11/1 AEW Dark results: Starr’s review of Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor vs. Ari Daivari, Sonny Kiss, and Tony Deppen, Interim AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Diamante, Rey Fenix vs. AR Fox, Leva Bates vs. Nyla Rose, Jon Cruz vs. Danhausen, Dante Martin vs. Encore

By Briar Starr, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@briarstarrtv)

AEW Dark (Episode 168)
Taped in October 28, 2022 in Uncasville, Connecticut at Mohegan Sun Arena
Streamed November 1, 2022 on the AEW YouTube Page

Excalibur and Taz were on commentary…

1. Jon Cruz vs. Danhausen. Danhausen attempted a double underhook, but Cruz countered with a kick to the face of Danhausen. Cruz then hit a double axe handle on the back of Danhausen, who fought back with an overhead throw and an uppercut in the corner. Danhausen hit Cruz with a punt kick and finished him off with a Flatliner for the victory.

Danhausen defeated Jon Cruz via pinfall.

Briar’s Take: An okay match for what it was, though it didn’t amount to much of anything. It stalled out a bit during the middle, while Cruz was dominating Danhausen, but eventually Danhausen made the quick comeback.

2. Fuego Del Sol and Waves & Curls vs. “The Embassy” Brian Cage, Toa, and Kaun. Kaun and Del Sol started the match. Sol attempted a dropkick on Kaun, but Kaun tagged out. Toa ran over Jordan in the middle of the ring. Jordan did his best to take down the big man, but Toa planted him. Brandyn hit a thrust kick to Cage, who Cage lifted up him and slammed him down with a back body drop. Del Sol went flying to the outside landing on Toa and Kaun. He then missed the Tornado DDT on Cage. Cage flattened him. The Embassy hit assisted liger bomb for the victory.

Brian Cage, Toa, and Kaun defeated Fuego Del Sol and Waves & Curls via pinfall.

Briar’s Take: A dominant showcase victory for The Embassy.

3. Leva Bates vs Nyla Rose (w/Vickie Guerrero Marina Shafir). Bates threw strikes at Rose after the bell rang. After back and forth arguing with Guerrero, Rose hit a spear and laid Bates out with a Beast Bomb for the win.

i>Nyla Rose defeated Leva Bates via pinfall.

4. Encore vs Dante Martin. Martin threw a kick to the midsection of Encore, who came back with a suplex Martin hit multiple elbow strikes and landed a diving crossbody block. Encore was elevated and turned inside out with a half and half suplex from Martin, who scored the victory.

Dante Martin defeated Encore via pinfall.

Briar’s Take: A quick match from Martin and I somewhat it expected to go longer since we normally see him in longer matches. However, Encore was making his AEW debut here, so the match was short and sweet.

5. Interim AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Diamante in an Eliminator Match. Storm performed an early running bulldog. Diamante fired back with a baseball slide that sent Storm to the outside. Diamante ran Storm into the ring apron before sending her back inside the ring. Diamante stayed on top of Storm by driving the knee into her back.

Storm regained momentum with a shotgun dropkick and a fisherman suplex. Shortly thereafter, Diamante almost got an upset win by countering a move into a Stunner. Diamante followed up with multiple German suplexes. Storm rallied and hit a hip attack that sent Diamante to the outside. Storm followed up with a DDT off the apron. Storm locked in a Texas cloverleaf and made Diamante tap out for the victory.

Interim AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm defeated Diamante via submission in an Eliminator Match.

Briar’s Take: The best match of the night thus far and it’s not even close. While the outcome felt somewhat predictable, Diamante and Storm did an awesome job going back and forth. This match could’ve main evented this episode and is worth going out of your way to see.

6. The Trustbusters” Ari Daivari, Sonny Kiss, and Tony Deppen vs “Best Friends” Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, and Trent Beretta. Cassidy and Daivari started this match. Deppen made the tag and then Daivari hit a reverse DDT on Cassidy. Beretta tagged in and laid out Deppen with a gutbuster. Taylor and Beretta hit a double suplex on Deppen, while Cassidy followed up with a splash from the top rope. Later, Cassidy countered Kiss with a Stun Dog Millionaire. Taylor and Beretta laid out Deppen with a Sole Food combination. Cassidy planted Kiss with a DDT and sent him to the outside. In the end, Best Friends got the win over Deppen with a chokeslam/powerbomb combination.

Briar’s Take: Some back-and-forth action in this match before Best Friends got a fairly quick win.

7. Dean Alexander vs Kip Sabian. Sabian hit a big cannonball early on.. Alexander came back with a high boot and planted him with a neckbreaker that led to a two count. Sabian tripped the legs out from Alexander and won with a brainbuster.

Kip Sabian defeated Dean Alexander via pinfall.

8. Kennedi Copeland vs Marina Shafir (w/Nyle Rose Vickie Guerrero). Right after the bell rang, Shafir hooked in a head submission and made Copeland tap out quickly.

Marina Shafir defeated Kennedi Copeland via submission.

Briar’s Take: This card looked intriguing on paper, but this episode of Dark hasn’t been the best. I’m glad to have short matches, but sometimes they’re a little too short. I don’t think the last two matches even lasted two minutes. On a side note, Shafir didn’t get much of a crowd reaction at all.

9. AR Fox vs. Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes). Fox and Fenix were fast-paced with their moves early on before the two shook hands in a sign of respect. Fenix dropped Fox on the apron and then hit an overhand chop to Fox in the corner. Fox flew over the rope with a diving splash on Fenix. Fox hit Fenix with a twisting brainbuster. Fox landed a Spanish fly and followed up with a 450 splash, which nearly led to an upset victory. Fenix came through with a back heel kick and finished Fox with a Black Fire Driver.

Rey Fenix defeated AR Fox via pinfall.

Briar’s Take: A solid match. I wouldn’t have minded five extra minutes so these two really could have kicked this match into a higher gear. I also wouldn’t have minded an upset from Fox.

Overall, not much to say about this episode of Dark. It’s very skippable and the matches were brief despite the show looking good on paper. The match of the night goes to Storm vs Diamante and the main event with Fenix vs. Fox was the second best. Episode 168 clocked in at 54 minutes and 29 seconds. Final Score: 5.0 out of 10.


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