Pruett’s Pause: WWE Raw – Charlotte and Sasha needlessly involve Ric Flair again, Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn, Awkward Enzo, and more!

newrawlogo1By Will Pruett

Full disclosure: To retain his sanity, Will Pruett watches the 90 minute edit of Raw on Hulu. He has no regrets.

– Bringing Ric Flair back to be a meaningful part of the Charlotte and Sasha Banks feud truly disappoints me. Charlotte is stronger as a character when the focus isn’t on her family, but rather on her. Sasha is stronger when she can be the lead protagonist in her own story. Adding Ric Flair is senseless. I’m not a fan of the choice and nothing Ric Flair did here convinced me I was wrong.

– Speaking of Sasha vs. Charlotte, I’m excited for their Iron Man Match, but also a little puzzled. I want them to do well and succeed, but this is bordering on far too many big matches between them. Adding a longer match at this point in the feud worries me. I hope they can keep the crowd, but people may be tired of Sasha vs. Charlotte.

– The Raw Women’s division lacks a significant second story. In contrast, Smackdown has done a great job with building two or three stories at once with their women. Raw is the Charlotte and Sasha show guest starring Bayley. WWE has missed the boat on building stories with Alicia Foxx, Nia Jax, Emma, and many others.

– Kevin Owens’ pathetic champion trying to help his friend act is starting to really depress me. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens are a great comedic duo, but putting them on the top of the Raw food chain has hurt the show overall.

– Seth Rollins finally remembered that he is angry at Triple H on this show. It’s about dang time.

– Big Show looks to be in great shape, which is cool. I still don’t need to see him wrestle, but health is important.

– Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn will never be a bad match to watch. I wish it would have meant more, but Sami is in the midst of a longer story proving how much heart he has. I wish this story could have been continued somehow on this episode of Raw.

– Enzo attempting to sleep with Lana was an awkward story, much like this entire Enzo and Cass vs. Rusev feud has been awkward. WWE has done the hotel room setup time and time again with female stars and males being sexually attracted to them only to be betrayed. This is trite at best and an example of the gross sexism and objectification prevalent in WWE at worst. It proves those on top creatively have very little imagination.

– No mention of a new Cruiserweight Champion on the 90 minute Hulu show, but at least I got to see Enzo and Lana’s awkward story.

– The New Day continues to act like antagonists in the lead up to them breaking the record for longest Tag Title reign. This has to be intentional at this point, right?

– Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho almost had me buying into Jericho winning at the very end of their match. They had a delightful effort together.

– Roman Reigns continues to come off like a massive jerkface in backstage segments. How is WWE so unaware of this?

Got thoughts on this show or my review of it? Hit me up with them! Check the Twitter @wilpruett, leave a comment, or email me at


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