Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix vs. The Dirty Blondes vs. Jimmy Yuta and Jason Cade for the vacant MLW Tag Titles, Maxwell J. Friedman vs. MVP, Shane Strickland targeted by a bounty hunter

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling TV (Episode 9)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Aired June 15, 2018 on beIN Sports

The show is called “Lucha Bros. versus The World”… MLW opening aired… Footage aired of Col. Robert Parker giving instructions to the Dirty Blondes about their three-way tag match while Mike Parrow stood by… The opening montage aired…

The broadcast team of Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini checked in and hyped the matches. They also recapped Salina de la Renta putting a bounty on the head of Shane Strickland, then showed footage of Strickland being attacked by Brody King in a parking lot…

Backstage, Kaci Lennox interviewed MVP about his match with Maxwell J Friedman. MVP said MJF comes from money, but he was going to take him to reform school… They cut to ring announcer Tim Barr for the opening match introductions…

1. MVP vs. Maxwell J Friedman. Friedman cut an in-ring promo and said he would add the name Jabroni Ronin to MVP’s long list of nicknames. They cut to a commercial break early in the match. [C] MJF targeted the left arm of MVP, who came back with a fisherman’s suplex for a two count. MVP hit his finisher, but Sami Callihan and Leon Scott hit the ring. MVP cleared them from the ring and dove onto them at ringside. MJF kicked the ropes into MVP as he was returning to the ring. MJF covered MVP and put his feet on the ropes while getting the pin…

Maxwell J Friedman beat MVP.

Powell’s POV: I’m not a big fan of the finish if only because it seemed odd that the referee didn’t call for the bell when Callihan and Scott went after MVP, then completely missed Friedman’s feet on the ropes. It felt like the type of finish that would put more heat on an oblivious referee than the heel. On the bright side, this added to MVP’s feud with Callihan and his crew.

Schiavone hyped the 40-man Battle Riot that will be held at the NYC show. Schiavone announced that Jake Hager, Barrington Hughes, Jimmy Yuta, and Pentagon Jr. as entrants in the match…

Barrington Hughes was interviewed by Kaci Lennox. She asked him about Shane Strickland having a bounty placed on his head and being attacked by Brody King. Hughes said it’s not cool and said Salina is a terrible human being…

Backstage, Jimmy Yuta and Jason Cade delivered a promo. Cade cut in front of Yuta and referred to himself as the captain of the team… Schiavone hyped Simon Gotch’s prize fight challenge for after the break… [C]

Team Filthy came to the ring. Gotch reiterated that if his opponent could last five minutes with him the opponent would receive $250…

2. Simon Gotch (w/Tom Lawlor, other guy) vs. Mike Parrow (w/Col. Robert Parker) in a prize fight challenge. There was a timer graphic on the upper left corner of the screen. Gotch dominated early on. Gotch kicked his knee, but Parrow caught him by the throat and went for a chokeslam. Gotch rolled through and then applied a submission hold to his knee. Parrow reached the ropes to break the hold. Lawlor hit Parrow wiht an object from ringside, then Gotch applied a rear naked choke for the win. Afterward, the Dirty Blondes came out, which led to Team Filthy fleeing. The broadcast team noted that Team Filthy were making enemies of everyone in MLW…

Simon Gotch beat Mike Parrow.

Powell’s POV: I still get a kick out of the prize fight challenge and the whopping $250 prize. I’d change the challenge so that the challenger has to beat Gotch in under five minutes rather than simply last that long. It gives Gotch more options such as stalling or running away from his opponents along with close call finishes. Either way, it’s a fun mid-card gimmick and I’m happy to see it didn’t end after just one challenge.

Brody King spoke backstage and said he would collect the bounty if Strickland met him in the ring…

Schiavone spoke with MLW CEO Court Bauer by phone. He said he was at Shane Strickland’s house and hoped to have him on camera, but he’s not ready yet. However, Bauer said Strickland would face King on MLW Fusion next week… Ring entrances ad in-ring introductions for the main event took place… [C]

3. Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix (w/Salina de la Renta) vs. “The Dirty Blondes” Leo Brien and Mike Patrick (w/Col. Robert Parker) vs. Jimmy Yuta and Jason Cade in an elimination match for the vacant MLW Tag Titles. Cade and Yuta eliminated the Blondes fairly quickly and they cut to a break. [C]

Powell’s POV: The Blondes and Parker are a fun mid-card throwback act, but I’m happy they are limited in the ring. In other words, it was wise to get them out of the match early to give the other four plenty of time to do their thing.

The broadcast team established that Cade and Yuta were the underdogs of the remaining teams. There was a really good near fall with Fenix kicking out after taking a couple of splashes. Yuta and Cade did a good job of expressing shock over the kickout. Yuta held Fenix. Yuta played to the crowd before going for a strike. Fenix moved and Cade hit Yuta. Cade called Yuta stupid. A short time later, Pentagon and Fenix teamed up for a Fenix Driver into a double footstomp. Fenix got up and dove onto Cade at ringside and then Pentagon pinned Yuta…

Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix defeated The Dirty Blondes and Jimmy Yuta & Jason Cade to win the vacant MLW Tag Titles.

After the match, Salina entered the ring with two bottles of tequila for her team. They held up a Mexican flag. Schiavone said people were actually throwing money into the ring. They did a closeup shot a crumpled up dollar bill. Pentagon poured shots of tequila into the mouths of ringside fans…

Schiavone hyped Strickland vs. King for next week… [C]

Powell’s POV: I don’t know if they edited anything from the first fall, but it was over so quickly that this was basically a standard tag with the remaining four wrestlers. The action was good and the crowd was up for some of the cool spots. It’s obvious that the days are numbered for Cade and Yuta as a team, but it will be fun to see how they actually get to the split. Overall, a fun show that peaked with the strong main event.


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