The reported list of wrestlers at this week’s WWE Performance Center tryouts

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The following wrestlers are listed by as appearing at this week’s tryouts at the WWE Performance Center.

-Copeland Barbee

-David Goldy

-Jay Malachi

-Richard Holliday

-Brogan Finlay

-Jamie Stanley

-Ray Jaz

-Damaris Largo

-Hollyhood Haley J

-Kelsey Heather

-Valentina Rossi

-Madi Wrenkowski

Powell’s POV: Remember when the story was that WWE wouldn’t be interested in hiring independent wrestlers? That’s obviously not the case given the names on this list. I’m pulling for Holliday, who was impressive in MLW, and is coming back from a battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Jaz has a good look and has been working as one-half of The FBI tag team with Little Guido in MLW. Finlay is the sone of Fit Finlay and the younger brother of David Finlay. Haley Jay is featured on the Wrestlers series on Netflix. Rossi has appeared on WOW. Wrenkowksi has worked for numerous companies since she debuted in 2019.


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