WWE shuts down WWE Network in Russia

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE issued the following statement on Thursday to announce that WWE Network has been shut down in Russia.

STAMFORD, Conn., March 3, 2022 – WWE released the following statement today:

“WWE has terminated its partnership with Russian broadcaster Match and shut down WWE Network in Russia effective immediately.

The move eliminates access in Russia to any WWE programming, including the company’s weekly RawSmackDown and NXT shows, its on-demand library, and all of its premium live events, including WrestleMania 38.”

Powell’s POV: It seems rather obvious that WWE did this in response to Russia invading Ukraine, but for some reason they didn’t actually mention that in the press release. Even so, good for WWE for joining many other major corporations in severing ties with Russia due to Vladimir Putin’s insanity.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Yet our president refuses to sanction Russia and stop buying 209,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from them and therefore is LITERALLY helping fund Russia’s invasion and Putins “insanity”….inconvenient truth which I’m guessing will be deleted…

  2. With how terrible WWE has been lately, you’d think the bigger punishment would be letting the WWE Network stay and become a major channel lol

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