Prestige Wrestling “Alive 3” results: Vetter’s review of Alan Angels vs. Drexl in a Devil’s Playground match for the Prestige Title, Alex Shelley vs. Jaiden, Hammer Bros vs. Sinner & Saint

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Prestige Wrestling “Alive 3”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
June 7, 2024 in Portland, Oregon at Hawthorne Theater

This show did not air live at the time, and Prestige Wrestling posted the show earlier this week. This is a small theater; there is only room for fans on two sides of the ring, and we have maybe 150 fans in attendance. Jordan Castle and Cody Von Whistler provided commentary.

1. “Midnight Heat” Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl defeated “Flamin Aces 2.0” Zaye Perez and Caleb Teninty at 10:23. I always compare MH to FTR in their old-school heel style. Caleb and Zaye are younger and I haven’t seen them before. Caleb opened against Pearl; Caleb has tape on his shoulder. Zaye entered and battled the bald Gibson. These Flamin Aces kids are young and thin. MH began working over Caleb in their corner. Zaye finally got a hot tag and hit a top-rope missile dropkick at 9:30. Midnight Heat hit a Shatter Machine (FTR move!) for the pin. That felt like an extended squash; the new kids barely got in any offense. Okay match.

2. Guillermo Rosas defeated Elliot Tyler at 4:07. No sign of Rosas’ regular teammate Cody Chhun here. I don’t think I’ve seen Tyler before; he appears to be in his late teens or early 20s, and he wore a singlet with black and orange. They immediately traded shoulder tackles then chops. They both seem to be about the same size; not heavy but portly and stout. Tyler hit a dive through the ropes! In the ring, Tyler tied him in an STF; Rosas reached the ropes at 3:00. Tyler hit a Saito Suplex. Rosas fired up, ripped down the straps of his singlet, and they traded forearm strikes. Tyler hit an enzuigiri. Rosas caught him with a powerslam out of nowhere for the pin. This was pretty inspired and good for being so short.

3. “Los Suavacitos” Danny Rose and Ricky Gee defeated “Re: Loaded” Jacky Lee and Shareef Morrow to retain the West Coast Pro Tag Team Titles at 11:24. Los Suavicitos recently had an AEW/ROH TV match and they are Los Angeles-based heels. Lee is Asian; Morrow is Black, and they wore sharp, identical white-and-black robes; I don’t recall seeing them before either. Los Suavicitos carried their West Coast Pro tag title belts! (These two promotions are now loosely aligned, along with Deadlock Pro.) The kids tied up Los Suavicitos and rammed one into the other’s groin. Los Suavicitos hit some quick team moves on Morrow and kept him grounded. Morrow hit a double Sliced Bread at 3:30.

Lee got a hot tag but LS hit him with superkicks as he entered the ring. They kept Lee grounded. Shareef got a hot tag at 7:30 and hit some dropkicks, then a rolling splash to the mat for a nearfall. Rose hit a sit-out powerbomb. Lee hit a springboard Trustfall onto Los Suavicitos and that popped the crowd! In the ring, Shareef hit a package piledriver for a nearfall at 10:00. Rose hit a Swanton Bomb and Gee hit a Death Valley Driver; they made simultaneous covers for nearfalls. Rose hit a top-rope doublestomp, and Gee covered Lee for the pin. Good action; I liked what I saw from the newcomers.

4. Matt Brannigan defeated Casey Ferreira at 8:09. Matt is the guy with long, curly blond hair who reminds me of WCW-era Lenny Lane. I don’t’ recall seeing Casey before; he is young, scrawny, with curly reddish hair; Brannigan has a significant muscle mass advantage. Matt hit a backbreaker over his knee at 2:30 that sent Casey rolling to the floor; this looked devastating. Matt teased a dive to the floor but stopped himself and they did some comedy around his hesitation to dive.

Brannigan set up for an Asai Moonsault but ‘fell’ to the floor. Casey hit an Asai Moonsault at 5:00. Brannigan went into the second deck and he tossed a mannequin/blow-up doll onto the lower level onto Casey, as the comedy continued. Back in the ring, Casey went for a frogsplash but Matt got his knees up. Matt hit a Doctor Bomb/gut-wrench powerbomb onto the blow-up doll for the pin. Harmless fun but I did like what I saw from Ferreira.

5. Alex Shelley defeated Jaiden at 15:30. Jaiden is the under-sized kid who thinks he’s a superhero (doing Hurricane Helms’ gimmick.) Shelley is a babyface here (generally a heel everywhere else) so this is a babyface matchup. A feeling-out process and they worked each other’s left arm. They brawled to the floor, where Jaiden struck the ring post at 4:30, and Shelley was in charge as they brawled at ringside. In the ring, Shelley tied up Jaiden and applied a Trailer Hitch Leglock, but Jaiden reached the ropes at 8:00. Shelley switched to a traditional Figure Four and Jaiden writhed on the mat, but he eventually reached the ropes.

Jaiden hit an enzuigiri but he couldn’t hit a Sliced Bread. Moments later, he hit the Sliced Bread for a nearfall at 11:00. Shelley hit a chop block to the back of the left knee. Jaiden hit a Superman Punch. Alex hooked a leg and hit a brainbuster for a nearfall, and Shelley was shocked he didn’t get the win there. Jaiden hit an Unprettier faceplant for a believable nearfall at 14:00. Jaiden missed a top-rope doublestomp; Shelley immediately nailed a Shellshock face plant for a believable nearfall. Shelley again applied a Figure Four, and Jaiden tapped out. Very good action. Jordan Castle said Jaiden earned Shelley’s respect tonight.

* Shelley got on the mic and said he wants a singles match against his long-time teammate Chris Sabin!

6. “Sinner & Saint” Judas Icarus and Travis Williams defeated “Hammer Bros” Jack Hammer and Sledge Hammer at 16:18. S&S have recently debuted in TNA and in Deadlock Pro Wrestling, and I’m a big fan. The Hammer Bros wore red construction vests and yellow hard hats; I’ve seen them at least once before. Sledge, the heavyset one, got on the mic and said S&S have been overlooking them. Williams and Jack opened; yes, the Hammers wrestle in blue jeans and those orange vests. Jack surprised the technician Williams by matching him hold-for-hold. Jack hit some deep arm drags on Judas.

Sledge, who must weigh 400 or more pounds, tagged in at 3:30. He REALLY looks unhealthy and was sweating heavily around his neck, soaking his shirt. S&S hit front and back kicks on Jack Hammer and began working him over. Travis hit a snap suplex for a nearfall at 7:00, and he tied up Jack on the mat. Sledge got back in and hit a double clothesline at 10:30. Icarus escaped a Bulldog Powerslam. Jack hit a flip dive from the apron to the floor. In the ring, Sledge hit a swinging uranage on Judas for a nearfall. Jack hit a running neckbreaker.

Travis hit a handspring-back-clothesline. Sledge slammed Icarus onto the ring apron. Jack hit a Goldberg-style Jackhammer in the ring on Williams at 13:30. Sledge did a Rikishi-style Stinkface on Williams. Williams hit a dropkick, then a dive to the floor on Jack. S&S hit front and back kicks on Jack. Williams hit a Jay Driller as Judas kicked Jack in the face for the pin. Good match; Jack wrestled at least 80 percent of that match; read more of my thoughts below on Sledge Hammer.

7. Amira defeated Rose at 5:16. I have compared Amira to a shorter Raquel Gonzalez and she’s had a good first year or two. Rose is of average size with reddish and black hair. Rose tied her up on the mat and hit some Moxley-style elbows to the side of the head at 2:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Amira hit a Mark Henry-style World’s Strongest Slam for the pin. Decent but definitely shorter than I anticipated.

8. Alan Angels defeated Drexl in a “Devil’s Playground match” to retain the Prestige Title at 20:29. Drexl is the demented hardcore warrior who paints his head white and has a long frizzy beard. Angels is the hated heel here. The bell rang and immediately several druids in black robes brought out trash cans, doors and other weapons and placed them in the ring. The ref got knocked out by Drexl! Drexl gave Angels a paper cut in his mouth and above his eye at 5:00. He stapled a dollar bill to Angels’ forehead and more staples in his arm; this isn’t my idea of fun viewing. Angels hit a side slam onto an open chair at 9:30 and he took control of the offense.

Angels hit a snap suplex onto a chair in the corner. He dumped a bag of LEGOs on the mat. He then dumped a bag of thumb tacks on the mat at 11:30. However, Drexl slammed Angels onto the thumbtacks, then onto the LEGOs for a nearfall. Drexl hit him over the head with a light tube. “It almost hit me!” a commentator said, which I don’t think is a good thing at all. Drexl set up a board of forks. Judas Icarus and Travis Williams jumped in the ring; they were in the druid robes, and they stomped on Drexl.

Angels bodyslammed Drexl onto the fork-covered board for a nearfall at 15:30. Drexl grabbed Angels by the groin, kissed him and suplexed him onto a board. Drexl jabbed broken light tube shards into Angels’ forehead and this was gross. Drexl hit a piledriver onto a glass-covered bridge for a nearfall at 19:00. Angels handcuffed Drexl behind Drexl’s back! Angels hit a spin kick to the head, then a second one onto a chair placed against Drexl’s head, to score the pin. More violent than my preference, but I’m sure hardcore fans will like it.

* One of the Druids hopped in the ring but he attacked Angels, Williams and Icarus! He removed the druid robe and it was Evil Uno! The crowd popped for him.

Final Thoughts: An okay show, with more of an emphasis on newer, local talent than most Prestige shows. No surprise that Shelley-Jaiden was by far the best match, even though there was never a moment where I thought Jaiden was pulling off an upset. The new guys all were pretty solid; I liked what I saw of Elliot Tyler in that short match. Re Loaded also looked good. All that said, the only match to really tune in for is the Shelley-Jaiden matchup. Nothing bad, but nothing must-see.

I know this sounds harsh, but I see absolutely no upside in booking a man as physically unhealthy as Sledge Hammer. There are certainly plenty of wrestlers who are 300+ pounds on the indy scene today, but Sledge Hammer had a thick sweat going around his neck and soaking his shirt… and he was barely in the ring. He made a hot tag, hit a couple of quick moves, and was right back out. I just can’t imagine being a promoter and taking the risk of this guy experiencing health issues during a show.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. RE: Alan Angels; yep Portland HATES him. When he was at the Roseland walking the ring, this little kid (maybe 12 years old) who had front row seats jumped up and flipped him a double bird right in his face. THe kid was seriously hating that dude.
    He also heeled on Portland at the Roseland and, iirc, he lost that night.
    Prestige is a fun indie company, i always enjoy the shows they put on here.
    Strangely enough, I was at the Hawthorne the day after this and there was no mention or trace; of course we had a show to put on….

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