8/11 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett’s live review of Chris Jericho vs. Wardlow, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Evil Uno and Stu Grayson for the Impact Tag Team Titles, Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson vs. Matt Sydal, Mike Sydal, and Dante Martin, Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 99)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Petersen Events Center
Aired live August 11, 2021 on TNT

[Hour One] There was a photo tribute to Bobby Eaton, followed by the Dynamite entrance video. In the arena Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone joined at commentary, and Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…

MJF delivered a pre-taped promo. He said Chris Jericho is trying to redeem himself for his many failures through these labours, and as pathetic as it was, it was making for great television. He said he was close to his rematch with MJF, only to get stopped steps from the finish line. MJF called Wardlow the most dangerous man wrestling has ever seen. He said if Jericho somehow does get past his Titan, then he’d still have to find out that he’s better than him and he knows it. 

Wardlow showed confidence, but MJF reminded him about his loss to Cody in the cage match, and told him to get the job done. MJF handed Wardlow his half eaten apple, and Wardlow crushed it in his hand in frustration…

The announce team then ran down tonight’s card at Warp Speed. The Elite made their entrances to open the show. Matt, Nick, and Kenny are in the opening trios match. They were accompanied by Michael Nakazawa and Brandon Cutler. It was announced by Excalibur that Christian will face Kenny Omega at All Out next month. Don Callis stepped in on commentary. Out next were their opponents Dante Martin, Mike Sydal, and Matt Sydal. 

1. “The Elite” Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson (Michael Nakazawa, Brandon Cutler) vs. Matt Sydal, Mike Sydal, and Dante Martin: Matt Sydal and Matt Jackson started the match. He landed a trip and a standing moonsault, and then tagged in Mike for an assisted double stomp. Mike applied an arm twist and then rolled up Matt for a two count. Dante Martin then tagged in and got poked in the eye by Matt Jackson. He then tagged out to Nick, who ate a big dropkick and tagged back out to Matt immediately. 

Omega also jumped in and regained control for his team. The Sydals even the score and sent Kenny and Matt to ringside. All three babyfaces landed baseball slides into The Elite members. Matt and Mike Sydal then helped Dante Martin perform a Rocket Launcher on top of all three men on the floor. 

Back in the ring, the heels regained control and isolated Mike Sydal. Nick Jackson knocked Dante and Matt off the apron, and sent Mike into the heel corner. Omega tagged in and continued the assault, and kept Mike grounded. Matt Jackson then tagged in and landed repeated stomps in the corner. Dante and Matt Sydal eventually climbed back on the apron. Omega was the legal man and used some ref interference to stomp on Mike’s groin. 

The Elite landed some triple team offense. Matt held Mike in a wheelbarrow while Nick landed a facebuster. He then picked him back up so Kenny could perform a Kotaro Crusher. Mike kicked out of a cover, and managed to scramble to his corner for a tag out to Matt Sydal. Mike and Matt applied a double team crossface submission on Matt Jackson. Omega broke things up, but was stifled by Dante Martin’s athleticism and creative counters. 

Dante made a hot tag into the match and cleaned house. He landed a double springboard huracanrana onto Omega on the floor, and then a double springboard splash onto Matt Jackson for a near fall in the ring. Omega recovered and put a stop to the momentum with a series of V-Triggers. He then landed an ushigoroshi on Martin, and called for the end. He landed a nasty V-Trigger, and then picked up Dante for a One Winged Angel. Dante escaped, and landed a pele kick for a two count. Omega then went for a Tiger Driver, but Martin spun out of that. The Bucks cleared The Sydals, and Omega landed a One Winged Angel. They then hit a 3 man BTE V-Trigger and Omega covered for the win. 

“The Elite” Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson defeated Dante Martin, Matt Sydal, and Mike Sydal by pinfall at 12:58

After the match, Don Callis walked to the ring and started to talk about how Pittsburgh has never seen anything like this team. Christian interrupted, and Callis called him the Stamford Stooge. He then said Christian is a moron, but even he can count, and there’s ten of them and one of him. Jurassic Express then entered….[c]

My Take: Lots of high spot entertainment here. If you’re a fan of this chaotic rapid fire style, then this match made you very happy. If you dislike the lack of rule enforcement and selling, then this match probably didn’t change your mind. I like Christian a lot, but I never thought he’d be a PPV draw against Omega. We’ll see if they can heat up a feud between them in a couple of weeks.

Callis said Omega was very happy that Christian was getting his title shot in Chicago. He called Christian a great wrestler and ring general, and said he had one of the best finishing moves he’s ever seen. Callis said Kenny can’t wait to kick out of it. Callis continued and asked him to go to the back and wait his turn, because Kenny wasn’t going to wrestle him in Pittsburgh. 

Christian piped up and called Callis a carny piece of shit. He then corrected himself since they were in Pittsburgh, and called him a carny jagoff. He said he had a conversation with Tony Khan, and he will have his match for the AEW Championship at All Out. But Kenny will be wrestling in Pittsburgh, because he had a conversation with Tony Khan and Impact Wrestling executive Scott D’Amore, and Kenny will defend the Impact Championship in Pittsburgh against Christian on Rampage on Friday. 

Christian’s music hit, and Jungle Boy asked for it to stop. He said next week, Jurassic Express will face The Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Titles next week in Houston on Dynamite…

A Malakai Black promo video aired. He said Cody had one foot in the grave, and when he wanted to put both feet in he would be ready for him. Black said he had made good on everything he said, and he put to bed the narrative in society that he who speaks the truth is labeled a fool. He then said whoever he appears in front of next will find out quickly that they are arguing with a God. We then got a brief promo for Cody’s reality show…[c]

My Take: The Black promo was well delivered, but I still don’t feel like I learned anything about him other than he has a god complex. But, I guess it’s a start. Christian calling out Callis was popular, but they’ve got a ways to go before they can say the feud feels personal.

A Miro video package aired where he talked about his match on Rampage with Fuego Del Sol. He said he was cleansed with pain, and so with Del Sol. He said that was his service to a vengeful god…

Daniel Garcia made his entrance for the next match. He was accompanied by 2.0. We then got a picture in picture promo where Garcia sai he would take down Darby Allin. Parker and Lee threatened Sting and told him to keep out of their business. Darby Allin then made his entrance with Sting. 

2. Darby Allin (w/Sting) vs. Daniel Garcia (w/Matt Lee, Jeff Parker): Garcia took control early and focused on Darby’s left arm and shoulder. They worked some mat wrestling, and Garcia used leverage to stay in the dominant position. They both got to their feet, and Darby landed a drop toe hold and then applied an armbar. Garcia scrambled to the ropes. Jeff Parker created a distraction so Garcia could rake at the nose of Allin. He then tossed him upside down into the turnbuckle in the corner…[c]

Garcia continued the focus on the left arm and shoulder. He then landed a chop, and tossed Darby to the opposite corner. Garcia attempted a dropkick, but Darby slipped out of the way. Darby went up top, but 2.0 caused a distraction, and Garcia pulled Darby into the ring with a hammerlock suplex. He then pressed the advantage by using the leg for leverage with a hammer lock. 

Both men traded hard slaps to the face. Darby went for a coffin splash from the middle rope, but Garcia pulled him into a submission. Darby reversed into a pinfall attempt. Darby then hit a stunner and a Coffin Drop for the win. 

Darby Allin defeated Daniel Garcia at 9:13. 

After the match, 2.0 (Parker and Lee) got in Sting’s face, but got leveled for their trouble. Darby and Sting sent them packing and celebrated on the ramp…

Backstage, Death Triangle spoke mostly in Spanish. Pac told them to let him worry about Andrade, and told to focus on the AEW Tag Team Championships. He told them they are undeniably the best, and deserve gold. Pac then addressed Andrade, and said he doesn’t know him or like him, and his obsession with Death Triangle stops now. He then told him he was easy to find… 

In the arena, Wheeler Yuta, Chuckie T, and Orange Cassidy made their entrance for the next match. They were accompanied by Kris Statlander. Matt Hardy and Private Party followed with the rest of the Hardy Family Office. TH2 and The Blade will be at ringside. 

3. Matt Hardy, Marq Quen, and Isaiah Kassidy (w/The Blade, Jack Evans, Angelico) vs. Orange Cassidy, Wheeler Yuta, and Chuckie T (w/Kris Statlander): Hardy did the delete signal in front of Orange Cassidy, who caught his hand and put it in his pocket. Hardy landed a side effect in response, and got a two count. Cassidy avoided a charging Hardy in the corner, and landed a slow splash from the bottom rope. Isaiah Kassidy tagged in for his team, and walked into slow kicks from Orange Cassidy. Puzzlingly, he sold the kicks so Chuckie T could run in and splash him in the corner. 

Yuta tagged in, and Kassidy recovered and took him down with a clothesline, He then knocked Cassidy and Chuck from the apron and went to work on Yuta…[c]

My Take: This show is pushing a punishing pace for me to scramble and get as much as I can in my report. Allin vs. Garcia was very good, and the hints about CM Punk continue to be dropped. Best Friends and Hardy Family Office feels pretty cold to me thus far. The crowd is enjoying the action, but there’s not much of a story here.

After some extra curricular interference from Nyla Rose, Orange Cassidy was taken out by TH2 on the outside. Wheeler Yuta managed to rally and tag in Chuckie T, who took out private party singlehandedly. He landed a spinning sit out powerbomb for a near fall on Marq Quen. Cassidy recovered and cleared Matt Hardy from the ring. Yuta tagged back in and landed a top rope splash on Quen for a near fall. 

[Hour Two] Quen landed a blind tag to Kassidy. Yuta didn’t realize it, and Kassidy broke up a German Suplex pin with a Swanton Splash. That also got a near fall. After some missed camera work, Private Party landed Gin and Juice on Yuta. Orange Cassidy broke up the pin. Jack Evans created another distraction, and Matt Hardy tossed Isaiah Kassidy into Orange Cassidy. He then hit a Twist of Fate on Yuta for the win. 

Matt Hardy and Private Party defeated Best Friends at 9:54

Elsewhere, Andrade was interviewed and called Pac ungrateful. Chavo piped up and basically repeated what Andrade said. Andrade piped up again and told Pac to be careful what he wishes for. Chavo then proposed he show Pac who the boss was at All Out…[c]

My Take: Pac vs. Andrade is a very nice addition to All Out. It already feels like Chavo is redundant. The match with HFO and Best Friends was too busy. It felt overbooked and the in-ring work never flowed well as a result.

We got a video package for FTR and Proud and Powerful. Santana told them where they are from, you tape up your bloody limb and keep pushing forward. He told FTR to show up, and they’ll be out for blood every time…

In the arena, Nyla Rose made her entrance accompanied by Vickie Guerrero. Kris Statlander followed. Orange Cassidy joined her at ringside…

4. Kris Statlander (w/Orange Cassidy) vs. Nyla Rose (w/Vickie Guerrero): Nyla Rose blindsided Statlander to start the match. She recovered and landed some kicks, but Rose put her back down quickly with a pounce. Statlander battled back, but was quickly shut down again with a German Suplex. Kris slipped under the ropes and pulled Nyla to the floor. She then landed a moonsault from the apron to the floor. 

Vickie screamed at Orange Cassidy, and that allowed Rose to chokeslam Statlander on the apron. Rose set Statlander on the top rope for a knee strike, but she was able to handstand walk away. Nyla interrupted her walk with a spear. They battled in the corner, and Statlander slipped off the top and powerbombed Rose. She then landed an Area 451 splash for the win…

Kris Statlander defeated Nyla Rose at 4:34

The Young Bucks gave a backstage promo. They sarcastically mocked Hangman Page’s absence, and said next week’s match would be easy as a lay up. Nick went for a layup on the nearby basketball hoop, but was rejected by Luchasaurus. He told The Bucks that it wouldn’t happen in his house. The Bucks called for a foul…[c]

My Take: I think the weekly basketball bits are on the show to make me roll my eyes. Statlander looked good in her win over Rose. I have to imagine she’s up for a title match soon….but she really needs more character work before that happens.

We got a brief video package for Red Velvet and Britt Baker. Velvet talked about proving herself in AEW, and said she wasn’t happy with Baker being on top…

In the arena, Tony Schiavone brought out Britt Baker for an interview. The front 5 rows had Britt Baker terrible towels, and other sparsely throughout the crowd. There were DMD chants to start the interview. Tony asked Britt about Red Velvet’s rise, and she said she couldn’t relate because she’s always been on top of the division. She did relate to her fearlessness, and said she wasn’t afraid to step up when AEW needed a new era, and when Pittsburgh needed a champion. She said she bled black and gold, but it had been a difficult year, and held up her title as a symbol of hope. 

Baker said Red Velvet might have had a chance in any other city, but not in Brittsburgh, and said she would drag her to the deep water on Friday Night in the Main Event. She then had Tony practice his “And Still” announcement, and then led the crowd in a DMD call and response. Red Velvet then attacked from out of frame, and they were separated by officials…

We got a video package for Brian Cage vs. Ricky Starks, and they will face off next week on Dynamite…

Back in the arena, the Dark Order made their entrance. This match will be for the Impact Tag Team Championships. Scott D’Amore joined in on commentary. The Good Brothers then made their ring entrance with Brandon Cutler. Stu Grayson splashed The Good Brothers at ringside to start the match. He then tossed Gallows into the steps, and Anderson into the ring. 

5. “The Good Brothers” Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The Dark Order’s Evil Uno and Stu Grayson for the Impact Tag Titles: Uno jumped Anderson with rapid fire punches. Grayson tagged in and made a roll up cover for a two count. Excalibur said only Colt Cabana had accompanied Grayson and Uno to ringside because there is disagreement in the Dark Order over the treatment of Adam Page. 

Colt Cabana punched Cutler in the face at ringside, and then Frankie Kazarian showed up to chase him to the back. Gallows took out Grayson with a big boot at ringside…[c]

My Take: As expected, Britt Baker is majorly over in Pittsburgh. The Red Velvet video package was pretty bland. I liked most of Baker’s promo, but the entire selling point of this match seems to be watching her wrestle in Pittsburgh.

Stu Grayson showed off some very impressive offense as the show returned. He stepped up Anderson’s back to land a Tornado DDT, and then threw Anderson for an impressive suplex. Uno got a close near fall on Anderson following a top rope splash from Grayson. The Good Brothers recovered and went for a Magic Killer, but Grayson escaped. 

We got some interference as Gallows threw a title belt in the ring. That allowed Gallows to interrupt the finisher of Dark Order, and land a Magic Killer on Grayson for the win…

The Good Brothers defeated The Dark Order at 6:54 to retain the Impact Tag Titles

After the match, we got a Kamille video package where she said Leyla Hirsch wouldn’t be able to get her off her feat, and that she would kick the forbidden door right in her face…

QT Marshall was in the ring to apologize to Tony Schiavone. He said Tony should apologize to him, but instead he would apologize to him. QT said he would apologize, but not for what he did a couple of weeks ago with a protein shake, but what he’s about to do to his son right now. Nick Comorato grabbed Schiavone’s son Chris from the crowd, and QT punched him in the gut. Tony pleaded with him to stop and called him a son of a bitch. He told Tony the apology wasn’t accepted, and landed a Diamond Cutter on Chris. 

Paul Wight made his entrance, and QT shoved Aaron Solow at him. Wight gave Solo a chokeslam, and QT ran away…

The announce team ran through next week’s card. Darby Allin and Sting will face 2.0 in a Texas Tornado match, and Sammy Guevara will have a major announcement. Wardlow vs. Jericho is the main event up next…[c]  

My Take: The interference finish to the tag match was lame and wasn’t clever in the least. QT Marshall inspires nothing but apathy from me. I’m not invested in seeing him get comeuppance, I just think his TV time should be allotted to more engaging characters.

Chris Jericho made his entrance for the main event. People sang Judas, but I’d bet my last dollar none of them own a Fozzy album. He was followed by Wardlow with MJF. 

6. Chris Jericho vs. Wardlow: Jericho fired up early and landed some punches, but Wardlow turned the tables and stomped him into the corner. He then threw Jericho to the opposite corner, where Jericho quickly went up to and landed a top rope double axe handle. Jericho then landed a Codebreaker for a one count. Wardlow took over and landed a release vertical suplex, and then a second one. He then clotheslined Jericho to the floor. Wardlow followed and tossed Jericho into the barricade. 

Wardlow picked up Jericho for a press slam, but had to improvise a toss into the ring apron as he couldn’t hold him up in that position. He then rammed Jericho into the ring post in a bear hug position. In the ring, Wardlow landed a big powerbomb. He then picked him up for a second one, and almost dropped him, but then recovered and landed a second one…[c]

Wardlow dominated during the break, and landed another several powerbombs. MJF mouthed off to the crowd. Wardlow picked him up and threw him down for yet another powerbomb. Jericho landed chops and went for a crossbody. Wardlow caught him and threw him for an F10. Wardlow put Jericho on the middle rope for his knee strike, but Jericho avoided it and applied the Walls of Jericho. 

MJF got in the ring again, but got caught by referee Aubrey Edwards, who ejected him after he attempted to pass Wardlow the Dynamite Diamond. Jericho had someone at ringside slip him his aluminum bat, and he used it on Wardlow. He followed up with the Judas Effect for the win. 

Chris Jericho defeated Wardlow at 10:18

After the match, Jericho celebrated briefly before being attacked by Shawn Spears. Sammy Guevara tried for a save, but Wardlow recovered and assaulted him. MJF entered the ring, and applied his Salt of the Earth armbar on Jericho. MJF tore off Jericho armband and reapplied the hold, and Jericho tapped out repeatedly. Jake Hager eventually cleared out the heels. 

MJF got on the microphone and said he might have gotten to the 5th labour, but he doesn’t know what the stipulations are. He said Jericho cannot use the Judas Effect, and wouldn’t have his “Judas” entrance music. MJF told Jericho that he had a prediction for next week, and said he would become Jericho’s successor. MJF called out his full name and talked trash to the crowd. Jericho was tended to by doctors as the show ended.

My Take: A decent main event, but the use of MJF lacked a bit of creativity. Of all stipulations MJF could have chosen for next week, it’s no Judas Effect and music? Seems a bit anticlimactic? Why do I think we’re going to get a non-finish of some sort just so we can have the actual blow off match at the PPV? Overall, this show had it’s ups and downs, but the you wouldn’t know it listening to the crowd. It wasn’t my favorite episode of Dynamite, and I’m lukewarm on some of the ongoing programs, but you can’t deny the energy AEW brings to arenas.

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Readers Comments (11)

  1. I continue to see nothing about the Young Bucks that is any good. Kenny Omega continues to be a talented guy who needs a booker to keep him from being too goofy. The Sydals are good enough for enhancement talent in spotty matches like the opener.

    Dante Martin should have gotten the pin over one of the YB in the opener. That kid has something special.

    And the first interview of the night gets an interruption, because it’s AEW and that’s what they do.

    Whoever chose Tarzan Boy for Jungle Boy’s theme music made a brilliant decision. That’s one of the easiest songs to help a crowd get behind a plucky babyface.

    Christian is still a great talker.

    • I’m glad to see Christian get a high-profile title match; one of the best all-around workers over the last decade or more and he introduces a different tempo and style to his matches, and can have a strong outing with just about anyone. It’s possible that a program with him and Jungle Boy could also be initiated which may be a promising sequence of matches, and could potentially help to develop Jungle Boy’s identity a little more.

      • He could also help Jungle Boy polish up his ring work a bit.

        Christian vs Omega should be the best true wrestling match that we’ve seen from Kenny since AEW started.

  2. Allin vs Garcia was excellent. Darby is simply a star and Garcia worked a great old school match. 2.0 and Sting played their roles outside the ring well.

    Both matches have had nonsense going on afterwards, because AEW. Otherwise, it’s been pretty good.

    And here come Best Friends to ruin the night against a group of 7 people coming to the ring.

  3. Statlander vs Rose was about as good as those two can be together, and the right person went over with the right move.

    The Bucks still suck.

    That pop for Baker in her hometown was fantastic, and she deserves it with how much she’s improved over the past 2 years.

    • And immediately downhill from there. Carrot Cake with the worst 12 second run in ever.

      Now we’ve got the Dork Odor and the Goof Brothers stinking up the joint, with a variety of stupid interference spots.

      That gives us 5 segments with some kind of interruption or interference on the night with 30 minutes left. AEW just refuses to stop with the overbooked crap, even on a show that was doing well for most of the first hour.

  4. “Uno jumped Grayson”

    Interesting start to the match…

  5. MJF is the next Bobby Heenan. He’s good in the ring, but the money is in him running his mouth for the guys in his stable and every few years giving the payoff of bumping around for whichever babyface finally gets his hands on him.

    This was better than the usual AEW show despite a pretty rough middle stretch.

  6. After surviving a death match. After surviving the beast Wardlow. Chris Jericho now has to face his biggest test….win a match without the Judas effect

    Something he has only done, idk, the entire first 25 years of his career?

  7. 2.0 Rules!

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