Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The Briscoes, Colt Cabana returns to ROH, Moose, Michael Elgin, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Tomoaki Honma vs. The Bullet Club

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge


The Briscoes vs. Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows: On a show featuring two good, not great tag matches, this one was the better of the two. They kept things moving at a nice pace, and built up to an exciting home stretch. That said, this was hardly the strongest match to end this series of Honor Rising shows on.

Moose, Michael Elgin, Tomoaki Honma and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga, Yujiro Takahashi, and Cody Hall: A decent opening tag, highlighted by the Japanese crowd’s response to Elgin and Moose. They were popping consistently for their power moves, much in the same way that American audiences pop for high spots. Who knew Elgin could get this over?!

ROH TV Misses

Colt Cabana: I’m glad ROH finally got around to hyping Global Wars . . . one week away from the event. Better late than never I suppose? What I didn’t like was Cabana’s promo. Why was he so shouty? It came off as almost a parody of wrestling promos, and the content was weak too. I’m happy to see him back, but here’s hoping everything is better from here.

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