Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Jay White, Tama Tonga, and Tanga Loa vs. Eric Young, Joe Doering, and Deaner, Mickie James and Chelsea Green vs. Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans, Kenny King vs. Chris Sabin, Giselle Shaw vs. Lady Frost, Ace Austin vs. Blake Christian vs. Laredo Kid, Masha Slamovich vs. Kiah Dream

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Moose and W Morrissey contract signing: A simple segment with Moose assuming that Morrissey was too injured to show up, only for Morrissey to attack him to gain momentum heading into their title match at No Surrender. The build to this match has been effective. Morrissey has remained true to his loner persona despite showing more willingness to accept the cheers of the fans. If Josh Alexander opts to sign elsewhere, Morrissey is the most likely candidate to become the company’s top babyface, assuming he doesn’t also choose to leave for greener pastures.

“Bullet Club” Jay White, Tama Tonga, and Tanga Loa vs. “Violent By Design” Eric Young, Joe Doering, and Deaner: A solid main event with the right team going over. As much as I liked VBD when the faction was first introduced, it just hasn’t evolved since the first few months. It feels like it’s time for Young to reinvent himself again, and I’m all for Doering becoming a player in the singles division.

Ace Austin vs. Blake Christian vs. Laredo Kid: Good news. Kid signed a contract with Impact, so they can finally book him in a meaningful way rather than simply putting him in matches without any real storyline support. I thought we might see him get the win in this match, but he didn’t factor into the finish. His time will come. This was an entertaining spot-fest match. Austin advancing to the four-way at No Surrender is fine, especially since he’s been spinning his wheels lately.

Mickie James and Chelsea Green vs. Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans: They put the anticipated drama between James and Green on hold and instead put the spotlight on Steelz heading into her Knockouts Championship match. I love the call to give her the pinfall win over James, who won’t lose any steam from this. Steelz’s Ultimate X match win was big, and they doubled down by having her pin the Knockouts Champion in this match. My guess is that James retains on Saturday, but Steelz has already been elevated regardless of the outcome at No Surrender.

Chris Sabin vs. Kenny King: I didn’t care for King losing his first match back in Impact. I assume the Honor No More faction will get the win at No Surrender to trump this match, and the big question is whether they will get help from ROH alumnus Eddie Edwards. Either way, it’s great to see Maria Kanellis getting mic time. I’m not sure why Impact seems to be the only company that recognizes her promo ability, but I’m happy she’s back with the promotion that puts her verbal skills to good use.

Giselle Shaw vs. Lady Frost: Shaw looked good in her debut match. It was encouraging to see the match laid out to be competitive, as Frost has also been a nice addition to the Knockouts Division. My only gripe is that the top rope Spanish Fly looked great and really should have been the finish. The corkscrew dive from the middle rope that Shaw followed up with felt soft in comparison.

Masha Slamovich vs. Kiah Dream: Another spotlight match win for Slamovich. Impact is showing discipline by taking their time by establishing Slamovich as an in-ring force during these dominant squash match wins.

Impact Wrestling Misses

None: Another week of no nonsense pro wrestling. Impact has moved away from their wacky sports entertainment side stories in favor of presenting a more consistently straight forward product. They’re not delivering home run shows, but they are come through with singles and doubles most weeks. Now if only they could pick a weekend to hold a pay-per-view or Impact Plus show when one of the bigger companies isn’t also running a show. No, they’re not running head to head with Elimination Chamber and there are super fans who can’t get enough, but surely there are a lot of fans who have a limit when it comes to how much pro wrestling they will watch in one day.


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