NXT Level Up results (6/28): O’Connor’s review of Dante Chen vs. Myles Borne, Kendal Grey vs. Jazmyn Nyx, and Riley Osborne vs. Jasper Troy

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 124)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed June 28, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Riley Osborne elaborately made his way to the ring as the usual broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Riley Osborne vs. Jasper Troy. Troy looked for a tie up as the bell rang but Osborne would avoid and continue to avoid the attempted power moves from Troy until Troy sent Osborne flying over the top rope. Troy looked for a leg drop on the apron but Osborne moved out of the way.

Osborne looked for a crossbody but was caught and sent back into the ring by Troy who followed up with a strong shoulder tackle which dropped Osborne. Troy attempted to wear down Osborne but Osborne kicked out the legs of Troy, followed up by a superkick and a springboard dropkick and the shooting star press for the win.

Riley Osborne defeated Jasper Troy via pinfall in 4:28. 

The commentary team hyped Kendal Grey vs. Jazmyn Nyx for after the break…[c]

2. Kendal Grey vs. Jazmyn Nyx (w/Jacy Jayne). Grey gained a near fall early and followed up with a side headlock on Nyx but Nyx grabbed the hair to send Grey into the turnbuckle. Grey jumped from the middle rope and nailed Nyx with a crossbody block for another two count. Grey looked for a leg drop but Nyx swept the leg and hit a foot stomp on Grey to take control. Nyx applied a leg-scissors center of the ring as Grey attempted to escape. Grey fought through and dropped Nyx with reverse elbows and a back suplex. Grey looked to finish but Nyx hit the AJ Styles style Pele kick for the victory.

Jazmyn Nyx defeated Kendal Grey via pinfall in 4:25. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Dante Chen vs. Myles Borne. Chen used an early armlock to wear down Borne before looking for the ‘10 count’ punches in the corner but was cut off by Borne. Borne hit a suplex for a near fall and tied up Chen’s left knee wearing down the Singaporean. Making his way to his feet, Chen caught the leg of Borne before laying in the strong strikes but was caught by a dropkick by Borne who gained a close near fall. Chen soon got a near fall of his own with a small package and soon finished Borne off with the roaring chest strike for the dub.

Dante Chen defeated Myles Borne via pinfall in 6:41. 

John’s Ramblings: Like most weeks, this was an easy show to watch, and the matches were good on this edition of Level Up. Jasper Troy in the opener showed off impressive power before falling in defeat to Riley Osborne. Jazmyn Nyx throws a nice Pele kick and it is still strange seeing Jacy Jayne walking around wearing the Cody Rhodes ‘dashing’ mask. It was nice to see Dante Chen pick up a rare win in the main event after being used as a jobber in his other TV appearances recently.


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