WWE Friday Night Smackdown results (10/06): Powell’s review of Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, and Judgment Day, Asuka and Charlotte Flair vs. Iyo Sky and Bayley, Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley in a non-title match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,260)
St. Louis, Missouri at Enterprise Center
Aired live October 6, 2023 on Fox

[Hour One] Smackdown opened with a recap of last week’s closing segment involving John Cena, LA Knight, Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso, and Paul Heyman… The Smackdown opening aired… The broadcast team was Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Kevin Patrick…

Powell’s POV: I like when pro wrestling shows open with video recaps from the week before. Impact Wrestling is great about doing it nearly every week. I really wish AEW would take this approach at the start of their shows. By the way, I’m filling in for Jake Barnett tonight. He’ll be teaming up with my tomorrow night for the WWE Fastlane same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

LA Knight made his entrance and started with his usual “Let me talk to you,” opening. Before he could say more, Paul Heyman interrupted with his “Ladies and gentlemen” line. Heyman walked out with Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso.

Heyman introduced himself and said he has a history of recognizing who the next great star in the business will be. Heyman looked at Sikoa while saying that the next great star will be LA Knight. Sikoa didn’t flinch.

The crowd interrupted with “LA Knight” chants. “God, that really pisses me off,” Heyman said. He said it does the same to Jimmy, and Knight is lucky that Sikoa just doesn’t care. Heyman said now that Knight has earned his attention, The Bloodline will have to do something about it.

Knight asked Heyman if he was done running his fat jowls. Knight thanked Heyman for the kind words and then said he wasn’t buying what Heyman said. Jimmy told Knight to shut his mouth. The cameras missed it, but Heyman had his hand out to imply that Jimmy had taken the mic from him again.

Jimmy told Knight that they were there to tell him that he wouldn’t make it to Fastlane. Heyman winced when Jimmy shoved the mic back in his chest. Jimmy and Sikoa indicated that they were about to enter the ring to attack Knight.

John Cena’s music played and he ran to the ring. Jimmy backed down quickly, while Heyman pleased with Sikoa, who eventually exited the ring. Knight said the heels looked like they were looking for a fight, but they didn’t have permission from their “little chief.”

Knight said everyone is talking about Fastlane, but he was thinking about tonight. Knight challenged Jimmy to face him in a match so that he could punt his ass to the moon. The camera mic picked up Jimmy accepting the match while Heyman questioned his decision…

Powell’s POV: A basic angle to set up the Knight vs. Jimmy match for later in the show. Cena didn’t say anything, but they quickly showed that he’s in the building, which should keep viewers watching.

The Judgment Day members Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, Finn Balor, and Dominik Mysterio were shown walking through the parking area. JD McDonagh joined them, which upset Priest. Ripley quickly informed Priest that McDonagh was there because she invited him. Priest accepted it…

Charlotte Flair was introduced by ring announcer Mike Rome, and then Flair’s partner Asuka made her entrance. The broadcast team hyped their tag team match against Iyo Sky and Bayley heading into the first commercial break… [C]

Patrick plugged the Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley match for later in the show and then Damage CTRL made their entrance…

1. Asuka and Charlotte Flair vs. Iyo Sky and Bayley (w/Dakota Kai). Bayley shoved Sky out of the way and took an Asuka dropkick in the corner. Asuka hit them both with a double missile dropkick and stood tall heading into a break. [C]

Asuka and Flair set up for a double suplex on Bayley. Kai distracted the referee while Sky ran over and hit both opponents from behind. Sky was on the bottom of a tower of doom spot that left all four wrestlers down.

Flair put Bayley down with a big boot and went for the pin, but Sky broke it up with a meteora. Asuka held Bayley and then Flair tried to hit Bayley with a big boot, but Bayley moved and Asuka ended up taking the kick. Flair came back moments later and knocked Sky off the apron before hitting Natural Selection on Bayley and pinning her…

Asuka and Charlotte Flair beat Iyo Sky and Bayley in 12:45.

Powell’s POV: You had to know that something would happen with Flair and Asuka heading into the Triple Threat at WWE Fastlane. I was surprised that we didn’t get some post match drama between the two, but it consisted only of Asuka looking up at Flair, who smiled.

Backstage, Jimmy, Sikoa, and Heyman were walking backstage. Heyman told Jimmy that he shouldn’t do anything without the blessing of the Tribal Chief. “You have to be here to make some calls,” Jimmy said. They entered their locker room. Jimmy told the Judgment Day members that they were in the wrong locker room. A smiling Finn Balor told them that they were exactly where they were supposed to be… [C]

Backstage, the Judgment Day members had a staredown with Sikoa and Jimmy. Ripley told everyone to leave so that she and Heyman could have a chat. Sikoa and Priest continued to lock eyes. Ripley told Priest that she would be fine and then Priest left the room. Heyman thanked Sikoa, who also left the room. “Let’s talk,” Ripley told Heyman once everyone had left the room…

Highlights aired from last week of the Street Profits beating down The LWO while Bobby Lashley watched from ringside… The LWO made their entrance for Rey’s match against Bobby Lashley… An ad aired for Tuesday’s NXT that focused on John Cena, Paul Heyman, Asuka, and Cody Rhodes appearing on the show. The Undertaker’s gong sounded at the end of the ad… [C]

Bobby Lashley made his entrance and was accompanied to the ring by the Street Profits. They showed the graphic for Lashley and the Profits vs. The LWO at WWE Fastlane, but they still haven’t said which three members of The LWO will be in the match…

2. U.S. Champion Rey Mysterio (w/Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde, Cruz Del Toro, Zelina Vega) vs. Bobby Lashley (w/Montez Ford, Angelo Dawkins) in a non-title match. Lashley was in control early. Lashley charged Rey, who moved and held down the top rope, causing Lashley to tumble to the floor. Rey teased a kick and then swung from the ropes. [C]

Highlights aired from during the break of Lashley hoisting up Rey on his shoulders at ringside and running him into the ring post. Back live, Rey went up top and was cut off by Lashley, who put him in the tree of woe position and worked him over with body shots.

Lashley charged Rey, who sat up, causing Lashley to crash into the corner. Rey performed a top rope seated senton and then dropkicked Lashley’s knee twice. Rey ran the ropes and was scooped up by Lashley, but Rey countered into a DDT for a near fall.

[Hour Two] Rey went for a 619, but Lashley caught his legs and sent him to the apron. Rey set up for a springboard move, but Lashley knocked him to the floor in front of the Street Profits. The other LWO members ran over to protect Rey. Lashley dropped to the floor and ran Rey into the barricade.

Lashley threw Rey back inside the ring and then turned and tossed Escobar into the timekeepers area. Rey dove at Lashley who caught him, but Rey was able to send Lashley into the ring post. Back in the ring, Rey hit a 619 on a standing Lashley. Rey followed up with a traditional 619.

Rey went up top was distracted by Ford climbing onto the apron. Del Toro pulled him off the apron. Dawkins ran Del Toro into the ring post. The Profits laid out Del Toro. Rey dove onto the Profits and then returned to the ring and ate a spear from Lashley, who pinned him…

Bobby Lashley defeated U.S. Champion Rey Mysterio in 12:50 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: It was odd to hear the broadcast team label Rey and underdog despite the fact that he is U.S. Champion. Sure, there’s a size difference, but it’s not like Rey hasn’t made a career out of beating people bigger than him. Anyway, I assume that Lashley and the Profits taking out Wilde and Del Toro means Jake Barnett was right when he predicted on the Dot Net Weekly audio show that it will be Rey, Escobar, and Dragon Lee teaming up at Fastlane. Nothing is official, but I really like that idea.

Heyman and Ripley were shown backstage. Ripley told Heyman that he’s a wise man who should make a wise decision. She said the Judgment Day and The Bloodline are stronger together. Heyman said he likes it and thinks it’s rather brilliant and he’s kind of upset with himself for not thinking of it. Heyman said he hasn’t been himself lately. Heyman said he needed to make a phone call to have it authorized.

Heyman raised his phone, but Ripley pushed it back down. Heyman said he needed to get it authorized by his Tribal Chief. Ripley said she authorized it. He said she authorized it for The Judgment Day, but he needed it authorized by his Tribal Chief. “Paul, acknowledge me,” Ripley said. Heyman told her that she was in the wrong locker room to say something like that. “Am I?” Ripley asked.

Ripley said Heyman would acknowledge her just like his former boy Jey Uso did on Raw. Ripley said that if he failed to do so, they would find out whether The Bloodline or Judgment Day are stronger. Ripley told Heyman that he was now authorized to make his little phone call. “Call Roman Reigns,” Heyman said into his phone after Ripley had exited the room…

Powell’s POV: Forget the idea that Judgment Day doesn’t have a leader. Ripley has been awesome since she stepped up and assumed that role on Monday and again tonight on Smackdown.

Austin Theory made his entrance for a match against Dragon Lee… [C]

A vignette aired for Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre doing witchy things together…

Dragon Lee made his entrance. Theory took the mic and told the fans they were in the presence of greatness. Theory said he’s such a nice guy that he even let “Dwayne” share the ring with him. Theory spoke about Lee’s career being brief once he experienced Austin Theory Live…

3. Dragon Lee vs. Austin Theory. Cole noted that Rey Mysterio labeled Lee as the future of lucha libre. Lee got out to quick start during the opening seconds of the match. Grayson Waller made his entrance, which allowed Theory to take control for a moment.

Lee dropkicked Theory and covered him for a two count. Lee put Theory down with a snap German suplex. Waller climbed onto the apron. Theory rolled into the ring and popped up into a dropkick on Lee. Theory and Waller slapped hands. [C]

Lee performed a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Lee went up top and was distracted by Waller, allowing Theory to cut him off. Theory picked up a near fall and acted shocked that he didn’t get the win. Theory placed Lee on the top rope and set up for a superplex, but Lee got him in the tree of woe and then double stomped him.

Waller pulled Theory to ringside. Lee hit them both with a suicide dive and then rolled Theory back inside the ring. Waller slammed Lee’s head on the apron and then rolled him back inside the ring. Theory hoisted up Lee for his finisher. Cameron Grimes showed up and ran Waller into the ring post, which distracted Theory, who was rolled up and pinned by Lee…

Dragon Lee defeated Austin Theory in 9:15.

Powell’s POV: Did Dragon Lee and the former Trevor Lee bond over once sharing last names? Hell, maybe they are brothers since we don’t know what Dragon looks like. Okay, not really. The broadcast team really raved Lee. The live crowd wasn’t all that fired up for the match, so the creative forces still have some work to do when it comes to getting Lee over and making him stand out from the long list of luchadores who were dubbed the next Rey Mysterio in WWE and did not pan out.

Backstage, Ripley spoke to Jimmy Uso, who said he liked it and wasn’t waiting for anything… [C]

Rey Mysterio was shown exiting the trainer’s room and informing Santos Escobar and Zelina Vega that Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde would not be cleared for Fastlane. When Vega fretted over not having enough healthy wrestlers for the six-man tag match, Rey told them that he would make a phone call. When Rey walked away, Escobar sold neck or shoulder pain…

Powell’s POV: A phone call would seem to indicate that Dragon Lee won’t be teaming with Rey and Santos. Jake Barnett is a liar! Or at least he might be wrong about that prediction. Yes, I’m throwing Jake under the bus. Unless he still turns out to be right, in which case he’s a genius and a soothsayer.

A video package aired on the Seth Rollins and Shinsuke Nakamura feud… Damian Priest was shown watching the video on a backstage television and looked at his Money in the Bank briefcase…

The broadcast team ran through the WWE Fastlane lineup. The new graphic listed Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar and a mystery graphic vs. Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits…

Powell’s POV: Am I the only one surprised that they didn’t add a Fastlane Kickoff Show match now that AEW Collision has been pushed back to a 6CT/7ET start time?

Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman made their entrance for the main event… [C] The return of Roman Reigns was announced for next week’s Smackdown in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They also announced Ridge Holland and Butch vs. “Pretty Deadly” Elton Prince and Kit Wilson, and Triple H will make a special appearance on the season premiere edition of Smackdown…

LA Knight made his entrance…

Powell’s POV: The season premiere?!?!? Well, this changes absolutely nothing! But it will be good to have Reigns back and I am curious to see what Triple H has to say. Will they finally announce the trade compensation for Jey Uso? Will he introduce Jade Cargill? Holy shit, that means this episode has been the season finale. Who knew?

4. LA Knight vs. Jimmy Uso (w/Paul Heyman). Cole said it would be interesting to see how Jimmy acts next week when Reigns returns. Knight went for his BFT finisher early, but Jimmy escaped and fled to ringside. Knight kicked him through the ropes and roughed him up at ringside. Heyman headed up to the stage area. Jimmy dropped Knight with a superkick at ringside. [C]

Knight took offensive control and hit his elbow drop. Solo Sikoa ran in and attacked Knight from behind for the DQ finish.

LA Knight beat Jimmy Uso by DQ in 7:40.

John Cena ran out and quickly cleared the ring. Heyman tried to hold back Sikoa while Jimmy sold near the broadcast table. The Judgment Day entrance theme played and the full crew came out along with JD McDonagh.

Ripley approached Heyman and they shook hands. Cena and Knight stood in the ring while the male heel wrestlers all climbed onto the apron. They teased entering the ring, but they stopped when they heard entrance music.

Jey Uso made his entrance and joined Cena and Knight in the ring. Cody Rhodes’s music played and he ran to the ring. Cody’s music was turned off, so the crowd sang it on their own. Funny. The two sides started brawling. Cody hit a group of the heels with a suicide dive at ringside. Jey followed up with a big dive over the top rope onto the same group.

Sikoa entered the ring and squared off with Cena, which led to loud “Cena” chants. Cena blocked a punch and threw three of his own, but Sikoa dropped him with a superkick. Knight entered the ring and drew an imaginary line between him and Sikoa. Knight avoided a Samoan Spike and then sent Sikoa to the floor.

Knight hit the BFT on McDonagh, who was then superkicked by Jey. Cena slammed McDonagh and hit him with a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena followed up with an Attitude Adjustment on McDonagh. Cody removed his weightlifting belt and then hit CrossRhodes on McDonagh. Cody’s music played while the babyfaces stood tall.

The broadcast team hyped some of the WWE Fastlane matches. Cody motioned for the heels to come back to the ring shortly before the show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: What a season finale! No? Anyway, the main event was forgettable, but they made up for it with a star studded post match segment that really popped the crowd. Overall, this was a good show that delivered a nice final push for the Fastlane event. I guess we have to wait until Saturday to find out who Rey called. I will have more to say about this episode in my same night audio review of Smackdown for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

Join me for my live review of WWE Fastlane on Saturday night.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the October 6 edition

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Readers Comments (7)

  1. Man, I just love Asuka’s new theme song. I miss her old one, it was great but this one is just so cool. I can’t say the same for Charlotte’s horrendous music – new nor old, I can’t stand ’em.

  2. Carlito will be their partner

  3. I found some footage from what happened after Smackdown on YouTube. It is from a YouTuber named “Wrestling RaNbles” who was at Smackdown tonight. Cody invited the heels back down to the ring for an 8 man tag team match.


  4. I think the fact that the raw crowd was up for dragon lee but this one wasn’t has a lot to do with the opponents. People just don’t seem to give two shits about austin theory and I don’t blame them.

  5. I thought the same thing about Carlito as he’s supposedly been back for awhile now and Rey didn’t have to call Lee since they were in the same building.Or maybe Savio?Bad Bunny??lol

  6. Reckon Priest wins the RAW title, and come November, we get judgment day vs bloodline. Jax is in the bloodline. Could be fun.

  7. It’s Carlito. So many reports have stated so.

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