Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 30 results: Vetter’s review of Allie Katch vs. Maggie Lee, Marcus Muncherson vs. Edvin, and Stallion Rogers (f/k/a Curt Stallion) vs. Camaro Jackson

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 30)
Premiered March 24, 2024 via
Taped February 18, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri at Casa Loma Ballroom

This is from a recent taping and lighting is vastly improved compared to some prior tapings. Reed Duthie provided solo commentary.

1. Camaro Jackson defeated Stallion Rogers at 11:37. Both men are former Crown of Glory champions. Camaro is the short powerhouse. Stallion Rogers was NXT’s Curt Stallion who has competed extensively in Japan since his release; his hair is now short and he wore an earring and looks nothing like his NXT run. Rogers went for a springboard move but Jackson caught him and hit a powerslam at 3:00. Rogers hit a series of forearm strikes in the corner and he jawed at the referee. He hit a basement dropkick in the corner at 5:30.

Camaro suplexed him into the corner. He hit a leaping shoulder tackle and was fired up. He hit a D’Lo Sky High powerbomb for a nearfall. Rogers hit a dive to the floor, then a second-rope moonsault to the floor at 8:00. Nice. In the ring, Rogers was back in charge. Camaro hit a standing powerbomb and they were both down at 9:30. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Rogers hit a German Suplex, so Camaro hit a German Suplex. Camaro hit a decapitating clothesline for a believable nearfall. He hit another clothesline for the pin. That was really good; that could have headlined the taping.

2. “Big Munch” Marcus Muncherson defeated Edvin at 9:00. Marcus is a big Black man. I don’t think I’ve seen Edvin before; he’s white and a bit rotund in a blue-and-black singlet. Marcus hit a bodyslam for a nearfall at 1:30. They brawled to the floor and Muncherson barely got back in at the nine-count at 3:30. Edvin was now in control and he applied a sleeper. Marcus picked him up and tossed him aside. He hit a running butt bump in the corner for a nearfall at 6:30. Edvin hit a stunner for a nearfall. Muncherson hit a Mark Henry Slam, then the Vader Bomb, for the clean pin. Solid match.

3. Allie Katch defeated Maggie Lee at 7:40. Lee is the tall, curly redhead and  she’s a great heel. She has the height advantage. Allie went for the piledriver in the first minute, but Allie escaped and scrambled to the floor. Allie hit some clotheslines and a splash. Maggie shoved Allie shoulder-first into the corner post. She repeatedly slammed Allie’s face into the mat and was in control. Maggie nailed a running knee lift to the forehead for a  nearfall at 3:00, and she tied up Katch on the mat. Katch hit a splash in the corner, a butt bump, and her rolling cannonball for a nearfall at 4:30.

Katch again set up for a piledriver but Maggie escaped again, and Lee hit a Helluva Kick. Lee got a sunset flip powerbomb out of the corner and she repeatedly punched Allie in the face. She shoved the referee at 7:00; I thought he might call for the bell but he didn’t. Maggie missed a top-rope moonsault. Allie immediately hit the piledriver for the pin. Good match.

Final Thoughts: A good episode. A strong opening match. NXT waters down its wrestlers to the point you forget that Stallion Rogers can hit moonsaults to the floor and some of the good offense he showed here. Meanwhile, Camaro remains in the top-tier main event mix in Glory Pro. I was thinking it was possible Maggie Lee could win that match via cheating, as she’s been on a roll in the Midwest. The middle match was fine; you can tell those two aren’t quite as polished, but it was solid. No complaints here.


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