12. and he hit European Uppercuts on the four in the ring. Ashley Vox is No. 13 at 19:00; I haven’t seen her in a bit, and the commentators were thrilled to see her. She hit a tornado DDT on Diaz. Haley and Ashley worked together to beat up JGeorge. Ashley tied up Haley’s arm, and Haley tapped out!

Vox and Perry fought on the ring apron, and Ashley got knocked off to the floor to eliminate her. We are down to four men and zero women. Leary tossed JGeorge at 23:30, so we have Diaz, Leary and Perry. Diaz hit a jumping knee that sent Leary over the top rope and to the floor. Perry hit a chokeslam for a nearfall. Diaz hit a running knee, then a top-rope frogsplash for the pin. I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected when I saw the lineup. (And not every competitor was listed on IWTV, either.) Plus, clearly the best two in-ring competitors were the last ones in.

3. Bobby Orlando defeated Paul London at 17:32. Lounge singer Paul London is in his ‘Fat Elvis’ era and he (badly) sang his way to the ring. (It’s really hard to believe this is the guy who dazzled in ROH in 2002-03.) That said, he is clearly in better shape than a year ago as he’s trying to work his way back into ring shape. Some stalling and standing switches early on. London hit a dropkick at 4:00 that impressed me; I didn’t think he could do that anymore! They brawled to the floor and Paul grabbed Orlando’s stupid stuffed goat and ‘rode’ it. Bobby hit a back-body drop that sent London onto the goat at 8:00, and they continued to brawl on the floor and twist each other’s nipples. (Eye roll.)

London teased a dive but instead hit a baseball slide dropkick to the floor at 11:30. In the ring, Bobby hit some jab punches and a bodyslam. He hit a spear for a nearfall at 15:00. London went for a Frankensteiner but Orlando held on to the ropes. Orlando immediately hit a flying stunner for the pin. They certainly had the crowd. I will reiterate how much better London looks today than even a few months ago, so kudos to him as he clearly looks healthier and is moving better.

* London got on the mic and put over Orlando and Blitzkrieg Pro. In a video shot earlier in the day, “Delta House” had winter jackets on and said they are boycotting the luau. The Sweeper challenged Delta House and the Even Stevens to an eight-man tag.

4. Akira defeated Logan Black in a “Fans Bring the Pool Toys” match at 14:37. The ring is covered in weapons. Black is similar to Sami Callihan — dressed in black with a similar jacket, and he’s rotund. Many of these toys are soft pool ‘noodles’ and this looks like it will be more cartoonish than hardcore. After some comedy, they began trading chops at 2:30. They brawled on the floor with Akira jabbing a water gun into Logan’s butt at 5:00 and this is eye-rolling dumb. Logan dumped glass or thumb tacks onto the ring and bodyslammed Akira onto them at 8:30.

They immediately brawled back to the floor. Akira picked up a woman in the crowd and ran with her feet-first onto Logan. In the ring, Akira hit a shotgun dropkick, then a top-rope senton for a nearfall at 11:30. Akira hit a German Suplex for a nearfall. He hit a Pele Kick. Black repeatedly hit Akira over the head with a floatie board. Akira hit a decapitating clothesline for the pin. Okay match; not my preferred style.

5. The Sweeper, Nat Castle, Sebastian Amor, and Lutik Sucio defeated “Delta House” Nick Robles and Dante Drago and “Even Stevens” Stephen Azure and Steven Somerset at 10:52. I’ve seen the scrawny teenager Sweeper before but his teammates are all new to me. I think I’ve seen Nat Castle. Again, Delta House wore their winter jackets as they are “boycotting” the luau. Robles, the rocker, opened against Lucio, who has his name written across his shirt. Drago battled Amor; Dante still had a winter jacket and cap on. Robles bodyslammed Sweeper and the heels began working him over. Delta House hit a neckbreaker-and-powerbomb combo at 6:30. Sucio finally got a hot tag and hit some uranages on all the heels. Nat hit a top-rope dive to the floor on most of the guys. In the ring, Sweeper hit a Code Red for the pin. Lots of young, inexperienced wrestlers here and I’ll leave it at that.

6. Ryan Mooney defeated Griffin McCoy at 13:15. McCoy has the height advantage; I’ve seen a lot of him in JCW. Standing switches and Mooney snapped Griffin’s fingers. They brawled on the floor. In the ring, Griffin tied him in an Octopus stretch at 5:00. He hit some Yes Kicks to the chest; Ryan caught a kick and bit the toe of the boot at 7:00. Ryan hit a dive through the ropes, then he slammed Griffin back-first on the apron. In the ring, Mooney hit a sunset flip powerbomb that whipped Griffin into the corner at 10:30. Griffin slammed Mooney snake-eyes on the top turnbuckle and got a neafall, and he argued with the ref. Griffin hit a clothesline for a nearfall. Mooney hit a superkick, then a top-rope stunner at 13:00. He then nailed a Shining Wizard for the pin. That was really good.

7. “Legion of Rot” Hallowicked and Frightmare defeated “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King to win the Blitzkrieg Pro Tag Team Titles at 13:55. Waller and Hallowicked opened with fast reversals. Kylon entered and hit a dropkick at 1:30 on Frightmare. Waller slammed teammate Kylon onto Hallowicked. Frightmare hit a standing moonsault on Waller for a neafall, and the LoR began working Dustin over in their corner. Frightmare hit a dropkick for a nearfall. Kylon got a hot tag at 7:30 and he hit an Exploder Suplex. Waller hit a flip dive to the floor onto both opponents.

In the ring, MG hit front-and-back kicks on Frightmare for a nearfall at 9:30. Waller accidentally hit a Lethal Injection on Kylon! LoR hit stereo kicks in the corner on Waller. Frightmare hit a standing moonsault for a nearfall. Waller hit a Lethal Injection on Hallowkicked, and Kylon hit a top-rope moonsault for a nearfall at 11:30. Suddenly all four were down. Frightmare and Waller traded forearm strikes. Hallowicked hit a DDT to pin Kylon! New champions! (Just to be clear, this is NOT Miracle Generation’s IWTV Tag Team Titles.) Really good action.

8. CPA defeated TJ Crawford to win the Bedlam Championship at 16:43. CPA came out first in a button-down blue shirt and tie. They glared at each other and TJ slapped him in the face. CPA responded by immediately unbuttoning a shirt and taking off a tie — revealing another shirt and tie, of course. And they began brawling, and the ref got bumped at 1:30! (Earliest ref bump ever?) TJ hit a 619-style leg sweep, and he flipped CPA head-first into the ring post. In the ring, TJ hit a running European Uppercut in the corner at 4:30 and he remained in charge. CPA fired up and hit some ax handles and a second-rope missile dropkick at 7:00.

CPA peeled off his shirt to reveal a THIRD button-down shirt. He set up for a Sliced Bread but TJ blocked it. TJ hit a suplex for a nearfall at 8:30. He nailed a spin kick to the jaw for a nearfall. TJ avoided the comedy 619. CPA accidentally hit the ref with a missile dropkick (he barely grazed him.) CPA hit a powerbomb for a visual pin at 11:30 but we didn’t have a ref. CPA revived the ref, but TJ shoved him. JGeorge jumped in the ring and hit CPA with a chairshot to the back. However, Angelo Carter grabbed the chair and hit JGeorge with it!

Crawford hit CPA with the title belt and got a nearfall and the commentators were shocked that CPA kicked out. TJ swung the chair but it hit the top rope and ricocheted onto his head. CPA hit the comedy 619, then the Number Cruncher (Death Valley Driver) for a believable nearfall and we got a “this is awesome!” chant. TJ hit a DDT out of the corner. CPA peeled off his shirt to reveal a FOURTH shirt. He nailed a second-rope Number Cruncher for the pin! New champion! The crowd loved this! Several babyfaces got in the ring and celebrated with him, and CPA was seated on other wrestlers’ shoulders.

A masked man dressed in a black jacket climbed in the ring and he’s tall! He took off the mask and it’s Donovan Dijak!! The crowd POPPED. He glared at CPA as the crowd chanted “Holy shit!” Dijak hit a hard boot to CPA’s chest, and he beat up the five other babyfaces who were in the ring. CPA stood up and traded blows with Dijak. The crowd chanted “Feast Your Eyes!” and Dijak hit the move on CPA! He picked up the title belt and stared at it, then dropped it on CPA’s chest.

Final Thoughts: I really wish I hadn’t heard about Dijak’s appearance, but it was everywhere on Twitter/X before I went to bed Saturday night, even before this show was posted on IWTV. What a great, cool moment. It goes without saying how tall Dijak is and he just towered over all those babyfaces and was just a menace.

I like comedy in the undercard. CPA, Bobby Orlando, Colt Cabana, Danhausen, all that is fine early in the show. I’ve always struggled with seeing a comedy dork in the main event. That said, CPA-TJ Crawford had a stellar match and earned best match, even before the Dijak shocker. That show opener was really good, and I remain high on Mathers as a rising star, and that’s second best. I’ll narrowly go with Miracle Generation vs. Legion of Rot for third ahead of the Mooney-McCoy match.

I didn’t like everything; the middle of the show dragged. A comedy/hardcore match isn’t my thing, and the eight-man tag was rough. The Royal Rumble was better than I expected but I would have rather just had a Sammy Diaz-Perry Von Vicious singles match. If nothing else, tune in for the first and last matches, especially those final three minutes.


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