2/26 WWE 205 Live results: Anish V’s review of Curt Stallion and Mansoor vs. “Ever-Rise” Matt Martel and Chase Parker, and August Grey vs. Tony Nese

By Anish Vishwakoti, ProWrestling.net Staffer, (@AVX_9001)

WWE 205 Live (Episode 220)
Orlando, Florida at Capitol Wrestling Center (WWE PC)
Streamed February 26, 2021 on WWE Network

The show started quick after the opening video with Nigel McGuinness and Vic Joseph on commentary, talking up the undefeated streak of Mansoor and introducing him, his partner and his opponents.

1. Curt Stallion and Mansoor vs. “Ever Rise” Matt Martel and Chase Parker. Martel and Stallion started in the ring with a strong lockup and some digs at Stallion being a cowboy from Martel. Stallion grabbed a headlock but was shot off the ropes for a shoulder block. Stallion responded with a headlock takeover but was shot off the ropes again although this time he hit Martel with a shoulder blocked and tagged in Mansoor, handing him Martel’s arm.

Martel took Mansoor down with a leg trip and tagged in Parker who re-engaged Mansoor. After a few lockups, Parker locked in a headlock. After a pair of unsuccessful attempts, Mansoor hit Parker with an Atomic Drop to break the hold. Mansoor then used a headlock takeover himself and while Parker broke out, he went right back to it. Parker was then dragged to Mansoor’s corner where Stallion tagged in and took over the headlock.

Parker shot Stallion off but to no avail as he was met with a spinning forearm and Mansoor who tagged in and used an arm lock. Parker stomped on Mansoor’s foot and tagged in Martel. They tried for a tandem move on Mansoor, but he flipped out and executed a double arm drag. Stallion came in for the assist and forced Ever Rise out of the ring for a breather.

The Bollywood Boyz made their way to ringside and gave Ever Rise some encouragement. It seemed to work, as Parker and Martel were able to surprise Mansoor and goad him into a big powerbomb by Martel. Parker tagged in and with Martel hit Mansoor with a shoulder block and double elbow. Parker slotted Mansoor with some strikes but when he tried for more elbows, Mansoor dodged and got out of the ring.

Parker made a blind tag to Martel, who broke up a roll up by Mansoor. Parker and Martel continued to get in each other’s way, allowing for Stallion to tag in and get the jump on Parker. He tried to roll him up, but Parker kicked out, forcing Stallion to hit a stomp and the suicide dive to BollyRise on the outside. Stallion then got back in the ring and tried for a splash, but Parker got his knees up forcing Mansoor to tag in.

Mansoor tried for a bulldog, but Ever Rise were able to counter and hit Mansoor with the double Stun Gun. Stallion then caught Martel with a running uppercut to knock him out of the ring, but Parker caught him with a kick. In the chaos, The Bollywood Boyz threw Ever Rise a clapperboard, however the ref saw it easily and while Parker was arguing with him, Mansoor rolled him up and got the three count.

Mansoor and Curt Stallion defeated “Ever Rise” Matt Martel and Chase Parker.

Anish’s Thoughts: Just hook it into my veins. Not only are they continuing the Ever Rise vs. Bollywood Boyz feud in the long run, but they are not rushing the story and are drip feeding us every bit of build-up and story possible in a very smart way. I think Mansoor and Stallion did a great job looking good in this match without really having much time for offense and really having to give Parker and Martel most of the match. I liked that The Bollywood Boyz entered after a while and although they didn’t overtly cost Ever Rise the match, they could have handled things better and put Ever Rise in a better spot than they did. Great stuff all round.

2. Tony Nese (w/Ariya Daivari) vs. August Grey (w/Jake Atlas). Nese looked wary of Atlas on the outside, allowing Grey to dive in and engage first. Nese almost countered, but Grey reversed the hold and made Nese force him to the corner. Nese chopped Grey’s chest and showed off for the crowd, giving Grey the opportunity to strike back and whip him to the corner, following up with a scoop slam.

Daivari tried to interfere from the outside, but Atlas kept him away from the ring. Daivari persisted however and Nese was able to jump Grey from behind and hit the springboard moonsault for a two count. Nese kicked Grey on the apron and with Daivari throwing jibes from the outside, Grey was on the back foot.

Grey was able to counter a Hotshot attempt from Nese and tried to rush Nese, but Nese reversed into a pump-handle slam for a two count. Grey and Nese went back and forth with strikes before Nese whipped Grey into the corner, but Grey bounced back and hit Nese with a series of clotheslines and a back suplex for a two count. Grey went to the top rope, but Daivari distracted him by ramming Atlas into the steps on the outside.

Nese hit Grey with a rising Uppercut and tried for a 450 Splash but Grey rolled out of the way and tried for the Unprettier. On the outside, Atlas got back at Nese forcing Nese to hit him with a diving moonsault. This distraction allowed Grey to catch him coming in with a Tornado Unprettier to get the pinfall victory.

 August Grey defeated Tony Nese.

Anish’s Thoughts: A very fast paced and straight to the point match that worked well as a main event. The story was obviously all about Grey being able to beat Nese and Daivari when the numbers were even and I liked that they kept it clean and simple. Grey worked well with Nese and made the most of his offense, especially his finisher which came off very strong today and sealed his convincing win. Nese was made to look like he got cocky and that he and Daivari got beaten at their own game and I have no doubt that these four will continue to have some exchanges soon.

A very good show that was quick, fast paced, and concise. If I had to give one criticism it would be the obvious lack of the NXT Cruiserweight Championship, but all things considered they have made me care about this BollyRise storyline so much that I almost forgive them for not even mentioning the cruiserweight title today…almost. A sound show to say the least.


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