NWA Powerrr Surge results: Powell’s review of Tim Storm and Sal Rinauro vs. Luke Hawx and PJ Hawx, interviews with Billy Corgan, Nick Aldis, Kamille, and Thom Latimer

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr Surge
Taped in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed June 1, 2021 on the FITE TV

-Joe Galli checked in from his home and hyped that Tim Storm would team with Sal Rinauro in a tag match. Galli also hyped Sunday’s pay-per-view.

-Kamille was interviewed by May Valentine while both were seated in front of a pool table. Valentine recalled that Kamille seemed to be upset with her for bringing up Thunder Rosa during a past interview. Kamille said she should have been talking to her rather than about Rosa. Kamille apologized.

Valentine asked Kamille for her thoughts on Thunder Rosa. Kamille barked about it being cowardly that her title match wasn’t promoted. Valentine asked about NWA Women’s Champion Serena deeb. Kamille said she has a lot of respect for Deeb and noted that she’s very aggressive inside the ring. Kamille said her size will prevent Deeb from being able to beat her. Valentine said she hopes that Kamille will bring the title back to the NWA.

Kamille was asked if she trusts Nick Aldis. Valentine said that Aldis could kick Kamille out of the Strictly Business faction. Kamille said she didn’t know why he would do that when she’s a winner and a draw. Valentine thanked Kamille for her time. She said she knows that her questions can be annoying, but she wanted her to know that she would be cheering for her…

-Billy Corgan was interviewed by Valentine in a different location. Corgan said Aldis underestimated Trevor Murdoch. Corgan said he’s the type of person who will never let it go if you mess with him, and he feels Murdoch is the same way. Valentine asked if Murdoch is championship material. Corgan said that when he purchased the NWA, he told various talents that the company has no limits and it doesn’t matter who you are or who you love. Corgan said he’s not the person to tell someone they can’t do something.

Corgan recalled watching Jerry Blackwell and said he looked like a truck driver who had one too many donuts. Corgan spoke about how gifted Blackwell was despite his physique. Corgan said he often refers to the NWA as the Island of Lost Toys. Corgan said he wants the company to be the land of opportunity. Corgan said Murdoch is absolutely championship material and pointed out that he was trained by Harley Race, just as Aldis was. Corgan said Race saw a champion in Aldis and he saw a champion in Murdoch, and he might be right on both counts…

Powell’s POV: Blackwell was tremendous and it made my day to hear him mentioned. Corgan did a good job of putting over that the NWA is for everyone while also delivering some good hype for the Aldis vs. Murdoch match.

-An ad aired for Sunday’s NWA When Our Shadows Fall pay-per-view.

-Valentine interviewed Kamille and Thom Latimer in the same game room used for the Kamille solo interview. Valentine asked about the difficulty of being a couple in the business. Kamille spoke about how being a couple in the same business actually makes it easier. Latimer said he wasn’t bothered by Aldis saying everyone in Strictly Business needs to perform or they are expendable. He indicated that he didn’t think Aldis was talking about him. Valentine said she hopes that she will be invited to their wedding. They both humored her.

1. Tim Storm and Sal Rinauro vs. Luke Hawx and PJ Hawx. Joe Galli and Velvet Sky were on commentary. In the end, Storm hit his Perfect Storm finisher and then Rinauro stole the pin on Luke. Storm looked a little miffed, but the eventually shook Rinauro’s hand…

Powell’s POV: A good match. It was good to see the father and son Hawx duo return. I think the idea with Rinauro is that he’s a lovable character, so Storm couldn’t stay mad at him.

-A montage of recent match finishes aired.

-NWA Champion Nick Aldis was interviewed in the game room. Aldis took issue with Valentine asking if he was fearful of Trevor Murdoch. After scolding Valentine, Aldis denied being afraid and then spoke about how being the champion is about being an ambassador for the injury. He asked if Murdoch checks the boxes that he does. Valentine said she didn’t think her opinion mattered. Aldis said they finally agree on something.

Valentine asked about Kamille. Aldis spoke about how she did a great job as his insurance policy. He said she was once a blue chip, but after sitting under his learning tree she is now ready to become the NWA Women’s Championship. Valentine asked about the NWA Tag Title match. Aldis pointed to the animosity between Aron Stevens and Kratos. He said that if you’re not 100 percent on the same page, it’s only a matter of time before you lose the belts. Aldis said Stevens and Kratos are in the bonus round at this point. Aldis also spoke more about Strictly Business.

-The Corgan interview continued. He spoke about believing that Kamille could be a champion when he signed her. He said that Thunder Rosa might think she’s been handed opportunities, but Corgan said she’s worked hard. Corgan also said he believes that the Kamille and Latimer relationship has made them stronger in the ring, but a case could be made that she could lose focus because of him.

Valentine asked about the NWA Tag Title match. Corgan brought up the finish of the masked men attacking during the No. 1 contenders match. He said they know the identity of the person and he has been fined. He said that because of the various controversies, he decided to put the various teams in the match. Corgan said he hopes that there will be some clarity in the tag division because it’s been a mess.

Corgan spoke about how Aldis convinced Chris Adonis to forfeit the NWA National Championship and their previous tag title shot. Corgan said he didn’t want to take away another opportunity from Adonis because it would also take away something from the fans.

-Galli closed the show.

Powell’s POV: A good show. There was a ton of talking, so fans who prefer the in-ring action might be turned off, but it’s not like the NWA is a workrate promotion to begin with. Corgan and Aldis did the best storytelling to push the pay-per-view. I can’t believe that Trevor Murdoch didn’t make an appearance on this show. He’s delivered some very good promos already, so perhaps they thought he’d already sold his match, but he really should have appeared in some fashion beyond just the recap of his battle royal win. That said, this was an enjoyable show that did a good job of showcasing the top matches heading into Sunday’s pay-per-view.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Was confused as I had watched this and did not remember there being a woman’s match.

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