3/13 WWE in Erie results: Five Roadblock rematches, Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper, Chris Jericho throws a beer, Charlotte rips a young fan’s sign

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WWE Live Event
Erie, Pennsylvania
Report by Dot Net reader Jesse Parady

1. New Day over King Barrett and Sheamus to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship.

2. Charlotte defeated Natalya to retain the Divas Championship.

3. Sami Zayn over Stardust. After losing, Stardust issued a challenge.

4. Mark Henry beat Stardust. After shaking hands, Henry won with the World’s Strongest Slam.

5. Goldust beat Victor. Konnor attacked Goldust afterward and then R-Truth made the save.

6. Enzo Amore and Big Cass beat NXT Tag Champions The Revival.

7. Chris Jericho beat Jack Swagger. Jericho gave the same speech from Roadblock, but he replaced Toronto with Erie. He also beat Swagger in basically the same match they had at Roadblock.

8. Dean Ambrose beat Luke Harper (w/Bray Wyatt). Ambrose won after Bray was ejected. Easily match of the night.

The arena was 75 percent of the way full with a great crowd. I sat front row and it was amazing. Jericho also threw the beer of the guy who was sitting next to me. Overall, a fun night.

Most Over
Dean Ambrose
Sami Zayn
Enzo and Cass

Most Heat
Chris Jericho
Bray Wyatt
Charlotte (after she ripped up a little girl’s sign)


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