5/19 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Crimson and Jax Dane vs. Parrow and Odinson to become No. 1 contenders to the NWA Tag Titles, Thunder Rosa vs. Jennacide, Pope vs. Matt Cross for the NWA TV Title, NWA Tag Champions Aron Stevens and Kratos vs. Fred Rosser and Marshe Rockett in a non-title match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 28)
Taped Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed May 19, 2021 on the FITE TV

The show opened with clips from a Nick Aldis promo… The “Into the Fire” opening aired… Joe Galli and Velvet Sky checked in on commentary and then sent it to the interview desk. Kyle Davis read a statement from Billy Corgan while graphics listed the statement. It noted that Aldis, Chris Adonis, and Thom Latimer left last week’s show prematurely and has not responded to his attempts to reach them. Corgan added that Kamille did say she was fine and would attend this event.

Corgan officially stripped Adonis and Latimer of their shot at the NWA Tag Titles, and Aldis was docked one month’s salary, which will be voted to charity. All three are expected to appear on next week’s show or their contracts will be terminated and Aldis and Adonis will be stripped of their respective titles.

Galli and Sky discussed the news at their desk and agreed that Corgan needed to lay down the law as the leader and owner of the NWA. Sky said the Aldis that she knows won’t be happy about this. Galli and Sky wondered if he and the others were in the building…

An ad aired for Ricky Morton’s “School of Morton” training school…

1. Pope vs. Matt Cross for the NWA TV Title. Late in the match, Pope hit double knees to the back of Cross in the corner and pinned with just under a minute remaining in the 6:05 time limit. Afterward, Pope helped up Cross and raised his hand…

Pope defeated Matt Cross to retain the NWA TV Title.

Powell’s POV: Fun while it lasted. Pope is three title defenses away from earning a shot at the NWA Championship.

An Austin Idol wrestling school ad aired…

2. NWA Tag Champions Aron Stevens and Kratos vs. Fred Rosser and Marshe Rockett in a non-title match. Late in the match, Stevens tagged in and got a two count following a short DDT on Rockett. Kratos pulled Rosser off the apron and ran him into the ring post. Stevens wasn’t pleased with his partner. Rockett rolled up Stevens for a two count, then Stevens came right back with a discus lariat and scored the pin.

NWA Tag Champions Aron Stevens and Kratos defeated Fred Rosser and Marshe Rockett in a non-title match.

Stevens was upset with Kratos after the match but still handed him his tag title belt. Kratos put the boots to Rosser. Stevens checked on Rosser…

Powell’s POV: A solid continuation of the story with babyface Stevens taking exception to partner Kratos exhibiting heelish behavior. I continue to hope that this somehow leads to Stevens breaking bad. He does a good job as a babyface, but his over the top heel antics are sorely missed.

May Valentine interviewed Melina and Taryn Terrell about Thunder Rosa facing Kamille. Melina continued to side with Rosa, while Terrell was in heel mode while siding with Kamille…

An ad aired for the NWA Back For The Attack pay-per-view replay…

3. Thunder Rosa vs. Jennacide. Rosa targeted the right knee of Jennacide throughout the match. Jennacide came back and rolled Rosa into a strange crossface, which Rosa escaped. Rosa applied an ankle lock, which caused Jennacide to tap out.

Thunder Rosa defeated Jennacide.

Powell’s POV: The finish caught me off guard. Jennacide has been showcased as a powerhouse thus far, so it was surprising that she wasn’t protected and simply tapped out. That said, it was a solid match and the right person went over, as Rosa continues to be among the most popular wrestlers in the NWA.

The Nick Aldis action figure ad aired…

Tyrus and Austin Idol joined Davis on the interview set. Tyrus congratulated Pope on another successful title defense before pointing out that he never beat him and doesn’t even remember the match because he left Pope lying afterward. Idol announced that Tyrus would be entering the 14-man battle royal for a shot at the NWA Championship.

Idol had Davis read through the following list of wrestlers: Fred Rosser, Mims, Jeremiah Plunkett, Marshe Rockett, Matt Cross, Slice Boogie, and a tiki bar blonde. Idol said the blonde wasn’t supposed to be on the list, but the others are will be in the battle royal. Davis wondered how Idol found out those names before anyone else. Idol said no one has a chance to eliminate Tyrus for the battle royal…

Powell’s POV: Tyrus continuing to intimidate Davis by putting his arm around him or placing his hand on top of his head is good fun. I’m not sure what Plunkett’s character has done in the NWA to earn a spot in the match, but I guess they need bodies.

The hosts spoke about the battle royal and then an ad aired for the NWA post-show podcast…

4. “The War Kings” Crimson and Jax Dane vs. “The End” Parrow and Odinson to become No. 1 contenders to the NWA Tag Titles. Odinson impressively powered up partner Parrow and performed a Death Valley Driver onto Crimson, which led to a near fall. Dane eventually tagged in and worked over Odinson. Crimson tagged in and the duo hit a suplex and top rope elbow drop combo. Crimson covered Odinson, who kicked out, but the referee counted to three anyway.

“The War Kings” Crimson and Jax Dane defeated “The End” Parrow and Odinson to become No. 1 contenders to the NWA Tag Titles.

After the match, the teams squared off in the ring for a moment, then Parrow and Odinson left the ring. Crimson and Dane played to the spectator crew. The credits rolled to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A strange finish. There wasn’t any major protesting from the losing team, so I don’t know if Odinson kicked out when he wasn’t supposed or if they will revisit this next week. They did replay it and the broadcast team acknowledged that Odinson’s shoulder was up. With this being a taped show, you’d think they could have done a reshoot if that wasn’t meant to happen, so my guess is that it was by design. Overall, this was a step up from last week’s rough episode.


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