4/19 WWE Smackdown TV taping spoilers: Full coverage from London of the taping for this week’s television show (spoilers)

Logo_SD_dn_600Dot Net staffer Haydn Gleed and Dot Net reader Chris Mangalaparathy are at the WWE Smackdown event in London, England at 02 Arena. They are passing along the following combined report. Refresh the page for their latest updates.

The ring was set up for the Miz TV segment. They showed a replay of Anderson and Gallows attacking Roman Reigns on Raw. The crowd booed every time Roman was on the screen. This will lead into the opening video. There was a full pyro display. While it was dark, Miz and Maryse headed to the ring.

Maryse spoke French and demanded we stand up. The Miz introduced AJ Styles, who got a great welcome. AJ seemed more comfortable. The Miz said let’s go back to Japan 2014. He asked was he thick as thieves with Anderson and Gallows. Miz told Styles to admit that he had something to do with the attack. Styles denied it.

Miz changed the question and said if you didn’t ask them to attack, did you try and stop them? AJ said they can think for themselves. He asked whether he upset with them and said he is. He said he doesn’t need anyone to help him beat Roman. Miz continued to accuse AJ, and said he needs Anderson and Gallows, as Roman is the guy.

Miz stood up and told Styles to tell him the truth while adding that he can handle it. This resulted in Miz and his wife making out after she said I love you, and Miz channeling Han Solo by saying, “I know.” After they finished, AJ attacked Miz.

The main event of the show was announced as Dean Ambrose and Sami Zayn vs. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens…

1. Ryback beat Kalisto in a non-title match. Ryback dominated the first six minutes of the match and hit a 20-second vertical suplex from the middle rope, which was quite an impressive spot. The end of the match came when Ryback hit Shellshocked for the win…

Dolph Ziggler headed to the ring for a match. As he got to the ring, Baron Corbin ran down beside the ramp and attacked him. Corbin performed End of Days. When asked why, he said it’s because he can…

2. AJ Styles beat The Miz. The Miz worked Styles over viciously to begin with before AJ made his comeback. The ending came when the Miz had a sustained amount of offense, but Styles made another comeback and Miz bailed to the outside. He tried to walk up the ramp, but Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows ran out and blocked his path. AJ brought Miz into the ring and hit the Phenomenal Forearm to win in roughly 15 minutes. Haydn notes that AJ gave up a lot of offense to Miz, which was a surprise with Payback coming up. Decent action though…

A video was shown of Shane making the Jericho vs. Ambrose and Zayn vs. Owens matches for Payback…

Backstage, Zayn and Ambrose were interviewed. Ambrose said Jericho must be the best in the world at sneaking up from behind. Zayn said we need to beat these guys who are dragging us down. They did a comedy bit talking about their tag names. Ambrose said their name is Rough Riders but Sami said that’s too sexual…

In the ring, The Miz was still getting up. He said he told the fans that AJ, Anderson, and Gallows are in this together. He continued to heel on the crowd. He demanded an investigation. Nuclear heat. He said he refused to leave the ring until an investigation is done. This led to Shane McMahon coming out in his sweats.

In what may have been a dark segment, Shane said he popped into London to say hello. Miz said he doesn’t care if he wants to say hello to this crappy crowd, he said he wants Shane to go to the back. Shane cut him off and told him not to touch him again. Miz mocked him for being a rich boy. Miz continued to poke him in the chest, so Shane hit a couple of punches and a flying elbow. A nice, crowd pleasing moment that may not air on television…

Backstage, Anderson and Gallows were walking and were asked whether their actions confirm they are aligned with AJ. They said of course not, AJ can handle himself. They said their in-ring debuts will be on Raw against the Usos…

3. Paige and Natalya defeated Naomi and Tamina. Paige is super over with the hometown fans. Paige and Natalya applied submission holds to gain the victory…

4. R-Truth beat Fandango. Goldust came out and was introduced as the guest referee. After some bad dancing segment, Truth slammed Fandango and pinned him, then danced with Goldust afterward…

Enzo Amore and Big Cass made their entrance to a superstar reaction. Once in the ring, they did their schtick and the crowd ate it up. They were interrupted by The Vaudevillains. They cut a promo on Enzo, who responded by telling them he doesn’t know what they are saying. The crowd started to give the Vaudevillains with the what treatment. They finished by saying at the end of their match, they will be standing over them and saying “How Are You Doing” properly. Great back and forth between the two teams…

Jericho and Owens were shown walking backstage. Jericho knocked the popcorn out of someone backstage a hands. Owens stole the popcorn from the other backstage handlers hands and started eating it. Funny…

5. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho defeated Sami Zayn and Dean Ambrose. Owens tagged out quickly when Sami was in the ring early on. Zayn dominated the early offense against Jericho before tagging in Ambrose. Jericho took a timeout and caught Ambrose coming back in the ring. Late in the match, Ambrose climbed to the top and Jericho pushed him, and Ambrose jarred his knee. Owens rolled him up for the victory, and that is where I believe the cameras stopped filming.

Dark Matches

1. Dolph Ziggler beat Baron Corbin by count-out. They filmed the entrances, but then they started putting the cameras away. Corbin walked up the ramp and was counted out. He teased returning, then ducked out again and walked out.

2. AJ Styles beat Alberto Del Rio. The O2 crowd are still happy to see Styles, but it’s now like five entrances in two nights. Nothing like overexposing your best talent! Styles pinned Del Rio to win the match. Styles took the mic and said London is his favorite place to work.

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