Live Pro Wrestling “Proc-Mania” results: Vetter’s review of TJ Crawford and Love Doug vs. Teddy Goodz and Little Mean Kathleen, John Cena Sr. appears

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Live Pro Wrestling “Proc-Mania”
April 28, 2024 in Warwick, Rhode Island at Proclamation Ale Company
Streamed on the IndependentWrestling.TV

Warwick is a suburb on the south side of Providence. This show was held in a small room at a brewery and there were maybe 150-200 present.

1. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) defeated DJ Powers at 6:40. Powers is the scrawny teen who reminds me of NXT’s Kale Dixon, and he’s a good heel. Benny’s “head” was destroyed at Wrestling Open just days after this show; not sure if they have any other heads. Marbury hit some dropkicks, so DJ rolled to the floor to regroup. In the ring, Powers stomped on Jermaine and was in control, hitting a snap suplex for a nearfall at 3:00. Marbury hit his Mamba Splash/frogsplash for the pin. Decent opener.

2. Ava Everett defeated Gabby Forza at 6:12. Ava is the “Y2cutie” in white pants and top today. Gabby is the powerhouse rookie; I always compare her strength to Rachael Ellering and Dani Luna. Gabby hit a Samoan Drop at 1:30. Ava kept her grounded in a corner. Gabby finally hit a suplex at 5:30, then a cartwheel-into-a-clothesline, then a running Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall. Ava avoided a Vader Bomb, rolled up Gabby with a handful of tights, and scored the cheap pin out of nowhere.

3. LSG and GKM defeated “Perfect Strangers” AJP and Steven Lust at 7:17. GKM is a Black man with a similar look and style of Kofi Kingston; I was impressed with him on a WrestlePro show I saw in March. PS are the heels and they attacked from behind to open. The heels began working over GKM in their corner. Lust is the shorter Elias clone, and he hit a flapjack for a nearfall at 4:00. LSG finally got the hot tag and hit jab punches on Lust. Lust accidentally hit AJP. LSG hit a Pump Kick on AJP’s chest at 7:00, then an enzuigiri on Lust. GKM hit a stunner for the pin on Lust.

BRG walked to the ring in his fur coat and he exudes NXT-era Tyler Breeze smarminess; he shoulder-checked a fan as he walked to the ring. Fans chanted “Justin Bieber!” at him; I’ve always said he looks like Backstreet Boy Nick Carter. He showed off his Live Pro Heavyweight Championship belt. He called the fans “peasants” and of course was booed. John Cena Sr. hit the ring in a suit and he came out to his son’s theme song. “I hate to tell you this, grandpa, but your son can barely go anymore. I don’t think you can take this from me,” BRG said.

BRG said he remembered when Edge smacked Cena Sr. across his face and the same thing could happen. Cena Sr. said he has a big surprise for him; he has a title match right now! He introduced Channing Thomas! (I have never seen Channing in a babyface roll, so this will be different.) Cena Sr. joined commentary!!

4. Brett Ryan Gosselin defeated Channing Thomas via DQ to retain the Live Pro Heavyweight Title at 11:11. Channing still wore his long sparkly green robe he stole from Robert Roode. Channing hit some chops early, and he repeatedly slammed BRG’s forehead onto the top turnbuckle as fans counted along, then he clotheslined BRG to the floor at 2:00. He chopped BRG on the floor, and he had fans hold back Brett’s arms so he could hit some chops. In the ring, BRG snapped Channing’s throat across the bottom rope at 4:00 and he took control. He nailed a clothesline and kept Channing grounded. He hit an elbow drop for a nearfall at 7:00.

Channing finally hit a German Suplex for a nearfall, then a butterfly suplex for a nearfall, then a bodyslam and an elbow drop for a nearfall. He hit a plancha to the floor at 9:00, then a top-rope elbow drop for a nearfall. BRG hit a spear for a nearfall. The ref got bumped. BRG swung and missed with a title belt, and Channing punched BRG. Channing picked up the belt and seemed conflicted on what to do. The ref woke up, saw Channing holding the belt… and called for the bell and disqualified Channing! The crowd booed this swerve finish. Channing hit a post-match Death Valley Driver.

* “Fancy” Ryan Clancy replaced John Cena Sr. as guest commentator.

5. Sammy Diaz defeated Bobby Orlando to retain the Skywalker Championship at 7:04. Orlando is the dork with his stuffed goat and his Colt Cabana-style juvenile humor. I always compare Diaz to Trey Miguel, and he’s a decent heel. Decent reversals early on. Diaz hit a Helluva Kick, then a plancha at 2:00. In the ring, Diaz hit a back suplex for a nearfall. He hit a splash across Orlando’s back as Bobby was dangling on the top rope at 4:00. Orlando fired up and hit some jab punches and a bodyslam. Orlando hit a Lungblower to the back for a nearfall at 6:00. Diaz hit a second-rope moonsault for a nearfall. Orlando hit a superkick. Diaz nailed a Sabin-style Cradleshock powerslam for the clean pin. Good while it lasted.

* Clancy stood up and made it clear he wants a future title shot against Diaz.

6. Aaron Rourke defeated Dustin Waller at 15:13. “Evil Gay” Rourke got booed on his way to the ring as he jawed at fans. This should be quite good. Waller hit a huracanrana but Rourke rotated and landed on his feet. They went for stereo dropkicks, kipped up and had a standoff at 2:30. Waller hit a dropkick to the back, then a plancha to the floor. He hit a slingshot senton into the ring for a nearfall at 4:00. Rourke hit a Lungblower to the chest. Rourke hit a dropkick as Waller was tied in the ropes for a nearfall. Rourke hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a nearfall at 8:00.

Rourke mounted Waller and repeatedly punched him, then bit Dustin’s fingers! They got up and traded forearm strikes. Waller hit a Death Valley Driver and a Buzzsaw Kick, then a springboard clothesline for a nearfall at 10:30. Rourke fired back with a series of kicks. He nailed a top-rope meteora double knees, then the Trash Compactor piledriver along his back for a believable nearfall. They traded rollups, and Waller hit a Lethal Injection for a believable nearfall at 14:00, then a powerbomb. Rourke hit a Helluva Kick and a Jay Driller for the pin. Really good action.

7. Teddy Goodz and Little Mean Kathleen defeated TJ Crawford and Love, Doug at 9:43. Yes, it’s a different promotion, but LMK “left Love Doug at the altar” last August in Wrestling Open. LMK and Goodz are the babyfaces? I didn’t expect this. His trunks match hers. The heels stalled on the floor; the bell rang, and Goodz and LMK rushed to the floor to assault TJ and Doug. LMK chopped TJ against the ring apron. Goodz leaned Doug into the crowd so they could hold him down while Goodz hit a running boot to his chest at 2:00. LMK and Goodz stopped at a bar and drank beer. Kathleen leapt off the bar onto the heels. The crowd is loving this brawl through the building.

In the ring, Doug hit some bodyslams on Goodz, and the heels kept him grounded. Kathleen finally got a hot tag at 7:30 and she hit a German Suplex on TJ, then one on Doug. She repeatedly stomped on Doug’s chest in a corner, and she dropped TJ head-first onto Doug’s groin. She hit a Vader Bomb onto both of them. She hit low blow punt kicks on Doug, then on TJ, and nearly gave the ref one too! She hit a Canadian Destroyer on TJ at 9:30. Goodz put Doug on his shoulders; Kathleen hit a Doomsday Device clothesline on Doug for the pin. Decent brawl, and the crowd was into it.

Final Thoughts: A solid show. No “must-see” matches. If anything, the matches were too short to reach the next level. Rourke-Waller is my type of action and they earned best match. BRG-Channing was solid and even with the cop-out finish, I’ll go with that for second place, ahead of Diaz-Orlando. No new faces here for me — I had seen GKM just the one time but everyone is a Northeast regular. I think breweries are great atmospheres for indy shows. Everyone has a drink and is just a bit rowdy and even a small crowd looks fairly big in a room of this size.


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