Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 19 results: Vetter’s review of Mike Outlaw and Rahim de la Suede vs. Philly Collins * Marino Tenaglia vs. Moses the Deliverer and Ethan Price in a ladder match for the Glory Pro Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 19)
Premiered January 14, 2024 via
Taped November 19, 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club

Reed Duffy is back providing solo commentary.

1. Davey Bang and August Matthews defeated “The New Guys” Scott Stanley and Jake Bosche at 8:12. Chicago-based Bang and Matthews are making their “Ascend” debut here; Duffy said they were last here in spring 2022. The New Guys wore sports jerseys and as the new implies, are new and green. Stanley and Matthews opened and traded deep armdrags. Stanley (think a less-muscular Alex Coughlin) couldn’t kip up and the crowd laughed at him. Bang and Matthews worked over Bosche, who has longer, sandy brown hair. Stanley made the hot tag at 5:30 and he hit an enzuigiri and a German Suplex on Matthews.

The New Guys hit a powerbomb-and-neckbreaker combo for a nearfall at 7:30. Bang and Matthews hit a team top-rope doublestomp on Bosche’s back. Bang immediately hit the Spears Tower/launched spear for the pin. The crowd booed the finish; B&M weren’t heels but I think the fans were just really behind the locals.

* A nice video package aired highlighting the feud between Jake Something, Warhorse and Camaro Jackson. This video focused on Jake and he cut a solid promo. This is the sort of video package I want to see! Well done.

2. Tootie Lynn defeated Maggie Lee at 6:56. Tootie is the popular, Black babyface. Maggie is white, tall, thin with orange curly hair and she’s booed everywhere I’ve seen her wrestle. Maggie knocked Tootie down but immediately jawed at the fans. Maggie hit a hard kick to the ribs as they fought on the ring apron at 1:30 and she was loudly booed. In the ring, Maggie hit a German Suplex, then a Mafia Kick for a nearfall, then she hit a Stomp and was in control. Tootie hit a second-rope crossbody block for a nearfall at 5:30, then a tornado DDT for a nearfall.

Maggie hit a spinebuster for a nearfall; that was an awkward exchange. Tootie hit a running knee to the jaw for the pin. Solid women’s match and they definitely could have gone longer. Tootie is short but she has the believability and aura of Leyla Hirsch or Ivy Nile; she just carries herself like such an authentic fighter.

* In another video clip, we heard from Warhorse about the three-way with Jake Something and Camaro Jackson. I will again praise what they are doing here to promote this match.

3. Moses the Deliverer & Ethan Price defeated (C) Mike Outlaw & Rahim de la Suede and “Philly Marino Experience” Philly Collins * Marino Tenaglia in a three-team ladder match to win the Glory Pro Tag Titles at 11:54. This was set up at the prior tapings. Outlaw and Rahim were tag champs entering the match. All six brawled at the bell. Both babyface teams got ladders from under the ring. Philly hit a senton as an opponent was lying on a folded ladder. Outlaw hit a backbreaker over his knee on Tenaglia at 1:30. Rahim but the ladder on his head and he hit a few babyfaces with it. They took turns trying to climb the ladder but were pulled down.

Moses did a springboard off the ropes and landed on the ladder at 5:00, where he fought with Tenaglia, but they were both knocked off it. A heel manager got in the ring and hit a low blow on Marino as he climbed the ladder; Outlaw grabbed Marino and threw him through a table in the corner at 8:00. Ethan and Philly fought on the ring apron, and Ethan speared him off the apron and through an open table at ringside at 9:30. In the ring, Moses again tried to climb the ladder but Rahim pulled him down. Moses struck a chair across Outlaw’s back. Rahim slammed a ladder across Moses’ back. Ethan hit Rahim across the back with a chair! Ethan and Moses both climbed the ladder, on opposite sides, and together they pulled down the titles. New champs!

Final Thoughts: A really entertaining episode. Bang and Matthews are a top-tier indy team and they got a good match out of the rookies. The women’s match was solid; Tootie is a beloved babyface and Maggie is a heat magnet. I am not thrilled with Moses and Price winning the tag titles, largely because they have barely won any matches. The real highlight is how they have made a big deal out of the upcoming fight between Warhorse, Jake Something and Camaro Jackson.


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