AEW Rampage results (6/7): Murphy’s review of Mina Shirakawa vs. Serena Deeb, Private Party vs. Gates of Agony, Penta El Zero Miedo vs. The Butcher, The Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold in action

By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)

AEW Rampage (Episode 148)
Taped June 5, 2024 in Loveland, Colorado at Blue Arena
Aired June 7, 2024 on TNT

 The Rampage opening aired… Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Matt Menard were on commentary. Justin Roberts was the ring announcer as we went to the ring for the opening match…

1. Penta El Zero Miedo (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Butcher. The Butcher gained the early advantage. Penta retaliated with a series of kicks and chops. Penta took the Butcher down with a sloppy looking head scissors which caused the Butcher to roll to the outside. The Butcher charged Penta who moved, causing Butcher to crash into Abrahantes. An official checked on Abrahantes who was selling a shoulder injury. The Butcher held the advantage as the show went to its first picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, the Butcher was still on offense, concentrating on Penta’s left arm. Penta eventually made the hot comeback. The finish saw Penta block a chokeslam, hit the Butcher with a kick and caught him with his Fear Factor piledriver finisher for the win.

Penta El Zero Miedo defeated The Butcher in about 9:15.

Don’s Take: For some reason, these two didn’t click as there were a couple of sloppy spots in the match. If there’s any truth to the rumors that WWE has their sights set on Penta when his contract is up, that would be a great get for both parties as Penta has been spinning his wheels on the AEW mid card for months. He has way too much talent to waste it on meaningless matches. On a side note, it’s good to be back, as I traveled to Chicago for work. No, I unfortunately didn’t get to partake in Mindy’s Bakery.

“The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho came out with Big Bill and Bryan Keith. The graphic on the giant screen noted that he has been For the World Champion for 48 days. He told Matt Menard to try not to talk over the other announcers and to keep his face up for the camera. He proclaimed that he had won an award from the Wrestling Observer for his role on commentary. Keith told Menard not to disrespect Jericho and Menard said that no one respected Jericho more than him. [C]

2. “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens (w/Billy Gunn) vs. Hunter Gray and Parviz. Caster rapped that Grau and Parviz looked like January 6th protestors. This was a complete squash as Caster hit the Mic Drop on Gray for the win.

“The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens defeated Hunter Gray and Harvez in about 0:49.

Don’s Take: Remember when the Acclaimed was really over? It appears that those days are long gone. A good showcase win and it seems like they are doing something with the Elite. Let’s see if it goes anywhere.

Shane Taylor, Lee Moriarty, and Anthony Ogogo were backstage. They challenged Action Andretti and Top Flight to a match (which I assume will take place on Collision)…

3. “Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona vs. “Private Party” Isiah Kassidy and Mark Quen. Kassidy got the better of both Kaun and Liona to start. Quen tagged in, Kassidy dove onto Kaun and Liona took Kassidy out with a shoulder block as the show went to a picture-in-in-picture break. [C]

Coming out of the break, Kassidy dove onto Kaun and Liona on the floor. Back in the ring, the Gates of Agony took over on offense, hitting a sandwich lariat on Quen for a near fall, which was broken up by Kassidy. Kassidy threw Kaun to the outside. Liona missed a Vader Bomb on Quen, enabling Kassidy and Quen to hit a 450 splash and shooting star press for a near fall respectively. Kaun broke up the pin. Kassidy hit a series of forearms on Kaun. Kassidy ran off the ropes but Kaun caught him and threw him to Liona who took Kassidy down with a sidewalk slam. Kaun and Liona hit Kassidy with their double team finisher for the win.

“Gates of Agony Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona defeated “Private Party” Isiah Kassidy and Mark Quen in about 8:00.

Don’s Take: Fine for what it was but I’ve given up hope that either of these teams will advance on the card beyond where they’re already slotted, which is a shame.

A Toni Storm video aired to set up her match on Collision with Lady Frost.

4. “Bullet Club Gold” Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn (w/Jay White) vs. Tyler Pane, Chris Wilde, and Caleb Crush. Colten had referee Aubrey Edwards feel his abs which prompted a smile from Edwards. Weird. Colten tagged in Austin who tagged in Robinson. Robinson was all offense and hit Crush with his Juice is Loose DDT finisher for the win.

“Bullet Club Gold” Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn defeated. Tyler Pane, Chris Wilde, and Caleb Crush in about 1:30.

After the match, White took the microphone and said they were back at full strength. He then anointed Robinson as one-quarter of the Unified Trios Champions.

Don’s Take: See my comments above about the Acclaimed, though in this case, it was good to see Robinson back in the ring after a long absence. White continues to be misused.

5. Mina Shirakawa vs. Serena Deeb. The two exchanged arm bars to start. Deeb locked Shirakawa in the Paradise lock followed by a dropkick. Shirakawa spent some time working on Deeb’s leg. Deeb caught Shirakawa with a neck breaker across the middle rope as the show went to its final picture-in-picture break. [C]

Deeb held the advantage coming out of the break. The two exchanged blows, moves and near falls down the stretch. The end came when Shirakawa avoided Debbtox and hit her Glamorous Driver finisher for the win.

Mina Shirakawa defeated Serena Deeb in about 14:00.

After the match, Mariah May came out to celebrate with Shirakawa. Toni Storm looked on from the stage and May invited her into the ring. May prompted the two to shake hands, which they did reluctantly. The two held the ropes open for May as she exited the ring. The three walked off together as Rampage went off the air.

Don’s Take: Well, it looks like Deeb’s fifteen minutes in a meaningful spot has come to and end. Aside from her not being a great promo, she is one of the better workers so it would be great if they could find a role for her. She wouldn’t be a bad program for Mercedes Mone, but since neither one of them are great promos, I’m not sure how that build would go. I’m mildly intrigued to see who Mariah May eventually aligns with.

If you wanted an episode that strictly featured underutilized talent that deserved better, this was the show for you. But, if you’re one of the “sickos” that Tony Khan spoke of then you likely enjoyed it. I know I’m considered “old school” when it comes to wrestling, but I have to think there are more of me out there that would just love a good story and a product that was well-booked to complement the talent they have. If they ever got to the point where they had good wrestling and good stories, they’d really be a fun product to watch. But, given Tony’s recent social media post, it doesn’t look like he’s going to change anytime soon, though he has stated since then that it was a play on movie quote.

That’s all from me for tonight. I look forward to checking in next week. Until then!


Readers Comments (5)

  1. John Laryngitis June 8, 2024 @ 11:40 pm

    You obviously don’t like AEW, why even bother covering it and writing this up? Maybe you should recap the brilliant, cutting edge WWE Speed instead.

    • When I criticize my favorite sports teams, it doesn’t mean I dislike them. You’ve come to the wrong place if you’re looking for “everything is awesome” coverage.

    • Not that I owe any rationalization but I’m not covering WWE shows, I’m covering AEW shows. And if you’ve read consistently over the last year, you’d see that when I like something, I say so. And there have been things on Rampage and Collision that I have liked.

      And I don’t like everything WWE is doing but you’re not going to know that because I’m not covering those shows. In fact I’m not even watching Speed or whatever that is.

      Bottom line is if you’re looking to these reports as a way to perpetuate WWE vs. AEW, you’re looking in the wrong place.

  2. “…that would be a great get for both parties as Penta has been spinning his wheels on the AEW mid card for months. He has way too much talent to waste it on meaningless matches.”

    Sort of like Ricochet in WWE?

    • Actually, yes. I think both are in need of a change of scenery. So, if we’re going to play the “AEW vs. WWE” game, it’s not relevant here.

      Here’s the difference, I’m much more confident that Penta could thrive in NXT, than I am that Ricochet could thrive in AEW. There are bunch of guys there that can do what he does. He’ll get the New Japan rub and maybe get one of the secondary titles. Then what?

      Now notice I said NXT for penta. That’s his sweet spot. Main roster…the jury is still out. He could potentially thrive or he could end up in the LWO and be another cooled off act.

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