3/7 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of Chad Gable and Otis vs. Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens in a Triple Threat for the Raw Tag Titles, Edge explains his attack on AJ Styles, Jerry Lawler appears, Logan Paul and Miz hold a Homecoming Party 

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,502)
Live from Cleveland, Ohio at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse
Aired March 7, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with clips of Roman Reigns attacking Brock Lesnar and leaving him lying after the WWE Championship at Saturday’s Madison Square Garden event… The Raw opening aired… Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton were on commentary, and Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Kevin Owen and Seth Rollins made their entrances for the Raw Tag Title match. Once in the ring, they delivered a promo. They claimed that the deck had been stacked against them as they tried to create a path to WrestleMania, but that would change when they won the Raw Tag Titles.

Owens said they would make a sacrifice by working “in that dump Dallas, Texas.” Rollins had a video package play on the big screen of their wins over RK-Bro two weeks ago, and over Alpha Academy last week. Owens said it’s undeniable that Dallas, “Shorty G” and Otis, and RK-Bro suck.

“Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis walked out wearing “Shoosh” t-shirts (that was quick). Gable complained that their loss to Rollins and Owens was erroneous and worked in his thank you bit.

Backstage, Randy Orton and Riddle were interviewed by Kevin Patrick. Riddle spoke briefly and then asked Orton if he had any words. Orton said he had one word – win. He got fired up while talking about how they were going to take the titles back. Orton and Riddle made their entrance heading into a break… [C]

1. “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis vs. “RK-Bro” Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens in a Triple Threat for the Raw Tag Titles. Graves explained that one member of each team was allowed in the match at a time and said they could only tag in their partners. Rollins performed a suicide dive onto Gable and Riddle ringside. Rollins rolled Gable back inside the ring. Owens performed a Swanton onto Gable for a near fall. [C]

Otis dominated Riddle while Rollins was down at ringside coming out of the break. Otis performed a running splash and had Riddle pinned, but he opted to pick him up rather than take the three count. Orton eventually took a hot tag and had a big flurry of offense. Orton and Riddle picked up Otis and slammed him onto the broadcast table, but it shockingly did not break. [C]

Gable performed a moonsault on Riddle and had him pinned, but Rollins broke it up. Owens and Rollins set up for a double superplex, but Otis returned to the ring and turned it into a tower of doom spot by slamming all three men to the mat, including his own partner. The teams fought heading into yet another break. [C]

Highlights aired of Owens performing a swanton from the top rope onto three opponents who were standing at ringside. Rollins put Riddle down in the ring and then started staring at the WrestleMania sign. Rollins went for a discus punch, but Riddle caught him in a triangle submission hold. Gable flew into the picture and broke it up with a headbutt.

Gable performed a series of suplexes on various opponent and then played to the crowd for heat. Gable suplexed Riddle again and then went up top and went for a moonsault, but Orton stepped in and hit him with an RKO on the way down. Owens superkicked Orton. Owens and Rollins superkicked Otis separately, then hit him with a double superplex. They followed up with a buckle bomb, Stunner, and a Stomp on Gable, but Riddle snuck in and stole the pin.

Randy Orton & Riddle defeated Chad Gable & Otis and Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens in a Triple Threat in 27:05 to win the Raw Tag Titles.

Afterward, Rollins and Owens sat dejected at ringside while Orton and Riddle celebrated their title win. Rollins stood up and stared blankly ahead while walking toward the back while Owens spoke to himself while sitting next to the ring steps.

Kevin Patrick entered the ring and congratulated Orton and Riddle on winning the Raw Tag Titles. Riddle said the win means that he and Orton are going to WrestleMania. Orton said he’s done this for more than twenty years and he’s never had as much fun as he is now with his partner Riddle. Orton said he meant it from the bottom of his heart. He said he was going to say the F-Word, then said Riddle is his friend. Owens finally stood up and made his way toward the back…

Powell’s POV: This was a hot match and a really fun, unique way to open the show. I also liked the way that they set the table with the brief mic work prior to the match. Based on the way the broadcast team called the match, we won’t be seeing the losing teams at WrestleMania. Um, sure. I like the idea of making the pre-WrestleMania matches feel high stakes, but it’s just not believable to have the broadcast team and the wrestlers act like some of the top stars won’t have a spot on the two-night event.

A sponsored recap aired of last week’s WWE 24/7 division developments, including Tamina kissing Akira Tozawa… WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke and Reggie made their entrance for Brooke’s title defense against Tamina. Brooke was introduced as being from Cleveland and got the hometown pop… [C]

A frustrated Owens was shown sitting backstage… Brooke and Reggie were shown standing in the ring. A pre-tape aired with Brooke requesting and receiving a good luck kiss… Tamina and Akira Tozawa made their entrance. A pre-tape aired with Tozawa offering Tamina a good luck kiss. She grabbed him and planted a kiss on him. Tozawa fell onto his ass and said, “That’s a lot of luck”…

2. Dana Brooke (w/Reggie) vs. Tamina (w/Akira Tozawa) for the WWE 24/7 Championship. Brooke performed her usual handspring elbow. She backed up and charged, but Tamina put her down with a clothesline.

[Hour Two] Tamina put Brooke in a Boston Crab. Brooke powered her way up, then sat on Tamina and hooked her legs while getting the pin.

Dana Brooke beat Tamina in 1:45 to retain the WWE 24/7 Championship.

Afterward, Tozawa took the mic and proclaimed that Tamina was the real winner and the love of his life. He stood with his arms open. Tamina shoved them down and then started to leave the ring. There were some boos. Tamina stopped, shook her head, and then a light “kiss him” chant broke out. Tamina blew Tozawa a kiss, and he acted smitten while he followed her to the back…

Seth Rollins was shown staring into space with a cut on his left eyelid. Kevin Patrick tried to speak to Rollins and asked him to comment on missing WrestleMania, but Rollins didn’t acknowledge him. Rollins started to show anger after Patrick walked away…

The broadcast team recapped Roman Reigns standing over Brock Lesnar while holding up both title belts at MSG. They said it was the most viewed WWE clip in history on Instagram…

The Miz made his entrance for the homecoming segment. A graphic listed Logan Paul and Jerry Lawler as being part of the segment… [C]

The Miz stood in the ring and addressed his hometown fans. “I’m home,” Miz said to cheers. Miz looked into the camera and said the crowd response was respect. Miz said Cleveland is awesome, then set up footage of Dominik Mysterio calling Logan Paul a jackass while accepting the WrestleMania tag match challenge.

Logan Paul was introduced as a Cleveland native by Miz. There were some boos. Paul made his entrance and joined Miz inside the ring, then played to the Cleveland fans. Miz and Paul accused Dominik of riding his father’s coattails. Miz introduced Jerry Lawler as a man who was born and raised in Cleveland.

Jerry Lawler made his entrance dressed in a Cleveland Browns jersey with his name on the back. Once in the ring, Lawler thanked the Cleveland fans and spoke about his history in the area. Lawler said he was excited to be part of Miz’s homecoming. He played up the idea of WrestleMania in Cleveland. Paul said it was an awesome idea.

The Miz said he wasn’t so sure. Miz said he loves the city of Cleveland, but it’s not exactly a WrestleMania city. The fans booed. Miz said the only pyro the city can handle is when the lake catches on fire. He spoke about the Browns leaving and winning a Super Bowl, then pointed out that Odell Beckham Jr. did the same thing. “Winners leave Cleveland,” Miz said before leaving the ring. Paul looked surprised and then joined Miz in making his exit…

Powell’s POV: A cute segment that felt like something you’d see on a house show rather than on Raw, but no complaints.

Highlights aired of Tommaso Ciampa and Bron Breakker beating Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode…

Backstage, NXT Champion Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa were interviewed by Kevin Patrick, who noted that it was Breakker’s first appearance on Raw. Patrick noted that both men would compete against Ziggler in a Triple Threat for the NXT Title on Tuesday, but he said they would be partners on Raw… Roode and Ziggler made their entrance… [C]

Powell’s POV: Wow, that was hardly the big debut moment that I envisioned Breakker having on the WWE main roster someday.

The broadcast team congratulated Gable Steveson on winning back to back to back Big 10 championships in college wrestling…

“The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins were interviewed backstage by Sarah Schreiber, who asked them about WrestleMania. Ford said there were still four weeks left for them to find their way to WrestleMania. He also said they should be next in line for a shot at the tag titles. Dawkins agreed and they still want the smoke…

Ciampa and Breakker made separate entrances. Saxton said he was excited to have Breakker on Raw and called him a special athlete. A Breakker video package aired…

3. NXT Champion Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. Breakker started the match and performed a delayed vertical suplex on Roode. Ciampa checked in and ended up being isolated by the heels. Ciampa crawled toward his corner. Ziggler ran over and tried to take a cheap shot at Breakker, who avoided it by dropping to the floor and then pulled Ciampa to ringside with him. [C]

Breakker took a hot tag and worked over Ziggler, including giving him an overhead belly to belly suplex. Breakker went for a spear, but Ziggler caught him with a knee to the head. Breakker shook it off and clotheslined him, then went back to selling the knee. Breakker pressed Ziggler over his head, but put him down when he was distracted by Roode.

Ziggler rolled up a distracted Breakker and held the tights while getting a two count. Breakker charged Ziggler, who moved, causing Breakker to crash into the corner. Ziggler performed the Zigzag on Breakker and went for the pin, but Ciampa broke it up. Roode ran in and then Ciampa took him out. Ziggler went for a superkick, but Breakker stuffed it and then press slammed Ziggler and pinned him.

NXT Champion Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa beat Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode.

After the match, Ziggler said the second Breakker turned his back and looked at Ciampa during the Triple Threat, that’s when he would strike and win the NXT Championship…

Powell’s POV: I could have done without Breakker appearing to be on the verge of being pinned by Ziggler and needing Ciampa to break it up, but otherwise it was a solid showcase of the young NXT Champion. Still, I’m surprised they didn’t save his debut for a bigger moment. At the same time, I wonder if we’ll see more of him in the weeks ahead as they try to move tickets for NXT Stand & Deliver.

A brief Omos video aired. Omos was shown standing backstage. An interviewer asked him if he feared he might not have a place at WrestleMania this year despite debuting last year and remaining unbeaten since then. Omos said he would take his WrestleMania moment even if he had to punish and dominate everyone. Omos made his entrance for a match against Apollo Crews… [C]

A WrestleMania video aired. We are 26 days away from the two-night event…

4. Omos vs. Apollo Crews (w/Commander Azeez). Omos told Azeez that he’s next. Crews dropkicked Omos, who then quickly took offensive control while also taking time to glare at Azeez. Smith noted that Azeez looked unsure of himself. Crews rallied with an enzuigiri. Omos put him down with his usual finisher and scored the pin.

Omos defeated Apollo Crews in 2:40.

Afterward, Omos was leaving when he spotted Azeez enter the ring to check on Crews. Omos and Azeez looked each other up and down. Omos smiled and left the ring…

Edge’s appearance was listed as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: If they’re going to go with Omos vs. Azeez, they shouldn’t frame Azeez as seeming unsure of himself. It should be framed as a showdown match even if the plan is for Omos to dominate him. After all, it’s not like they have monsters who measure up with Omos nearly as as well as Azeez does.

Smith hyped Edge vs. AJ Styles for WrestleMania Sunday…

[Hour Three] A video package recapped last week’s angle involving Edge and Styles. Saxton read a WWE online statement that listed Styles as suffering a serve neck contusion…

Edge was introduced by Mike Rome. There was a pause before his music played and his usual video did not play. The music stopped and then he stood on the stage dressed in a suit under a blue spotlight. Production used a unique lighting effect as he slowly walked to the ring and once he was inside it.

Edge teased speaking and then put his hand down. He raised the mic again and said, “You think you know me?” Edge smiled and said clearly AJ Styles doesn’t know him. He said he was speaking directly to Styles since he knew he was at home watching. Edge suggested that Styles put the kids to bed and added that his wife probably didn’t want to see it either.

Edge said what he did to Styles was done for Styles. He said he needs that pit bull. Edge said it also helped him because he let the real him fly. Edge said it was a version of himself that he’s fallen in love with. Edge said he feels in control of everything that will happen in the entire industry. “AJ, I am standing on the mountain of omnipotence and the view is phenomenal,” Edge closed…

Powell’s POV: I wonder how many viewers feared their televisions were broken. The promo was pretty basic, but I liked Edge’s sinister delivery. With all the crowd sweetening that the company does these days, it was tough to tell how much heat he had compared to how much they pumped in.

The screen went black and then they cut to the broadcast team and the lighting was back to normal. They spoke briefly about Edge, then recapped the Raw Tag Title change…

Kevin Owens was interviewed by Kevin Patrick in the backstage area. He said he never wanted to have the feeling of not going to WrestleMania again. He said he wouldn’t have to because he just had an epiphany that would change his entire WrestleMania future. Patrick asked him for details, but Owens declined and said he had a plan and would share it later in the show…

Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley made separate entrances for a match against WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Queen Zelina and Carmella. It was announced that if Morgan and Ripley win, they would be added to the tag title match at WrestleMania… [C]

The footage of Reigns and Lesnar from MSG was replayed, and their match was hyped for WrestleMania Sunday…

5. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Queen Zelina and Carmella vs. Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan in a non-title match. The entrance of the champions was not televised. Carmella wore a black face mask. Vega performed a DDT on Ripley, who tumbled to the floor where Carmella kicked her. [C]

Ripley was isolated by the heels until she blasted Carmella with a kick to the face. Morgan and Zelina tagged in. Morgan missile dropkicked Vega and covered her for a two count. Zelina tried to tag out, but Carmella was at ringside with her mask off talking with Graves at the broadcast table. Vega got upset. Morgan put her down with a Codebreaker. Ripley tagged in and hit Vega with the Riptide and pinned her…

Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan defeated WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Queen Zelina and Carmella in a non-title match in 9:05 to earn a spot in the tag title match at WrestleMania.

The updated graphic listed Queen Zelina and Carmella vs. Rhea Ripley and Liv Morgan vs. Sasha Banks and Naomi in a Triple Threat for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles for WrestleMania Sunday…

Powell’s POV: If you think Ripley and Morgan had an easy path to a tag title match, they actually did more than Banks and Naomi, who simply announced that they were going to challenge for the titles. If nothing else, it’s nice to see Ripley and Morgan in something other than a battle royal this year.

The broadcast team recapped Damian Priest turning on Finn Balor after dropping the U.S. Title to him last week…

Finn Balor made his entrance for a match against Austin Theory… [C] The broadcast team spoke about Vader being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame while a brief highlight package aired…

Austin Theory made his entrance while highlights aired of Vince McMahon offering Pat McAfee a WrestleMania match during his podcast appearance last week, followed by Theory informing McAfee on Smackdown that he would be his opponent at WrestleMania. Their match was listed for WrestleMania Sunday…

6. U.S. Champion Finn Balor vs. Austin Theory in a non-title match. Theory pulled Balor to ringside and slammed his head onto the apron. Theory set up for his finisher, but Balor slipped away. Balor put Theory down with a sling blade clothesline and returned to the ring. [C]

Late in the match, Theory went for his ATL finisher again, but Balor once again slipped out. Balor ended up performing a dropkick in the corner and then went up top for the Coup De Grace. Damian Priest appeared on the apron and attacked Balor for the DQ.

U.S. Champion Finn Balor beat Austin Theory by DQ in 8:40 in a non-title match.

After the match, Priest continued to attack Balor and put him down with a crucifix slam. Priest left the ring. Theory picked up Balor and performed his ATL finisher. Theory laid over Balor and took a selfie before leaving the ring…

Highlights aired from last week of Bianca Beliar whipping Becky Lynch with her braid…

Backstage, Belair told Kevin Patrick that her only rule is do not touch her hair (she wore a t-shirt that had a similar slogan). She said she would walk out of WrestleMania as the Raw Women’s Champion…

Kevin Owens made his entrance. Graves hyped that Owens had a plan for his path to WrestleMania that he would share after the break… [C] Smith hyped Raw in Jacksonville, Florida for next week…

Owens stood in the ring and said he doesn’t have a match at WrestleMania. He said he can accept that now because he thinks he found a way to get there, but it hinged on the challenge he was about to issue. Owens said he wanted to have the biggest KO Show in history at WrestleMania.

Owens said he knew his guest would have to be some lowlife from Texas. He said he would invite “that blowhard bag of wind” JBL, but he decided that the horns on his limo would make for a better guest.

Owens brought up Booker T calling him a liar. Owens said that Booker from Texas, but he spent most of his career in a team named Harlem Heat and then became King Booker and used a horrible English accent.

Owens brought up Shawn Michaels. He said that out of respect for Bret Hart, Michaels was not invited.

Owens said he had the perfect guest in mind. He said that just like the state of Texas, his potential guest was a broken down shell of himself who was living off his past glory. He assumed this person was drinking beer all day. The crowd cheered. Owens said nothing would make him happier than to beat the hell out of this guest in his own home state.

Owens said he wanted to give the guest a Stunner and then pour a warm milk over his fallen body. Owens said he knew the person was watching, but he didn’t think he would have the balls to show up. Owens said he was calling out “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Owens dropped the mic and his music played.

Graves said it’s been 19 years and questioned whether Austin would even respond to Owens. Graves said it was unlikely, then said maybe. Austin’s entrance theme played. A graphic listed The KO Show with Steve Austin as a guest for WrestleMania Saturday along with a question mark…

Powell’s POV: This would have felt like a bigger development had there not been reports that Austin was going to return to the ring for a match against Owens. Perhaps it will still move in that direction, but an appearance on the KO Show is along the lines of what one would have expected Austin to do on WrestleMania in Texas. If it’s just the talkshow, we’re sure to get the usual kicks, Stunners, and beer drinking fun, but it’s not the same as Austin returning to the ring for an actual match after all these years. I will have more to say about Raw in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the March 7 edition

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Readers Comments (8)

  1. Show didn’t start, yet…

    “A+++!!!” – Thegreatestjobber

  2. TheGreatestOne March 7, 2022 @ 7:50 pm

    50 minutes of just intro, a triple threat tag match, and the post match celebration interview in the ring to open the show? That’s a bit jarring considering the WWE standard format for the last 2 decades.

    Good enough match that clearly had the crowd invested. Hopefully RKBro defends against the SHOOSH & SMOOSH Express in a rematch at WrestleMania.

    The Owens and Rollins not being on WM storyline would work if it was still a 1 day show that was locked into a 2.5-3 hour PPV block. What they’re doing now just stretches suspension of disbelief too much.

  3. TheGreatestOne March 7, 2022 @ 8:01 pm

    Tozawa looks like he could have played the roll of Mini Kurrgan in the Oddities.

  4. TheGreatestOne March 7, 2022 @ 9:51 pm

    “With all the crowd sweetening that the company does these days, it was tough to tell how much heat he had compared to how much they pumped in.”

    Ah, yes, this tired bullshit again. Just watch the crowds. It’s been 6 months or more now that WWE crowds have been popping for nearly everything and clearly enjoying the shows much more than the dirtsheetarazzi.

  5. TheGreatestOne March 7, 2022 @ 10:34 pm

    “This would have felt like a bigger development had there not been reports that Austin was going to return to the ring for a match against Owens.”

    Crowd loved it and nobody other than the tiny IWC that believes Meltzer’s delusional garbage actually thought there was going to be a match. To the average wrestling fan this is big news and you could hear the anticipation building as Owens kept talking.

  6. Thotless with his hot takes again!

  7. I find it interesting they would do Austin on Saturday. Gives me a thought that they do an interview with him and KO, that sets up a quick match on Sunday, so Mania gets a double dose of Austin.

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