MLW Fusion results (6/15): Powell’s review of Taya Valkyrie vs. Delmi Exo for the MLW Featherweight Championship, Lince Dorado vs. Lio Rush vs. Akira in a three-way for the MLW Middleweight Championship, and Willie Mack vs. Sam Adonis

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 169)
Taped April 6, 2023 in New York, New York at Melrose Ballroom
Streamed June 15, 2023 on the MLW YouTube Page and FITE.TV

The show opened with a video package on the Taya Valkyrie vs. Delmi Exo match for the MLW Featherweight Championship. Exo spoke about how she’s tired of Valkyrie ducking her. They cut to Valkyrie, who referred to Exo as a little girl. They cut back to Exo, who said Valkyrie only cares about herself and does not care about MLW or its fans. Valkyrie said the fans loved her when she first arrived in MLW. She said the fans are pathetic and Exo should be with them because she’s equally pathetic. Valkyrie said Exo will never get on her level…

Powell’s POV: That’s how you set the table for a title match. I don’t know why we don’t see more video packages like this from all pro wrestling companies.

The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team of Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker checked in…

Lince Dorado made his entrance for the MLW Middleweight Championship match without his belt, which was stolen by Lio Rush. Akira ran out and attacked Dorado from behind. Raven walked out with gas mask wearing henchmen from The Calling faction while Akira suplexed Dorado on the floor. Lio Rush walked out slowly wearing the title belt…

1. Lince Dorado vs. Lio Rush vs. Akira (w/Raven, henchmen) in a three-way for the MLW Middleweight Championship. Rush and Akira started the match in the ring while Dorado was down at ringside. Dorado returned quickly and ended up clearing the ring heading into an early commercial break. [C]

Akira caught Dorado in a submission hold. Rush returned to the ring and hit Akira to force him to break the hold. Akira performed running kicks in the corner on both opponents. Dorado superkicked Akira. Rush kicked out the legs of Akira. Dorado and Rush both performed their own version of springboard cutters.

Dorado and Rush traded strikes while Akira sold on the apron. Rush put Dorado down with a kick. Rush went up top, but Akira cut him off with a punch. Akira went for a superplex, but Rush blocked it and knocked Akira off the ropes with a headbutt. Akira hit Rush with an overhead kick. Dorado performed a DDT into a crossarm breaker. Rush splashed Dorado from the ropes and got a two count.

Rush sent Akira to ringside and hit him with a suicide dive. Rush went up top and leapt toward Akira, who avoided whatever Rush was going for. Akira performed his Death Penalty finisher on Dorado and pinned him…

Akira defeated Lince Dorado and Lio Rush in a three-way to win the MLW Middleweight Championship.

Powell’s POV: Akira’s finisher wasn’t over with the live crowd (or this viewer), so the finish felt like it came out of nowhere. It wasn’t a bad match, but it felt like it was just getting interesting when they went to the finish. MLW seems hellbent on getting The Calling over. I am skeptical, but the title change does give Akira a boost.

Taya Valkyrie started to deliver a backstage promo, but there was no audio for a couple seconds. The broadcast team said they seemed to be having audio issues. The sound started to work when a producer informed her about the audio issues and said they would get started in a few seconds…

Footage aired from last month of The Calling attacking Jacob Fatu on the MLW Underground season finale… Jacob Fatu delivered a promo that appeared to be filmed with his phone. He spoke about facing Hennigan for the MLW National Openweight Championship on next week’s show… A graphic listed the match for next week while Dombrowski hyped it. He also said Willie Mack would face Sam Adonis after the break… [C]

A comic book style Microman video aired… A Calling video package aired. Raven said they were gathered for a resurrection. Raven spoke about bringing power to the unpowered. He leaned down and went face to face with a woman, who smiled…

Sam Adonis and John Hennigan made their entrance. Footage aired of Sam Laterna’s interview with Willie Mack from “earlier today.” Mack comedically spoke about all the food he eats before his match and then said he has to watch his weight. He said he would tear up the ass of Adonis just like he was about to tear up the food.

In the ring, Adonis cut a promo and said he was the best looking man in the room. Adonis said he hadn’t been back in New York City since the pandemic. He said he was angry because the city should never be allowed to reopen for the rest of time. He ripped on the men, women, and children of NYC.

Adonis pointed out a fan in the crowd and labeled him New York City’s finest and an example of his point. Adonis pointed out a woman and said she’s more famous in the locker room than any other wrestler. Adonis asked who he was fighting and said send him out.

Willie Mack made his entrance. Mack called out the ring announcer for listing him as being from Compton, California when he’s from South Central Los Angeles. Mack spoke about sticking his foot up the ass of Adonis, and then said he had another boot for Hennigan if he had a problem with it…

2. Willie Mack vs. Sam Adonis (w/John Hennigan). Mack got out to a fast start and clotheslined Adonis to the floor. Mack joined him and was momentarily distracted by Hennigan, but he fought right back and rolled Adonis back inside the ring where he covered him for a two count.

Mack went for a leapfrog moments later, but Adonis hit the inside of his leg, which Mack sold. Adonis put Mack down with a clothesline and covered him for a two count heading into a break. [C] Adonis walked the ropes until Mack pulled him back inside the ring.

A short time later, Mack performed a Death Valley Driver. Mack sold leg pain and then tried to kip up, but he clutched his knee. Mack shook it off and performed a standing moonsault that led to a two count. Both wrestlers traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Mack got the better of it with a popup punch.

Adonis stuffed a Stunner. Hennigan grabbed Mack’s foot and then climbed onto the apron. Mack knocked Hennigan to the floor. Adonis took advantage of the distraction and ended up hitting a 450 splash for the win.

Sam Adonis defeated Willie Mack.

Mance Warner was interviewed by Sam Laterna on the stage. Sam Adonis took issue with Warner interrupting his moment. Warner spat beer in the face of Adonis. Hennigan hit Warner and then Adonis joined in for a double team. The heels took Warner to the ring.

Adonis introduced a leather strap that he wrapped around the throat of Warner. Adonis choked Warner while Hennigan held up Warner’s legs. Two referees entered the ring and talked the heels down for a moment. Adonis went back to choking Warner while Striker asked if they had to show this footage… [C]

Powell’s POV: Another brief match. It was fun while it lasted and I enjoy the work of both wrestlers. The post match angle with Warner was decent. I guess we’ll be getting a strap match soon.

A video aired with a graphic that listed Alex Hammerstone as holding the MLW Championship since June 1, 2019. A second graphic questioned whether his reign will continue and then listed his upcoming match with Alex Kane…

The MLW Never Say Never control room segment aired and focused on Hammerstone vs. Kane for the MLW Heavyweight Championship. A Kane promo aired with Mr. Thomas standing behind him. Kane said he doesn’t fight for free and Court Bauer doesn’t have the money, whereas the person behind Boomaye Fight Club does. Kane spoke about having a Big Apple Grapple. They both said Boomaye is for the people.

Dombrowski said it appeared that Kane was holding up MLW for more money. Dombrowski also hyped Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i vs. Rickey Shane Page and Akira in a Fans Bring the Weapons match for the MLW Tag Team Titles, Timothy Thatcher vs. Tracy Williams, and B3cca will perform live at Never Say Never, which stream on FITE+ on Saturday, July 8 from Philadelphia’s 2300 Arena…

Taya Valkyrie delivered a backstage promo. The audio cut out again. The producer said he wanted to replace her mic. Valkyrie tried to go back to talking, but the producer said the fans wouldn’t be able to hear her, even though we could. Valkyrie said there was a reason she was moving on. “Wera Loca out,” Valkyrie said…

Dombrowski recapped the show and said MLW officials were considering potential punishments for Adonis and Hennigan…

Ring announcer Mike Falvo stood in the ring and introduced Delmi Exo followed by Taya Valkyrie, who was accompanied by John Hennigan…

3. Taya Valkyrie (w/John Hennigan) vs. Delmi Exo for the MLW Featherweight Championship. There was an early commercial break. [C] Valkyrie ducked one kick, but Exo caught her with another. Exo performed a fisherman’s buster suplex for a near fall. Exo followed up with a Pedigree for another near fall.

Valkyrie rallied with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count of her own. Valkyrie set up for her Road to Valhalla finisher, but Exo elbowed her way free. Hennigan grabbed the foot of Exo. Valkyrie took advantage of the distraction by going for a rollup, but Exo ended up rolling Valkyrie into a pin and got a visual pinfall while the referee was distracted by Hennigan.

Moments later, Valkyrie accidentally knocked Hennigan off the apron. The fans chanted “You f—ed up.” Exo hit the Delmi Driver and scored the clean pin to win the championship.

Delmi Exo defeated Taya Valkyrie to win the MLW Featherweight Championship.

Exo celebrated her victory with the championship afterward. Highlights from the match were shown. Striker questioned whether Exo would be a good queen or an evil queen. Exo went to ringside and celebrated with the fans before she headed to the stage and held up her title belt to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A fine match. The live crowd popped for the finish. The broadcast did really nice work in support of the match as well. Overall, this was the best edition of Fusion since the show returned. It was newsworthy with a pair of title changes. They didn’t provide any build for the MLW Middleweight Championship match, but they did a really nice job of setting up the main event. I will have more to say about the show in my weekly MLW Fusion audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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