Mission Pro Wrestling “Bangerz Only” results: Vetter’s review of Hollidead vs. LuFisto in a Street Fight for the Mission Pro Championship, Thunder Rosa vs. Trish Adora, Janai Rai vs. Shazza McKenzie, The Hex and Laynie Luck vs. Renegade Twins and Jazmin Allure, Masha Slamovich vs. Lindsay Snow

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Mission Pro Wrestling “Bangerz Only”
Streamed on FITE TV
April 2, 2022 in Dallas, Texas

This show was part of the GCW Collective shows. It was held at 3 p.m. on Saturday, essentially between NXT and WrestleMania Night 1.

Denise Salcedo and Veda Scott provided commentary; it’s neat to have two women calling the action. The attendance was in the 300 range. This is in the large, industrial-looking building all The Collective shows were in throughout the weekend.

1. Janai Kai defeated Shazza McKenzie at 8:37. Kai had a really good showing in the Bloodsport show, and she has a unique look. McKenzie wore pink, and has long blonde hair; she was in Australia throughout the pandemic, but she is a former Shimmer competitor. Kai is taller. They traded kicks to each other’s thighs. Janai dominated early with a variety of kicks, and she applied a Dragon Sleeper at 5:00.

Shazza hit a Saito Suplex for a nearfall. Kai caught her with a spinning kick to the head for a clean pinfall. I’ll call that an upset. Good opener.

2. Allie Katch dfeated JP Harlow at 8:20. JP Harlow came out first and had a female manager. The crowd booed him. He jawed at the fans. Katch, a GCW mainstay, routinely wrestles (and beats) men. They traded mat reversals. I have said this before; I am not a fan of intergender matches, because Harlow should be able to overpower her. Harlow’s female manager grabbed Katch’s leg, allowing Harlow to take control. He stomped on her repeatedly, then a series of snap suplexes at 4:00.

Harlow hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. This has been pretty one-sided. The manager choked Katch in the ropes. Kath fired back and hit a butt splash in the corner, then a rolling tumbleweed/cannonball for a nearfall at 7:00. Harlow locked her legs in the ropes and hit a DDT for a believable nearfall. Katch nailed a piledriver and scored the pin. Adequate intergender match.

3. Jody Threat defeated La Rosa Negra at 16:33. I am unfamiliar with these two. Threat has long red hair. Negra is a Black woman and she danced to the ring and shook hands with fans at ringside, showing she’s the babyface in this matchup. They traded mat holds early. Threat applied a Divorce Court armbreaker at 2:30, and she controlled the action. La Rose Negra fired back with some punches, and she gave her an airplane spin at 8:00, then a kick, for a nearfall.

La Rosa Negra hit a top-rope crossbody block for a nearfall. Threat nailed a clothesline for a nearfall at 9:30. Negra dove through the ropes, caught her feet in the ropes, and landed awkwardly on the concrete floor, but she seemed ok. They brawled on the floor. Negra hit another dive, this time clearly landing on Jody Threat. They continued to braw on the floor, and finally re-entered the ring at 14:00.

Threat hit a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker for a believable nearfall. She hit a German Suplex for another believable nearfall. La Rosa Negra hit a beautiful frogsplash, but Threat somehow turned her over, got a rollup, and the pin. This match was decent but never moved into third gear.

4. Rache Chanel and Madi Wrenkowski defeated “The Bionic Kingdom” KiLynn King and Jennacide at 11:14. We know all four of these competitors: Jennacide has been a regular in NWA, and the other three are regulars on AEW Dark or Elevation. King and Jennacide wore similar outfits to the ring. Rache and Jeni are essentially playing the IIconics role; they tried to stall on the floor. As they brawled, Rache grabbed a can and sprayed an aerosol into King’s hair. The heels worked over King.

Rache nailed King with a hard punch for a nearfall at 8:00. King finally hit a bodyslam and they were both down. Jennacide got the hot tag; she is so much bigger than the heels, and she beat them up easily. King nailed a stunner. Madi hit an X-Factor faceplant. Jennacide hit a sideslam for a nearfall. However, Madi hit an axe kick to the back of Jennacide’s neck and scored the pin. Surprising finish, and a really good tag match.

5. Lindsay Snow defeated Masha Slamovich at 6:33. This is my first time seeing Snow since she returned from a knee injury a year ago; she has tattoos everywhere and reminds me of Luna Vachon. Snow nailed her with a clothesline early. These are larger, more muscular women and this has more of a fight feel. Snow hit a second-rope cross-body block, then a shining wizard at 5:00. Masha hit a German Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall, then a Snow Plow driver for a nearfall. Snow hit a (Samoa Joe) Musclebuster for the clean pin. Shorter but action-packed.

6. Jazmin Allure, Robyn Renegade, and Charlette Renegade defeated Allysin Kay, Marti Belle, and Laynie Luck at 14:22. Kay and Belle (The Hex) are NWA regulars and formerly of Impact Wrestling, while the other four routinely compete on AEW shows. The Renegade Twins are so identical I am not telling them apart. Marti Belle hit the Three Amigos rolling suplexes on Allure at 4:00. Luck hit flying double knees to Jazmin’s face in the corner.

Suddenly all six fought in the ring as the ref had lost control. The twins began working over Belle. The twins hit a double shoulderblock. Allysin finally made the hot tag at 11:00. Luck hit a DVD on Jazin for a nearfall. All six were in the ring again, and Denise Alcedo said this should just be a tornado tag. As four women fought on the floor, Jazmin got a rollup on Luck, used the bottom rope for leverage, and scored the cheap pin. Good match. I want to stress how Jazmin pushed the bottom of her feet on that rope, making it look like the ropes were really helping her get leverage.

7. Thunder Rosa defeated Trish Adora at 16:17. Adora really impressed in the ROH women’s tournament last summer, and if that promotion was still running as it had been at the time, I don’t doubt she’d be at the top of the women’s roster.  Salcedo called this a first-time-ever “dream match.”  As I write this before it started, I am wondering why this wasn’t the main event.

Thunder Rosa got a huge pop. An intense lockup, and Adora is much taller. They are trading mat reversals and this is good main-event-style stuff. Rosa hit a basement clothesline for a nearfall at 4:00. I can’t say enough about how Salcedo and Veda Scott are adding to this match, as they are so passionate for women’s wrestling.

Thunder Rosa tied her up in knots. Trish hit a crossbody block for a nearfall at 9:30. Rosa hit a stunner and a double knees to the face in the corner, then a northern lights suplex for a nearfall at 11:30. Trish hit a Samoan Drop for a nearfall. Adora applied a (Brian Danielson-style) Cattle Mutilation double-armbar, but Rosa reached the ropes. Rosa hit a Gory Bomb for a nearfall. Rosa hit a Death Valley Driver at 14:30.  Rosa hit a side Russian legsweep, rolled her up and tied up her limbs, and Adora tapped out. Strong, strong matchup, but mild confusion on if this was a submission or a pin.

8. Holidead defeated LuFisto to retain the Mission Pro Championship in a Street Fight at 17:02. Holidead is wearing a full-body outfit that almost looks like blue, painted scuba gear. LuFisto reminds me of Jordynne Grace; shorter than Holidead and a bit thicker and stronger than her opponent. They brawled to the floor at 2:00. LuFisto hit a chairshot to the back. I noted this the other day — the fans are actually 15 or so feet away from the ring, so there is plenty of space for them to brawl on the floor. LuFisto missed a legdrop on the ring apron at 5:30, and they continued to brawl on the floor.

They got back in the ring and continued to throw punches and basic brawling moves. Holidead hit a dive to the floor at 10:00. In the ring, Holidead hit a legdrop onto a folded chair on LuFisto’s face at 12:30 and the crowd began to fire up. LuFisto hit a rolling cannonball into the corner. LuFisto gave her a suplex through a table set up in the corner for a nearfall at 14:00 and the crowd chanted “this is awesome!”

Holidead slammed LuFisto onto a pile of chairs. Holidead picked her up, ran across the ring, and slammed LuFisto through another table set up in the corner, to score the pin. Decent brawl; it didn’t need barbed wire or blading or other garbage weapons.

Holidead got on the mic and called the entire locker room of wrestlers to come back to the ring. She praised LuFisto for being a competitor for 25 years, starting when promotions only wanted “T&A.”  The crowd gave the roster a huge ovation. This is a really cool send-off to conclude this show.

Final Thoughts: The show clocked in at two and a half hours.This was a strong women’s match. Trish Adora has to be the best female wrestler not routinely on TV right now. Her match against Thunder Rosa definitely should have gone on last. That said, I totally understand the logic of having the champion in the final match of a show.

Really good undercard, with Masha-Snow probably second-best, ahead of the tag matches. For me, the main event is only fifth-best here. I could have done without the intergender match. While La Rosa Negra-Jody Threat didn’t click for me, most of what I saw here was really good.

I attended the second-ever and third-ever Shimmer tapings nearly two decades ago. I love when women’s wrestling is presented like it is here.


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