Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Teddy Hart vs. MJF for the MLW Middleweight Championship, Hijo de LA Park vs. Zenshi, Mance Warner arrested

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 72)
Taped July 25, 2019 in New York, New York at Melrose Ballroom
Aired August 24, 2019 on beIN Sports

The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Tony Schiavone. Mance Warner’s mugshot appeared on along with a “breaking news” graphic. Bocchini said Warner was taken into custody in New York and they hoped to have more information during the show… The Fusion opening video aired…

Ring announcer Tim Barr introduced the opening match wrestlers. Bocchini said that Mance Warner was arrested on aggravated assault charges for last week’s incident with the chainsaw. The chargers were filed by Salina de la Renta, and Bocchini cited this as the reason for her not being in Hijo de LA Park’s corner for the opening match…

1. Hijo de LA Park vs. Zenshi. Park performed an early suicide dive. Park picked up Zenshi and swung him into the barricade, the powerbomed him onto the apron before rolling him back inside the ring. Zenshi went for a springboard huracanrana from the ropes and appeared to land on his head in a botched spot. Zenshi grabbed his head and neck area, then performed a standing shooting star press for a two count and then went back to holding the back of his head. Zenshi went up top and performed a coast to coast style dropkick. Park rallied and did his dance in the ring, but Zenshi caught him with a huracanrana for a two count, then performed a modified cutter for the win.

Zenshi defeated Hijo de La Park.

After the match, Park hit Zenshi with a chair. Park set up the chair in the ring and then posed on it while his music played and he danced…

Powell’s POV: The huracanrana wasn’t reckless, it just turned out to be a scary spot because something went wrong as they were performing the move. Fortunately, Zenshi appeared to be okay. Aside from the botch, the match was solid. The post match attack by Park likely means we’re going to get more from these two.

Bocchini hyped upcoming segments… The latest H2 video aired. The Hart Foundation were talking in a hotel room and Teddy’s cats were hanging out… An ad aired for MLW merch…

Bocchini hyped the MLW and The Crash event for October 5. Bocchini said Ricky Martinez will be the first MLW wrestler to compete for The Crash next month… Bocchini hyped a recap of Low Ki’s recent domination and noted that he’s been on a roll ever since cutting weight to become a middleweight wrestler…

Kaci Lennox interviewed Low Ki on the backstage interview set and asked about switching weight classes. Low Ki said the weight cut wasn’t bad because it’s more his natural size. He said he will be facing smaller and quicker wrestlers so he has his work cut out for him. Low Ki spoke about MLW Middleweight Champion Teddy Hart briefly. The Contra Unit logo flashed. Lennox asked about Contra Unit. Low Ki laughed and said they made it personal the last time they were in New York…

A Contra Unit video aired. Simon Gotch questioned Tom Lawlor facing Jacob Fatu again. A brief Fatu promo aired. Gotch also spoke about how the Contra Unit will be standing above the Von Erichs in the War Chamber match. Josef Samael checked in again and said the black flag would hang high over Dallas on September 7… Bocchini hyped next week’s Fatu vs. Lawler rematch…

Salina de la Rena and Jimmy Havoc were shown smiling backstage while Bocchini recapped the Mance Warner arrest angle… A video package hyped the MLW Saturday Night Super Fight for November 2… Bocchini announced Minoru Tanaka will return to MLW on October 5…

Bocchini interviewed Salina and Havoc and assumed Salina was behind the arrest of Warner. Salina said of course she was. Havoc told Warner to remember that once he gets out, they would still be there to ruin his life…

A War Chamber control center segment was hosted by Bocchini, who hyped the War Chamber match and once again noted that Kevin Von Erich will be at ringside. Bocchini hyped the rules for the War Chamber match (WarGames style) and noted that they will pay tribute to Gary Hart…

The Von Erichs and Lawlor cut a brief promo in front of a backstage MLW backdrop about the War Chamber match…

Bocchini hyped Fatu vs. Lawlor for the MLW Championship for next week’s Fusion. A video package set up the match with Lawlor talking about how he will take the title back…

The latest Lifestyles of the Rich & Dynastic aired. Richard Holliday said he loves that he, MJF, and Alex Hammerstone all have championship gold. Holliday also said he’d wipe the floor with Brian Pillman Jr. when they meet next week and would use his “stupid mullet” to do it. MJF spoke about taking the MLW Middleweight Title back and noted that he was never pinned to lose the belt. Hammerstone was checking out the watch that MJF bought him and said it was the first watch he’s ever owned. He said he’d have to change it soon because he’s going to Japan to represent MLW in Pro Wrestling Noah…

A brief video listed the upcoming MLW events heading into a break… A video recapped Austin Aries stating last week that he’s going after the MLW Middleweight Championship… A tale of the tape was shown for the Teddy Hart vs. MJF match…

Tim Barr handled introductions for the main event. MJF and Aria Blake were out first. MJF had Blake hold the ropes for him and then cut a promo once he was in the ring. MJF heeled on the fans and said Teddy is just as bad as Bret Hart. Teddy came out with his cat Mr. Velvet and received a strong reaction from the live crowd…

2. Teddy Hart vs. MJF (w/Aria Blake) for the MLW Middleweight Championship. MJF offered a handshake. Hart smiled and accepted, then pulled in MJF for a hug. MJF went for a kick, but Hart blocked it and hit an early lung blower. A short time later, Hart performed a hammerlock DDT and covered Hart, but Blake distracted the referee. Aria smiled at Hart, who gave her a nudge with his boot as she was climbing back down to ringside.

Hart set up for a springboard moonsault, but MJF pulled Blake in front of him. Hart grabbed Aria and moved her away, then put her on a chair. MJF took advantage of the distraction and went on the offensive, which included throwing Hart into the ring post. MJF continued to work over Hart once both men were back inside the ring until Hart caught him in a heel hook. MJF reached the bottom rope to break the hold. A short time later, Hart performed a Code Red from the ropes for a near fall, then followed up with a Canadian Destroyer.

Hart performed a springboard moonsault onto MJF at ringside. Hart took a water bottle and poured water onto MJF, then threw the bottle at him. Back inside the ring, Hart leapt off the top rope and DDT’d MJF on the way down. Hart flipped off the top rope and hit an elbow on the way down, which led to a two count. Hart went for a springboard move, but MJF put his knees up. MJF stomped Hart’s face into the bottom turnbuckle pad and then applied a Sharpshooter while Bocchini said it was the ultimate form of disrespect given Bret Hart’s history with the move. Hart reached the bottom rope to break the hold. MJF hit a neckbreaker for a two count.

MJF hit the Heat Seeking Driver for a near fall and then showed frustration. MJF took the high heel shoe of Blake and tried to use it, but the referee took it. Blake snuck in and low blowed Hart while the referee was distracted. MJF picked up a near fall. The referee ejected Blake. MJF argued with the referee, then Hart leapt from the top rope and performed a Canadian Destroyer on MJF and pinned him…

Teddy Hart defeated MJF to retain the MLW Middleweight Championship.

Bocchini hyped Jacob Fatu vs. Tom Lawlor for the MLW Championship and Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Richard Holliday for next week…

Powell’s POV: A good episode with an entertaining title match in the main event. The storyline with Mance Warner being arrested didn’t really go anywhere, so I assume that will be an ongoing story that continues in future weeks. The hype for next week’s main event rematch was solid, though all the hype for the War Chamber match did distract from the rematch for the MLW Championship feeling like the biggest thing in MLW’s storyline universe. They have to sell tickets too, so I get the idea of trying to find a good balance, but I’d say they came up a little short in making next week’s show feel as big as it should. ProWrestling.net Members can look forward to hearing John Moore’s weekly audio review of MLW Fusion.


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