Moore’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards in a Last Man Standing match, final segment sets up Team Jeremy Borash vs. Team Josh Mathews, James Storm splits with DCC, Knockouts Gauntlet Battle Royal

By John Moore

Impact Wrestling Hits

Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards: This was a good match at many levels and one of the few stand out matches so far in 2017. Even though the Edwards vs. Richards feud has been on hold for the past few weeks, this was a stellar match with the Last Man Standing stipulation. The storytelling was solid by the end with Davey Richards hesitating when he had a chance to put away his old tag partner only for Angelina Love to take him over with her spell. The right guy went over here because they just turned Davey and now’s the time when they should be giving him credibility as a new character. It’s the exact opposite of DCC, who just lost matches.

Closing Segment:There is still a flaw in Impact booking in that the main event feud is being built around the broadcast team, but at least they built to this main event segment throughout the show with a solid cliffhanger at the end. One of the nice surprises was the return of Matt Morgan, who had a promising run the last time he was in TNA.

Andrew Everett vs. Marshe Rockett vs. Suicide: This was a multi-person match and two of the three guys don’t really mean anything. This has the formula of my weekly X Division spot fest miss, but this was a solid Hit in that it had a purpose. The purpose of this match was forwarding the Andrew Everett vs. Trevor Lee storyline, simple as that. The first two weeks of this set of tapings brought back bad memories of TNA X Division spot-fests but it’s cool to see them going back to a feud that was starting to get hot due to singles matches. Andrew Everett is really starting to get over with the crowd and it’ll just take patience and solid booking. He is starting to develop a unique identity whereas the X Division are usually homogenous spot monkeys as referenced by Broken Matt Hardy.

DCC Segment: The best part of this was the death of DCC. Not only that but we got the rebirth of James Storm, who’s at his best when he’s the Cowboy character. Storm is a master of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos when it comes to crowd interaction. Another Hit comes from Eddie Kinston finally being able to talk and hold his own with Storm. If we get a Storm vs. Kingston feud somehow it could only do wonders for Kingston.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Knockouts Gauntlet: This was a horrid match. Ava Storie was okay in the ring and Diamante looked decent but the overall cocktail created here was a clustermuck. Just imagine a match involving both Brandi Rhodes and Rebel. The only way it would have been worse is if it contained Mahabali Shera somehow. ODB was the right person to go over, but her really formula style didn’t mesh well with all of the unknown talent she had to go against. The only good story that came out of this match is that hopefully Ava Storie (who was Kayci Quinn a few weeks ago) got her $20.


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