3/8 NXT 2.0 results: Moore’s review of the Roadblock themed show featuring Bron Breakker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tommaso Ciampa for the NXT Title, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel vs. MSK for the NXT Tag Titles, LA Knight vs. Grayson Waller in a Last Man Standing match

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT 2.0 TV 
Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live March 8, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] The show started off with a Roadblock themed teaser video… Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett were on commentary…

Toxic Attraction were shown watching the next match from the Toxic Lounge. They now have male stripper manservants…

1. Cora Jade and Raquel Gonzalez vs. Dakota Kai and Wendy Choo in a semi-final match of the Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Choo dominated early on with her sleep based offense. Wade Barrett noted that people should be pinning Choo when she sleeps in the middle of the ring. After a few minutes Jade and Choo traded rollups. Choo escaped and hit Jade with a baseball slide. Jade came back with a tackle on the apron. Gonzalez and Kai jawed with each other, referencing their old tag team relationship. Gigi Dolan attacked Gonzalez when the referee was distracted.[c]

During the break, Raquel Gonzalez was selling a leg injury from the chop block that Dolan gave her. Jade rallied against Choo and Kai. Jade hit Choo with a high knee in the corner. Jade followed up with a basement meteora. Choo hit Jade with a Full Nelson Suplex. Kai and Choo hit Jade with a double team facebuster to give Kai a two count. Gonzalez struggled to get to the apron and tagged herself in. Gonzalez hit Kai with a power slam for a two count.

Kai caught Gonzalez with a Scorpion Kick and Code Red Lungblower. Kai was about to go for a Yakuza Kick, but then struggled with the voices in her head. Gonzalez was about to hit Kai with a Chingona Bomb, but she let go after selling the leg injury. Kai hit Gonzalez with a Yakuza Kick. Choo hit Gonzalez with a Vader Bomb. Kai hit Gonzalez with a double stomp for the victory.

Dakota Kai and Wendy Choo defeated Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade via pinfall in 10:42 of on-air time to advance to the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. 

John’s Thoughts: A lot of moving pieces in terms of story. Good selling from the babyface team. Jade continues to shine as the plucky babyface that works from behind. I’m curious where they’re going with Kai being reluctant to give Gonzalez the Yakuza kick? I don’t think they should go back so soon to a Gonzalez and Kai feud, especially since it’s not too far removed from when they feuded last time (with Gonzalez being TOO dominant).

Tommaso Ciampa cut a promo in front of a garage door. Ciampa said that his next match means more for him than the NXT Title. He said if he wins he’ll walk into Stand and Deliver as the main eventer. Ciampa said Breakker and Ziggler can fight hard to be 2a and 2b but the gap between 1 and 2 is too huge. Ciampa said you’re looking at Number 1, “ME! TOMMASSO CIAMPA!”, The Main Event and the Next NXT Champion…

Tiffany Stratton was heading to the ring and Sarray could be seen creeping around the corner. The cameras then cut to The Creed Brothers rolling around injured in the parking lot…

John’s Thoughts: The parking lot, still the most dangerous place to be in NXT. I still don’t think they found out who beat up Kenta that one time. Great energy from Ciampa who is NXT’s best overall wrestler with great in-ring and promo ability.

Cora Jade and the trainers were checking on Raquel Gonzalez…

Tiffany Straton made her entrance with new ring gear, which looks like she’s wrestling in lingerie…

2. Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley. The match started out with Stratton dominating with power moves. Henley rallied back with a knee and lariat. Stratton blocked a crossbody and hit Henley with a seamless Samoan Drop. Everyone got distracted by a random puff of smoke. Sarray hit Stratton with a dropkick out of nowhere while the referee was distracted. Henley hit Stratton with a Shining Wizard for the victory.

Fallon Henley defeated Tiffany Stratton via pinfall in 2:48.

Briggs and Jenson held up Henley on their shoulders…

The show cut to Andre Chase teaching a lecture. He blamed his loss on being distracted by his students sucking at a proper entrance routine. Chase said the only good student is Bodhi Hayward. Hayward had a serious case of pinkeye presumably. Chase continued to curse out his other students…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Welp, that was a weird distraction. Puff of smoke. Well then. Anyways, the match was solid for what it was. Henley is usually the one carrying a lot of the inexperienced wrestlers in NXT and does a good job at that. Stratton looked better this week than she has in the past and that was an impressive Samoan Drop she transitioned into.

The show cut to Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams bragging about Melo’s recent wins. Melo said he makes the rules because he’s the A-Champ. Melo reiterated that in honor of the first North American Championship match, he’s defending the title at Stand and Deliver in a ladder match. Trick recommended that 4 more wrestlers be in the match and that they all have to qualify. Trick then got scared because he was afraid of heights. Melo said he’s going to have the performance of a lifetime and prove he’s the greatest North American Champion NXT has ever seen. Melo did his “Melo don’t miss” catchphrase…

Vic Joseph hyped up qualifiers happening next week for the North American Championship Ladder Match…

Lash Legend welcomed Nikkita Lyons as her guest. Legend took a shot at Nikita saying that her mom’s a groupie that may have got around. Lyons said her mom is a free spirit and she taught her not to be judgmental of people. Lyons got in Nikkita’s face and claimed that Nikkita has butt implants. Nikkita said she’s all natural. The segment ended with both women arguing with each other…

John’s Thoughts:  Is it just me or does it always sound like Nikkita Lyons is struggling to read off a teleprompter. She’s not Von Wagner bad, but she needs to not make it look like she’s reading her lines straight off the script.

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner and wondered if they attacked The Creeds earlier. Barthel said blind attacks are beneath them. Barthel said it’s the Creed’s fault for getting attacked earlier. Wes Lee and Nash Carter showed up. They challenged Imperium if the Creeds aren’t able to wrestle…

LA Knight made his entrance for the next match…[c]

Briggs and Jensen were chatting with Fallon Henley about who might have attacked the Creeds. Briggs saw Legado Del Fantasma and noted that Legado usually attack people in the parking lot. Joaquin Wilde said if they attacked The Creeds then you would know about it. Escobar noted that The Creeds eliminated Briggs and Jensen and they might have wanted to attack the Creeds. Elektra Lopez caid Jensen is just sour because he can’t get laid…

3. LA Knight vs. Grayson Waller in a Last Man Standing Match. Knight attacked Waller during Waller’s entrance. Knight pummeled Waller with Yeah boots. Waller got a breather after giving Knight a flapjack on the top rope. Waller gave Knight cravate knees. Waller gave Knight a jawbreaker on the top rope and then hit Knight with his rolling stunner finisher. Knight managed to get up before 10 seconds. Waller blocked a BFT attempt and gave Knight a back elbow.

Knight pounced on the top rope and hit Waller with a nice Superplex. Knight hit Waller with the Blunt Force Trauma. Waller slid to the ground to beat the 10 count. Waller blocked Knight with a trash can. The show cut to picture in picture.[c]

Knight and Waller brawled to the top of the crow’s nest. Knight punched Waller off the crow’s nest to send him to the floor. Knight celebrated with the fans. Sanga showed up and carried Waller to ringside. Knight hit Sanga with a chair which Sanga no sold. Sanga gave Waller a choke slam on the apron.

[Hour Two] McKenzie Mitchell cut in saying that MSK will now challenge Imperium because the Creeds aren’t medically cleared. Sanga tried to handcuff Knight to the bottom rope but Knight turned the tables and cuffed Sanga to the ringpost. Knight hit Waller with a neckbreaker and power slam. Waller used a thumb to the eye to block a BFT attempt. Knight blocked Waller’s finisher and then tossed Waller to a table at ringside. Waller beat the 10 count. Knight went back to punching Waller at ringside.

Waller begged for mercy when Knight was going for a chair shot. Knight put a trash can over waller and smashed it into the face. Knight then smashed a chair over the back of Sanga several times. Knight cleared the announce table and was about to suplex Waller, but Waller knocked out Knight with a slapjack. Waller elbow dropped Knight through the table. Waller climbed onto Sanga’s back to beat the 10 count. Knight couldn’t beat the count.

Grayson Waller defeated LA Knight in a Last Man Standing match in 16:01. 

John’s Thoughts: Lots of hard effort in this WWE style hardcore match. I’m surprised Knight was able to smash the chair, albeit protected, into the head of Waller and hope that it was more simulated then actual contact. The suplex onto the table was also a scary spot. These two have feuded long enough and I’d be ok with both men moving on to better and bigger things. Either that or both guys are destined to be in the North American Championship ladder match.

Bron Breakker talked in a more natural tone backstage. He said he busts his ass because he loves the business. He said he understands the hard work the champions before him which is what inspires him to keep the title. Breakker said he’s going to break through the road block put in front of him tonight…

Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray made their entrances…[c]

Tony D’Angelo was hanging out at his cousin Mikey’s restaurant. He was eating baked ziti. D’Angelo talked about how his cousin hustled his way to a successful business. He said he’s going to hustle his way to the top of NXT…

John’s Thoughts: D’Angelo’s a great talker and a good overall wrestler, but I feel like he’s taking a step back going back to the list of Italian mafia stereotypes. It’s not wrong that they’re reaching into character tropes, it’s just they’re so heavy handed by giving him the most generic tropes to deliver.

Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro made their entrance. Vic Joseph hyped up WWE Celebrating National Women’s Month. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade attacked Mandy Rose’s male strippers so they can take their place as Rose’s manservants. Blade handed Rose some grapes…

4. Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray vs. Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro in a semi-final match of the Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Carter mocked Ray’s airplane pose earlier. Ray hit Carter with chops. Carter came back with a chop. Carter hit ray with a jump kick for a two count. Catanzaro tagged in and hit Ray with a slingshot senton. Io tagged in. Io and Kacy had a stalemate after blocking each other’s moves. Catanzaro got a two count after a huracanrana. Shirai got a two count after a crucifix driver. Carter and Catanzaro gave their opponents stereo dropkicks. The show cut to regular commercial.[c]\

Vic Joseph noted that Toxic Attraction see Choo and Kai as lesser threats, which is why they attacked Raquel Gonzalez earlier. Kacy rallied at Io with strikes. Kacy hit Shirai with an X Factor for a two count. Carter blind tagged in and hit Shirai with a hook kick. Shirai got Carter into position and hit her with a 619. Shirai hit Carter with a missile dropkick for a two count. Ray hit Catazaro with a suplex. Carter hit Ray with a bulldog for a two count.

Carter gave Ray a superkick. Shirai crotched Kacy on the top rope. Kacy blocked a double suplex. Carter shoved Shirai to ringside. Carter and Catanzaro hit Ray with a Doomsday Poisonrana. Shirai broke up the pin. Ray hit Catanzaro with a Gory Bomb. Shirai hit Catanzaro with a moonsault for the victory.

Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray defeated Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter via pinfall in 7:59 of on-air time to advance to the finals of the Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. 

Cora Jade attacked Mandy Rose on Rose’s sex couch. Blade and Enofe pulled both women apart…

Indi Hartwell was watching highlights from the Kai and Choo match earlier. Persia Pirotta showed up to brag about Duke Hudson taking her on a hot date. Pirotta talked about how she carried their team when Hartwell was swooning over Dexter Lumis. Hudson tried to get in between the fighting. Hartwell then challenged Pirotta to a match. Hartwell left. Hudson said Pirotta needs a “training partner”. Pirotta said “why wait?” as she slammed Hudson against the locker leading to a makeout session…

MSK and Imperium were shown heading to the ring from different parts of the Performance Center…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Best in-ring match from this year’s Women’s Dusty Classic. I’m not the biggest fan of the booking as Carter and Catanzaro need to get elevated someday and Shirai and Ray seemed to be held hostage in the tag division because WWE doesn’t have enough women wrestlers to put together a full tournament. Thankfully with Jade and Gonzalez out of the tournament, they can get back to Cora Jade’s huge push coming out of War Games.

McKenzie interviewed Tiffany Stratton about her loss earlier. Stratton said that the attack by Sarray was uncalled for. Stratton said she only tried to give Sarray advice the week before due to Sarray’s medallion being tacky. Stratton said she isn’t just going to break Sarray’s necklace, but she’ll also break Sarray’s face…

Entrances for the tag team title match took place…

5. “Imperium” Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner vs. “MSK” Wes Lee and Nash Carter for the NXT Tag Team Championship. Carter and Barthel started off the match. Barrett wondered if MSK attacked the Creeds to sneak into this title opportunity. Carter hit Barthel with a huracanrana. Carter followed up with a few dropkicks. Barthel hit Carter with a European Uppercut. Barthel locked Carter into a cravate. Lee tagged in. MSK swarmed Barthel with rapid kicks. Aichner tagged in and caught a flying Lee, sending him into the rope with a body slam.

Lee hit Aichner with a CQC combo. Carter tagged in and put Aichner in a Muta Lock which allowed Lee to droppkick Aichner. Aichner gave Carter a lariat. Barthel tagged in and hit Carter with a PK. Carter hit Barthel with a ripcord knee. Carter got the hot tag to Lee who cleaned house. Lee hit Barthel with a snapmare and dropkick. Lee caught Barthel with a springboard moonsault. Carter tagged in and caught Barhtel with a cannonball. Aichner hit Lee with a Tilt a Whirl backbreaker. Julius and Brutus Creed ran out and attacked everyone.

Imperium vs. MSK ended in an apparent No Contest in 5:33.

The Creeds stood tall to end the segment…

Joe Gacy and Harland showed up to confront Draco Anthony. Joe Gacy told Draco to allow them into his life. Xyon Quinn showed up and said that Gacy is trying to get into Draco’s head. Gacy said he’ll give Draco time to think about this and how he’ll be waiting. Harland and Gacy left.

Dolph Ziggler cut a promo from the Gorilla Position. He said he’s going to ruin everyone else’s WrestleMania weekend plans. He said to hit his music, “The good one”, which is his usual Here to Show the World theme. Dolph Ziggler made his entrance…

John’s Thoughts: The MSK boo birds were out again for the tag title match. Part of it might still be the Izzy fans who have a grudge against Nash Carter, but there also seemed to be a huge part of the crowd there to support The Creed Brothers who seemed really pissed off at the bait and switch.

An introductory package aired to introduce A-Kid, NXT UK wrestler, to the US audience. A Kid said he’ll make his NXT US debut next week. The show cut to Ikeman Jiro and Kushida acting like goofs. They might be setting up an A Kid vs. Kushida match…

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett checked in from ringside and advertised the following matches for next week: Cameron Grimes vs. Santos Escobar to qualify for the NA Championship Ladder Match and Indi Hartwell vs. Persia Pirotta.

Tommaso Ciampa made his entrance followed by Bron Breakker. 10 minutes were left at the top of the hour with 7 minutes allotted for overrun time. Alicia Taylor handled the formal championship in-ring introductions…

6. Bron Breakker vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Dolph Ziggler for the NXT Championship. Ziggler teased a superkick to Brakker, but decided to pull back and roll to ringside. Ciampa punched Breakker. Ziggler jumped in to shove aside Ciampa and pummel Breakker with punches. Breakker recovered and gave Ziggler an irish whip into the rope. Breakker went for a flying shoulder tackle, but he crashed and burned due to Ciampa dodging. Breakker recovered and tossed around Ciampa and Ziggler.

Breakker gave Ciampa and Ziggler a double suplex (which Ziggler sold like a brainbuster). Ciampa avoided a Frankensteiner attempt. Ziggler tossed Brakker to ringside. Ziggler reversed a Fairy Tale Ending into a jackknife for the two count. Ciampa catapulted Ziggler into the top buckle. Ciampa hit Breakker with a corkscrew plancha, leading to him doing his signature back pat. Ciampa pulled a Rocky Romero by giving his opponents alternating lariats. Ziggler recovered and dropkicked Ciampa. Breakker slammed Ziggler to the mat heading into the picture-in-picture.[c]

Ziggler hit Ciampa with the 10 punches in the corner. Ciampa escaped and gave Ziggler an Atomic Drop. Breakker gave Ziggler a Belly to Belly. Breakker Flapjacked Ciampa. Breakker locked Ciampa in the Steiner Recliner. Ziggler locked Breakker in a sleeper, which allowed Ciampa to roll away. Breakker broke the sleeper by falling onto Ciampa.

[Overrun] All three men took their time to recover and soak in NXT chants. All three men traded fatigued punches and chops. Ciampa caught Breakker with a running knee. Ziggler hit Ciampa with a Fameasser and Zig Zag for a two count. Ziggler teased the Shawn Michales superkick but was dragged by Breakker. Breakker awkwardly rolled to ringside to avoid teh action. Ciampa gave Ziggler Project Ciampa for a two count. Breakker speared Ciampa when Ciampa tried to give Ziggler a Fairy Tale Ending.

Breakker turned Ziggler inside out with a spear. Breakker hit Ziggler with his Military Press Slam. Bobby Roode ran out to pull the referee to ringside. Breakker gave Roode a superkick. Ciampa hit Breakker with a Willow’s Bell  and Fairy Tale Ending. Ziggler tried to steal the pin, but Breakker kicked out. Ciampa went for the DIY knee on Breakker, but Roode pulled Breakker to ringside. Ziggler came out of nowhere with a superkick on Ciampa to pick up the win and title.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Tommaso Ciampa and Bron Breakker via pinfall 12:24 to become the new NXT Champion. 

Ziggler and Roode posed at the top of the stage with Ziggler’s new championship.

John’s Thoughts: Great match between these three. Every time these three are all in the ring together over the past few weeks, the show seems to get elevated in terms of quality. Ziggler, Ciampa, and the young Breakker are absolute pros. Breakker does have a few awkward spots, like him ducking out during the Project Ciampa spot, but all that can be forgiven since he is so young and already ahead of his time in terms of natural ability. Ziggler, as usual, lives up to his reputation for being the best bump guy in WWE with his exaggerated bumps to make his opponents look good.

When Ciampa was shoehorned into the title match, the door was definitely opened to the title change. Obviously they’re trying to prevent Breakker from taking the pin, but also put him into position as the challenger heading into the Mania weekend show. Ziggler’s going to get a great match out of Breakker at Mania weekend, that’s for certain. What’s also pretty much certain is that Ziggler not leaving Stand and Deliver as champion due to him being a current guest wrestler from the main roster. Fun seeing Ziggler in a main event spot again. It’s a shame he’s pigeonholed into being cannon fodder on Raw and Smackdown.

NXT 2.0 Poll: Grade the March 8 Roadblock themed edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. TheGreatestOne March 8, 2022 @ 7:07 pm

    Cora Jade is the worst parts of AJ Lee and Kelly Kelly in one terrible wrestler.

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