11/24 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana, Jamie Hayter vs. Thunder Rosa in a TBS Title tournament match, CM Punk vs. QT Marshall, Cody Rhodes, Pac, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Rey Fenix vs. Malakai Black, Andrade El Idolo, Dax Harwood, and Cash Wheeler

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 112)
Chicago, Illinois at Wintrust Arena
Aired live November 24, 2021 on TNT

[Hour One] Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone welcomed the TV audience to the show. CM Punk’s music hit straight away and he made his way to the ring. MJF’s music hit as Punk reached the ring. He had a microphone in hand and made his way into the ring. He and Punk were across the ring from one another, and MJF smirked. Crowd chants of “asshole” and “CM Punk” alternated in the crowd. MJF said it doesn’t feel so good to get interrupted, does it Punky Brewster? 

MJF said Punk had hurt his feelings last week, and it was almost as bad as that time he quit and went home like a little bitch. He then brought up the Pipe Bomb promo, and called it Punk’s best moment. MJF then called every moment of his the best MJF moment. He called Punk a one trick pony, but that he respected what he accomplished and that he was straight edge. MJF then said that Punk looked a lot like a meth addict for a guy who was straight edge, and that he’d have to drink 8 shots of whiskey to look himself in the mirror if he looked like him. 

MJP then brought up that Punk has been asked who in AEW he looked forward to wrestling, but his name never came up. MJF claimed it was because Punk didn’t want none. He said Punk wouldn’t get the chance to back and forth with him, because he was about to finish him faster than his UFC career. MJF said he can drop all the little pipe bombs he wants, because he’s MJF and he drops nukes. 

Punk retrieved a microphone and told MJF he was disappointed in him. He said they didn’t need to start there. Punk said he had no idea that his name was Maxwell, he thought MJF was “My Jealous Fan”. He then said he was in MJF’s head, and that’s probably because he had his poster on the wall. Punk said he silenced MJF last week without saying a word. He then said he had 7 days to come out here with his best stuff, and he just went with the low hanging fruit. Punk said the reality of the situation was that MJF was just a less famous Miz.

MJF replied that it was really creative stuff, and almost what he wanted. He said it reminded him of Punk’s entire AEW run so far. MJF said nostalgia was a drug that causes us to misconstrue our memories, and Punk is nostalgia. He admitted he was a fan, because at one time was the best on the mic and in the ring, but now he says nothing of interest and struggled to defeat the easiest competition. 

MJF then accused Punk of going soft, and did an impression of Punk’s promos where he made him out to be a robotic kiss ass. MJF moved on to call him PG Punk, and asked where the rebel he used to love went? He could be out here preaching hustle, loyalty, and respect. MJF addressed him as PG, and said the problem is that he can see him. He then said Punk said he was back for the Young Talent, but also said he wanted a bunch of money. 

MJF said Punk sat at home for 7 years writing comics no one read, and movies no one saw. In the other company, he was the underdog that people wanted to be showcased as the number one guy, but he’s not sure he can hang anymore or if he ever could. MJF said he didn’t envy him, but he does know Punk envies him. He called himself any promoter’s dream, while Punk was a tatted up loser from the lumpiest part of the midwest called Chicago.  

MJF further insulted Punk by saying he was nothing but Mr. Second Best, whether it was You Can See Me Man or the Kings of Kings, Punk was always number two. And now that he’s in AEW, MJF is that guy, because he’s better than you and you know it. 

Punk said there was a little truth in what he said. He was a little scared about whether people would remember or care about him, or whether he still had it. He then said he’s not scared anymore, especially of him, because he was selling out MSG when Maxwell was marking out for Rosie O”Donnell. Punk said he had just enrolled himself at a college his parents couldn’t afford. He said Max talks too much, just like he used to, but he can’t back it up without his backup. He said it eats up MJF that he went after Darby Allin instead of him when he came to AEW, and he didn’t need a ring to beat him. 

After a pause to soak up the crowd, Punk went on to say that MJF goes on about being the strongest of the four pillars, but he didn’t realize he’d already been replaced by Britt Baker. He said he’s happy to be number two with a bullet because Chicago’s the second city, not because there’s a better one, but because when it burned down they built another one right one top of it. Punk then said the only way MJF will ever be number one around here is if everyone waits around long enough for Tony to have a daughter that he can marry. He then said his first gift to Chicago was Ice Cream Bars, but his next gift would be punching him in his needle dick right here and now. 

MJF started to take off his suit, but then rolled out of the ring and bailed. Punk vs. QT Marshall is up next…[c]

My Take: Fantastic promo segment. Both guys got in heavy blows, and MJF continued to build his reputation of running away and picking his spots. I’m surprised to see them have such a long promo segment this early on in their feud, because it seems like this match is still a ways off and now they’ve used some of their best material.

QT Marshall was already in the ring…

2. CM Punk vs. QT Marshall (Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solow): They tied up early on, and Punk got an early advantage. Nick Comoroto and Aaron Solow were ejected after being caught by the referee for interfering in the match. Punk landed several body slams, but Marshall replied with a knee to the gut. Marshall continued to work at a deliberate pace. Punk showed some fire and dumped him to the floor. He then landed a clothesline from the apron…[c]

QT dominated the commercial break, and landed a jumping Liger Bomb as the show returned for a near fall. Punk started his comeback with a lariat, and then a series of neckbreakers. He then landed a knee lift in the corner, and a short arm clothesline. Punk headed up top and landed a Macho Man Elbow. He then called for the GTS, and landed it for the pinfall victory. 

CM Punk defeated QT Marshall at 10:51

Punk celebrated with the crowd after the match. Gunn Club vs. Bear Country is up next. Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Jungle Boy. Christian said they had momentum, and their confidence can’t help but grow. He said when you feel that way, good things happen. Christian revealed Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy are the new #1 Contenders for the AEW Tag Team Championships. He said what they have now is confidence and Christian Cage, and he would make sure they won the Tag Team Championships. 

My Take: I have no earthly idea why CM Punk needed 11 minutes to put away QT Marshall. Could have gone 5 minutes there max, especially after how fired up he was after the opening promo. Shouldn’t that energy transfer somewhat? Christian seems to be taking on a bit of a darker tone, but I might be reading too much into what he was saying.

Backstage, Eddie Kingston was asked about Jon Moxley. He said some nice things, when 2point0 and Daniel Garcia walked up. They apologized for what they said last week, and said they read his article in The Players Tribune, and told him he wasn’t hungry anymore. Parker then said he knew Eddie a long time, and said they were there to help, and suggested Eddie hadn’t been able to help Jon Moxley. Eddie freaked out, and Garcia threw his drink in his face. A brawl broke out and officials had to break it up… 

The Gunn Club made their entrance in the arena. Bear Country was already in the ring. Billy and Colten jumped Bear Country before the match, but got dumped to the floor for their trouble. 

2. “Gunn Club” Billy Gunn and Colten Gunn (w/Austin Gunn) vs. “Bear Country” Bear Bronson and Bear Boulder: The action spilled outside, and Austin Gunn helped Billy avoid an attack, and they sent Bear Boulder into the ring steps. Colten and Bronson were the legal men. Bronson landed an overhead suplex, and then knocked Billy Gunn off the apron. Austin interfered and pulled Bronson’s legs out from under him as he hit the ropes. Colten then landed his Colt 45 and got the win. 

Gunn Club defeated Bear Country at 1:58

After the match, Darby Allin’s music hit and Sting walked out onto the ramp. Austin Gunn tried to attack, but got leveled by a sprinting Darby Allin. Sting and Darby then cleared the rest of Gunn Club from the ring. Darby and Sting celebrated afterward…

A video package aired for Battle of the Belts for January 8th on a Saturday in Charlotte, NC…

Backstage, Adam Cole was shown with Bobby Fish. Cole was angry about losing at the PPV and last week. Cole and Fish said The Bucks weren’t cleared yet. Cole said he knows they aren’t cleared because he talks to them every day. In fact they are more than friends, they are like family. Chuckie T, Orange Cassidy, and Wheeler Yuta walked up. They got into a dumb argument about who were the Best Friends. They will have a match later. Thunder Rosa and Jamie Hayter is next…[c]

My Take: After an excellent opening segment, the rest of the first hour has been a slide downhill. Darby deserves better than a feud with the Gunn Club, and Adam Cole seems like he’s in limbo waiting for his next real program.

In another backstage segment, Team Taz offered Dante Martin an official contract. Taz got in Lio’s face about viewing the contract, and Lio replied that anything that has to do with Dante has to do with him. Taz begged off and said it was just business. Lio said they wanted nothing to do with the contract, and Dante grabbed a pen and said that was right, WE don’t. He then signed the contract and took off with Team Taz. 

In the arena, Jamie Hayter made her entrance. A picture in picture promo showed Britt Baker talking about them both being Champions in the near future. Thunder Rosa then made her ring entrance…

3. Thunder Rosa vs. Jamie Hayter (w/Britt Baker, Rebel) in a TBS Title tournament match: Early on Hayter used her power to take control. Rosa landed a slap, but Hayter quickly threw her to the floor. Rosa reversed a whip and tossed Hayter into the railing, and then tossed her into the ring apron. Hayter returned fire and slammed Rosa into the apron, and then stomped on her repeatedly as they got into the ring. She followed up with a soccer kick to the kidneys. Rosa replied by tossing Hayter hard into the second rope face first, and then landed a dropkick to the spine. 

[Hour Two] The action spilled back outside, and Rose landed a baseball slide that sent Hayter onto the floor. She then followed up with a snap suplex on the floor. Baker and Rebel provided a distraction, and Hayter ran Rosa spine first into the corner ring post…[c]

Hayter dominated the break, and set Rosa on the top rope for a Superplex as the show returned. Rosa shoved her off and landed a shotgun dropkick from the top. Rosa followed up with a running elbow, and then a running dropkick in the corner. She pulled Hayter into the center of the ring and covered for a near fall. 

Hayter recovered and landed a backbreaker. She then applied a rear chinlock. Rosa escaped, and they traded rapid punches. Rosa landed a side Russian leg sweep, and then transitioned into a Peruvian Necktie. Britt Baker got in the ring after Rebel caused a distraction. She broke the hold, and ended up superkicking Hayter by mistake. Rosa disposed of Baker and then landed a kick on Baker before rolling her up for a pin.

Thunder Rosa defeated Jamie Hayter at 10:33 to advance in the TBS Title tournament

After the match, Hayter shoved off Britt Baker and headed to the back. Kris Statlander and Ruby Soho is the last quarterfinal match, which will happen at a later date…

Alex Marvez interviewed Chris Jericho backstage. They were interrupted by Daniel Garcia and “2point0” Matt Lee and Jeff Parker immediately. Jericho told them to go get some nails and boards from the hardware store to protect them for when Eddie Kingston invades their homes and kicks their asses tomorrow. He told Matt Lee he had a square head, and encouraged a crowd reaction for it. They told him to watch his mouth, and then walked off. Jericho turned to Marvez and said Happy Thanksgiving…[c]

My Take: Rosa and Hayter put on a solid match, even if the outcome seemed pretty predictable. Are Jericho and Kingston going to be a team soon? Seemed to be what they were hinting at.

Backstage, Britt Baker was hosting a Friendsgiving dinner with Rebel and Tony Schiavone. She said it started off horribly with Rosa advancing, but things were already looking better. Schiavone showed some footage of the last time they were in Chicago, and apparently Riho was eliminated from a Battle Royal under the bottom rope. Tony Khan has granted her a match on Friday, and if she wins, she will get an AEW Women’s Title match. Baker said he had ruined Friendsgiving, and wouldn’t be invited to Christmas… 

Colt Cabana made his entrance in the arena, followed by Bryan Danielson. 

4. Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana: Colt got a big hometown reaction to start the match. Bryan started with an arm twist, and he turned it into an arm drag, and then transitioned into an arm bar attempt. Colt escaped to the ropes, and both men got to their feet. Colt and Bryan traded chops, and then Bryan dropped Cabana to his knees to land a series of kicks. Cabana recovered and landed a series of right hands. He then went for a flying apple, but Bryan avoided it and threw Colt with a suplex. 

Bryan placed Colt on the top rope and set up for a back suplex from the top rope. Colt recovered and elbowed Danielson into the ring. He then covered with a moonsault for a near fall. Colt landed a series of elbows, but Bryan dragged him to the mat and then stomped repeatedly on his head. He then turned him over for a Lebell Lock on and got the win. 

Bryan Danielson defeated Colt Cabana at 5:04

After the match, Colt Cabana appeared to be spitting out a tooth from his mouth. It must have been fake, because Bryan only stepped on his ear. Tony Schiavone will interview Bryan in the ring next…[c]

My Take: It was what it should have been. Bryan should remain dominant.

Tony Schiavone said Bryan is undefeated in AEW, but he isn’t making any friends. Bryan grabbed the microphone and asked if the different reaction from the crowd was them or him? He said he kicked Cabana’s head in, and even knocked his teeth out. He called the crowd fickle, and said he’s not fickle. Bryan said there are a couple of Dark Order members from Atlanta for next week, and he asked any of them to come down and get their heads kicked in. He then said this is all leading to the ultimate head kicking when he gets his match with Hangman Adam Page.

Hangman then made his ring entrance and told Bryan that he got his point. Page said that they are in Chicago, and there wasn’t a better place than right here and now to defend his Championship. Bryan said of course he waits until he’s already had a match, and that’s not Cowboy Shit that’s Coward Shit. Page put down the AEW title and said he’s not leaving without a fight, and told him he’d even give him the first shot. Bryan slapped him and they brawled for a bit. Hangman set up for a Buckshot Lariat, and Bryan quickly ducked out of the way…

The announce team hyped Daniel Garcia vs. Eddie Kingston, Riho vs. Britt Baker, and Orange Cassidy and Wheeler Yuta will take on Bobby Fish and Adam Cole on Friday’s AEW Rampage. Next Wednesday will have Ruby Soho and Kris Statlander in the TBS Title tournament. We then got a video package that previewed their match. The main event is up next. First we got ring introductions.

Out first was Malakai Black, followed by FTR w/Tully Blanchard and Andrade El Idolo…[c]

My Take: Solid segment between Bryan and Hangman to build some suspense. I’m guessing their match will happen at the upcoming Battle of the Belts show?

When the show returned from commercial break, Death Triangle and Cody Rhodes made their entrances…

5. Cody Rhodes, ReyFenix, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Pac (w/Arn Anderson, Alex Abrahantes) vs. Malakai Black, Andrade El Idolo, and “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler (w/Tully Blanchard, Jose): Cody and Dax Harwood started the match. Cody landed a shoulder block, and got some boos from the crowd. Harwood went for a slingshot suplex, but Cody avoided it and landed a hard right hand. He then followed up with a powerslam, and tossed off his weight belt. Pac tagged in and somebody in the crowd tossed the belt back into the ring. Andrade then grabbed it and tossed it under the ring. 

Penta and Fenix took over and worked over Harwood. He made a desperation tag to Wheeler, who took control for the heels with a hard lariat on Penta. Andrade tagged in and continued the assault, but Penta got some help from Death Triangle with a double tag. All three men stomped on Andrade. Cody tagged himself in and was overwhelmed by all four heels. The crowd cheered.

Malakai Black attempted a suplex, but Cody escaped and tagged out to Fenix. He landed a hard chop to Black, and then scaled the ropes quickly and took out an interfering Andrade with a head scissors. Malakai black landed a trip and blasted Fenix with a hail of strikes and kicks in the corner…[c]

Cash Wheeler continued the assault on Fenix. He went for a 619/Tiger Feint Kick, but Fenix avoided it and landed a kick to the jaw. Penta tagged in and took out Andrade and FTR quickly with a unique DDT combination. He the landed a backstabber on Andrade and tagged in Pac. Black also entered the match. Pac took out Black with a German Suplex, and then dove on the floor to take down the rest of the heel team. 

Pac continued the attack in the ring on Andrade. Cash Wheeler entered and landed a backbreaker. Dax Harwood landed a piledriver on Fenix. Cody got involved and tossed his weight belt into the crowd again. He accidentally kicked Pac. He recovered and tossed Andrade hard into the corner with a suplex. With everybody down, Tully and Arn got in each other’s faces. Jose jumped in the ring, and both Tully and Arn dropped him. 

Penta and Fenix dumped FTR out of the ring. They then dove on them out on the floor. Pac set up for a Black Arrow, but Malakai sprayed black mist in his eyes. That allowed Andrade to hit a hammerlock DDT and pick up the win. 

Malakai Black, Andrade, and “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler defeated Cody Rhodes and “Death Triangle” Pac, Rey Fenix, and Penta El Zero Miedo at 15:32

After the match, the heels celebrated in the ring. 

My Take: A quality match, but it seems like the hottest feud in the match was Tully and Arn and Cody vs. the fans. I’m hoping they can use some promos or further character development to heat these guys back up before throwing them into more matches together. The ring work is always good, but I can’t escape the feeling that something is missing.

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Readers Comments (7)

  1. That’s a lot of WWE name dropping right there isn’t it?

  2. Making Punk struggle against QT Marshall ruins the entire opening segment with MJF. Marshall is a jobber, and not a particularly good one. Punk should have won that convincingly in 2-3 minutes.

  3. Nobody feels like a major star. If punk is your major star, why did it take him so long to beat a jobber?

    • You know. This is a good point. I like people like Page and Cole but they don’t feel BIG. In fact aside from Roman no one these days feels particularly impactful I’m not sure if it’s bad stories? Overexposure?

      I used to complain about short matches but they do more for the winner than for example tonight’s matches that seemed “too competitive”

      I used to complain about brock holding the title hostage but it’s true when he showed up it was a big deal

      I’m not sure. But you are correct. Something is missing

      • It’s too much wrestling on TV. It’s too many TV matches these days that go longer than PPV matches on the greatest shows of all time. It’s 50/50 booking both in wins and losses and in how much offense people get in almost every match. It’s little guys who are either too boring or too geeky to have mainstream appeal.

        Roman is over because he’s a badass who acts like you believe he would in real life. Same goes for Brock. Goldberg still pops ratings when he’s on TV because of the same thing. It worked for a decade with Cena. Hell, Braun Strowman was mega over for a minute until they stopped pushing him like that.

        Wrestling works when the top few guys are believable and dominant against everyone except the legit upper midcard and main event guys. Punk going over 10 minutes against QT is stupid. Danielson going over 10 minutes against Uno last week was stupid.

  4. Danielson has gotten so damn good on the mic.

  5. Did Company Man upset Meltzer somehow or is this just more brilliant booking from Tony?

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