WWE Friday Night Smackdown results (6/14): Barnett’s review of Cody Rhodes and AJ Styles, Solo Sikoa vs. Kevin Owens, Nia Jax vs. Michin, Naomi vs. Chelsea Green, Grayson Waller Effect with DIY

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,294)
Taped in Glasgow, Scotland at OVO Hydro
Aired on same day delay on June 14, 2024 on Fox

Bayley’s music hit and she headed to the ring to open the show. Corey Graves and Wade Barrett were at the commentary desk. As she walked out onto the stage, she pointed back towards the entrance and brought out Naomi for the opening match. The announce team plugged Bayley vs. Piper Niven for tomorrow. Chelsea Green then made her ring entrance with Piper Niven. Chelsea had a microphone and told Glasgow that their hometown heroes had arrived. She said she would defeat Naomi tonight and then her Spicy Margarita best friend Piper Niven would crush Bayley tomorrow.

1. Naomi vs. Chelsea Green: The crowd sang at Bayley while the match started. Naomi dominated the early going, and Green was forced to retreat to the floor. Naomi attempted a dive to the floor, but Green intercepted her on the apron and gloated to the crowd…[c]

Naomi landed a running crossbody as the show returned. Green returned fire with a kick. There was some confusion and a blown spot. Naomi eventually landed a kick in the corner to get things back on track. Naomi sent Green to the floor and then landed a suicide dive. She then climbed the turnbuckle and bowled over Green with another crossbody for a near fall. She climbed the turnbuckle again, but Green pulled her back into the ring. Green then landed a missile dropkick and covered Naomi for a near fall.

Green attempted a back suplex but Naomi slipped out the back. They tangled up near the ropes and Green attempted a roll up and used the ropes for leverage, but Bayley prevented the cheap win. Niven then argued with Bayley, and Green came over to jaw with her too. Naomi then rolled up Green and got the win.

Naomi defeated Chelsea Green at 9:48

After the match, footage of Legado del Fantasma’s attack on Apollo Crews was shown. Baron Corbin was shown speaking with Nick Aldis backstage. Legado walked up and jawed with Corbin before Aldis told him he could handle it. He told Legado they were fined for last week and next time it would be far worse than that. Santos Escobar spoke up and asked if Apollo was cleared, and he was. He then said Aldis could tell Apollo he was facing him later tonight, and they walked away…[c]

My Take: A bit clunky at times, but the crowd was up for the match so that helped quite a bit. Green is going to need some wins eventually if they ever want to use her for something other than comic relief.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory were introduced for the Grayson Waller Effect. The QR Code related to Uncle Howdy showed a countdown that showed a bit more than two days left, so I guess we’ll see something on Raw. Waller mocked the crowd and told them he spoke English so he didn’t know what they were saying. They then introduced DIY as their guests for the show. Ciampa and Gargano walked to the ring. Ciampa remarked that this was still the Grayson Waller Effect and asked if Theory was his secretary since he wasn’t on the graphics.

Gargano aired footage from last week where Waller pulled Theory into the path of a suicide dive. Waller attempted to explain it away as a fake AI video. He then said they didn’t show Waller beating him. Ciampa then jumped in and said this crowd of hooligans didn’t come to watch his talk show, they came to see a fight and now his talk show. They then challenged them to a Tag Team Title Match tonight, but Waller mocked Glasgow and said they wouldn’t do it there.

Waller continued and said they would never drive a wedge between them. Gargano said they were coming for the Tag Team Championships, and then turned to Austin Theory. He said they went way back and was proud of what he accomplished on his own. Gargano said he was being used, and he didn’t need him. Waller punched Gargano for his comment, and Theory ended up taking a superkick and a running knee because Waller kept moving him into the line of fire. Waller and Theory ended up escaping as Ciampa and Gargano stood tall.

Footage was introduced from the announce team from The Bloodline taking out Owens and The Street Profits last week. Backstage, The Street Profits told Owens they had his back for his match with Solo Sikoa later in the show. In the arena, Santos Escobar made his entrance along with Legado del Fantasma. He will face Apollo Crews next…[c]

My Take: Austin Theory as a babyface? I’m not sure it will work but we’ll see if it clicks better than I expect.

Waller and Theory ran into Bayley and Naomi backstage griping about DIY. Blair Davenport arrived and trash talked Naomi, who had to be held back by Bayley. Chelsea Green then appeared and told Bayley that the title would be “ours” tomorrow. Piper Niven then knocked both Bayley and Naomi into a wall and stood over them.

Apollo Crews made his entrance in the arena.

2. Santos Escobar vs. Apollo Crews: Outside interference paid off early for Escobar, as Angel and Berto distracted Apollo. That didn’t last however, as Baron Corbin ran down to take out Angel and Berto and sent them to ringside. Apollo then picked up Santos for a press slam and then landed a standing moonsault for a near fall…[c]

Escobar landed a springboard senton and some kicks. Crews fired back with some kicks of his own and a splash in the corner. He followed up with German Suplex and a clothesline. Apollo covered after a Samoan Drop and got a two count. He then climbed the top rope, but Escobar landed a kick and met him up on the top rope. They battled but Santos was sent back into the ring. He took a dive at Santos but got caught with an ugly looking knee to the gut. Both men traded offense until Apollo landed a Death Valley Driver.

Berto and Angel returned to attack Corbin, but he quickly dealt with them. Apollo climbed the top rope, but Elektra Lopez shoved him down, and Escobar rolled him up with some tights for the win.

Santos Escobar defeated Apollo Crews at 8:25

After the match, Legado del Fantasma celebrated as they walked to the back. Corbin and Crews were both furious. The announce team then introduce a video package recap of recent events between Cody Rhodes and AJ Styles. Cody Rhodes is up next…[c]

My Take: A solid match. I know that knee Santos landed to Apollo’s gut did not feel great.

Cody Rhodes made his entrance after the commercial break. He had a microphone and said he actually believed AJ Styles was going to retire a few weeks ago. Cody then said nobody wants to be that guy that hangs around too long for one more match or one more run. He said AJ Styles is starting to look like that guy. Cody soaked up a crowd chant and then continued. He said AJ Styles has been given the impossible task of making him say I quit.

AJ Styles interrupted and chided Cody for being so worked up about this. He said all he had to do was pretend he was going to retire, and he completely lost his cool. The crowd chanted Cody’s name and drown out both Cody and AJ. Cody finally asked AJ why he was so far away. He asked him to leave Horace and Jasper (Gallows and Anderson) behind and come face him man to man in the ring. The crowd continued to chant Cody’s name. Styles called him stupid idiots who wouldn’t shut up.

Eventually Styles got in the ring and said they were nothing alike. He compared their careers and said everybody couldn’t wait to make Cody a star, but he always quits. Styles said he quit WWE, New Japan Pro Wrestling, and a company that he started. He said when things get tough, Rhodes gets going. The Crowd continued to chant over the top of them both.

Rhodes reframed it as never being afraid to walk away for something greater. He said he bet and gambled on itself, and he was right to do it. Cody said if he quit he would not be standing there with the most important title in the game, and if anything AJ quit on himself. He said he had to get his title rematch by pretending to be Mark Henry for a night. Rhodes called him a coward and that’s was a bitter pill to swallow, but he’d have no problem shoving it down his throat when he makes him say I quit.

Styles replied that his family would rather he go home, but he can’t quit being phenomenal. He said he’s done when he says he’s done, and that he would do whatever it takes to become the WWE Champion again, even if it meant leaving him a bloody pulp. Styles said he’d do what it took to make sure that Cody saying I quit felt like a gift to him. He then left the ring.

Backstage, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa attacked the Street Profits backstage. Kevin Owens arrived to intervene, but was kept away from Solo by WWE officials…[c]

My Take: Loud international crowds have become a staple for WWE, but it doesn’t exactly make for great TV when the wrestlers have a lot of dialogue to get through.

A pre-taped interview from Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark was shown. They called themselves ruthless and heartless, and that they would tear apart their opponents limb by limb to become the Women’s Tag Team Champions. At ringside, Tiffany Stratton joined in on commentary. Nia Jax made her entrance for the next match. Michin was already in the ring. Footage was shown of Michin and Nia Jax having their backstage Monty Python sketch. Michin dove at Nia at ringside before the bell. The ref rang the bell when both women got in the ring.

3. Nia Jax vs. Michin: Nia stumbled and Nia landed Eat Defeat and fell to ringside. Tiffany Stratton provided a distraction, and Michin threw her over the announce table. Nia Jax then pounced and quickly slammed Michin and landed the annihilator for the win.

Nia Jax defeated Michin at 1:52

After the match, Kevin Owens reported that the Street Profits wouldn’t be able to have his back. A Logan Paul and LA Knight pre-tape will be shown…[c

My Take: I guess this is the beginning of Tiffany Stratton proving she can be useful to Nia Jax.

Logan Paul arrived home to find LA Knight in his pool. Paul called security and had him kicked out, and Knight told him he would see him next week in Chicago. He lamented Paul hadn’t gotten there earlier because they could have had a good time together. Carmelo Hayes music hit, and he cut a promo from the crowd. He told LA Knight he thought he cooked, but it was medium rare, and that the difference between them is that he doesn’t have to chase opportunities, because opportunities chase him. Melo then said he would qualify for Money in the Bank next week, and one step closer to being Melo in the Bank.

Backstage, the Bloodline was informed by Nick Aldis that due to their attack, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa are banned from ringside, and if they show up all of the Bloodline is suspended. Paul Heyman told Solo that he risks losing his leadership position if he fails in this match if he fails to win. Solo replied that if he doesn’t win, he’s coming after him…[c]

My Take: The LA Knight and Logan Paul segment felt pretty weak. Melo seems more uncomfortable delivering promos than I remember him being in NXT. Hopefully he shakes that off soon.

Jackie Redmond called out Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn for an interview. Fyre and Dawn said they would make history tomorrow. They didn’t come home just to come home, they would become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions in front of their home crowd in Scotland. The announce team then ran through the rest of the Clash at the Castle Card. After the rundown, Solo Sikoa made his entrance with Paul Heyman. He was followed by Kevin Owens.

4. Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa: Kevin Owens started the fight as soon as he got in the ring. The bell rang as they were trading punches. Things spilled to ringside early and they brawled around the announce area. Owens landed a big lariat on the floor and then landed a splash from the apron…[c]

Solo took over during the break and clobbered Owens with a back elbow as the show returned. He then landed a running knee strike in the corner, but missed a follow up hip attack. Owens quickly landed a DDT but couldn’t make a cover. Owens continued with some strikes and then climbed the turnbuckle in the corner. Solo landed a palm strike and climbed up to the second rope. Owens was able to shove him away and land a tornado DDT for a near fall. Solo returned fire with a Samoan Drop for a near fall of his own.

Owens threw a couple of superkicks and landed a cannonball in the corner. He then landed a swanton bomb from the top and covered for a close near fall. Both men ended up on the apron. Owens attempted a piledriver, but Solo reversed with a back body drop and both men were left recovering on the floor…[c]

Both men battled on the turnbuckle, and Solo was knocked into the ring. Owens then jumped and landed a frog splash for another near fall. Solo replied and landed a Uranage for a near fall. He then landed another and still got a near fall. Solo charged into the corner and Owens fired back with a superkick. He went for another Swanton, but Solo got the knees up. He then went for a Samoan Spike, but Owens ducked and landed a Stunner. Solo was beaten, but Heyman put his leg on the bottom rope to break the pin.

Solo pursued Owens and prevented Heyman from being assaulted. He landed a Samoan spike on the outside and another one in the ring. He then covered and got the win.

Solo Sikoa defeated Kevin Owens at 16:52

After the match, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa ran to the ring and continued the beating of Kevin Owens. Randy Orton made his return and brought the fight to the Bloodline. He quickly dealt with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, and then landed a draping DDT on Solo. He set up for an RKO, but Tonga Loa got back in the ring and landed an RKO on him instead of Solo. Owens recovered enough to give Randy a hug. A video reply of the match conclusion and Orton’s return was shown, and Owens and Orton stood in the ring to close the show.

My Take: Good to see Orton back after a few weeks off. Hopefully he feels as close to 100% as he can be after his long career. The match between Solo and Owens was solid, but I felt like I had seen a lot of it before in their other encounters. It was well worked though, and the finish was logical given the foreshadowing in the previous segment with Solo and Heyman. Heyman is still the most interesting aspect of this new Bloodline so far. Hopefully everybody else start to grow into their roles.


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