Powell’s NXT Great American Bash Hit List: Bron Breakker vs. Cameron Grimes for the NXT Title, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne vs. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade for the NXT Women’s Tag Titles, Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller for the North American Title, The Creeds vs. Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp for the NXT Tag Titles

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT Great American Bash Hits

Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller for the NXT North American Championship: A strong match. The presentation of Hayes prior to the match was top notch. As much as Hayes is known for having quality matches, it was good to see Waller more than hold up his end of things. The heel vs. heel dynamic was a bit odd and I’m not sure the live crowd really knew how to react. The match featured the best work of the night and I would be surprised if Waller isn’t on the main roster by this time next year.

Bron Breakker vs. Cameron Grimes for the NXT: A good television title match. They failed to sell me on the possibility of Grimes winning even though Grimes did a great job of targeting the Breakker injury that was established on the go-home show. The post match angle with JD McDonagh attacking Breakker set up the next NXT Championship feud. I’m also curious to see what’s next for Grimes now that he failed to win the title.

Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp for the NXT Tag Titles: A mostly good match, though there were times when the match seemed to be moving in slow motion when Brutus and Kemp were working together. It seemed like an off night for Brutus, though it wasn’t all bad. Julius continues to impress and I am really looking forward to an eventual singles match between him and Strong.

Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne vs. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade for the NXT Women’s Tag Titles: A solid tag title match with the feel good finish of the babyface duo winning the straps. Perez continues to shine and it’s good to see she’s getting such a strong push this early in her run.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Wendy Choo: As someone who has a tough time staying focused when any pro wrestling show goes to a split-screen commercial break, the backstage brawl between Stratton and Choo actually held my interest. It looked highly choreographed and yet something about it just worked really well in the split-screen format. The actual match was well worked. The Choo character has not grown on me, but she is a good wrestler who plays her part well. Stratton is improving in the ring with each outing and continues to show main roster star potential.

Xyon Quinn: Quinn’s look made him one of the early standouts when NXT 2.0 started. He was saddled in an oddball love story that included him performing an embarrassing version of “Sexy Boy” and he was eventually rejected by Elektra Lopez. Quinn seemed lost without a real identity since that storyline played out, but things are finally looking up. He seems to be turning the corner while establishing his new narcissistic character.

NXT Great American Bash Misses

Apollo Crews and Giovani Vinci: Crews delivered a Hit worthy promo before he was interrupted by Vinci. These two should have a hell of a match next week, but it was just plain awkward seeing the two of them share screen time. Crews recently ditched his one dimensional cliche character and now comes across like he’s showing a genuine version of himself. Meanwhile, Fabian Aichner just transitioned from a realistic character to playing what currently feels like a one dimensional cliche character. The contrast between the two is impossible to ignore and it was harmful to Vinci. Hopefully the in-ring work between the two is strong enough to make this work.

Wes Lee vs. Trick Williams: What’s up with pro wrestling’s sudden infatuation with rubbing alcohol? Anyway, I was really hoping to see signs of in-ring improvement from Williams. Unfortunately, he still looks like he’s not ready for prime time in the ring, and that’s especially discouraging considering that he was working with the talented Lee.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. It really pains me to say this but I just don’t like NXT anymore.

    I’m not sure it’s my age and this not being targeted to me. Or it’s the fact no one other than Waller and Melo belongs on national TV on a weekly basis But I just don’t like this show.

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