Powell’s Ring of Honor TV Review: A five-team gauntlet for a shot at the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles, Kelly Klein vs. Jenny Rose

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped June 2 in New York, New York at Hammerstein Ballroom
Aired in syndication on July 14 and Mondays on the FITE TV app

“The Kingdom” Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan, and Vinny Marseglia opened the show with a promo in front of the ROH backdrop. They spoke about the gauntlet match that will determine who will be the next challengers for their ROH Six-Man Tag Titles… The ROH opening aired… The broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana checked in from their table and hyped the five-team gauntlet match, then set up the women’s opener…

1. Kelly Klein vs. Jenny Rose. Rose offered a handshake, but Klein balked and then jawed at her prior to the opening bell. Klein went for a cheap shot punch that Rose blocked. They locked up to start. Early in the match, Klein threw her mouthguard at referee Todd Sinclair, which distracted him as she tossed Rose to the mat by her hair. [C]

Klein had offensive control and connected with a big boot. Rose made her comeback by hitting a release German suplex and a spear for a two count. Klein came back with a suplex and rolled through to apply a guillotine choke. Sinclair checked the arm of Rose and then called for the bell to give Klein the win via ref stoppage…

Kelly Klein defeated Jenny Rose.

Footage aired of “The Dawgs” Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara eavesdropping on Cody, who was on the phone talking about pyro and money. They entered the room and said they just happened to hear him mention money. They hit him up for money because they needed a tag partner for the gauntlet match. Cody said he just self financed a 10,000 seat building and said he had no expendable funds. They spoke about hitting up Marty Scurll instead. Cody took exception and said Scurll doesn’t have any money. He pulled out an envelope of cash and tossed it to them before leaving the room… An Honor Is Real video aired… [C]

Powell’s POV: A solid match with two of the better members of the Women of Honor division. Klein is the heel of the division and it’s wise to give her a win given that she’s lost some matches recently following a long losing streak. Meanwhile, the storyline is that The Dawgs are trying to raise money so they can have gun for hire Shane Taylor be their partner in the gauntlet match.

The Kingdom crowded around the broadcast team. Taven had a headset…

2. A five team gauntlet match for a shot at the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. The first two teams were The Dawgs and Shane Taylor facing Leon St. Giovanni, Alex Shelley, and Jonathan Gresham. Taven said the Dawgs didn’t realize that Taylor was already paid and therefore he no longer cares. Riccaboni pointed out that Taylor wanted into the match and clearly cared. Taylor tagged in and worked over Shelley and hit him with a knee to the face. Taylor covered him and the pin was broken up by Gresham heading into a break. [C]

LSG checked in and went on an offensive flurry. He waked the ropes and hit a flip dive onto the heels at ringside, which drew an “ROH” chant from the crowd. Back in the ring, LSG ducked a clothesline from Ferrara and ended up rolling him up and pinning him.

The Dawgs and Shane Taylor were eliminated by Leon St. Giovanni, Alex Shelley, and Jonathan Gresham.

The next entrants were Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser, and Brian Milonas. They went right after the other trio and dominated early on. Bruiser went for a missile dropkick on Shelley, but Shelley moved and Milonas took the dropkick. Young and Gresham did a series of reverse go behinds that got a rise out of the crowd. Bruiser held Gresham on the ropes while Young ran the ropes and dropped a leg on him. Milonas performed a running cross body block on Gresham heading into a break. [C]

St. Giovanni took a tag from Gresham and worked over all three opponents. LSG hit a springboard forearm on Bruiser and then picked up a couple of two counts on Young. Riccaboni noted that LSG’s usual partner Shaheem Ali was recovering from a car accident. A short time later, Bruiser held LSG out while Milonas dropped a leg on him from the middle rope. Milonas went for a pin, but Shelley broke it up. Milonas ended up on the ropes with with Gresham and LSG and Shelley, who eventually shoved him down. LSG hit a 450 splash on Milonas and pinned him.

Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser, and Brian Milonas were eliminated by Leon St. Giovanni, Alex Shelley, and Jonathan Gresham.

The next entrants were “SoCal Uncensored” Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky. Taven vented about beating SCU repeatedly and said they shouldn’t even be in the match. Sky worked over LSG heading into a break. [C] SCU isolated LSG for a stretch. Daniels and Kazarian hit a rough looking Celebrity Rehab on LSG and then Sky pinned him.

Leon St. Giovanni, Alex Shelley, and Jonathan Gresham were eliminated by SoCal Uncensored.

The final entrants were Kenny King, Eli Isom, and Chuckie T. Riccaboni labeled them the question mark team of the gauntlet. “Who?” Taven asked in regards to Isom. Riccaboni put over his work in the Future of Honor matches. Taven mocked King and T for not having friends and needed to resort to bringing in someone from Future of Honor. [C]

King performed a nice spinebuster on Kazarian. King and T took turns running to opposite corners to hit Sky and Kazarian until Daniels broke it up. The babyface trio then took turns hitting all three members of SCU with running forearms in the corner, then they shared a hug in the middle of the ring. There were a couple of dives and then Isom and Daniels were left in the ring together. Daniels went for an Angel’s Wings suplex. Isom blocked it and backdropped Daniels and landed on top of him and got the three count.

Kenny King, Eli Isom, and Chuckie T defeated Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky to win the gauntlet match and earn a shot at the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles.

After the match, Isom acted as surprised as anyone by his win while the SCU trio barked at referee Paul Turner. Riccaboni pointed out that Daniels has been wrestling longer than Isom has been alive. Taven continued to question who Isom was and how you spell his last name. The babyface trio celebrated their win in the ring to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I’ve made it no secret that I have yet to grow fond of the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. That said, I love the idea of giving Isom a boost by having him score the upset win over Daniels. Isom beating Scorpio or even Kazarian would not have meant as much as beating Daniels, so this was a nice call. ROH needs to establish more young talent and hopefully they have a real plan in place for Isom. The gap shows are over! It will be nice to get some fresh material taped after the Best in the World event beginning next week.


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