Dutch Mantell (a/k/a Zeb Colter) one-man show review: A Dot Net reader gives his take on the former WWE performer’s premiere event

dutch1Dot Net reader Piers Trace attended the Dutch Mantell one-man show in Nashville, Tennessee at Zanies on Wednesday and sent the following review.

In short, I loved the show. I’ve been to Mick Foley’s show so I kinda knew the format, but Dutch actually told some hilarious real jokes in the context of his wrestling stories.

The show started promptly at 7:30 with a warm up comedian (I never got his name). He was followed by a kid named Chris Killian, while unknown to me was pretty good. The place seats probably 250 and it was about 75 percent full when Dutch took the stage.

Dutch came out and his set ran overtime as he told story after story of his exploits on the road. His advertising said he was a man of a thousand stories and after hearing him, it’s true. I don’t think he was supposed to go but like 45 minutes to an hour, but he was onstage for at least 90 minutes with very few low spots. What surprised me was the he said he’d never done a one-man show before but by watching it, you could never tell.

When he arrived onstage, he was limping a bit but I heard gossip that he had broken his leg last year and was still recovering. All in all…GREAT SHOW!! Good stories about Randy Savage, JBL, Memphis, Puerto Rico, Georgia, Japan, and he was very appreciative of WWE. He made a point to say that he loved WWE and wished nothing but the best for them. Some of his stories included a bit about the Hogan Gawker trial and if he had made a sex tape of his own. Hilarious.

If he comes back, I’ll definitely attend another one and I encourage others to do the same. These type shows can be hit or miss, but I definitely give Dutch a BIG HIT on his night. It was three hours well spent. From one big time wrestling fan to other fans, it was a very memorable and enjoyable night.


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