AEW Collision results (5/18): Powell’s review of Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor, Bryan Danielson, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler vs. Lance Archer, Vincent, and Dutch, Jack Cartwheel vs. Nick Wayne

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Collision (Episode 45)
Taped May 15, 2024 in Portland, Oregon at Moda Center
Aired May 18, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] The Collision opening aired. Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were on commentary. Ring announcer Bobby Cruise conducted the introductions for the opening match…

1. Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor (w/Anthony Ogogo). Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett headed to ringside before the opening bell. Strong sat in on commentary. Ospreay dropkicked Taylor to start the match and then hit him with a dive to ringside. Back in the ring, Ospreay performed a top rope move and got a one count.

Taylor came back briefly. The match spilled over to ringside where Ospreay shoved Taylor into Taven and Bennett. Ospreay grabbed a drink off the broadcast table and threw it at Strong. Referee Aubrey Edwards focused on keeping Taven and Bennett away from Ospreay, which allowed Ogogo to hit Ospreay with a punch to the gut. [C]

Back in the ring, Ospreay performed a handstand into the ropes and then dropped Taylor with a kick. Ospreay went up top and hit Taylor with a forearm to the back of the head and covered him for a two count. Ospreay went for the Hidden Blade, but Taylor caught him with a knee strike.

Taylor headbutted Ospreay and then put him down with a uranage slam and followed up with a running splash for a near fall. Taylor powerbombed Ospreay, who stood up and was blasted with a lariat that led to a near fall. A short time later, Taylor hit Welcome to the Land for another near fall. Taylor showed frustration.

Taylor hoisted up Ospreay, who slipped away while a “this is awesome” chant broke out. Ospreay caught Taylor on the ropes with kicks and then put him on his shoulder and hit the Storm Breaker for the win. Schiavone noted that Ospreay is 9-0 in AEW in 2024.

Will Ospreay defeated Shane Taylor in 9:55.

After the match, Strong climbed onto the apron and got Ospreay’s attention while Taven and Bennett attacked him from behind. Ospreay cleared Taven and Bennett from the ring, knocked Strong off the apron, and performed a flip dive onto Taven and Bennett on the floor…

Powell’s POV: A good opening match. Taylor got some offense in, but this wasn’t nearly as long or competitive as some of Ospreay’s recent matches. As much I as like Taylor’s work, I’m all for Ospreay being more dominant in television matches.

Schiavone said Bryan Danielson and FTR vs. Lance Archer, Vincent, and Dutch was the main event of Collision… Footage aired from Dynamite of Darby Allin’s return. Footage aired from after Dynamite of Bryan Danielson and FTR cutting a promo about facing Archer, Vincent, and Dutch…

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli delivered a backstage promo. Moxley spoke about Konosuke Takeshita attacking him on Dynamite. Moxley said he gets it and he’s done far worse. Moxley said the Callis family is in it for the gold, the green, and fame, but the Blackpool Combat Club isn’t in it for all of that. Moxley said they play for blood, not money.

Castagnoli said he’s normally the voice of reason in BCC even if no one listens. Castagnoli said people talk about how great they are and how it’s been their dream all their lives. Castagnoli said it’s all fake because they don’t live it. Castagnoli said it’s like the emperor’s new clothes and only they can see through the facade. Moxley said Takeshita started the game and he would finish it at Double Or Nothing… [C]

Schiavone hyped the Path to All In Summer Series that will be held in Arlington, Texas…

Footage aired from Dynamite of Chris Jericho and Hook speaking after their segment with Hook and Katsuyori Shibata. Jericho said he couldn’t be mad at Hook for busting him open with the microphone because it shows that Hook is learning. Jericho said it hurt, but it also made him proud. Jericho wished Hook good luck in his qualifying match and said he hopes that Hook wins…

2. Hook vs. Johnny TV (w/Taya Valkyrie) for a spot in the FTW Title three-way eliminator match. Both entrances were televised. Hook shut down TV’s early offense with a suplex and some knee strikes. Hook judo tossed TV across the ring. TV got up and threw a kick, but Hook stuffed it and suplexed him again.

Moments later, Hook went to run the ropes, but he had to stop when Valkyrie stood on the apron. TV hit Hook with a springboard kick. Hook came back with Redrum and got the submission win.

Hook defeated Johnny TV in 3:25 to qualify for the FTW Title eliminator.

Schiavone said the winner of the three-way on Dynamite will go on to face Chris Jericho for the FTW Title at the Double Or Nothing pay-per-view. As Hook was heading to the back, Katsuyori Shibata made his entrance and had a friendly moment with Hook before heading to the ring. Rocky Romero made his entrance…

Powell’s POV: Hook going over in short order was solid. But all of this for a shot at the FTW Title? From a storyline standpoint, it’s tougher to earn a shot at the unrecognized title than the AEW World Championship.

3. Katsuyori Shibata vs. Rocky Romero for a spot in the FTW Title three-way eliminator. Shibata applied an early Figure Four, but Romero reached the ropes to break the hold. Romero came back a short time later and performed a tornado DDT heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Shibata caught Romero in another leg submission hold, but Romero reached the ropes to break it. Shibata dropkicked a seated Romero in the corner and then suplexed him before covering him for a two count. Shibata used another submission hold to force Romero to submit…

Katsuyori Shibata beat Rocky Romero in 10:00 to qualify for the FTW Title eliminator.

After the match, Romero shook Shibata’s hand and then raised his arm. Shibata returned the favor before Romero left the ring so he could bow to the crowd. Shibata exited the ring and made it to the stage when Bryan Keith made his entrance. Shibata and Keith stared at one another on the stage before Keith headed to the ring while Shibata headed to the back. Jacked Jameson delivered a promo that was capped off with a line about while leading the Iron Savages to the ring…

4. Bryan Keith vs. Boulder (w/Jacked Jameson, Bronson) for a spot in the FTW Title three-way eliminator. Boulder attacked Keith before the bell and was rewarded for it by having the referee start the match. Boulder powerslammed Keith for a near fall. Jameson distracted the referee while Bronson climbed onto the apron. Bear pulled his singlet open for a Titty City moment, but Keith ran Bronson into him instead.

Bryan Keith defeated Boulder in 1:40 to qualify for the FTW Title eliminator.

Powell’s POV: Not that it really matters in this case, but any sense of mystery regarding the outcome was erased when Keith and Shibata had their pre-match staredown. And now Keith’s being in the three-way with Hook and Shibata leaves me assuming that Keith is only in the match to take the loss. Surprise me, AEW.

Pac was standing in a backstage area when Lexi Nair approached him and asked if he had any response to Bullet Club Gold’s message to him. Pac said he couldn’t care less. Pac said they are funny chaps and normally their naughty behavior would ruffle his bastard feathers, but he couldn’t care less. Pac said he hasn’t felt a thing in weeks. He asked Bullet Club Gold to make him feel something. Pac told Nair to leave him alone… [C]

Highlights aired from Dynamite of the TBS Title match contract signing segment involving Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Mone…

“Bullet Club Gold” Jay White, Austin, Gunn, and Colten Gunn made their entrance. The camera circled around the trio and then pulled back to show that Pac was laid out on the stage at their feet. White got a microphone and held up Pac while saying he bets Pac cares now. Bullet Club Gold left Pac lying and headed to the back…

Backstage, Christian Cage spoke with Nick Wayne while Shayna Wayne and Killswitch stood by. Cage said Nick would have a match on Collision and would then face Swerve Strickland on Dynamite. Nick said he was ready and said that while tonight’s match was just a warmup, he knew he could handle Swerve on his own…

Orange Cassidy made his entrance, and then Isiah Kassidy made his velvet rope entrance…

[Hour Two] McGuinness said that Cassidy and Kassidy had the same surname and must be brothers from another…

5. Orange Cassidy vs. Isiah Kassidy. Both entrances were televised. Cassidy used an early bow and arrow, but Kassidy countered into a pin for a two count. Cassidy teased a Superman Punch, which made Kassidy drop to the mat and roll to the floor. Cassidy hit a suicide dive.

Don Callis was shown watching the match in a backstage area. Schiavone announced Cassidy and Will Ospreay vs. Roderick Strong and Trent Beretta for Wednesday’s Dynamite. Beretta walked down the steps through the crowd, which led to Kassidy taking advantage of the distraction. Kassidy slammed Cassidy on top of the barricade in front of Beretta.

Back in the ring, Kassidy performed a backbreaker. Kassidy sent Cassidy into the corner and he went up and over the top rope before tumbling to the floor heading into a PIP break. [C] Cassidy hit Stundog Millionaire and a spinning DDT. Cassidy went for Beach Break, but his back gave out.

Kassidy rallied and hit a cutter over the top rope. The wrestlers traded kicks on the apron and then threw simultaneous kicks that put them both down. Referee Stephon Smith stopped Cassidy from going after Beretta. Kassidy took advantage of the distraction and went back on the offensive.

Back in the ring, Kassidy performed a Swanton onto the back of Cassidy and covered him for a near fall. Cassidy came back with Beach Break and scored the pin. Callis was shown smiling backstage.

Orange Cassidy defeated Isiah Kassidy in 12:10.

Lexi Nair interviewed Beretta, who was still standing in the front row wearing a Cassidy t-shirt with a pice of green tape over Cassidy’s eyes. Beretta said he’s a better wrestler than Cassidy and the only reason he lost is because Cassidy cheated. Beretta challenged Cassidy to a straight up wrestling match at AEW Double Or Nothing. Cassidy hit Beretta and pulled him over the barricade. Security held Cassidy back while the referee ordered Beretta to return to the back. Schiavone hyped the women’s match for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Kassidy didn’t get much of a reaction when he came out, but the popularity of Cassidy kept the crowd engaged throughout the match.

Serena Deeb made her entrance while carrying her flag, which she draped around the neck of a female fan in the front row. Anna Jay made her entrance while the broadcast team said she’s been on a winning streak in Ring of Honor…

6. Serena Deeb vs. Anna Jay. Deeb used the awful Paradise Lock early in the match. Deeb remained dominant heading into an early PIP break. [C] Deeb had a run of offense coming out of the break and used a Flatliner to get a two count. Deeb came back and the crowd chanted her last name.

Jay caught Deeb in a Queen Slater, which Deeb broke by lying on top of Jay in a pin position, causing Jay to release the hold after taking a two count. Deeb came right back and applied a half crab and got the submission win.

Serena Deeb beat Anna Jay in 8:30.

Luther came out and took Deeb’s flag to the stage where Mariah May joined him in holding up the flag. AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm came out and undressed behind the flag, which Luther then wrapped around her. Storm teased going to the ring and then ran backstage with Luther and May once Deeb went after her…

Powell’s POV: Deeb was in total babyface mode in this match. It was encouraging that fans chanted her name, but Storm’s entrance received a bigger pop.

A video package spotlighted the Swerve Strickland feud with Christian Cage and his crew… Nick Wayne made his entrance and wore a “Christian Is My Father” t-shirt. Wayne’s opponent was already in the ring…

7. Nick Wayne vs. Jack Cartwheel. Wayne caught Cartwheel with a kick when the bell rang. Cartwheel came back and performed a handspring into a flip dive over the top rope, but Wayne moved, causing Cartwheel to crash on the floor. Back in the ring, Wayne hit Wayne’s World. Wayne could have pinned Cartwheel, but he picked him up instead. Wayne looked into the camera and spoke to Swerve before hitting his House Call kick finisher, which led to the three count…

Nick Wayne defeated Jack Cartwheel in 2:25.

The broadcast team hyped the six-man main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good showcase match for Wayne. Cartwheel is talented and they could have had a banger, but it’s the right move to spotlight Wayne this way heading into his match with Swerve on Dynamite. I’m curious to see how that match goes. Swerve and Wayne could tear the house down, but that’s not the right move given that Swerve is the world champion and Wayne in bratty heel mode.

Bryan Danielson made his entrance followed by “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler. Lance Archer made his entrance and then “The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch followed…

8. Bryan Danielson, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler vs. Lance Archer, Vincent, and Dutch. Harwood and Vincent started the match. Harwood performed a leg drop for a two count and then tagged in Wheeler. The FTR duo performed a double team move on Vincent and then Wheeler covered him for two. A short time later, all six men brawled heading into a PIP break. [C]

Danielson took a hot tag and worked over Dutch with his kicks. Danielson put Dutch down with a flying elbow and then played to the cheering crowd before throwing more kicks. Moments later, Danielson performed a top rope missile dropkick. Vincent and Dutch ran in and took dropkicks from Danielson and Wheeler.

Danielson put Dutch in the LeBell Lock, but Archer returned to break it up. Archer put Wheeler down with a spinebuster and then chokeslammed Harwood. The broadcast team played up the idea that The Elite paid off the heel trio to rough up Danielson and FTR.

Danielson superplexed Vincent and then Wheeler followed up with a top rope splash. Dutch ran in to break it up with a splash, but Wheeler moved, causing Dutch to land on his partner. Archer went for a Blackout on Wheeler, but Danielson broke it up. The wrestlers hit rapid fire spots. Eventually, FTR hit Vincent with the Shatter Machine and then Wheeler covered him for the pin.

Bryan Danielson, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler vs. Lance Archer, Vincent, and Dutch in 12:55.

Danielson stayed down and sold after the match. The heels attacked Harwood and Wheeler. Archer performed Blackout on Wheeler while slamming him on top of a chair. Vincent put a chair on top of Harwood and then hit him with a Swanton.

Daniel Garcia came out and hit Vincent and Archer at ringside, then suplexed Dutch inside the ring. Danielson got back to his feet and stood by Garcia while both men held chairs. FTR were still selling while Schiavone hyped Double Or Nothing and reminded viewers that AEW Rampage was up next…

Powell’s POV: The main event featured some star power on the babyface side, but it’s hard to imagine it doing much for the television viewership count given how predictable the outcome was. The post match beatdown was apparently Archer and The Righteous making good on whatever deal their characters made with The Elite.

Overall, an average edition of Collision with the usual quality matches concluding with highly predictable outcomes. The only newsworthy aspects of the show involving setting up or announcing AEW Double Or Nothing or Dynamite matches. My AEW Rampage review is available separately via the match page. Will Pruett will be by on Sunday with his weekly audio review of AEW Collision for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let us know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

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Readers Comments (2)

  1. Cassidy vs.Kassidy!
    History in the making tonight!

  2. TheGreatestOne May 19, 2024 @ 3:54 pm

    “Kassidy didn’t get much of a reaction when he came out, but the popularity of Cassidy kept the crowd engaged throughout the match.”

    What crowd? They had 2600 people in a building that holds 20500. I’ve seen more people at Costco.

    Also, the crowd that likes Orange Cassidy is the reason why nobody else watches AEW.

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