Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode five results: Vetter’s review of Jody Threat vs. Laynie Luck, Kody Lane vs. Shane Sabre vs. Kenny Alfonso to become No. 1 contender, Camaro Jackson vs. Jessie V

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode five)
Premiered October 6, 2023 via
Taped September 24 in St. Louis, Missouri at South Broadway Athletic Club

The first four episodes were taped in July. This episode kicks off matches from the latest taping from September in suburban St. Louis. Lighting is fairly good, but I’ll guess the crowd at 200-300. However, GPW champion Calvin Tankman was injured at this time and missed the taping. Reed Duffy provided commentary.

1. Camaro Jackson defeated Jessie V at 8:20. Jessie V is every bit as muscular as Camaro, and he’s slightly taller than Camaro, too. Reed said Jessie V is 6’4″ and close to 300 pounds. They brawled to the floor. In the ring, Camaro hit a back suplex for a nearfall at 3:00. Jessie hit a pumphandle slam and Camaro sold the pain of being slammed to the mat, and they were both down. They got up and traded forearm shots. Camaro hit a uranage for a nearfall at 6:00. Jessie hit a TKO stunner. Jessie hit an enzuigiri then a Frankensteiner, then a spear for a believable nearfall. However, he missed a Swanton Bomb, and Camaro immediately hit a decapitating clothesline for the pin. Good big-man match.

* We saw the clip from a prior episode where Calvin Tankman said he wants a “real challenge” … he wants someone who strikes fear into everyone’s hearts… he wants to face Tootie Lynn. Again, Calvin is absent so this didn’t happen, but at least they kept the champ in front of viewers.

2. Kenny Alfonso defeated Kody Lane and Shane Sabre in a three-way to become No. 1 contender at 11:45. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen Sabre; he’s grown his beard out a bit too, and he’s looking like a smaller Brodie Lee today. I always compare Kody to Juice Robinson. Alfonso is a thin Black man. Alfonso hit a headscissors takedown on Sabre. Kody hit an impressive huracanrana on Sabre at 3:00. Sabre hit a Flatliner onto the second turnbuckle on Kody. Reed Duffy said “Sabre has clearly been in the gym” and has never looked better. Sabre hit a sit-out powerbomb on Alfonso for a nearfall at 5:30. Lane hit a doublestomp on Kenny’s stomach for a nearfall. Lane and Sabre traded forearm shots.

Kenny hit a top-rope huracanrana on Kody and he was fired up. Kenny hit a Lungblower on Sabre at 7:30. Sabre hit an enzuigiri on Kody and suddenly all three were down. Sabre hit an Air Raid Crash on Lane, the a powerslam on Kenny for a nearfall. Lane powerbombed Kenny onto Sabre! Lane then hit a piledriver for a believable nearfall on Sabre at 10:00. I thought that was it. Kenny hit a handspring-back-stunner on Kody for a nearfall, but Sabre pulled the ref out of the ring! Kenny dove through the ropes onto Sabre. In the ring, Kenny hit a Sliced Bread to pin Sabre! That was good action.

Jake Something was outside and he said he beat up Warhorse “because I can.” He said “Every ring is my ring. I don’t want you just to stop wrestling, I want you hurt. I want you hurt bad.” He offered their rematch to be a Casket Match!

* Footage from a prior show aired, showing Ethan Price being upset at teammate Moses the Deliverer. Moses was the legal man and got the pin, but Ethan felt slighted, thinking his teammate ‘stole’ his pinfall.

3. Laynie Luck defeated Jody Threat at 9:23. Laynie is a blonde woman in the same vein as Britt Baker. An intense lockup to open and Jody has a slight size advantage. Laynie hit a huracanrana. Jody hit a clothesline for a nearfall at 2:30. They brawled to the floor. In the ring, they both did hair-mares and were both down at 5:00. They got up and traded punches again. Laynie hit a Meteora flying double knees for a nearfall. Jody hit a German Suplex for a nearfall, and she applied a crossface. Laynie fired back with a superkick and an enzuigiri, then a stunner at 7:30. Laynie nailed a tornado DDT for a nearfall. Jody hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Laynie hit a second-rope stunner for the pin.

Final thoughts: A satisfying hour of wrestling TV. Like the prior four episodes, GLPW mixed in some promos and video clips from prior shows to go with three matches. The three-way was easily best of the show. The biggest drawback is that the out-of-towners all lost; I believe Sabre, Threat and Jessie V are all Canadians and most likely made the trek to St. Louis together. That’s not surprising they all put over the local talent, but when Duffy said the three-way was a No. 1 contender match, I knew Sabre wasn’t going to win because he’s not a regular on the GPW roster.


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