NXT Level Up results (6/7): O’Connor’s review of Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne vs. Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux, Wren Sinclair vs. Adriana Rizzo, Tavion Heights vs. Tank Ledger

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 121)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed June 7, 2024 on Peacock/WWE Network

Tank Ledger made his way to the ring accompanied by Hank Walker as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Tank Ledger (w/Hank Walker) vs. Tavion Heights. Heights drove Ledger to the mat in the early going. Ledger attempted to get back to his feet but was put back down by Heights with a side headlock takedown. Ledger splashed Heights in the corner but Heights responded with a high back body drop. Heights gained a two count and drove Ledger stomach first into the turnbuckles. Heights looked to finish but Ledger shrugged him off and engaged ‘Tank’ mode. Eventually, Ledger hit the ‘Bubba’ bomb on Heights for the victory.

Tank Ledger defeated Tavion Heights via pinfall in 4:50. 

The commentary team hyped Wren Sinclair vs. Adriana Rizzo for after the break…[c]

2. Wren Sinclair vs. Adriana Rizzo (w/Channing ‘Stacks’ Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino). Rizzo was making her ‘Level Up’ debut. Rizzo took the advantage early dropping Sinclair with a dropkick. Sinclair would gain a near fall with a jackknife cover before applying an abdominal stretch on Rizzo. Rizzo sent Sinclair into the corner but caught an elbow to the jaw. Jockeying for position, Sinclair attempted a roll through but was caught with a somersault splash by Rizzo who picked up the win.

Adriana Rizzo defeated Wren Sinclair via pinfall in 3:24. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne vs. Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux. Bernal and Osborne started off in the main event. Bernal tagged in Morreaux who powered Osborne down with a shoulder block and turned him inside out with a strong clothesline. Osborne made the tag to Hudson who briefly squared off with Morreaux before Morreaux brought Bernal back in. Osborne tagged back in and continued to wear down Bernal. Osborne went to the top but was distracted by Morreaux and was dropped across the top rope by Bernal who then gained a near fall after a double armed suplex.

Morreaux made his way back in as Osborne looked for the hot tag. Morreaux wore down Osborne, but Osborne eventually tagged Hudson. Hudson dropped Morreaux with punches and dropped Bernal with a boot off the apron. Osborne followed up with a ‘Fosbury flop’ on Bernal to the outside as Hudson put down Morreaux with a reverse DDT to finish the contest.

Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne defeated Javier Bernal and Drake Morreaux via pinfall in 6:45. 

John’s Ramblings: The tag main event was the highlight but all matches brought the entertainment this week. I was especially surprised by the opening bout as Tavion Heights put such a beating on Tank Ledger for a prolonged period of time that I thought we were getting an ’80s style squash match for a second before Ledger turned it around for the sudden win. An enjoyable episode.


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