Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: “Motor City Machine Guns” Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin vs. “Subculture” Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster, Sami Callihan and Jake Crist vs. Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus, Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat, Trinity vs. Savannah Evans, Eddie Edwards vs. Yuya Uemura

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

“Motor City Machine Guns” Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin vs. “Subculture” Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster: This match was good enough to overcome the simplistic build. It would have been nice if Impact had set the table for Subculture even if it mean featuring them in some homemade promos before they arrived for Under Siege weekend. I’m not sure if they will be back on a regular basis due to the travel expenses, but I hope they will be. The Guns are featured in singles title matches at Against All Odds, so it was no surprise to see them go over.

Steve Maclin, Bully Ray, Alex Shelley, and Chris Sabin opening: A strong opening verbal exchange that established the fragile relationship between Maclin and Ray while also setting up the Maclin vs. Shelley title match at Against All Odds and then the television main event with Subculture.

Eddie Edwards vs. Yuya Uemura: I like the idea of Alisha being in Eddie’s corner now that they are both playing heel characters. The actual match was highly entertaining. Edwards took a wild bump from the ring to the floor heading into the commercial break. Uemura looked good in defeat, but I feel like that’s happening too frequently. I have no issue with him losing to Edwards, but I would like to see creative get behind Uemura to see if there’s something there.

Sami Callihan and Jake Crist vs. Crazzy Steve and Black Taurus: It’s good to see Crist back in Impact following a long absence. He really came into his own during his previous run and emerged as a really fun heel character. It’s logical to bring him back as Callihan’s ally given their long history, but hopefully he’ll eventually get a chance to become his own man again. Of course, the worst case scenario is that Crist turns on Callihan and joins the ice cold Design faction. I assume Callihan’s tease that he’s calling “the monster” for Against All Odds means he’ll be bringing back Madman Fulton, but insert your own Dave Crist insult here.

Trinity vs. Savannah Evans: A solid match and an expected win for Trinity. Evans loses too frequently for someone cast in the muscle role for other wrestlers, but there was no reason to have her win this match. The post match angle with Deonna Purrazzo and Trinity setting up their Slammiversary match was nothing special, but the match essentially sells itself. The second half of the post match angle with Evans, Gisele Shaw, and Jai Vidal attacking Purrazzo, Trinity, and Jordynne Grace didn’t pack much of a punch because the heel trio feels a notch below the babyfaces.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat: A well worked match. But the crowd sitting in near silence throughout portions of the match was telling (aside from like three dudes who awkwardly chanted “this is awesome” a couple times). Impact didn’t give the match any storyline support, so the fans had nothing to sink their teeth into. The main event was good enough and the Motor City Machine Guns are popular enough that it was able to overcome the same issue, whereas both women in this match are new to the company.


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