7/22 AEW Rampage results: McGuire’s review of Dante Martin vs. Lee Moriarty, The Butcher and The Blade vs. Hangman Page and Jon Silver, Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels, Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter in action, Max Caster faces Austin Gunn in a rap battle

By Colin McGuire, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@McGMondays)

AEW Rampage (Episode 51)
Taped on July 20, 2022 in Duluth, Georgia at Gas South Arena
Aired July 22, 2022 on TNT

Jim Ross checked in and introduced the commentary team of he, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone. The bell immediately rang for the first match without entrances.

1. The Butcher and The Blade vs. Hangman Page vs. Jon Silver. Silver was taking a beating from both Butcher and Blade. Silver eventually fought back and tagged in Page, who cleaned house. Page went to the top and hit somewhat of a clothesline on Blade for a two-count. Butcher then tagged in and choked Page with his boot as we went to the first PIP [c].

Back from break, Silver was in the ring and taking a beating while Blade was bleeding pretty well. Butcher went to lift Silver, but Silver slid out and tagged in Page, who came in with a series of elbows to both guys. Page threw Blade to the outside. Butcher and Page tried to clothesline each other at the same time, but nobody moved. Butcher went for a German Suplex, but Page flipped out of it, hit a large and went to the apron. Page hit the Buckshot Lariat on Butcher for the win.

Hangman Page and Jon Silver defeated The Butcher and The Blade via pinfall in 8 minutes.

We went right to a package on Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia and came back to Claudio Castignoli making his entrance. Excalibur said we will hear from Claudio after the break.

McGuire’s Musings: The opening match was fine, but short and sort of meaningless. In light of the wild wrestling news day, a match like that felt especially useless. I say that lovingly because the guys worked hard, but there was no juice behind it at all. If anything, I thought we’d get some movement in the Page/Silver/Dark Order story, but we didn’t even get that. So, the expected outcome happened and so it goes. Meanwhile, I’m interested to see how Claudio sounds in what looks like will be his first big-deal solo promo in AEW.

Back from break, Claudio set up the match at Death Before Dishonor and said a world championship has been the one thing that’s eluded him his whole career. Claudio said he believes he’s the best because the fans support him and because the fans believe in him. Claudio said Gresham has never been in the ring with him and Gresham made a big mistake by tugging on Superman’s cape. Claudio said he will win the title at Death Before Dishonor as all of Tully’s group watched from the rafters. We then got a quick Wardlow video where he said the word “shit” a lot and suggested he’s going to hold an open challenge for the TNT title. The next match’s bell rang.

2. Dante Martin vs. Lee Moriarty. The two were even to begin things.Martin had a few memorable jumps, but Moriarty always happened to fight back. Martin hit a high dropkick and Moriarty rolled to the outside as the next PIP set in [c].

Back from break, the two were down on the mat and Stokely Hathaway walked out. Martin then hit a cross-body from the top for a two-count. The two exchanged elbows, but then Moriarty sank in his finisher. Still, Martin made it to the ropes for a break. Moriarty lifted Martin, but Martin countered into a slam and got a nice near-fall. Martin rolled Moriarty up, but Moriarty came back with a roll up of his own and grabbed the ropes to get the win.

Lee Moriarty defeated Dante Martin via pinfall in 8:40.

After the match, Matt Sydal ran into the ring and said he’s gonna kick Moriarty’s ass. Hathaway tried to give Moriarty his business card, but Moriarty walked away. We then got a package on Mercedes Martinez vs. Serena Deeb. Deeb said there is no woman that can touch her. Martinez said she’s walking out as champion. Britt Baker’s music hit.

3. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter vs. Skye Blue and Ashley D’Amboise. Blue and Baker began and Baker worked Blue’s arm. Baker hit a thrust kick on Blue tagged in Hayter. Hayter landed a bunch of stumps on Blue in the corner. Hayter charged at Blue, but Blue moved. Still, Baker stepped in and hit a twisted neck-breaker on Blue to the outside. Back in the ring, Baker taunted D’Amboise with landed some Blackpool Combat Club strikes.

Before long, D’Amboise got the hot tag and Hayter came tagged in. Hayter and Baker hit a series of moves on both women. Hayter beat on D’Amboise while Rebel gave Baker a glove. Baker tagged in and hit a suplex before Hayter landed a makeshift Hidden Blade. Baker then got the Lock Jaw for the win.

Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter defeated Skye Blue and Ashley D’Amboise via submission 4:14.

McGuire’s Musings: The Claudio promo was fine – nothing special. All respect to him, but he’s never had any type of consequential promo ability in him. It’s not like that was going to change by switching companies. As for the Martin vs. Moriarty match, it was good. I think we could see better from both of them, but I am intrigued by Moriarty becoming a heel (or something like that). Naturally, nothing is promised because he didn’t accept Stokely’s advances after the match, but I do like seeing him with that edge. Meanwhile, the women’s match was a squash and it should have been a squash. If AEW ever introduces women’s tag titles, Baker and Hayter are a team I’d love to see go far with those straps.

Back from break, we had the rap battle. Lil Scrappy was the judge. Austin Gunn went first. Gunn called Caster Bobby Lashley’s sister. Gunn said Caster dated Kris Statlander. Gunn made a couple poor taste jokes and then did the “Suck it” gesture. Caster came back and said Gunn is cultural appropriation. Caster called him an Ass Boy. Gunn came back with a John Cena reference. Caster grabbed the mic and called Gunn’s dad dumb. Caster said he has an awesome tongue. Caster went off and said called out everyone in Gunn’s family. Gunn tried to come back, but sort of wilted. Scrappy proclaimed The Acclaimed as winners (yes, that’s a sentence I just wrote), and then everyone fought.

We went to the Mark Henry segment. Christopher Daniels says Samoa Joe doesn’t need Daniels to stick up for him. Lethal cut Daniels off and said Daniels shouldn’t worry about Joe’s name being run through the mud. Daniels asked Henry to say his catchphrase so they could get in the ring. Henry, as a result, did just that. Excalibur then ran through the Death Before Dishonor card and announced enough matches to double the card, no joke.

4. Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels. Lethal jumpstarted the match and the two went back and forth with strikes. Lethal went for a moonsault and Daniels moved, landing a scoop slam. Daniels landed an elbow drop for a one-count. Lethal worked his way back and hit a chop and some elbows. Daniels went for a splash onto Lethal, who was on the outside of the ring, but Lethal moved and then hit a Tope Suicida before our final PIP [c].

Back from break, Daniels was on the second rope and went for a dropkick, but Lethal moved. Lethal followed that up with a kick to the head. After getting caught, Daniels hit Lethal with a knee to the head. Daniels hit a series of clotheslines. Lethal hit the ropes, but stopped. Still, Daniels came back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count. Daniels lifted Lethal, but Lethal came back with a Big Bang. Lethal went to the top for the elbow, but Daniels caught him for a two-count. Lethal came right back with a clothesline and then ultimately landed the Lethal Injection for the win.

Jay Lethal defeated Christopher Daniels via pinfall in 9:19.

After the match, Satnam Singh slammed Daniels and Lethal choked Daniels out. That was pretty much the end of the show.

McGuire’s Musings: Well, so we had a rap battle. Just noting that for the record’s sake. The main event was the best 2002 Impact match I’ve ever seen in 2022. That’s a promise. I don’t know. They both did their jobs and I continue to revere Daniels for having a career that lasts this long, being this good. And Lethal is Lethal … is Lethal … is Lethal. I’ve said all I have to say about that in the archives on this site. So, well, fine. I guess? They did a good job for what it was. There was just really nothing behind it.

Speaking of which, there was nothing behind this episode of Rampage (one week away from its one-year anniversary, mind you). When you combine that with the rest of The Day That Was in the world of pro wrestling, this hour of it felt inconsequential. I hope Death Before Dishonor is a great show, but to quote something I said three sentences ago, I’ve said all I have to say about that in the archives on this site. So, we’ll see. I’ll have more to say in my audio review.


Readers Comments (5)

  1. TheGreatestOne July 22, 2022 @ 9:07 pm

    They open the show with 3 jobbers and a midget and they’ve already botched a half dozen spots and busted Blade open hardway less than 10 minutes in.

  2. This entire episode should have been used as material and content for AEW Dark where it would be well slotted rather than the majority filler that it currently has; Rampage should have a bigger spectacle feeling and more storyline implications, like the old hour long episodes of NWA Wrestling in the mid-80’s. Something that builds on Dynamite rather than an afterthought. Really bad week for AEW overall.

  3. this is not how you book a former world champion that you can’t even give a rematch. might as well keep him home.

  4. TheGreatestOne July 22, 2022 @ 11:34 pm

    But Cocaine Tony is the multiple time booker of the year according to the same people that said Lesnar walked out of Smackdown.

    It’s all some sort of “long term booking” by a trust fund doofus with the social skills of a dirty bathroom floor.

  5. THEGREATESTTHREE July 22, 2022 @ 11:54 pm

    You never say anything negative about Vince McPervert.

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