10/14 NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of Ilja Dragunov vs. A-Kid for the NXT UK Championship, Blair Davenport vs. Stevie Turner, and Flash Morgan Webster vs. Sha Samuels

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed October 14, 2021 on WWE Network and Peacock

Andy Shepherd welcomed us to the BT Sports Studio which was complete with fans for the first time. Nigel McGuinness joined him as his broadcast colleague… Blair Davenport entered the BT Sports Studio whilst the commentators refreshed us on her recent month-long suspension. Stevie Turner made her entrance…

1. Blair Davenport vs. Stevie Turner. Davenport stomped on Turner as she slid in the ring. Turner brought the aggression to Davenport as the crowd burst out into a ‘let’s go Stevie’ chant. Turner sent Davenport to the corner but Davenport knocked her off the turnbuckle. Davenport swung the match in her favour. Turner managed to evade the Falcon Arrow and hit a big boot. She followed this up with a trio of neckbreakers in the style of Eddie Guerrero.

Turner missed another big boot attempt and Davenport hit the kick and went for a pin. Turner kicked out but Davenport got back on top with a strike. Davenport went to the top rope but Turner ducked out of the way of the dropkick. Turner hit her Mass Effect move but Davenport kicked out at two.  Davenport hit the knee strike and Falcon Arrow for the win.

Blair Davenport defeated Stevie Turner in 04:41.

After the bell, Davenport cut a promo on the rest of the women’s roster claiming she’d make it clear to each of them that she was back…

Gibbons’ Opinion: Blair Davenport was suspended from NXT UK last month for an assault on Nina Samuels and Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala. Davenport attacked Stevie Turner during her suspension. This led to Turner demanding Davenport be reinstated.

Turner looked great in this match, probably the best she’s looked since joining the brand. But Davenport proved to have the edge. It looks like she’ll defeat a few more of the women’s roster before eventually turning her attention to the NXT UK Women’s Championship…

Sha Samuels threw Noam Dar a party in anticipation of him winning the Heritage Cup Championship from Tyler Bate…

Teoman and Rohan Raja had a dramatic dinner in which Teoman said they wouldn’t be outnumbered again like they were when he lost to Wolfgang in the Heritage Cup Championship tournament…

Sid Scala confirmed to Jinny that she would get a NXT UK Women’s Championship shot against Meiko Satomura in three weeks…

Flash Morgan Webster made his entrance whilst we got a recap on his unprovoked slap to Sha Samuels that led to this match. Sha Samuels made his entrance…

2. Flash Morgan Webster vs. Sha Samuels. Samuels looked to back Webster into his corner but the Welshman ducked and sent Samuels to the other corner. Webster used his strikes and kicks in the corner to control the opening. Samuels hit a massive Butchers’ slap and then a running elbow to floor Webster. Samuels worked the leg of Webster. Samuels hit the penalty kick to the back of Webster. He then hit a slap and shoulder charge in the corner and remained well on top.

Webster eventually retreated to the outside but Samuels grabbed him and dropped him on the apron and the barricade. Webster made it back into the ring on the referee’s count of nine. Back in the ring, Samuels stayed on top with strikes whilst encouraging Webster to ‘stay down, you mug!’. Webster rallied with strikes and a couple of dropkicks. He then hit a moonsault in the ring. Samuels retreated to the outside and Webster hit the top rope dropkick to the outside.

Webster flew back in the ring and hit and tope through the ropes to the outside. Webster sent Samuels in the ring and went for the crossbody but Samuels rolled through and pinned him. Samuels rolled to the outside but Webster hit the senton from the top rope to the outside. Webster brought Samuels back in the ring and went for the cover but Samuels kicked out at two. Webster sprang off the middle rope and went for a crossbody but Samuels caught him and hit the spinebuster for the victory.

Sha Samuels defeated Flash Morgan Webster in 8:19.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Webster’s new thing seems to be slapping people to challenge them to a duel. He did it with Wolfgang last month and lost the match. Unfortunately he had the same fate tonight. Much was made on commentary of Webster challenging bigger opponents so I can see this trend continuing. There’s lots of big lads for Webster to challenge but he’ll want to get a win off one of them soon. It was a fun match which benefited from the mix of styles between Samuels’ power and Webster’s aerial assault. When Webster gets going with a rally it is really fun to watch and he throws a lot at his opponents.

In the PC, Nina Samuels introduced us to the Nina Samuels Show. She collared Xia Brookside and questioned her about her recent losses. Samuels said Brookside couldn’t even beat Aleah James. Brookside called James over and challenged her to a match which James happily accepted…

We got confirmation Symbiosis would have a tag match against Jack Starz and Dave Mastiff next week…

In Sid Scala’s office, Joe Coffey was informed that Jordan Devlin will get a rematch against him but the rest of Gallus would be banned from ringside. Devlin claimed an Ace always beats a King…

A-Kid made his entrance. NXT UK Champion Ilja Dragunov made his entrance for his first ever title defence…

3. Ilja Dragunov vs. A-Kid for the NXT UK Championship. Dragunov went for the wrist lock but A-Kid rolled out. A-Kid took Dragunov down with a headlock but Dragunov countered into the head scissors. A-Kid escaped with a headstand. The two traded holds on the mat. Dragunov hit a massive chop but A-Kid responded with a flurry of kicks.

Dragunov hit a stiff German suplex and then worked the arm and ankle of A-Kid. Dragunov hit a clothesline but seemed to damage his own arm. A-Kid went for a kick but Dragunov avoided it with the Matrix-style back bend. Dragunov targeted the shin of A-Kid with strikes and submissions. The Spaniard struggled to stand as Dragunov gained full control.

A-Kid managed a kick to the arm of Dragunov. A-Kid turned the tide of the match and took his opportunity to exploit the injured arm with multiple kicks and strikes. A-Kid hit a Fisherman Suplex but couldn’t bridge on both legs which allowed Dragunov to kick out at two.

With both men totally exhausted and physically in pain they traded strikes. Dragunov floored A-Kid and unleashed multiple chops. Dragunov hit a German suplex but A-Kid held on to the arm and twisted it. Dragunov rained down elbow strikes. The Champion went to the top rope but missed a splash. A-Kid hit the running kick to the chest and locked on the arm bar. A-Kid transitioned to a sleeper but Dragunov refused to quit. He eventually got to his feet and rammed A-Kid into the corner. Both men went to the top turnbuckle. Dragunov hit the superplex.

Dragunov went for Torpedo Moscow but A-Kid hit the kick. Dragunov kicked out at two. The two fighters traded chops and strikes. A-Kid looked for a triangle hold but Dragunov lifted him and slammed him to the mat. A-Kid went for the arm lock but Dragunov evaded. Dragunov hit Torpedo Moscow to the leg of A-Kid. He followed this up for Torpedo Moscow to the jaw for the victory…

Ilja Dragunov defeated A-Kid in 19:23 to retain the NXT UK Championship.

After the bell, Dragunov lifted his injured arm and painfully extended a handshake to A-Kid…

Gibbons’ Opinion: Nigel McGuinness referred to this match as a symphony of agony. He couldn’t have put it any better and I certainly can’t encapsulate the contest finer. Dragunov is so loud when he’s in pain that you really believe he’s hurt. This was a great choice of challenger for Dragunov’s first defense. A-Kid has universally great matches and also brings something you haven’t seen before. It’ll be interesting to see where Dragunov goes from here and if Devlin and Joe Coffey’s feud ends with one man stepping up to the “Moscow Madman”.


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