Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 32 results: Vetter’s review of Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini vs. Moses and Ethan Price in a Road Warrior Cup quarterfinal match, Chris Hendrix vs. Tootie Lynn

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 32)
Premiered April 14, 2024 via
Taped March 16, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club

Glory Pro Wrestling released this episode on Sunday for free on its YouTube page. Reed Duthie is back on commentary. The lighting from this recent taping is really good.

1. Camaro Jackson defeated Baliyan Akki at 7:34. Akki has appeared on AEW TV several times, often in the corner of Emi Sakura. Jackson is the short Black powerhouse and he’s a former Crown of Glory champion. Camaro caught him with a powerslam for a nearfall inside the first minute. Akki hit some European Uppercuts and an enzuigiri. They traded chops. Akki got a folding press for a believable nearfall at 4:30, then a springboard huracanrana, then a plancha to the floor. He hit a top-rope missile dropkick for a nearfall at 6:00. Akki hit a neckbreaker over his knee for a believable nearfall. He went for a frogsplash but Camaro got his knees up. Camaro hit a uranage in the corner and a decapitating clothesline for the pin. I really liked this.

* Video footage showing us how Kody Lane and Dan the Dad advanced in the tag tournament last week. We went to new footage of them celebrating backstage and shaking hands.

2. Tootie Lynn defeated Chris Hendrix in an intergender match at 3:22. Tootie is short and energetic, and has competed in NWA. She hit a huracanrana in the first minute. He caught her and hit a suplex for a nearfall at 1:00, then a back suplex. She hit a running kick in the corner, then a satellite DDT for a nearfall. She hit some spin kicks to his thighs, then one to his ear. She landed a running kick to the side of the head and scored the pin. The crowd really likes her and were happy she picked up this win.

3. “Violence is Forever” Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini defeated Moses and Ethan Price in a Road Warrior Cup quarterfinal match at 11:48. This tournament began last week. Moses and Ku opened with standing switches, but they quickly switched to trading hard chops. ViF worked over Price in their corner and Ku hit a flying knee drop to Ethan’s chest for a nearfall at 3:00, and they kept him in their corner. Ku hit a doublestomp on Price’s back for a nearfall at 6:00. Price finally hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Ku. Moses and Garrini got the hot tags, and Moses hit a pair of release German Suplexes. Moses hit a clothesline-and-bulldog combo at 8:00.

Moses hit a fisherman’s suplex on Garrini. Price hit a running enzuigiri on Ku. Garrini hit a hard knee strike on Price that sent him to the floor. Garrini and Moses traded chops and forearm strikes. Moses hit a Northern Lights Suplex on Garrini for a believable nearfall at 9:30. ViF hit a team back suplex move on Ethan for a nearfall, and suddenly everyone was down. They all got up and traded chops and forearm strikes. Moses hit a tornado DDT. Garini hit a Muscle Buster on Price. ViF hit the Chasing the Dragon spin kick-and-brainbuster combo to pin Price. Good match and surprisingly decisive. I expected ViF to win, but this was dominant.

Final Thoughts: A solid show; nothing must-see but also nothing bad here. I really like how Glory Pro has used a lot of guys of late who aren’t ‘regulars’ there, from Alex Zayne to Danhausen, and here, both Violence is Forever and Baliyan Akki. I know I’ve written this a few times now, but these shows are just so much better since they improved the lighting at ringside. This is a bit shorter than usual, coming in at roughly 38 minutes.


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