9/15 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian, Bryan Danielson addresses AEW Champion Kenny Omega, Jade Cargill vs. Leyla Hirsch, Darby Allin vs. Shawn Spears, CM Punk serves as a guest color commentator

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 102)
Newark, New Jersey at Prudential Center
Aired live September 15, 2021 on TNT

[Hour One] The show began with the usual video intro. Jim Ross, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone invited CM Punk out to join in on commentary. He made an entrance and then stage dove on the crowd before making a lap around the ring to greet fans. He then sped back up the ramp to the broadcast table. They ran through the card for tonight’s show, feature Moxley and Kingston vs 2point0, Jade Cargill, Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian, and Darby Allin vs. Shawn Spears… 

Adam Cole made his entrance for the first match. He got a big reaction for his entrance and Bay Bay call and response. Punk put over his fingerprints being all over the wrestling business, and Adam Cole being one of them. Frankie Kazarian made his entrance next…

1. Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian: Kazarian won the first grappling battle and applied a side headlock. Cole suplexed Kazarian to the outside, and he took a rough landing onto the apron and floor. Cole pursued, but Kazarian caught him with a leg drop as he got back into the ring. Cole replied with a kick and slowed things down with another headlock. Kazarian broke free and landed a german suplex to get back on offense. He then landed double knees to the spine of Cole in the corner.

Kazarian attempted a crossface chicken wing, but Cole pushed off the ropes and avoided it, and then landed a superkick. Cole climbed to the second rope and went for a Panama Sunrise, but Kazarian reversed into an Alabama Slam. He then landed a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Cole replied and landed a pump kick, followed by an Ushigoroshi for a near fall. Cole avoided a leg drop in the corner, and then landed a Panama Sunrise. He followed up with the Last Shot for the win. 

Adam Cole defeated Frankie Kazarian at 7:58

After the match, Cole grabbed a microphone and called out for story time. He said hope is a dangerous thing, and the locker room hopes they can keep up with The Elite, but it’s not going to happen. He said he’s been there a short time, and there’s three guys that have gotten under his skin. He called out Christian Cage, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus. He called them out for a six man tag with himself and The Young Bucks next week on Rampage. Cole then said the Super Kliq is back bay bay, and there’s not a thing anyone can do to stop them… 

We then got a video package for the Lucha Brothers, and their number one contenders Butcher and Blade. They have a match upcoming this week on Rampage. MJF is up next…[c]

My Take: A good match mechanically, but there wasn’t much mystery about the outcome. CM Punk is a natural on commentary, but it’s clear even he’s still getting caught up on various storylines and characters. Cole is also a natural on the microphone, but not every promo can be story time, and the super kliq name doesn’t do much for me personally. I’m sure it’s already on 30 T-Shirts.

Fuego Del Sol was backstage with his new Hyundai he bought with his AEW Contract. He laid down a challenge, putting the car on the line for the TNT Title. Who can say no to a gently used Hyundai?…

MJF made his entrance in the arena with Wardlow. MJF grabbed a mic and said people were sympathetic for Brian Pillman Jr., but they should be sympathetic for him having to stand in the cesspool of New Jersey. He said Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Ham, and the NY Islanders suck harder than the Jersey Shore skanks. He then said he was informed some of his words last week might have offended some people, and he wanted everyone to know he doesn’t care. 

MJF then pivoted to talking to Pillman, who he talked down to as if he were in hell. MJF gave him fair warning that if he shows up in Queens next week, he would massacre him. He then said that the crowd can chant Pillman as long as they want, because at the end of the day it’ll be oh too obvious, because he’s better than you….and Brian Pillman Jr. Interrupted. 

MJF directed Wardlow to meet Pillman at the top of the stage, but he snuck in the back door. Pillman had a chair, but Wardlow quickly made it back to the ring to steal it away as MJF begged off. He low bridged Wardlow out of the ring, and then grabbed the chair back. Wardlow and MJF cleared to the back…

JR conducted a backstage interview where he recalled Pillman Sr. telling him about his newborn son. He said he was embarrassed for Brian last week, and for his Dad, because MJF humiliated him. JR told Brian that he needs to whip MJF’s ass next week for the sake of his family. Brian acknowledged that he felt like he let his Dad down, but MJF has no idea what kind of person he is or what he went through. He called him upbringing feral, and said he would unleash that on MJF next week…

FTR is up next with Matt Sydal and Dante Martin…[c]

My Take: Miro better make some room in the garage. MJF doing the shock jock bit is getting a great crowd reaction, but it’ll need to get more creative as time goes on. The Pillman interview was interesting because JR went after him a bit to try and fire him up, and I think he came up just short of flipping the switch and getting as angry and he should have been.

Backstage, Jungle Boy said he has better friends and better hair than Adam Cole. Christian interrupted him and said his EVP buddies threw him a lifeline and pulled him out of developmental. They accepted Cole’s six-man tag challenge and said they would see him on Rampage…

FTR, Matt Sydal, and Dante Martin were already in the ring… 

2. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler (w/Tully Blanchard) vs. Matt Sydal and Dante Martin: Sydal rolled up Dax Harwood a couple of times to start the match. He got one counts each time. Sydal landed a head scissors and tagged in Dante Martin. FTR took over on Martin and isolated him in their corner.

Dante broke free of Cash, but didn’t have enough energy to reach his corner before Harwood stopped him. Martin used some acrobatics and elbow strikes to slip away and make a tag to Sydal. Matt gave Dante an assist, and they both dove on FTR on the floor. Blanchard went to check on them, and the babyfaces celebrated…[c]

FTR maintained control through the commercial break, and cut off the ring on Sydal. Harwood applied an abdominal stretch, and Wheeler gave an assist from the apron. Sydal barely escaped and made a hot tag to Martin. He flew around the ring and took out FTR, and landed a vertical leap into a somersault senton for a close near fall. They traded pinning combinations, and then Sydal entered for a double near fall on both Harwood and Wheeler. 

Dante attempted to take on both Wheeler and Harwood after Sydal was sent to the floor. They hit the Big Rig on Martin and covered for the win… 

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler defeated Matt Sydal and Dante Martin at 8:32

After the match, JR asked CM Punk to speak about the “Suzuki Incident”. Punk put over Suzuki’s credentials, and said he wanted justice for his ring entrance music being cut off…

We got a promo from Lance Archer with Suzuki by his side. He said Moxley had an unfair advantage last week inviting Suzuki to Cincinnati, but they wouldn’t have it next week in New York, and they should show him what Strong Style meant in ways he didn’t even want to know…

In the arena, Malakai Black made his ring entrance. Black wore a suit, and was handed a microphone. He addressed members of the House of Black, and asked them to please rise. He told them they had an enemy in their midst, and pointed out actress Rosario Dawson in the crowd. He said she wore the colors of an ally but was an enemy. She got into the ringside area, and confronted Black.

Cody Rhodes entered from the crowd, and Dawson jumped on Malakai’s back. He gently tossed her off, and then brawled with Cody. They fought through the crowd and up the stairs. Cody tossed a drink in his face and landed some hard right hands…[c]

My Take: Rosario Dawson put up a better fight than most of the Nightmare Family. Cody didn’t get as big of a reaction as I expected. I think it might have worked better if they had played his music? Suzuki being offended by his music not being played is fine, but why is he mad at Moxley? Does he produce the show? Dante Martin continues to show some impressive skill in the ring. He’s well on his way to a memorable career. 

The broadcast team called up a video package for The Bunny and Anna Jay. Apparently Cody and Malakai Black settled their differences during the break…

Anna Jay was interviewed backstage. Evil Uno didn’t let her speak and began to argue with Alan Angels and Alex Reynolds. Eventually, Anna left and Tay Conti said she had her back on Rampage…

Dan Lambert was in the ring with his crew. He said you used to be able to tell which wrestlers were over by the merch stands, but everything in AEW is sold out in Men’s Small and Women’s Extra Large. He then said everybody loves watching 5’8” guys land 22 superkicks and land a moonsault from the balconies through six tables, and their opponent will kick out at two. 

Chris Jericho’s music hit, and he headed to the ring. Lambert demanded his music be shut off, and said everybody looked up the lyrics on their phones. Jericho called him a fat faced dipshit, and then encouraged the crowd to sing along with him.

[Hour Two] Lambert called out the crowd for spending their allowance on such a terrible show. Jericho said he sees Lambert surrounded by his MMA meatheads, and asked which one was on top? 

Jericho said he’s been having fights with MMA trained guys his entire career, and Jake Hager is undefeated in MMA. He then said they would walk down there and knock their teeth down their throats. Lambert said if he wanted to see American Top Team take down the Inner Circle Jerk, it won’t be in this shithole New Jersey, it’ll be in the biggest city of them all New York. Jericho said if they were such pussies, they would take them down next week, and there would be no escape from New York for them… 

A Gunn Club video package aired where they spoke about being undefeated. Billy said if anyone has a problem with them demanding the respect that they’ve earned, just say when…

In the arena, Jade Cargill made her ring entrance. She was followed by Leyla Hirsch…

3. Jade Cargill (w/Mark Sterling) vs. Leyla Hirsch: They went face to chest and then Leyla grabbed a double leg takedown. Jade rolled to the floor, and then Hirsch dove onto Mark Sterling on the floor. It appeared that Mark moved into the way for her. Cargill landed a forearm shot, and then double knees in the corner. She applied an armbar, but Cargill powered her up and broke the hold with a powerbomb…[c]

The action spilled back outside and Cargill sent Hirsch into the barricade. Jade remained in control and kicked and stomped on Hirsch in the ring. They traded forearms, and Cargill had the power advantage. She then picked Hirsch up and landed an inverted body slam of sorts. Cargill picked up Hirsch again and placed her on her soldiers, but Hirsch slipped and applied a rear naked choke. Cargill broke free quickly, but Hirsch was able to pull her down with a German Suplex.

Hirsch jumped for a suicide dive, and then a knee strike back in the ring. She then went up top, but missed a Moonsault and crashed hard. Jade landed a Hook Kick, and then Jaded for the win…

Jade Cargill defeated Leyla Hirsch at 6:15

After the match, we got a video package for Andrade El Idolo, where he explained he fired Chavo Guerrero Jr. because he never gave the order to interrupt his match. He tormented his sidekick Jose and said he’s the boss and the kingpin, and he can take down anyone he wants, when he wants… 

At the broadcast table, Taz approached CM Punk and accused him of taking his job. Taz walked down Hook and Taz, but Powerhouse Hobbs attacked him from behind. Punk fought back, but Hook applied a dragon sleeper, and Hobbs kicked him in the gut. Hook demanded the broadcast team leave their location. Hobbs picked up Punk and chokeslammed him off the table. It didn’t break…[c]

My Take: A solid showing for Hirsch and Cargill. Both women are inexperienced, but they managed to work a fairly complex match with a minimum of mistakes. Cargill continues to look like a star, and she will be if they don’t rush her into the title picture. It’s too bad the table didn’t break. Must have imported it from Japan. As far as Jericho and Lambert goes, why did they have Lambert insulting young stupid fans for weeks, only to have  50+ year old Jericho come out and make out of touch gay jokes to defend them? And does anyone believe Jericho and Hager, who beat up two cable installers in Bellator, can take on elite MMA talent in a legit fight? I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this. 

Excalibur expressed his disgust at Hobbs and Team Taz… We then got a video package that showed some history between Shawn Spears and Darby Allin. Both men then made their ring entrances…

4. Darby Allin (w/Sting) vs. Shawn Spears (w/Tully Blanchard): Sting looked on as Spears got an early advantage against Darby. He tossed him into the ring steps on the outside, and then placed him against the steps and gave him a knee. Spears gave Sting the finger, and then ran into then steps himself with an exposed knee. Darby recovered and tried for a dive to the floor, but Tully got in the way and he pulled up.

Darby took a nasty neck and head bump on the apron when Spears tripped him up. Spears then grabbed a towel and poured some water on it, and wiped off Darby’s face paint…[c]

Spears targeted Darby’s leg during the break. Darby recovered as the show returned to full screen and landed a Code Red for a near fall. He then climbed up top, but Spears met him on the ropes. Darby wrapped Spears’ knees in the ropes and punched his exposed knee. They rolled out to the apron, where Spears went for a Death Valley Driver. Darby escaped and landed a Stunner over the top rope. He then dove on Spears, who toppled off the steps near the ring. Darby finished his victory with the Coffin Drop. 

Darby Allin defeated Shawn Spears at 8:19

After the match, FTR appeared in the ring and took out Sting and Allin. Sting turned the table on Wheeler briefly, but Blanchard hit him in the back with a chair. Sting grabbed Tully by the neck, and FTR intervened and made the save. Darby tried to help Sting, but couldn’t. FTR then gave Sting a spike piledriver. Blanchard grabbed a wet towel and wiped the face paint off of Sting… 

We got a video package where Bryan Danielson said he was only interested in one member of The Elite. He’s heard about how great Kenny Omega is. He’d love for him to be his first match. Bryan then said he’s heard how hungry everyone in AEW is, and he’s game, so let’s go…

Tony Schiavone was in the ring, and he called down Bryan for a live interview. Bryan was still wearing a white shirt. Schiavone called him The American Dragon, and asked Bryan about a potential match with Kenny Omega. Before Bryan could answer, Don Callis walked out, followed by Omega. 

Callis called Bryan a hippie millionaire, and said he was tired of hearing about him. He called Bryan a sanctimonious son of a bitch, and said he must have agonized over the hard decision to sign a big contract to come and work for a company built on the back of Kenny Omega. Callis recalled Bryan saying that he joined AEW to do what’s best for the wrestling business, and sarcastically remarked that people call him a carny piece of shit. He then said Omega told him Bryan actually thinks like that, and called him a mark just like the fans. 

Bryan told him to shut up and said he was there to speak to Omega. He told Omega that someday it would be over the title, but let’s find out who the best is. Callis interrupted again, and Bryan called him a piece of shit. He called out Omega and said that he came to AEW to fight the best bout machine and the god of pro wrestling, but instead he found a guy that lets pieces of shit talk for him and hangs out with a bunch of goofy stooges. 

Bryan then told Omega he had heard he lost a step, but he doesn’t believe it, he just thinks he lost his balls. He then asked Omega for the match one more time, and asked for a Yes or No answer. Omega said if he wanted the God of Pro Wrestling and the Best Bout Machine, the answer is yes…

Backstage, Miro wanted to know why Fuego Del Sol was calling him out again. He said he would bash him, and then bash his car, and his family will thank him for being the redeemer…[c]

My Take: A very good promo segment from everybody involved. Callis is as wormy as ever, and I liked that Bryan quickly disposed of him and started the process of getting rid of this cringe version of Kenny Omega. Allin and Spears had another strong match from a work rate perspective, but Spears has never felt like a legitimate threat to top talent in AEW, and they are moving on immediately to FTR. I guess the Tully and Sting feud will escalate from here.

We got a brief promo form Matt Hardy where he said he would take everything away from Orange Cassidy. The broadcast team ran through upcoming cards at a rapid pace, including Bryan Danielson and Kenny Omega for next week’s Dynamite…

In the arena, Moxley and Kingston made their entrance. 2point0 jumped Kingston and Moxley from behind, along with Daniel Garcia. They brawled around ringside.

5. Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs. “2point0” Matt Lee and Jeff Parker (w/Daniel Garcia): Moxley and Parker started in the ring after things calmed down. Parker gouged Moxley’s eyes and tagged out. Matt Lee entered the ring, and Moxley bit his face. He tried to escape up the ramp, but Moxley gave chase. Garcia and Parker jumped Moxley again on the outside. Garcia got sent into the ring steps, but Parker attacked Moxley from behind…[c]

2point0 kept Moxley isolated during the break. Kingston finally got up on the apron after the opening brawl. There was an irish whip mishat and 2point0 botched a spot. They quickly collected themselves and knocked Kingston off the apron. Moxley landed a back body drop and a lariat before he made a hot tag to Kingston. Eddie took control and landed machine gun chops on Matt Lee. He then slugged Daniel Garcia off the apron. Parker tried to roll up Kingston from behind, but he kicked out quickly. Kingston landed a spinning back fist on Lee and a DDT on Parker. 

Moxley tagged in and they landed their Violent Crown finisher on Parker, which is a lariat and exploder suplex combination. He then covered for the win.

Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston defeated 2point0 at 6:54

After the match, we got an entrance from Minoru Suzuki. He made his way to the ring, and they played his entrance music until the refrain, and then both Archer and Suzuki attacked Kingston and Moxley. They brawled around the ringside area and into the crowd. Moxley and Suzuki fought on the timekeeper’s table. Moxley used a microphone to escape a piledriver. They brawled into the crowd as the show concluded. 

My Take: A bit of a make good with Suzuki’s music to close the show. The 2point0 match is what you expect at this point. A sneak attack, followed by them getting their ass handed to them. Next week’s AEW lineup is now completely loaded, with a PPV worth of matches that they are giving away on Free TV. Omega and Danielson is a dream match and they should advertise the hell out of it.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the September 15 edition

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Readers Comments (9)

  1. Solid show. Crowd was very into it all. I cannot wait for next weeks shows

  2. Seems like the crowd really enjoyed Jericho’s “out of touch gay joke”

    Seems like it’s SJW journalists and pundits that are the “out of touch” ones.

    Also, Jericho is one of the most over guys in the company. It’s not hard to figure out why he came out to defend the fans, especially since he plays up to them more than another other face in the company not named CM Punk. This isn’t rocket science.

  3. Same garbage from AEW again this week, especially with 2point0. They are pretty much WWE at this point with doing the SAME garbage week in and week out. Awful.

  4. You can tell Barnett is critical and biased against aew and why? Wwe is a trash product. Great show. All That criticism just stop. Loved it.

  5. So let me get this straight

    AEW already has a bloated roster with all the old WWE guys and the pals of the VPs. Yet they need segments with Rosario Dawson and Dan Lambert. AND they think we need a feud between Tully Blanchard and Sting?

    • They don’t know what they’re doing. They do some good stuff, and sometimes some great stuff, but it’s surrounded by 80% of the show that is asinine nonsense that can’t possibly be defended.

      With that said, Lambert got Kayla Harrison and Paige van Implants on TV and that’s better than almost everything on the show.

      144k drop in viewership from last week. Eventually they’re going to run out of celebrities and WWE made stars to pop the ratings for a week.

      • The Dawson segment was very counterproductive; what better way to break the mystique of a guy like Malachi Black than to have a Hollywood actress and producer be able to just come out and get in a neutral scrap with him. Dumb

  6. “Cody didn’t get as big of a reaction as I expected.”

    Nobody likes Cody.

    “Suzuki being offended by his music not being played is fine, but why is he mad at Moxley? Does he produce the show?”

    AEW is run by morons. Occasionally they get something right, but mostly its nonsensical crap appealing to a teeny, tiny audience.

    • The highlight of the night was Punk calling FTR the best tag team in the business and then later referring to them as legit while saying other teams are just cosplaying.

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