AEW Dynamite results (1/17): Powell’s live review of Samoa Joe vs. Hook for the AEW World Championship, Christian Cage vs. Dustin Rhodes for the TNT Title, Mogul Embassy vs. Bullet Club Gold for the ROH Six-Man Titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 224)
North Charleston, South Carolina at North Charleston Coliseum
Aired live January 17, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] Dynamite opened with a recap of Samoa Joe’s promo from last week and pre-taped comments from Hook to set up the AEW World Championship match… Separate shots aired of Joe and Hook arriving at the building…

Excalibur, Taz, and Ian Riccaboni were on commentary, and Justin Roberts was the ring announcer. Excalibur said Tony Schiavone was “on assignment” and also said the main event would be commercial free… Entrances for the TNT Title match took place…

1. Christian Cage (w/Killswitch, Nick Wayne) vs. Dustin Rhodes for the TNT Championship. A fan held up a sign that read, “Stop Arguing Online” (Problem solved!). Rhodes was the early aggressor and pulled Cage to ringside where he slammed his head on the broadcast table and ran him into the ring steps. Rhodes jumped from the steps and clotheslined Cage.

Back inside the ring, Rhodes set for a superplex to the floor. Cage fought free and sent Rhodes to the floor and then went up top and dove onto him heading into a picture-in-picture commercial break. [C] Rhodes performed a bulldog for two count. Rhodes catapulted Cage into the corner and put him in position for a Shattered Dreams kick. Rhodes looked to the crowd and then went for it, but Cage caught him with a kick instead.

Rhodes performed a Code Red for a near fall. Cage begged off then shoved Rhodes into the middle rope before standing on him. Cage ended up at ringside. Rhodes went for a suicide dive, but Cage caught him with a punch from the floor and then snapped his neck over the top rope. Cage went up top and performed a frog splash for a near fall.

Cage went to ringside and returned with the TNT Title belt. The referee took it away and then took her sweet time handing it over to the ring announcer while Wayne ran in and interfered. Rhodes got Cage back in position for the Shattered Dreams and this performed the move while the referee was caught up with Wayne.

Rhodes superplexed Cage and hit him with CrossRhodes for a close near fall. Wayne reached in and grabbed Rhodes’ leg. Rhodes went to ringside and fought off Killswitch before performing a Code Red on Wayne. Rhodes returned to the ring. Cage speared Rhodes and then hit him with the Killswitch for another close near fall. Cage barked at Rhodes and performed a second Killswitch and then got the three count…

Christian Cage defeated Dustin Rhodes in 15:25 to retain the TNT Championship.

Powell’s POV: Great work from the veterans. There was no reason to expect a title change, but that didn’t stop the live crowd from buying into the possibility of Rhodes going over.

Renee Paquette interviewed Swerve Strickland on the backstage interview set and asked if he would have his eyes on the main event. Swerve said he has his eyes everywhere. He said it doesn’t matter who wins the match because he is laser focused on winning the AEW World Championship. He said he is the most dangerous man going after the most coveted prize in the industry.

Paquette mentioned that Hangman Page was also going after the title. Swerve once again said he has eyes everywhere. He praised Page and spoke about some of the wrestlers he’s beaten. Swerve said Hangman couldn’t beat him. He said he’s beaten Page twice and has no reason to do it again… [C]

Highlights aired of Ricky Starks and Big Bill beating Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara in a street fight to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles on Battle of the Belts IX…

Chris Jericho was interviewed by Paquette on the backstage interview set (no boos). Jericho blamed the Don Callis Family for costing him and Guevara the tag titles and also blamed them for Guevara not being present at the show. He said he would seek and destroy them.

Matt Sydal showed up and told Jericho that in order to get over the loss, he needs to face someone like him who has beaten him before. Jericho played up the idea of doing the match on Rampage and told Sydal to be careful what he wishes for…

2. Penta El Zero Miedo and Komander (w/Rey Fenix, Alex Abrahantes) vs. Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta (w/Chuck Taylor). The entrances for both teams were televised. Cassidy and Beretta isolated Komander heading into an early PIP break. [C]

Komander rolled Beretta into a couple of pins that resulted in two counts. Penta tagged in and jumped off the back of Komander and hit Beretta with a Destroyer. Komander walked the ropes and dove onto Beretta and had him pinned, but Cassidy broke it up.

Komander cleared Cassidy from the ring and then played to the crowd before going for a a Phoenix Splash and landing on his feet because Beretta moved. Beretta got up and drilled Komander with a knee strike. Penta set for a Destroyer on Beretta, but Cassidy shoved Beretta out of the way and performed a Beach Break on Penta. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch on Komander and then Beretta performed a Styles Clash style move nad scored the pin.

Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta beat Penta El Zero Miedo and Komander in 10:10.

After the match, Cassidy, Beretta, and Abrahantes set up for a group hug, but they were interrupted by the entrance of Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett. Taven and Bennett wore Jay Briscoe armbands on the one-year anniversary of his death.

Strong told Cassidy to take off his glasses and look him in the eye. Cassidy did not comply. Strong said Cassidy has been a fighting champion, but on this night he opted for a tag team match rather than defend his AEW International Championship. Strong asked if it was becoming too much and whether Cassidy had nothing left in the tank.

Strong said he’s coming for the title and he was there to make Cassidy face it. A “shut the f— up” chant broke out. Cassidy told the crowd that he would shut Strong up. Cassidy offered to hold the match on the spot. Strong said not now. Strong said Cassidy would have to wait until AEW Revolution. Strong said he wants Cassidy to spend the next six weeks knowing that he’s just keeping the title belt warm for him…

Powell’s POV: The match was well worked, but it didn’t seem to serve much of a purpose beyond setting up the post match angle. It felt odd that Strong passed on going for the championship when he was fresh and Cassidy just finished working a match.

Hangman Page was interviewed by Paquette on the backstage interview set. Page said he will win the AEW World Championship and hold it for as long as he can. Paquette brought up Swerve Strickland saying that Page can’t beat him. Page said Swerve seems to think about him a lot whereas he doesn’t think about Swerve. Page said it doesn’t matter what Swerve says because Samoa Joe is the world champion. Page said it could also be Hook and said, “God be with you for this”…

Powell’s POV: Wait, so Swerve broke into Page’s home, spoke to his infant child, and then beat him in a bloody death match, yet Page’s character doesn’t think about Swerve?

Mark Briscoe and members of the Briscoe family were introduced by Justin Roberts. Mark walked onto the stage and took a deep breath. Mark played to the crowd and said he was representing the baddest tag team on the planet, the Briscoe Brothers. A “Dem Boys” chant broke out.

Mark said his brother Jay died one year earlier in a car accident and moved on to the next level. Mark noted that his nieces were in the car with Jay. He said one of his nieces was told that she would never walk again. “However…” Mark said. Jay’s daughters and son walked onto the stage together. “God is on the throne,” Mark said. Mark thanked the fans and then hugged his nieces and nephew…

A Jay Briscoe tribute video aired… [C]

Powell’s POV: A wonderful moment. It’s amazing to see how well the girls are doing. Mark was more emotional than we’ve seen him on television, but Jay’s kids were all smiles. Rest in peace, Jamin.

“The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson were featured in a sit-down interview with Paquette. Nick stopped Paquette and asked her to refer to them by their “God given names” of Nicholas and Matthew Jackson. Nick said they are executive vice presidents and it’s time to take the job more seriously.

Paquette brought up their temper tantrums and mentioned rumors. Matt cut her off and said Renee shouldn’t believe the things “they” say and write about them. Matt asked her what she would do to protect her life work and her child. Matt said it was all hypothetical and asked her about losing her relationship with her co-workers and friends.

Matt asked if she would do it all again if it meant there would be a healthy, sustainable, and thriving wrestling company named AEW. Matt said he would. He assumed she received a paycheck this week and told her “you’re welcome.”

Paquette brought up Sting. Matt said Paquette wasn’t there when they started things, but their motto was to change the world. He said it was out with the old and in with the new. Matt said they lost their way and toxicity started to creep into the locker room. Paquette rolled her eyes. Matt said things were different and the company started to rely on yesterday’s self-serving, superficial, cancerous superstars.

Matt said Sting is none of those things. He said Sting is a model employee and is awesome. He said maybe people will talk about him and Nick that way someday. Matt said the issue is what Sting represents. Matt said it’s not in line with what they wanted to do when they set out to change the world. Matt said they would need to say goodbye to Sting and everyone like him. Matt said they wouldn’t ask anyone to do anything they weren’t willing to do themselves. Paquette asked if they were calling out Sting for his final match.

[Hour Two] Nick looked at his phone and showed it to Matt. “As EVPs, we’ll pull some strings,” Nick said. The Bucks stood up and then Matt called Paquette “sweetheart” and said they had a meeting to get to…

Powell’s POV: That was fun. It was good to see the Bucks attempt to establish actual characters. They never really did that when AEW started. It always came off like the company assumed that everyone knew everything about the Bucks from their runs in New Japan, ROH, or the independent scene. This was a step in the right direction. I’m not big on playing up their roles as EVPs, but it seems like that plays into what they are going for.

Entrances for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles took place…

3. Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun (w/Prince Nana) vs. Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. Both entrances took place. There was a PIP break early in the match. [C] Late in the match, Nana climbed in the ring and wound up to hit White with one of the title belts, but Anthony Bowens came out and took the title belt away. White went after Nana, but Kaun rolled up White for a two count. White came right back with the Bladerunner and pinned Kaun.

Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn defeated Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun in 9:30 to win the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: I’ll be blunt. I don’t care about six-man tag team titles or trios titles, nor do I enjoy seeing ROH titles defended on AEW television. The company simply has far too many titles. The only exception is the Continental Crown Championship, which includes the ROH Championship. The live crowd popped for the title change, but I know there are a lot of viewers out there who feel the way I do.

Adam Cole and Wardlow spoke on the interview set. Cole was still on crutches and he spoke of Wardlow’s dominance. Cole said Wardlow will run through opponents and win the AEW World Championship, which will become the property of the Undisputed Kingdom. “Ain’t that right, big man?” Cole asked. Wardlow looked into the camera before saying, “Boom”… [C]

AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm made her entrance in black and white and joined the broadcast team at ringside. Entrances for the women’s match took place…

4. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Anna Jay. Luther and Mariah May stood behind Toni Storm at the broadcast desk. Jay had the offensive advantage heading into an early PIP break. [C] Jay put Purrazzo down with a Backstabber and then covered her for a near fall.

Jay applied the Queen Slayer, but Purrazzo slipped out immediately and then applied a submission hold before Jay reached the ropes. Purrazzo and Jay tried forearm strikes. Purrazzo ducked one forearm and then grabbed Jay’s arm and hooked in the Venus De Milo. Storm stroked Riccaboni’s head.

Deonna Purrazzo beat Anna Jay in 6:40.

Renee Paquette entered the ring and asked Purrazzo if she had anything to say to Toni Storm. Purrazzo said she doesn’t know what’s gotten into Storm. She said they were once like sisters. Purrazzo said Storm has changed, but so has she. Purrazzo referred to herself as the greatest technical wrestler.

Storm climbed onto the shoulders of Luther and called Purrazzo a well-tanned hag. “I ought to march into that ring and sock you right in that box,” Storm said. Purrazzo and Paquette both chuckled. Storm threw her shoe in the ring. Purrazzo picked it up and threw it back. Storm handed her other shoe to Mariah May, who threw it at Purrazzo, who then tossed it back at May. Luther carried Storm to the back on his shoulders…

Excalibur hyped the Top Flight vs. Private Party match for after the break as well as the main event title match… [C]

Powell’s POV: Storm is a riot. I still question whether she needs the championship, but I get a kick out of her character.

5. “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin. Both entrances were televised.

As the match started, Excalibur listed the following matches for Friday’s AEW Rampage: Chris Jericho vs. Matt Sydal, Queen Aminata vs. Kris Statlander, Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Anthony Henry, and Darby Allin vs. Jeff Hardy.

Excalibur listed the following matches for Saturday’s AEW Collision: Eddie Kingston and Ortiz vs. Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli, Buddy Matthews vs. Daniel Garcia, and the return of Jon Moxley. Small graphics were shown for each match.

Private Party was in offensive control heading into an early PIP break. [C] Quen performed a dive over the top rope onto Dante on the floor. Back in the ring, Quen executed a 450 splash on Dante for a near fall. The Martins came back with a series of moves and Darius had Quen pinned, but Kassidy broke it up.

Darius took out Kassidy with a Pele Kick. Quen took out Darius and then Dante hit Quen with a popup knee strike. Kassidy recovered and ran into a boot from Dante, but Private Party managed to hit Gin & Juice on Dante. Quen rolled up Darius and backed into the ropes and held the top rope while blind referee Rick Knox counted the pin.

“Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy beat “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin in 10:15.

After the match, Action Andretti came out and joined the Martins in complaining about the way the pin occurred. Andretti confronted Quen and the two teams bickered. Quen smiled and pulled Kassidy away while Riccaboni said he hopes to see a rematch…

Powell’s POV: I initially was unsure if the idea was that Quen’s momentum took him into the ropes or if he cheated, but the grin on his face when he pulled Kassidy away seemed to indicate that it was scripted to be an intentional move to steal the pin.

A video package spotlighted Sting and Darby Allin. Allin said the story will end with him and Sting as the AEW Tag Team Champions…

Powell’s POV: So will Sting and Darby enter Revolution as champions or will the Young Bucks win the titles before the pay-per-view? I suppose there could be a three-way tag, but I’m guessing we’ll see a title change before Revolution.

Excalibur noted that they had taken their final commercial break. Hook made his entrance and held up the FTW Title belt once he was on the ring steps. There were loud “Joe” chants and then Samoa Joe made his entrance…

6. Samoa Joe vs. Hook for the AEW World Championship. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Hook was cheered and there were some squeals from the ladies in the crowd. Joe was also cheered and there were more “Joe” chants.

Joe was checking the tape on his hand and wrist when the bell rang to start the match. Hook went right after him. The match spilled over to ringside. Hook jumped off the barricade and hit Joe, who quickly recovered and tossed Hook back inside the ring. Joe followed and put a charging Hook down with an elbow.

Joe threw punches to Hook’s head and body. Joe chopped Hook in the corner and then backed into him in the corner before throwing a kick at him. “Do you understand yet?” Joe asked. Joe took Hook down with a snap mare and then chopped his back. Joe booted Hook in the face and then dropped an elbow on him. Joe covered Hook for a two count.

Hook fired back with a chop to Joe’s chest and then tackled him. Hook ran the ropes and hit Joe, who went to the floor. Hook jumped off the apron and punched Joe. Hook set up for a suplex in front of the broadcast table, but Joe blocked it. Joe performed a uranage that drove Hook onto the edge of the broadcast table, which collapsed. A “holy shit” chant broke out.

Joe asked Hook if he understood yet, then asked what he had for him. Hook responded by giving him double birds. Joe picked up Hook and powerbombed him on the edge of the apron. A trainer checked on Hook. The referee counted to nine, but Hook returned to the ring.

Joe whipped Hook into the corner and then powerslammed him and covered him for a near fall. Joe picked up Hook and performed a Death Valley Driver, which led to a close near fall. Joe looked frustrated over not getting the three count.

Joe performed his Muscle Buster finisher. Taz said Hook was done and he was proud of him. Joe covered Hook. who kicked out at one. Hook fired up and hit Joe with three straight clotheslines. Hook threw body shots at Joe in the corner. Joe shoved Hook away. Hook suplexed Joe. Taz yelled, “Cover him.” Hook sold back pain as he got to his feet. Hook went for Redrum, but Joe blocked it and took Hook down. Joe applied the Coquina Clutch.

[Overrun] The referee raised Hook’s arm and it fell three times to end the match.

Samoa Joe defeated Hook in 8:40 to retain the AEW World Championship.

After the match, Joe left the ring. Hook asked if that’s all he had. Joe returned to the ring and kicked Hook in the balls. Joe gave Hook another Muscle Buster. The referee and trainer checked on Hook, who leaned against the middle rope and called for more. Samoa Joe returned to the ring.

Hangman Page’s entrance music played and he ran to the ring, causing Joe to make his exit. Joe backed up the ramp while Page jawed at him from the ring. Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana were shown watching Joe from the front row. Joe headed to the back.

Swerve turned his focus to Page and scowled at him. The crowd started a “Whose House, Swerve’s House” chant. Swerve held up two fingers, presumably to taunt Page for being 2-0 against him. Swerve and Nana made their exit while Page watched from the ring. Page checked on Hook and started to pull him to the middle of the ring. Hook put his arm out and indicated that he was okay. Hook left the ring and pushed the referee away. Hook went to the stage and held his head while going backstage…

Powell’s POV: Awesome match. This reminded me of some of Brock Lesnar’s brief banger style matches in WWE. Joe looked like a badass champion, while Hook absolutely gained something in defeat by being so resilient. That was perfect. The post match scene was also nicely done, as I continue to guess that they will be going with Joe vs. Page vs. Swerve at Revolution. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the January 17 edition free polls


Readers Comments (6)

  1. AEW should really start to run in smaller arenas

  2. AEW should really start to run in smaller arenas

    • Just because 75/77 Dynamite or Collision shows they ran last year sold less than 50% of the building capacity? If coked up dipshit wants to throw his dad’s money away on 20k buildings with 4k people in them, then I hope he keeps doing it because the visual is hilarious.

  3. Jericho will next wrestle in a Cone of Silence match.

    I honestly have no idea who the tag champs are. Too many belts, few memorable characters.

    • Big Bill and Ricky Starks are tag champs. I had to look that up. AEW currently has 9 belts counting Hook’s FTW belt. That does NOT count any of the RoH belts that show up however.

  4. Ignoring the usual idiot that comes here JUST to post a negative comment, I cannot believe its already been a year since Briscoe’s death.
    As for Jericho, an allegation was made, not proven, and then some guy comes out and suggests, without any proof, “oh, maybe he did bad things to other women”….without proof of even the first ALLEGATION. Sad we STILL automatically believe the woman, even though its been proven that is a TERRIBLE idea, because a lot of times the allegations prove to be false.
    Also hypocritical to boo Jericho yet have been watching a show for YEARS owned by a guy who has been accused of MANY sexual ASSAULT allegations, including a RAPE.
    Self-righteous virtue signaling always involves hypocrisy

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